Originally posted by Unferth
reply to post by Majic
I used to post a lot more things about politics and Israel. But any sort of the minutest form of criticism of them is deemed antisemitic. That means
I can't even have a discussion about race without it being racist. Nobody knows what race really means. Scientists, Anthropologists and Philosophers
all have different concepts.
You are telling me that by explaining the esoteric, new age concept written by Lee Caroll (Kryon) makes me a racist?
Obviously, you are the racist here. Furthermore, criticism of Zionism and Israel is a common practice (or conspiracy) among the conspiracy theory
community. Once again by your indignant attitude you have proven you have NO links to this community.
You are simply running this site as some social experiment? (Pss...you want to talk about conspiracies? Come here...oh wait ...you can't talk about
edit on 20-4-2013 by Unferth because: (no reason given)
In my opinion, which I'm sure many would agree with due to various news reports within the past two years, the internet is indeed being used as a
social gauge by numerous groups. Some of which may be known or unknown to the inner most circles of ATS. Of course ATS is cointel. It's a public
website who's information is there for the use and abuse of anyone who has an agenda (whatever that agenda might be).
Make no mistake, folks. ATS is most certainly one chess board block of WWIII prior to the show beginning for the masses, which live in the
4Dimensional environment. Right now, 4D movies (and I believe they're also called 4HD) are being shown starting within the month in theaters of major
overseas cities such as those in South Korea. Why are they getting these movies before the American or British theaters? Are these countries being
used as test groups for a particular type of distraction and/or programming? It should be interesting to see how these 4Dimensional movies are going
to affect people. Will they suffer from dizziness and deep emotions (ex. suicidal, home sick, etc.) like we saw with Avatar?
Just the word 'avatar' brings me back to the 3D world of ATS and other social media/blogging websites and forums.
Anyways, we are, whether you can wrap your head around it or not, playing within the 3D environment of the very beginnings of WWIII.
We experience the 3D environment when we are on here debating our ideas, stands, and beliefs.
If you can't see that there're special interest groups taking score of what's spoken about and how,
your beak is larger than your brain and is obstructing your view of what's to come.
I wouldn't doubt that there's at least five people in the world right now thinking, "Yep, the scales are tilting in our favor", so it's time now to
campaign for this or rally for that.
From our threads and detailed discussions, they can determine what will most likely start people rioting.
The 3D world (electronics) now aids in creating our 4D experience (real life).
Because of those (providers of TV and internet) who want to create and control everything (including us), we're also along for the ride assisting in
deciding what will happen next. Whether we like it or not.
So, now that we know the difference between cointel groups and their tools, we can understand how ATS is a useful tool to various agenda oriented
groups on a global scale. 3D ripple effects are then capable of morphing into events that may or may not be caused by an agenda driven group, a lone
nutcase, or politically motivated terrorists (foreign and/or domestic).
Welcome to the 3D world of the first phase of WWIII known as the Verbal Battlefield.
Be well and tread carefully.
(Oh, and don't forget how to step outside into the 4D environment for some of that good, fresh air fairly often.
One more thing, the 3D and 4D worlds cycle within each other. Feeding off each other. Ebbing and flowing. As an event happens in the 4D world, then is
discussed within the 3D world, it's not long before the 4D world is affected by what's been discussed.
Then, the really weird stuff happens when the professional creators of 3D environments show us things that are going to happen within the 4D
environment. The movie "Knowing" and its scene depicting the BP disaster is a great example of this. I don't think I need to remind ATSers about Lil'
Wayne's ominous video showing the skeletons sitting in the movie theater or the recent Family Guy episode roughly illustrating the Boston Bombing?
Are all of these (and more) instances simply coincidences?
Whatever is going on involves more than just cointelpro watching and meddling. It's much bigger and more complex than just this.
But that's just my two cents.
edit on 20-4-2013 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)