posted on Mar, 7 2005 @ 03:25 AM
Three turtles decide to go on a picnic. They get the sandwiches packed and set off. The picnic area is two days walk for the slow turtles, so by the
time they get there, they're as hungry and thirtsy as hell. Turtle 1 starts unpacking the picnic basket.
He stops and suddenly says, "Oh, $hit! We forgot the bloody beer."
"Oh, no." The other two groan.
"Right," he says, "Turtle 2 you have to go back and get the beer."
"No way!" Turtle 2 says, "I did most of the packing."
"Ok, Turtle 3, you have to go back and get the beer."
"No way!" Turtle 3 protests, "it's two days there and two days back. You guys'll eat all the sandwiches while I'm gone."
"No we won't" says Turtle 1, "now hurry up and go."
Turtle 3 crosses his arms and says, "I don't trust you guys. I'm not going."
"Look," says Turtle 1, "we swear on our mothers' shells we won't touch the food until you come back."
"Okay, but you promised." And Turtle 3 hobbles off into the distance.
So Turtle 1 and Turtle 2 wait four days just as they promised. But Turtle 3 still isn't back.
"Well, we promised we'd wait, so we'll wait." Turtle 1 says. So they continue to wait.
Another day passes, another...and another, and still Turtle 3 hasn't returned. They're nearly starving, shrivelling in their shells.
"We're going to starve out here." Turlte 2 says.
"Ok," says Turtle 1, "we'll wait one more day and if he hasn't returned, we'll have to eat or we'll die."
So they wait one more day, and still Turtle 3 hasn't come back. So they start to unpack the sandwiches and ravenously devour them.
Suddenly, Turtle 3 jumps out from behind a rock and says, "I FEKKIN KNEW IT! THAT'S IT, I'M NOT GOING!"
[edit on 2005/3/7 by wecomeinpeace]