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CNN Shows its Political Bias (again)

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posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by ekul08
Also, i think this was cleverly exploited to not just Fox's advantage, but most of Bush&Co. It is clearly a distraction to all the news that is really happening so can we please start focusing on the real issues?

How TRUE. It is Clear, that as much as this "Error" brings alot of Anti-CNN-Talk it Creates on the Other Side a BIG FauxNews Advantage, as You said. Excellent! Again, Bush&Co Gain - CNN Looses. But as you have also Pointed out - it is a MASSIVE Distraction from the REAL news and REAL Issues that need to be delt with and shown to the Public. That, ofcourse, is skipped or show only in a 1-minute-now-sports-annoucment.

Originally posted by dgtempe
You have an amazing mind. There you have it. Case is solved!

Well, I try. Thanks Alot!

Still, I don't think it takes alot of Effort to create such an "Industrtial sabotage" and Smear a Big Black Dot all over CNN's Face, like they did over Chaney's. As the TV-people here will tell you, it's not so hard to do.

[edit on 25/11/05 by Souljah]

posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 07:49 AM
What about this?

posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Nventual
What about this?

Great One!

Just shows the FAIRNESS and the BALANCE in the so-called "News" that Faux serves to their Viewers. Most of the time Faus News look like this:

There's your NON-BIASED source for some Information!

posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 03:27 PM
Hahah, that's so true.
I'm not from America, but I've seen videos of news networks interviewing people with un-American views, and the people interviewing them throw personal insults and never let them talk.

posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by Nventual
What about this?

Hahaha! Man that one is great

I don't remember CNN carrying on about this one? Infact, i'm sure i dont remember CNN carrying on like fox is about ANY of FOX's screw-ups and, 'journalistic bias'?? Lets face it, FOX wins hands down in the Journalistic Bias category, if you can call it journalism.

Rupert Murdoch:
"There will always be room for good journalism and good reporting, butcosts had been stripped to a bare minimum."

Can someone tell me how Journalism can be 'good' if stripped to the bare minimum costs? If Fox did anymore cost-cutting there would only be 2 reporters doing 12-hour shifts each and sleeping in their officies and the cameras and control room would all be operated by monkeys.

Investigation costs money, so its much cheaper to just report what you are told (and in some cases, paid to tell) than to go cross-checking the facts. And with this philosiphy, FOX NEWS was born..

I like to think of FOX NEWS as what you get when you put Orange Juice and a tube of toothpaste in the blender.. a very bad mix.

[edit on 25-11-2005 by ekul08]

posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 10:54 PM
Oh and Souljah

That one is hillarious! It kind of reminds me of the simpsons skit where they have the liberal guys camera turning round and round and doing goofy things over it when they are watching fox news. I can't really remember it, but its the one thing I have to give FOX credit for, they will subliminally (hint) at their wrongdoings.

Anyone remember i think Homer & Bart mentioning how fox owns a "weapons factory in Syria"??

Anyway, i would really love to see some, shall I say.. Normal Liberals on Fox? Ones that get 50% of their airtime??

When an election is called here, our news networks have to be VERY carefull about what they cover as they are all moitored by the Electrol Commission in the 6 or so weeks leading up to vote day. Each side must get at least 50% of the articles etc and sort of, 'screen-time'. I know FOX has no legal obligation to do this, but getting somewhere near it would give them at least somewhat more right to claim their "Fair & Balanced" and "We Report, You Decide" taglines.

[edit on 25-11-2005 by ekul08]

posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 11:03 PM
Why all the fuss about torturing those who want to kill us?

Good one!
Taken literally, It's also a very good question, is it not?

You DO know that the person running the character generator, changes that
multiple times per minute right?
Usually, it works like this:
A question is asked (hypthetical, literal, whatever), and while the interviewee is answering, the most recent question is put up on the screen..
the Purpose?
If you JUST TUNED IN, you know what is going on, you know what the person is answering...

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I dont see anything wrong with it. I think it may have been something "divine""we dont know how it got was just there..."

"Our vice president"? He's not mine. Sorry.

By the way, Fox and other stations have taken to not reporting anything at all. Thats omission of the news. Thats ignorant, un American and not jornalism.

Its time to get somebody worthy and respectable in this government again to run things the American way.

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by jcalex2

Originally posted by dgtempe
I dont see anything wrong with it. I think it may have been something "divine""we dont know how it got was just there..."

"Our vice president"? He's not mine. Sorry.

By the way, Fox and other stations have taken to not reporting anything at all. Thats omission of the news. Thats ignorant, un American and not jornalism.

Its time to get somebody worthy and respectable in this government again to run things the American way.
Any leader that is afraid to stand before his or her people and answer to them isn`t worthy of being a Leader.Al such Leaders are hiding something from the People.The Meida is helping to cover up the truth and yet they,the Media People handsthemselves more awards than Holliwood Actors.

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 07:04 AM
Another derogatory term includes "Fox Jews" due to their a strong suppport for Israel, considered by many strategists to be the US political gateway into the Middle East. Jewish, white, and southern demographics are their main target audiences, as well as military audience scattered around the globe.

Owner Rupert Murdoch is similarly questionable, courting Chinese media interests by censoring (1) much of the broadcasts taking place on his network. He also owns the New York Post (2), one-third of British newspapers, and loads of other mass media services. Some eerie parallels existing between him and the late media mogul William Randolph Hearst (3).

Interesting that "During the buildup to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, all 175 Murdoch-owned newspapers worldwide editorialized in favor of the war. - Guardian

We Report - You Decide?

More like:


posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
Another derogatory term includes "Fox Jews" due to their
a strong suppport for Israel, considered by many strategists
to be the US political gateway into the Middle East.

Oh brother. Typical Souljah.

The discussion is supposed to be CNN. Naturally you have to
blast Bush, Fox News, and now the Jews (yet again).

Fact is CNN screwed up. There was no 'accident'. It was
deliberate subliminalizing and they got caught. They backpeddled
and quickly claimed it was a glitch, but of course that kind of 'glitch'
isn't possible. Someone had to go waaaaaaaaaaaaay out of their
way to make that 'glitch' happen. They also quickly apologized
to the VPs office because they know that the FCC could get involved.
They are covering their butts.

FOX is making a big deal out of it because it IS a big deal. And frankly
if FOX had been caught subliminalizing they too should be in deep
trouble. Unfortunately this has been dropped by the news, the
administration, and the FCC won't be getting involved.

That's too bad. But I betchya' if it had been FOX doing this to
Hillary then everyone, you included Souljah, would be having
a royal fit by now demanding the FCC shut them down. And
you'd be right - the FCC SHOULD be involved in things like this.

BTW - the FOX picture ya'll put up about 'whats the big deal about
torturing people trying to kill us' was a flippant - tounge in cheek -
lead in. Ya' had to actually watch the program to get the joke.
I thought it was a poor joke, but it was still a joke.

Nice try at deflection away from the sins of CNN. But it doesn't
change the subliminals CNN just got caught doing.

[edit on 11/27/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 08:02 AM
I understand you FlyersFan. I really do. If I remember correctly your Husband works in Boeing, and we had a little discussion over that topic - but at one point you bailed out of it, at the point when you said you are going to show me Stats how Boeing does NOT live from Military Contracts and that it is NOT one of the Warprofiteers. But that's another Story.

Still, I understand why you defend FoxNews - they are everything that you WANT to belive about this administration and this War. They show you what you WANT to see. They tell you what you WANT to hear. Even if its not true - who Cares! As long as Bush is doing "Good" in Iraq, as long as Al-Qaeda is on the Run. As long as there is "Peace and Democracy" in the Middle East. And you always eagrly fight for those - even if ALL the MAINSTREAM media are saying one, you will say the Other.

The Problem with the CNN is that the people who got the MOST of it are yet again, the Republican Party, along with the leading Neo-Con Chaney-Rumslfeld Cabal with their Faux News Propaganda Machine. CNN = BAD. FOX = GOOD. Yet again they have turned it around, and they have let people like us, argue over such a dumb ass issue as this one. Who give a flying # about an X over Dicks face? So what? I could not care less for every Politican in America being "X-ed" on TV! I simply don't like ANY politicans - not just your averege Righty's. They all have ONE thing in common, and that is that they are all bunch of Thieves and Liars and will do ANYTHING to save their Butts. When you reaize that, you will see the world in a whole different Light.

Untill then...

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 05:05 PM
Looks like the simplest explanation was probably the one.

Board-op gets over zealous, and puts up an X on the face.

yes, ist a drudge link, but read it anyway.

oh, and may I also say.


posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 03:40 AM
Well, it certainly is a nice distraction for "supporters" to forget about the truth of what's going on in Iraq.


Could we pretty please start like five or six more threads on the "X".

Come on, just a few more, we don't have nearly enough yet.


posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
you said you are going to show me Stats how Boeing does NOT live from Military Contracts and that it is NOT one of the Warprofiteers.

I didn't bail out ... I just forgot about it. I have a life off these boards.
A busy one. You are just one person who, frankly, I pretty much
forget about when I sign off the computer. Boeing makes airplanes.
It also makes DEFENSE items for America. These are needed and
I am VERY happy that we are a part of the team that helps keep
America secure.

The Problem with the CNN is ...

The problem with CNN is that they are biased, just as most
news outlets are. They have an agenda, and they got caught.

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by spacedoubt

I missed this X-news totally. (Bummer, huh?) Been busy with life and I don't watch cnn except for entertainment value (and most times it fails me) but spacedoubt, when I read your first post in this thread, I knew you were right! LOL

My husband has hearing problems, so we always have the closed captioning on. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff that shows up down there sometimes! Messages to each other, having nothing to do with the show or what's being said, just some bored closed-captioners fooling around. It happens all the time.

As for cnn being 'left' of center, yes, I agree. Especially lately when it's so glaringly obvious what this government is putting our country through. Now you know how we leftist-pinkos have felt about FOX all along. CNN at least tried to maintain a neutral position for as long as they could hold out. There came a time when they just could deny the absurdity no longer.

A subliminal message! Ha! From what I understand, the "X" was obvious. SUBliminal means below the threshold of conscious perception. As I understand, this "X" was perceived quite clearly and consciously!
Else why would everyone be in such a snit?

I think the X is hilarious! Bravo! I love it! It's about time a 'leftist-pinko' channel show something as blatant as FOX has been for years! Anyone who is upset or disappointed in cnn needs to realize that it's been a long, long time since there was any real news to be seen on your basic news channels. You might as well get your news from E! or MTV. At least what they say is true!

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 10:00 AM
Coming from you, Benevolent Heretic, it is also ok for the media to place crosshairs over Bush's or Kerry's or any other political beings face, huh?

That would also be considered real news, huh?


posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Coming from you, Benevolent Heretic, it is also ok for the media to place crosshairs over Bush's or Kerry's or any other political beings face, huh?

That would also be considered real news, huh?

WTF are you talking about, man? Sometimes I feel like I'm being stalked, dude...

I didn't say it was 'ok'. I said it was hilarious, funny, I loved it! I said cnn was obviously biased. I also said cnn WASN'T 'real news'. Read my post, man! And, uh... it would be nice if you didn't put words (crosshairs?) in my mouth...
I'll take care of that. Okey, dokey?

You're so cute.

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Boeing makes airplanes.
It also makes DEFENSE items for America. These are needed and
I am VERY happy that we are a part of the team that helps keep
America secure.

Boeing makea WARPLANES most of their Time - Military Contracts in 2004 worth $17.1 billion. They are in BED with Pentagon and they also NEED wars in order to survive on the "Market". Just like Sony needs to develop new Playstation models, Boeing needs new Wars. Boeing has a role in all Three of the Pentagon’s advanced fighter plane programs: the F-22 Raptor, the Joint Strike Fighter/F-35, and the F-18 and it makes both F-15 fighter and Apache helicopters. So YEAH, they are bunch of Warprofiteers.

The problem with CNN is that they are biased, just as most
news outlets are. They have an agenda, and they got caught.

And FAUX-News is Not Biased to the Extreme? IF you combine all US Lefty Media - they are not half as biased as Faux News...

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 10:39 AM
I don't believe that some of you are defending your favorite news stations, as if they've ever totally told the truth like mother teresea. fox and cnn are pieces of #, they keep the divide, and we're seeing it here w/ some of you posters.
this isn't the american way, this is the political parties' ways of controlling america, the american flag hangs at a half, while the parties flags wave high above, creating anger and division in all of us for control. way to go, ya'll bought into it.

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