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CNN Shows its Political Bias (again)

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posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
By the way, Fox and other stations have taken to not
reporting anything at all.

You mean that FOX and others aren't reporting this?
FOX is. Definately. That's where I first heard it.

I don't buy CNN saying that it was 'just playing' or that
it was an error. CNN is notoriously left in it's bias and agenda.
AND ... you don't 'just play' when the VP of the USA is
giving a speech.

If FOX had done this with a big X subliminally flashing across
Hillary every few seconds, all you radical lefties would be
(justifiably) up in arms against the station calling for the FCC
to check out subliminal programming.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 08:15 AM
I agree, it looks like a mistake. I've worked in live TV, and it is soooo easy for someone to push a button at the wrong moment and accidently send out a segment without sound, or with something superimposed over it. Now if they arranged for red horns to sprout from Cheney's head, along with a tag at the bottom saying "draft-dodging liar", then that's serious. But they didn't, so it's not.

The fact is, that in TV, quite often, # happens, pardon my language.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by RANT
a series of X's each lasting less than a second creating a 'subliminal effect.'
.... It's what multinational corporations do. Play pranks.

Now RANT. You know this wasn't a 'prank'. What happened was
exactly what subliminal is. If FOX had done this .. you'd be all over
it like a fly on poop - and you wouldn't be saying 'prank'!!

THIS is why I worry for you watching that station RANT. I betchya'
if you unplugged from the subliminals that are obviously running
through CNN ... you'd think more like ... like .... ME!

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
You mean that FOX and others aren't reporting this?
FOX is. Definately. That's where I first heard it.
I don't buy CNN saying that it was 'just playing' or that
it was an error. CNN is notoriously left in it's bias and agenda.
AND ... you don't 'just play' when the VP of the USA is
giving a speech.
If FOX had done this with a big X subliminally flashing across
Hillary every few seconds, all you radical lefties would be
(justifiably) up in arms against the station calling for the FCC
to check out subliminal programming.

Fox is not a reputable news source, it is a biased news source, in that they often seem to cherrypick the stories that they mention and have some commentators who are ridiculously right wing, over the top and mindlessly ignorant. And what makes you think that CNN is biased?
I'm very lucky. I've got the BBC. Good old-fashioned reporting.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Darkmind
The fact is, that in TV, quite often, # happens, pardon my language.

They managed not to have it ever happen before this.
They managed not to have it happen while Joe Biden was speaking
which was close to the same time that VP Cheney was.
It didn't happen before the speech. It didn't happen after the speech.
It only happened during the speech of a politician that CNN has shown
bias against, numerous times, in the past.

They got caught. Only question is ... what will/can the FCC do about it?

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 08:24 AM
Oh come on, Flyers. What about all those times that reports come on the air with the sound not on, or with the reporter unable to be linked in. Is that a conspiracy too? If you look at CNN for a long period of time, you can see errors all over the place. Technical errors. Same with the Beeb and Fox. It happens to all TV stations. TV is hard to get right. Getting it perfect is impossible - outside films of course, lol. And if CNN was going to pull this deliberately, why do it now? The timing is all wrong. Nope, I think it was a blooper, like that Sky caption that labelled Bush the worst President in history.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by Darkmind
Fox is not a reputable news source, it is a biased news source,

I wasn't saying that they weren't biased. I was responding to
the person who said that this wasn't being reported 'on FOX or
anywhere else'. I saw it reported on FOX this morning.

And what makes you think that CNN is biased?

You are kidding, right? OF COURSE they are biased. Look at
what they just did. Additionally - Have you ever watched them?
My God .. the jabs, remarks, stories, 'facts', .... everything .. is biased.
You say FOX isn't credible. Well, the truth is that CNN is worse.
Hardly anyone in the USA watches CNN anymore. It could be
because they are a lousy bunch, or it could be because America
is smart enough to see blatent bias' and CNN is full of it.

I've got the BBC.

I haven't seen enough of the BBC to know if the entire BBC news
outlet is biased, but my husband and I were interviewed by a
BBC 'reporter' and it was the worst slanting and agendaising
(is that a word?) that I have EVER seen in my life.

It was Veterans Day last year. We were walking by the
Vietnam Memorial in DC. This radical leftie woman 'reporter'
asked if she could interview us and we said yes. POOF ..
she was making anti-American and anti-Iraqi war statements
and then putting a little question mark at the end to make it
seem like a question. She was horrid and bias and pushing
an agenda. It was sooooo obvious. Definately NOT reporting
what Americans think or feel ... she wanted to be sure that
her words were heard and when she got two people who
supported the war in Iraq, she made sure that our opinions
- which she was supposedly looking for - weren't there. I
highly doubt our words even got broadcast over there.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 08:29 AM
I admit that I have never worked in a "TV Control room".
That said, what was done was wrong and could open the NEWS station up to lawsuit’s.
NEWS channels are supposed to report the news-not anyone’s personal opinion-unless it is clearly stated as someone’s opinion.
IMO, this reeks of big brother influence-don't question authority, slavery is freedom...

IMO the real question is was this done as a poor joke by station employees or put in by the government.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Darkmind
If you look at CNN for a long period of time, you can
see errors all over the place. Technical errors.

I think CNN is one big error. But that's for another conversation.
Sure, errors happen. But ... not this one. Not ever before.
It is VERY hard to make that X appear over and over and over
like that. It isn't like forgetting to put a mic on or forgetting to
cut away to a commercial. This is something that has to be
deliberately set up to have happen. It has to be programmed
in. It doesn't just blink on .... it isn't like it was in the hopper
and they use this big X all the time. Nope.

Considering the Anti-Bush bias at CNN ... considering that
CNN is reporting that someone was 'playing around' ...
Considering everything ....

Nope, I think it was a blooper,

Okay. Go ahead. That's fine. I absolutely don't.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211
Real news people of the past must be spinning in their graves over trash like this.

LOL. And now all those dead "real" news people must keep up with with things via Fox and, err, the Drudge Report. Those 2 bastions of objective, even handed, factually based journalism.

CNN=Communist News Network

What makes you think it is communist? Is it the Rolex or the Boeing adverts?

The only times I watch CNN is when it's the only English language channel in some hotel room when I'm on holiday (I'm from the UK). It's OK, but I always find it has too much pro-US bias and far too many long winded "programs" that are usually just PR for some giant corporation. That's why I'm always flabergasted when you guys from the US go on about it being left wing. I think your centre ground has shifted quite a bit to the right of ours.

We don't get the Fox network over here, as news stations aren't allowed to be polictically biased by law. Rupert Murdoch has to put on Sky News instead, which is actually pretty good, very even handed and quite well respected. I don't think that the UK would go for all that flag waving type stuff anyway....

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Brings to mind all the snickering and laughter about Monica and degrading...Sure, Bill brought it on himself, nevertheless, they made him the laughing stock of the world.

And here we have an excellent example of the "two wrongs make it right logic" often used by the left - they did it (we think) so we can too - instead of just admitting that all of this is wrong ...

(hint: Clinton made himself the laughing stock of the world, not the people that reported it)

[edit on 11/22/2005 by centurion1211]

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by FatherLukeDuke
We don't get the Fox network over here, as news stations
aren't allowed to be polictically biased by law.

Then CNN shouldn't be allowed either. But of course the
Eurocentric anti-American 'news' attitudes over there match
the CNN anti-Bush attitude.

What I don't understand is why CNN, FOX, MSNBC are overseas
at all? They are AMERICAN stations. Why does Europe even
want them?

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by RANT
a series of X's each lasting less than a second creating a 'subliminal effect.'
.... It's what multinational corporations do. Play pranks.

Now RANT. You know this wasn't a 'prank'. What happened was
exactly what subliminal is. If FOX had done this .. you'd be all over
it like a fly on poop - and you wouldn't be saying 'prank'!!

No. I'd be embarrassed to start a topic on this if Fox did it. It's nothing. Not even a prank.

Now when Fox's Carl Cameron faked an entire news story on his assignment calling Presidential candidate John Kerry a "metrosexual" attributing false quotes to a made up interview, then posted it to, that was a prank.

And as I recall, nobody was calling for FCC involvement. If some tech really did something wrong on purpose here (hard to tell since without Drudge's capture, we'd never know about the "subliminals"
) I'm sure he'll be fired, unlike Carl Cameron.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by FatherLukeDuke
We don't get the Fox network over here, as news stations
aren't allowed to be polictically biased by law.

Then CNN shouldn't be allowed either. But of course the
Eurocentric anti-American 'news' attitudes over there match
the CNN anti-Bush attitude.

What I don't understand is why CNN, FOX, MSNBC are overseas
at all? They are AMERICAN stations. Why does Europe even
want them?

Your logic makes too much sense - they won't get it.

Still, I did and voted you for the WATS award.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 08:48 AM
Moving to Media. I think two pages is enough time to attempt to demonstrate a "political conspiracy."

[edit on 22-11-2005 by RANT]

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211

Originally posted by dgtempe
Brings to mind all the snickering and laughter about Monica and degrading...Sure, Bill brought it on himself, nevertheless, they made him the laughing stock of the world.

And here we have an excellent example of the "two wrongs make it right logic" often used by the left - they did it (we think) so we can too - instead of just admitting that all of this is wrong ...

(hint: Clinton made himself the laughing stock of the world, not the people that reported it)

[edit on 11/22/2005 by centurion1211]
As i said, only Clintons ordeal was blown up with 24/7 right wing coverage and demands that he be impeached for something that DID NOT EFFECT MY life in the least. Nope. HIS sexual life is meaningless to me and to you. Morals begin at home, and if you have to look to your president to get some, well, that brings me to the current administration.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 08:54 AM

What I don't understand is why CNN, FOX, MSNBC are overseas
at all? They are AMERICAN stations. Why does Europe even
want them?

FOX is as American as Crocodille Dundee. Come on.

CNN is the original, ground breaking, all American enterprise that revolutionized news gathering and reporting, before going totally corporate and losing it's edge.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by FatherLukeDuke
We don't get the Fox network over here, as news stations
aren't allowed to be polictically biased by law.

Then CNN shouldn't be allowed either. But of course the
Eurocentric anti-American 'news' attitudes over there match
the CNN anti-Bush attitude.

What I don't understand is why CNN, FOX, MSNBC are overseas
at all? They are AMERICAN stations. Why does Europe even
want them?

Because Americans living in Europe (like me) like to watch them.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Then CNN shouldn't be allowed either.

As I said, we would consider it too pro-US if anything. Well, and too boring.

But of course the
Eurocentric anti-American 'news' attitudes over there match
the CNN anti-Bush attitude.

Which "anti-American" news station are you referring to exactly? There are 100s of channels in Europe, many of them not in English, so I presume you don't watch them all. Which EU news stations have you watched?

Of course they are "eurocentric", they are for Europeans. Duh. In fact European news tends to have much more international news than US stations, at least so I'm told.

What I don't understand is why CNN, FOX, MSNBC are overseas
at all? They are AMERICAN stations. Why does Europe even
want them?

CNN actually produces a number of different versions of it's channel for different markets. The one we get in hotel rooms (via cable) is CNN Europe. The last time I watched it was in a hotel room in Italy a few weeks ago, there were 56 channels of Italian pap (Italian TV is really, really, really bad) and CNN. So I watched CNN. I think this is it's main market. Not sure if you can get Fox anywhere else - I somehow don't think that the rest of the world is going to sit and watch a continuous stream of US flag waving and items about how great the US is and how crap everyone else is.

posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 02:40 PM
It was not the point that he was having 'sexual relations' with Monica.

It was the fact inwhich he took an oath before testifing to 'Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you GOD'

Now for the typical person (mostly) it is not a big deal to lie under oath. But when you are the President of the most powerful nation on earth, and are supposed to expouse the founders ideals, lying under oath is a BIG DEAL.

If it is not supposed to mean anything then why do we have it?

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