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Why homosexuality is not genetic

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posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 07:31 AM
Also, to tell us what your degree is in? Assuming you have left your trailor park and gone anywere in life.

edit: Spelling...because my keyboard is running out of batteries.

[edit on 9-12-2005 by MacMerdin]

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 07:40 AM
Information Technology and information science aren't engineering fields
unless you want to call librarians, engineers.

Well if you're a structural engineer, then the fact that you're gay (I prefer
the word gender-challenged) makes you all the more... queer (using the
dictionary definition as it was intended.) One part of your brain works fine,
another doesn't. Neither am I happy that homosexuals have hijacked the
word 'gay' so i can't even use the word correctly without being
missunderstood in the year 2005. These are not the people I prefer managing
information! (given their tendency to manipulate it for their purposes.)

Lots of us have gotten beat up, doesn't justify your perversion or make you
a suffering christ figure.

It's not about religion, but Reality; not about beliefs, but discoveries.
Religious gene-- BAH!

One place I haven't gone in life-- up another man's rectum.

[edit on 9-12-2005 by thrival]

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by thrival
Information Technology and information science aren't engineering fields
unless you want to call librarians, engineers.

Yet another misconception on your little world. If you think someone in the IT industry is someone that works in a library, then I rest my case.

I guess all the people going around calling themselves systems engineers; network engineers and software engineers are just fooling themselves. And the computer Thrival is using was designed by some librarian who got his/her certificate in a lucky packet. Yes. Engineering (designing and building anything) is far more complex than any homosexual person could ever master. Gays are far to stupid to understand such complex matters.

(And Thrival, if you were wondering, this is called sarcasm.)

Thrival, you're just digging yourself deeper and deeper. You are confirming the suspicion that you have some sort of mental illness of grandeur. But don't worry. I just got a phone call from the planet Zargon. They want you back. Some village there is missing their idiot. Time to go home.

[edit on 9-12-2005 by Gemwolf]

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 08:17 AM
Oh...Thrival, I must not have been paying attention...what did you say your degree was in again? I can't believe I've let a troll get to me.

And the reason you "think" there are no gay engineers is because most of us gay people can't be differentiated from straight people because we look and act like you. There are FAR more butch gay men than there are effeminate....unlike what your bible thumping stereotypes would have you believe. Not all of us are "girly, limp wristed fags". No offence to my effeminate brothers out there.

Obviously you have met neither homosexuals nor engineers. What, they don't venture into your trailor park? I wouldn't either.

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 08:18 AM

Well given the tendency of some people to pad their resumes
and sound important, you must be a sanitation engineer.
Strange how homosexuals (social engineers?) can recognize
structural purpose in everything but themselves. What this
world needs is more silly dog breeds in silly hats.

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 08:18 AM
I never believed that homosexuality was genetic either, but a choice. Not that it matters. Its like religon. Its a choice based on experience I suppose. Whatever suits you. It doesnt matter to me, so long as its between two consenting adults and homosexuals dont try and push themselves on others or deny others their right to dislike them.

To each their own.

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
and homosexuals dont try and push themselves on others

I never understood this thinking of straight people. What do you all mean "pushing" our selves on you? Do you mean trying to get the same rights as you? Or do you mean gay men trying to "get in your pants"? If it's the latter...take it as a compliment and move on.....most gay men will back off if you tell them you're staight and not interested. Is this an inbred fear that striaght men have that if pressured enough they will "turn" gay? Just curious.

If it's the first, then I guess the African American rights movement was pushing themselves on you also. How about womens rights...again those damn women pushing themselves on you. Please clarify?

By the way.....straight men turn me off. You all need to trim that back hair, nose hair, ear hair...etc. It's discusting...ask any woman if she loves feeling that nose hair stick her while she's kissing you.

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by MacMerdinAnd the reason you "think" there are no gay engineers is because most of us gay people can't be differentiated from straight people because we look and act like you.

Speaking as someone in the IT industry, who knows quite a few gay people, your words are very true. Sexual orientation (and gender) have nothing to do with whether or not you can code coherently.

I also ...adore (NOT!) the idea that "gay" means male only. Far too many of the men shrieking about "evil gays" are perfectly content to watch bisexual/lesbian women kissing/fondling each other and think it's "hot." The attitude of "it's permissible if I think it's HAWT and if I think it's icky it's a sin" is contemptable when it gives a nod and a wink to lesbianism/pseudo-lesbianism and then hops all over gay males for the same thing.

(and don't try the "body parts" argument on me because I'm well aware that not all gay men engage in anal intercourse (some of them dislike it intensely) -- and I'm also aware that some HETEROsexual couples like it (I can't imagine wanting to try it, but I do know some het couples that love it.))

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 11:55 AM
"I never understood this thinking of straight people. What do you all mean
"pushing" our selves on you? Do you mean trying to get the same rights as
you? Or do you mean gay men trying to "get in your pants"? If it's the
latter...take it as a compliment and move on.....most gay men will back off if
you tell them you're staight and not interested. Is this an inbred fear that
striaght men have that if pressured enough they will "turn" gay? Just

First of all you're looking for rights as a special class of people when the only
thing special is your perversion. You already have the same civil rights as
anyone because you are people, not because you're homosexual. You're
trying to give your perversion special and equal standing. You're just people
who share and act upon your common perversion. Why do you want
perversion protected? Because you enjoy it. It is no compliment to be lusted
over or after by a pervert. It's not fear of you, but disgust.

"...If it's the first, then I guess the African American rights movement was
pushing themselves on you also. How about womens rights...again those
damn women pushing themselves on you. Please clarify?"

(see above) If you want to inherit, get listed in a will. If you want insurance,
form a company and take out a key man policy. Perversion doesn't deserve
any special protection. "Marriage" between homosexuals serves no utilitarian
purpose. It's frivolous, nonsensical. God help the children unfortunate enough
to be adopted and raised by perverts.

"By the way.....straight men turn me off. You all need to trim that back hair,
nose hair, ear hair...etc. It's discusting...ask any woman if she loves feeling
that nose hair stick her while she's kissing you. "

Which pretty much proves it's all about sex attraction for you, however much
you deny it, it's your touchstone. Your brains are so saturated with homosex
that you really can't have a thought that doesn't revolve around it. You
pervert everything with it.

And by the way, it doesn't even take a degree to recognize perversion. Plenty
of successful and wealthy upscale people share it, so education is no shield
against it. But the truth has no firewall either, and even peasants recognize
crimes against nature, especially in people who should know better. Another
homosexual premise/falsehood demolished, no applause necessary.

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 12:04 PM
Oh thrival, I must say you've made this an interesting thread to read. I was going to put you on "Ignore", but I must say, your ingnorance (or views) of this topic has made for some great responses from the other members.

So here's one for you, from a gay guy.....

You have voted thrival for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

I hope you never need a prostate exam, your doctor might be misunderstood.

[edit on 9/12/2005 by anxietydisorder]

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 12:35 PM
I understand that you are very convinced homosexuality is a choice. The only way you could know this is if you have chosen not to be homosexual.. if this is not the case, you have no voice of experience and therefore have no right to be telling people that their own personal experiences of 'coming out' is mere self indulgence.

Why can't you just accept that some people don't feel they should have to repress natural [ie 'godgiven'] urges? Why should they have to force themselves to have sex with someone that they are not attracted to just so YOU can feel more comfortable? You seem overly preoccupied and angry AT the issue of homosexuality as though it is your arch nemesis. Why? Obviously it has nothing to do with what the bible says as you've been all too willing to cast judgemant [judge not lest] and throw stones [let he who has not sinned] at others yet you call yourself a christian? I know what the bible says and homosexuality is mentioned infrequently.. yet Jesus frequently spoke against judging others and persecution. You seem so worried about homosexuals not practicing what the bible says yet neither do you.

The bible argument doesn't cut it anyway as it is not a medical journal. Are you going to tell homaphrodites that they've chosen to have both a vagna and penis? Potentially they may be attracted to both sexes. Are you going to cast judgement on them for having surgery? What about the many people who have been born with chromozone problems? There is a disorder where women are genetically male but as a fetus something prevents them absorbing the hormones needed to turn male so they turn female instead. Wires get crossed and 'nature' doesn't always get it 'right' .. I'm sorry your gods standards are not high enough for you.

[edit on 9-12-2005 by riley]

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 03:36 PM
Riley said:

"Thrival, I understand that you are very convinced homosexuality is a choice.
The only way you could know this is if you have chosen not to be
homosexual.. if this is not the case, you have no voice of experience and
therefore have no right to be telling people that their own personal
experiences of 'coming out' is mere self indulgence."

That's right, I've chosen not to be a homosexual, i.e. a pervert who lusts after
persons of my gender. Of course I could convince my lower self that men's
body's are attractive, but I choose not to. Common sense informs me that
homosexuality is unhealthy, and that a dick wasn't made to be stuck in
rectums. Further I find homosexual rationalizations to be supremely lame.
Apparently most of you can't muster the will to be honest with yourselves but
that doesn't mean outsiders can't see through you. There's nothing
mysterious about your condition that needs to be understood. You've chosen
to be perverts. That's all it is.

"Why can't you just accept that some people don't feel they should have to
repress natural [ie 'godgiven'] urges?"

We all have to repress "natural urges," to steal, murder, eat our young.
Thankfully I've never been tempted by the urge to bugger another man, or
even a woman, because I never played with those thoughts. What "god" are
you talking about? Satan maybe, because the Creator isn't responsible for
your thought life.

"Why should they have to force themselves to have sex with someone that
they are not attracted to just so YOU can feel more comfortable?"

No one forces you to have sex at all. That's a voluntary act that you SHOULD
be able to take full responsibility for. See, you're psychologically so lame,
that's the only way you know how to frame it. All I ask is that you have as
much unprotected sex the way you like, so nature can teach you her lessons
faster than if you try and protect yourself from the justice that follows your
crimes against her.

"You seem overly preoccupied and angry AT the issue of homosexuality as
though it is your arch nemesis. Why? Obviously it has nothing to do with what
the bible says..."

Another false statement based upon a faulty yardstick. You're suggesting that
the number of times a thing is mentioned is an indicater of the importance you
should place upon it. Well a word to the wise is sufficient, and only need to
hear it once. Those who are a bit slower in the IQ need to hear it a few times.
Average IQ's learn from watching others' mistakes, idiots learn from making
their own mistakes, and cretins never learn. What does that make you? The
bible makes adequate mention, you simply choose to ignore it.

Because your faulty reasoning colors every other area of your judgement, and
no society can long last that entertains nonsensical 'principles.' It victimizes
the innocent and muddies the already difficult search for truth with intentional
deceptions for no other reason than you enjoy perverting life.

"as you've been all too willing to cast judgemant [judge not lest] and throw
stones [let he who has not sinned] at others yet you call yourself a christian?
I know what the bible says and homosexuality is mentioned infrequently.. yet
Jesus frequently spoke against judging others and persecution. You seem so
worried about homosexuals not practicing what the bible says yet neither do

What Jesus was talking about was that no one is sinless. He DID tell people
to stop sinning. Your perversion is your choice; the fact that it's a perversion
IS a fact. Uhh, my obligation to use my disciminating faculties started when
Adam ate the fruit from the tree of the KNOWLEDGE of good and evil. That
was a rubicon and no one can go back. To ignore evil when I see it would be
a MISSUSE of the discriminating faculties God gave me. Sorry but I can't go
back to the accepting idiot you perverts would have me be.

"The bible argument doesn't cut it anyway as it is not a medical journal."

Ahh, you worship doctors then. All the better, you'll be gone all the quicker.
But seriously, Jesus the Great Physician and miracle worker would not bless
your choices either. I suppose the Creator has no clue how humans are
made... don't you see what idiotic logic you practice?

"Are you going to tell homaphrodites that they've chosen to have both a
vagina and penis? Potentially they may be attracted to both sexes. Are you
going to cast judgement on them for having surgery?"

A hermaphrodite (I corrected your spelling) is a person who shares dual
sex genitals. A homosexual is a person who isn't satisfied with the sex s/he
was born with, or maybe they are, but choose to engage in sex with their
own gender. Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex... ad nauseum. Did you know that a
person won't die from lack of sex? Isn't that amazing?! I don't think society
could fairly judge a hermaphrodite. Being both, they could legally marry which
ever gender they choose. Their dual sex is NOT a choice but a medical fact,
whereas homosexuals are factually of a singular gender but choose to
behave otherwise.

"What about the many people who have been born with chromozone

How many is that? I'll wager a lot fewer than there are perverts.

"There is a disorder where women are genetically male but as a fetus
something prevents them absorbing the hormones needed to turn male so
they turn female instead."

They are what their organs reflect and are capable of.

"Wires get crossed and 'nature' doesn't always get it 'right' .. I'm sorry your
gods standards are not high enough for you."

Sure they are. People have karma and choose the body they receive,
disabilities and all. Please note those born without arms or legs who have
few adjustment problems to those who lose them later in life. Usually it's
parents and doctors who make the big deal about it, fearing the kid will have
adjustment problems, can't leave well enough alone. Anyway it's not a
comparison issue. Just because you can't figure it out gives you no right to
force your personal identity problems and moral challenges on the rest of
society. I see no reason for making perverts a protected class. Please throw
away your condoms, let "nature" have her way.

[edit on 10-12-2005 by thrival]

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 04:06 PM
I could care less about your feelings. I dont give 2 cents if your gay or bi or whatever. I get pissed off when you gays have to flaunt it out in public as if your trying to impress someone. With all your gay day parades and your outfits you wear. Are you purposefully trying to make the str8 men mad. Why do you need to tell everyone around you that you are gay. Why do you need to make your sex life public? People in this country wouldnt give a damn if you just shut up. Its when you have to be lewd and personally to me, sick, is when we get pissed. You dont deserve to be married as for that is a religous sysmbol of a man and a woman. Dont try to spin this any way. Its basic hostorical tradition that marriage is a man and a woman entring into holy matrimony. Why cant u just take you civil union and call it a day.

And as for the topic, theres only one reason that I could ever see homosexuality to be genetic and that would be for biological population control. Gay men wont have sex with str8 women, so then, less kids. And if a gay man has sex with a woman just to have a son, then hes not really gay. Spin it any way you want.

And as for discrimination towards gays, if you didnt ask for it, you wouldnt get it. Keep up your public displays and your antics and you will forever be made fun of and beaten up.


posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 04:24 PM
Oh dear the wolves are howling at the moon.

Or are you just barking.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 06:44 PM
Thank you, Big Train. You said it better, in fewer words.

You homosexuals don't deserve to pervert another dictionary word (gay) when
'pervert' is adequate. A thing is what it does and you pervert, so please use
that word in future to describe yourselves. It's more accurate, descriptive.
Be grateful you don't live around leviticus, when God told the people to
kill homosexuals, "...lest ye learn their ways."

[edit on 10-12-2005 by thrival]

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 12:09 PM
Yes and in Leviticus...God also told you to kill your neighbor for working on the Sabbat. He also smitted you down if you didn't set up your alter and offerings to him correctly. He also said that eating shellfish was an abomination. Oh, by the way...if you've read the bible so much you would know that God DID NOT say to kill the homosexuals in Leviticus.....

All he (or some dumb ass tribesman in a dumb ass society) said was that man laying with another man was an abomination. What about women laying with other women? It does not mention that so I guess it's ok.

As far as flaunting the gay thing. Get over yourself. Do you kiss your girlfriend/wife in public? If so, please stop because you offend us....why do YOU have to flaunt your sexuality in public?

posted on Dec, 12 2005 @ 04:39 AM
Quibbling This is so boring. As I said. Card houses. Gone today. Back tomorrow. And amazingly identical. ***Yawn.*** Predictable to say the least.

Someone should really hand you some other building material, Thrival.

Interesting how Thrival knows everything about everything. And he is right about everything, and everyone else is wrong. I'm not so sure we're dealing with a mental patient anymore. Maybe he is a god himself? As he knows everything. He is right about everything. He sees only what he wants to see. And he doesn't fear the results of judging others. Amazing. I wonder which god he is? My guess would be the god of Ignorance.

You people just don't get it. Just because you say something is a fact doesn't make it a fact. Should I say that the world is flat and that the sun revolves around the earth, it wouldn't mean that that's the way it is. Well, Thrival thinks that that's the way it works. Just because he says that all homosexuals are unintelligent and perverted - and above all - "became homosexual by choice", doesn't make it a fact. Thrival. I hate to shake your little world, but there is actually people out there that knows better than you. Yeah, I know it's a lot to take in, but I'm afraid it's the truth.

I'm tired of wasting my time by pointing out the facts at you and have you plainly ignore them. That's a completely pointless exercise. I can see a million holes in your arguments above. But what exactly would the point be of pointing them out to you? You just ignore the facts.
Thrival, is there any other point of you being on this board? Have you explored the rest of ATS and saw that there is actually more to this board than quibbling pointlessly about sexuality? Isn't there some topic you are actually not ignorant about? If not, isn't there somewhere on the Internet a forum where homophobes (gay haters) get together and share their ridiculous theories? Wouldn't you feel more comfortable there?

Bah. Now here's another 10 minutes I won't get back. If after all of this, after pages and pages of explaining the truth to you had any effect at all, then it would have been worth it. I guess I learned something out of all of this, so it must have had some purpose. Not all of humanity moved on to the 21st century. Some are still stuck way back in the middle ages. Some people are so involved with their own little minds and their own little greatness that they forget about brotherly love and not judging. And some people are so ignorant that they can literally bring down other people to their level with their ignorance. Now that's a pretty amazing power.

No man is so foolish but he may sometimes give another good counsel, and no man so wise that he may not easily err if he takes no other counsel than his own. He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master. Hunter S. Thompson

posted on Dec, 12 2005 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by MacMerdin

As far as flaunting the gay thing. Get over yourself. Do you kiss your girlfriend/wife in public? If so, please stop because you offend us....why do YOU have to flaunt your sexuality in public?

No way your referring to the Gay Parade in Hillcrest San Diego every year that has naked gay men walking down the street with their willies swinging in the wind, or the totally lewd shirts the gays wear on everyday occasions with the words, I Sucked a D*** last night. Ya, you guys dont flaunt anything. I see it everyday dude and you know its true. The rainbows, the stickers on your cars telling everyone your oreintation, WE DONT CARE!


posted on Dec, 12 2005 @ 12:39 PM
I don't see men kissing on the street, waviing their willies, wearing rude T shirts or anything else particularly 'gay' oon an everyday basis.

Maybe it goes on more in California because it's well known people from their, gay or straight, are all mad anyway.

posted on Dec, 12 2005 @ 01:19 PM
We always have such diametrically opposing views with a few trolls espousing their hard-line views on religion and family values, and what parts fit where, and what nature intended, and genetics, and God, and choice, and upbringing........................
ad infinitum

Trivial would have you believe many things, as long as they are his interpretation of His misinterpretated Word. I'm truly sorry we rock your world so hard, but that's life. Get over it, and get on with it. The homos have been here a lot longer than you and your religious views, and queers are gonna be here long after your gone.
But I need to say, I respect your right to speak, and no matter what you say, and as much as I disagree, I want you to keep on speaking.
This freedom we have allows people to see every point of view, on every topic, and formulate their own opinions based on all the information available.

I don't want to blow my own horn,

But my husband and I have been together for almost 17 years.
And I hope we'll be together until one of us passes away.
And we love each other.
And we know each other.


PS.... Big Train, I've never marched down the street with my willie hanging out, and I don't agree with those that do. There is a time and a place for everything, and a public street is not that place or time.
But it isn't going on everyday, and tolerance is a virtue.

[edit on 12/12/2005 by anxietydisorder]

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