posted on Dec, 8 2005 @ 09:42 PM
"Most people hate rapists and consider it immoral.. yet do not consider homosexuality immoral."
Uhhh, where do you get your statistics? Most people are hetero and DO think
homosexual is abnormal and immoral or they'd behave like you. Sure rape is
immoral and I'd like to see specifically where the bible makes it a policy of
being OK.
Again you try to use a red herring as a diversion. Fornicators, adulterers,
homosexuals, rape are all violations of virtuous conduct. They demonstrate
lack of self-control and spiritual ignorance. Hey I was young once, and know
what sexual temptation is. Have since learned that's largely caused by a diet
that overstimulates the glands, but also lewdness in culture and behaviour.
Laugh if you like, other cultures (india's vedas, china's taoism) know this and
treat the subject seriously. The chinese culture stress potency, advocate
ginseng, deer antler, etc. Not coincidentally, theirs is the more brutal. If you
want to learn spiritual truth, look outside the box. I don't use the bible as my
only touchstone.
If a few animals (mostly domesticated) engage in homosexual behaviour, of
course you should copy them, right? I mean you're just an animal so why
expect better of yourself or others?
Of course man is a product of nature, but nature (creation) is spiritual art, so
to say God made you homosexual is simply a lie. He gave you hetero
equipment, you just choose to missuse it, maybe even go for a sex change.
In other words, God made a mistake on you and you know better, how to fix
it; (crock of bull.) I wonder how many homosexual engineers you'll find? It's a
more severe discipline than say, hair stylist or flower designer.
"It only violates long-standing religious doctrine, which is often as silly as Hell
Only an idiot would say something like that given your ignorance of the
spiritual world. Yes, fire & brimstone burning out two cities or angels striking
people dead for their immoral behavior, is very silly. Keep pushing your luck.
Everyone gets what they deserve, eventually. Don't take time to repent for
granted. The wheels of God grind slow but fine. Today the wheel may be on
the distant horizon, but before your life is over, it will be on top of you.
Depression is about brain chemistry whereas homosexuality is about choices.
You've convinced yourself that members of your gender are sexually
appealing. You can talk to your animus self and convince it of anything
because it can't think, only feel, and depends upon you to tell it what's what;
it needs you to interpret reality so train it like you're supposed to. People
operating from their animus can't give one rational reason why they're
homosexuals, only that it feels good. The low self can be missinformed,
because the middle, rational self has laid down on the job. You can program
your self to be hetero or even nonsexual. You will still be you, just not
entertaining perversions. And I'm not the least bit interested whether you
believe that's worthwhile, possible or not. Every person needs to make
discoveries for themselves. Talk is very cheap.