The fact of the matter is that no true ‘Homosexual’ person has ever been born, which can be proven using your Webster’s Dictionary and a simple
word study. The three words in our study are: Heterosexual, Asexual and Homosexual, which all have ‘sex’ as the root of the word. The source is
Merriam-Webster Online ( ) I will highlight the main points:
Main Entry: 1
Pronunciation: 'seks
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin sexus
1 : either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many
species and that are distinguished respectively as
female or male
2 : the sum of the structural, functional, and behavioral
characteristics of
living things that are involved in reproduction by two
interacting parents and that distinguish
males and females
3 a :
sexually motivated phenomena or behavior b :
The first (1) definition defines
female or male as these two individual forms. Therefore, by definition every person alive today is either
female or male. The second (2) definition includes the specific characteristics of living things by their ability to
reproduce. So
parents reproduce either
females OR males of our
species. Definition three (3a) pertains to the phenomena or behavior of ‘sex,’ as
in “having sex.” This definition is restricted in its scope by definitions (1) and (2), where ‘sex’ is a behavioral
involved in
reproduction of the
species. And (3b) is the ‘act’ of having ‘sex,’ again, about
reproduction. The final
(4) definition pertains to the sex organs; again, of the
male and female of the species from the definitions above.
Maxwell quotes >> Main Entry: heter-
Variant(s): or hetero-
Function: combining form
Etymology: Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French, from Late Latin, from Greek, from heteros; akin to Greek heis one -- more at SAME
1 : other than usual : other : different
2 : containing atoms of different kinds
This primitive definition of our prefix (heter) means ‘different,’ or ‘other.’ Add the suffix (ual) and we have a word that describes people
of different sexes (
male and female) according to their ability to reproduce. Thus Hetero-
Main Entry: asex•u•al
Pronunciation: (")A-'sek-sh(&-)w&l, -'sek-sh&l
Function: adjective
1 : lacking sex or functional sex organs
2 a : involving or
reproducing by reproductive processes (as cell division, spore formation, fission, or budding) that do not involve the union
of individuals or germ cells b : produced by asexual
3 : devoid of sexuality
Here again, the ‘sex’ part of the word causes the definition to include “
reproducing by reproductive processes . . .” Both
sexual and A
sexual organisms are defined by how they
reproduce. That is the common trait of both words that contain the
root ‘sex.’
Main Entry: 1ho•mo•sex•u•al
Pronunciation: "hO-m&-'sek-sh(&-)w&l, -'sek-sh&l
Function: adjective
1 : of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex
2 : of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex.
Right here is where the dictionary fails to hold to the rules of grammar. As defined above, the root ‘
sex’ appears to signify a means of
reproduction. The word homo
sexual here is void of such language. In fact, these words ‘
sexual desire’ are wrongly used to
describe this behavior. Homo
sexual activities DO NOT involve
reproductive processes. This word does not accurately define anyone
according to their ‘
sex.’ Homo
sexual is not an accurate scientific term that describes any living thing on this planet. The
joining of two sperm cells or female eggs will never produce a ‘homosexual’ male or female. By definition it is impossible for two people of the
same sex to have ‘sexual intercourse.’ Instead, every living person on this planet is either a
heterosexual male, OR a heterosexual female
by definition. They can call themselves homo
sexual males and females in the same way people call themselves all sorts of things. The problem
is that being male and female places them solidly within the
heterosexual group.
This point becomes plainly obvious when we consider that ‘reproduction,’ creates copies/duplicates of the male and female parents. Every single
person born naturally on this planet is the product of one heterosexual male and one heterosexual female. Therefore, every person ever born is a
duplicate/copy/facsimile of their heterosexual parents. Therefore, according to the definition of the terms, a true homosexual male or female has
never been born.