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Why homosexuality is not genetic

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posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

emotions cause thoughts.
thoughts cause emotions.

only thought can cause action.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:20 AM
it even says the same thing in the Bible about "the women exchanged natural relations with men for unnatural relations with women"

25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen. 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

The male pattern baldness gene is passed down through women. You don't have to HAVE the condition of a gene to pass it down. In other words, if your argument is that only gay people could pass on the 'gay' gene (if there is one), that is an incorrect assumption.

Homosexuality is no more 'a choice' than heterosexuality. Therefore if someone who says they were once gay is now living a heterosexual life, either:
- They weren't really gay in the first place, but just experimenting.
- They have successfully forsaken their own sexuality and are now living a lie.
- They are just back in the closet. "Pretending" to be straight and maybe even fooling themselves.

While reading through the thread I was collecting my thoughts to post a reply, but, you've already said it all so succinctly and thoughtfully I'd be hard put to say it any better, so, 'applause' to you!


posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by slugger9787

Ok, so you believe in fairy tales, good for you! As far as i am concerned religon is another primitive aspect of our life, and causes more harm than good.

So, can you look at someone and say "i think im gonna love you now" no, you can't, as it is no choice what so ever. I did not choose to be attracted to my wife, i did not choose to love her, just like you don't choose to love your mum and dad, brothers and sisters. Love is just there!

Anyone who brings the bible into this, i really can't take seriously, sorry

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
What I am saying is, stats play little part in science. They are pretty useful in politics and sociology, though, and anyone can play with them.

I take it you are describing the poisson distribution. You get a "Black swan" point for that my friend.

I believe that homosexuality may have a genetic component according to the disputed science only because I am amazed at how much personlity is in a child at 18 months. The simple proof would be to raise HUMAN CLONES FROM HOMOSEXUALS which would be unethical , actaully inhumane..

I think there are powerful factors in society and also everyday chemicals that may also modify human behaviour.

But what is behind this debate? If the genetic basis is found would it be used as an excuse to allow homophobes to forget homosexuals. Or would homosexuals be a figure of pity????

Apart from the geneticists does it really matter?

[edit on 30-8-2010 by Tiger5]

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by American Mad Man
To start out, I want to say that I am not a Christian, or even religious for that matter, so spare me that attack.

Anyways, My mom's best friend has identical twin sons. One is gay, one is not. That to me says that being gay has nothing to do with genetics, as these two people have the EXACT same genes. Instead, perhaps it is a psychological reaction to experiences or a traumatic event.

Any way, this kind of cements it as far as I am concerned, and to be honest, I was always of the opinion that being gay was a genetic condition.

Some studies in animals suggest that homosexual preference is due to prenatal social pressures on the mother and prenatal nutritional factors.

The switch seems to be Aromatase which is responsible for converting Androgenic hormones into Estrogens...
...males with higher production of Aromatase...
...and females with lower production of Aromatase...
...tend toward same sex attraction.

Why one twin would turn out gay and the other not...
...could be simply explaimed by inter-uterine competion for nutrients.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by troubleshooter

Smoking pot reduces male hormones in both male and female.

lots of heavy pot smoking males need a B or C cup.

birth control pills have been flushed down the toilet for fifty years and have by now, like numerous other psychotropic drugs, made their way into pubic drinking water.

so even before birth the hormonal schematic is being mapped out to confuse and obfuscate the natural intendd purpose of natural plumbing.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by slugger9787

I have to disagree.

An emotional response can be triggered by chemicals, like pheromones or for no good reason at all. Without a single thought. It just happens.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 07:50 PM
by emotion I define as one of these six terms

I think what you are describing is an urge.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by slugger9787
by emotion I define as one of these six terms

I think what you are describing is an urge.

You can't argue with people like this. So, love is not an emotion. Do you think a gey couple who have been together for years don't love eachother?

[edit on 31-8-2010 by Jay-morris]

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by Jay-morris

Go read some books from Walden, etc. on feelings and emotions.
I am quite certain I have read a stack of books on the subject twice your heigh in feet.

Then come back with a pen and paper.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by slugger9787
reply to post by Jay-morris

Go read some books from Walden, etc. on feelings and emotions.
I am quite certain I have read a stack of books on the subject twice your heigh in feet.

Then come back with a pen and paper.

Did not answer my question. I don't care about someone elses opinion, i want to hear what you have to say about it. Are you married, have a partner? do you love your partner? Why are you with your partner?

[edit on 31-8-2010 by Jay-morris]

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by Jay-morris

not married
not in relationship
can glbt love another yes
is love an emotion no it is a decision to act, based on lust, like or relation.
love is not transient and changable.

to further help you see the difference between emotions and feelings (these are the same thing) and love is this.

You have a pet puppy dog and you love him.
He chewed your brand new baseball glove up.

You feel angry with the dog, you feel afraid due to the money needed to replace it and the champonship game is tomorrow, you feel sad cause it was a favorite glove. You feel ashamed cause you forgot to feed him before going to work this morning and if you had fed him he would not have chewed your glove.

You feel angry with the dog, but simultaneously you continue to LOVE him.

You love him based on a history of shared experiences that you and he have had. You decide to love him.

Say that he continues to be bad, you eventually will get rid of the dog because your anger is more powerful than your decision to love him.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by Jay-morris

glbt even speak of their SEXUAL PRFERENCE;
the ultimate in forked tongueness
they use the term preference out of one side of their mouth while out of the other side of their mouth they profess they have no choice, its genetic, or whatever.

pref·er·ence   /ˈprɛfərəns, ˈprɛfrəns/ Show Spelled[pref-er-uhns, pref-ruhns] Show IPA
1. the act of preferring.
2. the state of being preferred.
3. that which is preferred; choice: His preference is male sex partners, not female sex partners.

3. selection, pick. See choice. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010.
Cite This Source | Link To preference

»Related Words for : preference
penchant, predilection, taste, orientation, druthers

[edit on 31-8-2010 by slugger9787]

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by slugger9787

So, love is lust. So, do you lust over you mum,dad,brothers and sisters?

Its a different kind of love, but its still love. I feel bad for you that you think this way

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by Jay-morris

Jay there are five kinds of love.

And you are decietful when you switched the topic from who you are screwing as a partner over to relatives like siblings and parents.

“Love” in the Greek, is expressed by five distinct words
having much more precise meanings:
Desire – Attraction (epithumia)
Longing – Romance (eros)
Belonging – Affection (storge)
Cherishing – Friendship (phile)
Selfless Giving – Christian Love (agape)

like I said bring a blank piece of paper and two sharp pencils and a sharp mind.
[edit on 31-8-2010 by slugger9787]

[edit on 31-8-2010 by slugger9787]

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by slugger9787
reply to post by Jay-morris

Jay there are five kinds of love.

And you are decietful when you switched the topic from who you are screwing as a partner over to relatives like siblings and parents.

“Love” in the Greek, is expressed by five distinct words
having much more precise meanings:
Desire – Attraction (epithumia)
Longing – Romance (eros)
Belonging – Affection (storge)
Cherishing – Friendship (phile)
Selfless Giving – Christian Love (agape)

like I said bring a blank piece of paper and two sharp pencils and a sharp mind.
[edit on 31-8-2010 by slugger9787]

[edit on 31-8-2010 by slugger9787]

At the end of the day, you look at things the way you look at things. No one is going to change your mind. What you think love is, is completly different to the next person, so, this debate is completly pointless.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 08:52 AM

At the end of the day, you look at things the way you look at things. No one is going to change your mind. What you think love is, is completly different to the next person, so, this debate is completly pointless.

That does not even make sense. What you think love is, is COMPLETELY different to the next person...

How stupid have I been all these years, omg there are five to six billion completely, repeat completely DIFFERENT definitions of love.

What is a dictionary for then Jay. Just for people to entertain themselves with and no other practical purpose?

[edit on 31-8-2010 by slugger9787]

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by slugger9787

At the end of the day, you look at things the way you look at things. No one is going to change your mind. What you think love is, is completly different to the next person, so, this debate is completly pointless.

That does not even make sense. What you think love is, is COMPLETELY different to the next person...

How stupid have I been all these years, omg there are five to six billion completely, repeat completely DIFFERENT definitions of love.

What is a dictionary for then Jay. Just for people to entertain themselves with and no other practical purpose?

[edit on 31-8-2010 by slugger9787]

I see that you like to be cleaver, or think that you are cleaver. What i said makes perfect sense. Love can bring many different types of emotion, and a huge range of behaviers. When i fall in love with someone, then the emotions i feel might be different to the fella next to me.

Sorry, but that makes perfect sense to me.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by Jay-morris

I do not understand what you are trying to say using the word spelled CLEAVER.

Why are you talking about a hatchet that butchers use?

cleav·er (klvr)
1. A heavy, broad-bladed knife or hatchet used especially by butchers.
2. Archaeology A bifacial core tool flaked to produce a straight sharp edge at one end.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Are you trying to be clever?

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