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Falluja WMD horror scoop aired tomorrow

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posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 08:37 PM
all i saw were air-bursting cluster bombs and normal bombs exploding, high heat burns and blistering, decompistion, normal after death blood pooling under the skin, and bullet holes...nothing suggesting chemical or biological weapons..

and white phosphorus isnt illegal for the US to use:


Article 7 (4) (b) of the Convention shall not apply with respect to the United States.


The United States declares, with reference to the scope of application defined in article 1 of the Convention, that the United States will apply the provisions of the Convention, Protocol I, and Protocol II to all armed conflicts referred to in articles 2 and 3 common to the Geneva Conventions for the Protection of War Victims of August 12, 1949.

Article 7
Treaty relations upon entry into force of this Convention

4. This Convention, and the annexed Protocols by which a High Contracting Party is bound, shall apply with respect to an armed conflict against that High Contracting Party of the type referred to in Article 1, paragraph 4, of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 12
August 1949 for the Protection of War Victims: (a) where the High Contracting Party is also a party to Additional Protocol I and an authority referred to in Article 96, paragraph 3, of that Protocol has undertaken to apply the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol I in accordance with Article 96, paragraph 3, of the said Protocol, and undertakes to apply this Convention and the relevant annexed Protocols in relation to that conflict; or (b) where the High Contracting Party is not a party to Additional Protocol I and an authority of the type referred to in subparagraph (a) above accepts and applies the obligations of the Geneva Conventions and of this Convention and the relevant annexed Protocols in relation to that conflict. Such an acceptance and application shall
have in relation to that conflict the following effects:

[edit on 8-11-2005 by namehere]

[edit on 8-11-2005 by namehere]

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 11:52 PM
Well, not to long ago “illegal combatants” used to be called partisans and revolutionaries. Afghanis for example we called “freedom fighters” when they fought against the Soviets.
Since historical facts seem to make no point to moist people, remember “The Patriot” with Mel Gibson?
Just think a little on your own instead of gobbling up what the TV pumps you with.
This is the tagline from the Patriot,
“Before they were soldiers, they were family. Before they were legends, they were heroes. Before there was a nation, there was a fight for freedom.”
And here’s the low down,
“Peaceful farmer Benjamin Martin is driven to lead the Colonial Militia during the American Revolution when a sadistic British officer murders his son.”
Remember when the British went after the families of the resistance volunteers (or in our official designation “insurgents”)? Remember when the British burned their families in a Church? Well in Iraq we are the British, and “insurgents” are the fathers, brother and sons of the families that have been burned by our troops.
"It’s somehow our fault that insurgents choose to fight among women and children?”
Those women and children are their families you idiot. You seriously believe that the majority of those who is doing all the fighting in Iraq are foreigners?
What do you know about it anyway? Do you know the coverage percentage of US media verses other countries?
“If they find civilian casualties so appalling, then maybe, just maybe, they might want to think about staging a fight some where else. But of course not!”
Like in where, Cleveland? THEY LIVE THERE u fool.
“Its the Americans fault four fighting them,”
So we are in Iraq why and doing what?
“were supposed to let them do whatever they want because they choose to use civilians as a shield."
It’s THEIR land, or is it that only WE reserve the right to do what ever we want on OUR land that we worked so hard on stealing from the Native Americans. Man, when will people in other countries learn that we reserve the right to own everything and will do what ever we please, right?

The truth of a matter is that as a people have NEVER suffered as others have. We have never been occupied. We NEVER had our families slaughtered and houses burned to the ground. All we know is that all that stuff happens somewhere else to other people, but not us.

The people that defend such horrible crap have never been hurt, they’re just bored ignorant fools out for entertainment of watching other people die.

When a lively hood is destroyed by a natural disaster it’s a tragedy, but when your house is blown up you see a boot of a soldier on the head of your family member, it’s the whole other ball game. It’s when ten year olds pick up an AK out to get the “big man” put a bullet through his fathers head.

That we call “old enough to pull the trigger, old enough to pay the price”.

BTW screw the people who say that it “OK” for US to burn people since we never singed Protocol III, because it’s exactly the same as a murdered of YOUR loved one saying that it was OK, because he never “agreed” that burning people alive is wrong, and then the judge just lets him go.

The true hypocrisy lies in the fact that all the values that we supposedly cherish, uphold and hold dear, we eagerly take away from others when there is profit in it.

The wheel keeps turning.

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 12:59 AM
OH MY sorry, im not for war,or against it but this angers me to an extent i cannot explain.

First of all let me ask this: What do you think the militants in iraq would do to us if they invaded the US. Would they not kill women , children, and soldiers any and every way they could?(Im not saying the US is doing this purposefully, just think of what they would do to americans) Does anyone here honestly think they would simply pass by an american 10 year old who was holding his dead fathers 12 gage and firing at them?

Phosphorous...omg, it's alot better tha the GAS sadaam used ON HIS OWN PEOPLE, that killed unknown amounts of people resulting in MASS GRAVES!

Second, show me any nation's military in this entire world who would if they invaded iraq instead of us...would shoot only bullets, kill only soldiers, (not attack cars speeding at them at a high rate of speed for no apparent reason, after all the car bombings), and who could manage not to kill a single iraqi non militant. Someone point them out to me because that would be astounding.

perfect soldier #1: "You see that kid with the ak-47 firing at us?"
perfect soldier#2: "Yeah."
perfect soldier #1: "Should we take him out?"
perfect soldier #2: " No he looks like he's 10, lets just continue to walk by as he fires and kills us.....after all he is just a kid."

War does'nt help anything, but war isnt pretty people. Things dont always go as perfect as everyone would like them too. THIS IS NOT THE MOVIES.
I have so much more to say, but i need to stop before i end up writing all night, ugh this makes me sick.

[edit on 9-11-2005 by Uber Fr0g]

[edit on 9-11-2005 by Uber Fr0g]

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 01:42 AM
be my 2 cents worth anything, here goes;

every single viewer of this video has been subjected to 'propaganda' before. Thus, we have all been trained to be skeptics of the highest order. Be sure that it will be scrutinized under the most discerning magnifyer at ATS.

Granted - one can hardly rely on any journalism to report unbiased facts. Whether that be this video, or FOX, or ATS or whatever. We cannot count on the reporting to include every variable involved.

Regarding this video; it may very well contain some steep propaganda. It should be expected. Some real anti-war rhetoric - OK. If you choose to label this video as containing propaganda so far stretching that it may as well be lies, that is your individual choice. However, please be equally wary of whatever you choose to term 'good journalism.' Fact is, they are all lies, because they are varying opinions doing the reporting, and can only be shades of grey - when compared to the absolute white of the absolute truth.

Here at ATS, we argue the validity of the claims made in the video.

If you as an individual are willing to soak in greyish journalism (as is your only choice should you choose to participate as an observer) - be concious of its grey qualities, and watch away.

I would emplore all viewers to take the video for what it is. Do your own discerning as to which part/parts are false. Do the same for this war. For the state of humanity at this particular moment. When you total the sum - come to a conclusion. If there be a God, we cannot go wrong in our tallying sums. Your conclusion is humanities conclusion. All past war atrocities aside, are we going to keep fighting eachother?

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by Uber Fr0g
OH MY sorry, im not for war,or against it but this angers me to an extent i cannot explain.

Cool. Now just think how the Iraqis feel.

First of all let me ask this: What do you think the militants in iraq would do to us if they invaded the US.

That's the point. They wouldn't invade the US. Although ShrubCo did a good job of convincing the world that they just might. How the hell they pulled that one off I'll never know.

Does anyone here honestly think they would simply pass by an american 10 year old who was holding his dead fathers 12 gage and firing at them?

And the thought of a 10-year old American child picking up a gun to avenge his dead father against the conquering invaders doesn't strike you as a tragic situation that could and should have been avoided?

Phosphorous...omg, it's alot better tha the GAS sadaam used ON HIS OWN PEOPLE, that killed unknown amounts of people resulting in MASS GRAVES!

Two wrongs. Hypocrisy. World Police. Practicing what you preach. Leading by example. Etc etc

Second, show me any nation's military in this entire world who would if they invaded iraq instead of us...would shoot only bullets, kill only...

Show me any nation's miltary in this entire world that would invade Iraq instead of us.

perfect soldier #1: "You see that kid with the ak-47 firing at us?"
perfect soldier#2: "Yeah."
perfect soldier #1: "Should we take him out?"
perfect soldier #2: " No he looks like he's 10, lets just continue to walk by as he fires and kills us.....after all he is just a kid."

perfect soldier #1: "Why the hell are we in this country killing 10-year-old kids for the chickenhawks' oil?"
perfect soldier#2: "Dunno."
perfect soldier #1: "Should we go home?"
perfect soldier #2: " Yep"


Right, because in the movies it's good guys vs bad guys, not deceived by BushCo guys vs bad guys.

I have so much more to say, but i need to stop before i end up writing all night, ugh this makes me sick.

Your nausea strikes me as misdirected.

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 03:11 AM
This is quite possibly the worst piece of crap I have ever seen masquerading as journalism. They take two former Soldiers, Sailors, Airman, Marines, or whoever they were, and parade them around as if they are experts on the subject of things that happened in Fallujah. Chances are that these two were a couple of young guys that had no real idea what was going on (if they were even there at all.) The assertion made by the chubby one with the goatee about what he called "whiskey pete" was laughable. He could have at least got the slang term for white phosphorous right. It is often referred to over the radio (no they don't say "bomb away")and is delivered by several means, mortars and artillery. You will hear people call it "Willy Pete" and it happens to be legal and it's use is well within conventions of the law of land warfare - It is not however, napalm. The British lady said that it was for all intents and purposes the same, because it was used to burn things, and that people were burned. Using that incredibly faulty logic one might assume that a cigarette lighter were napalm. This is just stupid. They implied that the film clip (1st ID on the rooftop in Fallujah) was something that was shot by those two unhappy Americans, as well. Horse crap! It was something that was copied off of one of myriad sites that post it on the internet, just like the one they used of the apache pilots doing their job. Did you also notice how, when asked about atrocities, the other guy with a goatee (the skinny one) would say "we". He was dodging the question, because he never did any of it. It sounded to me as if he were trying to drum up credibility for his "writing" that he mentioned. Perhaps if the film makers intention had been to show that war was ugly and we should make sure that it never happen again, they would have been effective. What they chose to do, though, was show that they could lie, albeit in my opinion, ineffectively.

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 06:33 AM
call it what u wan´t but it´s just sick to say "we didn´t sign a treaty which says do not burn down civilian areas" and by that it would be ok to use white phosphorus??
Hypocrite is the word of the day.
White phosphorus is a very horrible weapon which shouldn´t be used in wars. Much much worse than mustardgas or normal battle gases. It´s an airborne acid that reacts with oxygen and other words it kills everything living and u can´t do anything to stop it.
Maybe it isn´t banned in usa, hey you can torture people and rest of the world does nothing. But it still isn´t a moral thing to do. It´s just a way of saying "we don´t want any casualties because our gj´s do not want to go and fight from house to house, so we burned down the whole city and only after that went in to shoot the survivors.
Well time will show what this video will get going. I´m afraid it´s just a fart in the wind like everything else bad happening in the iraq.

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by alphabetaone
YOU TOO should read the TOS, and baiting or being argumentative is an infraction, so if you cant add to the forums responsibly and with a level of input that would warrant further discussion, i respectfully ask you to say not another word, thank you.

Oh yes, please, please show me where I am "Baiting"... and being argumentative, as you say, isn't against the TOS, per say, it is a byproduct of disagreement. And for the record sir, I have added a great deal to this thread (And countless others) in a responsible manner AND has warranted further discussion. I apologize that you disagree. Perhaps you should be less argumentative and quit baiting me. And "YES" I will continue add word after word as I see fit

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 07:05 AM

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by wecomeinpeace
["That's the point. They wouldn't invade the US. Although ShrubCo did a good job of convincing the world that they just might. How the hell they pulled that one off I'll never know."

HMMMMMMM... Partisan lately!? Could your severe partisanship leading you to childish name-games be coloring your perception of reality????

"And the thought of a 10-year old American child picking up a gun to avenge his dead father against the conquering invaders doesn't strike you as a tragic situation that could and should have been avoided?"

Sure it could have been avoided - had Saddam complied with ALL 18 OF THE UN RESOLUTIONS that he continued to defy daily! DO NOT blame the US for Saddam's poor choices. The consequences were outlined quite clearly!

"Two wrongs. Hypocrisy. World Police. Practicing what you preach. Leading by example. Etc etc"

Blah, blah, blah... what in the heck is your point here?

["Show me any nation's miltary in this entire world that would invade Iraq instead of us."

This is a complete non-sequitur. Oh and by the way, there were over 2 dozen other countries that supported this war materially - either directly with troops or with materials!

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by IOMMISINY

You know - Inspector Gadget, you really ought to watch the whole video before putting that size 10 in your mouth.

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by aape
Hypocrite is the word of the day.
White phosphorus is a very horrible weapon which shouldn´t be used in wars. Much much worse than mustardgas or normal battle gases. It´s an airborne acid that reacts with oxygen and other words it kills everything living and u can´t do anything to stop it.
Maybe it isn´t banned in usa, hey you can torture people and rest of the world does nothing. But it still isn´t a moral thing to do. It´s just a way of saying "we don´t want any casualties because our gj´s do not want to go and fight from house to house, so we burned down the whole city and only
after that went in to shoot the survivors.
Well time will show what this video will get going. I´m afraid it´s just a fart in the wind like everything else bad happening in the iraq.

WOW!!!! Where to start on this one!? First of all, you are going to need to clearly demonstrate where exactly the US is being hypocritical. There is a reason that we did not sign onto this convention and we did not force anyone else to sign onto it either, ergo how can we be hypocrites about it???

You said, "White phosphorus is a very horrible weapon which shouldn´t be used in wars. Much much worse than mustardgas or normal battle gases." WHOA! You're kidding me right!? An incendiary is WORSE than "Ordinary battle gasses!?!? Ok, first what in God's name is an ordinary battle gas. Secondly it is apprent that you have no idea what you are talking about. Mustard gas??? You need to look that up before you start making such ridiculous claims. This may help you - .

You said, "you can torture people and rest of the world does nothing. But it still isn´t a moral thing to do. It´s just a way of saying "we don´t want any casualties because our gj´s do not want to go and fight from house to house, so we burned down the whole city and only
after that went in to shoot the survivors." You state this as though it is the [policy of the US to torture people, it is not. If you wish to make such an absurd claim you will need to back it up factually. Yes, we have had soldiers commit atrocious acts - they are now serving VERY LONG sentences in jail. This is not a common practice. Also, please demonstrate to us how the US went into Fallujah to shoot the survivors??? You have proof of this no doubt. I am anxioulsy awaiting it.

Please people, STOP with the baseless claims, the hasty generalizations, the non-sequiturs, the straw men, the red herrings etc... It is getting utterly ridiculous. Your arguments are disingenious at best when you cannot produce factual evidence to support your claims which is evidently the case with a number of these accusations. Fine, we understand that you don't like the war - nobody likes war! It's fine if you would like to go so far as to dislike President Bush, the US military or the United States as a whole - I can assure you that I am not going to lose sleep over it nor will millions of other Americans. You may as well just post "I HATE AMERICA" and get it over with. All of the posturing and baseless claims just make you look uninformed or merely gullible. Just keep it real!

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 08:04 AM

Much much worse than mustardgas or normal battle gases.

Battle gasses? What in the hell are you talking about? Do you even know?

This entire thread is just frothing with ignorence.

Originally posted by Valhall

Originally posted by IOMMISINY

You know - Inspector Gadget, you really ought to watch the whole video before putting that size 10 in your mouth.

This video has been debunked all over the internet, even on far left forums.

[edit on 9-11-2005 by Dronetek]

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 08:09 AM
it's been out since last year. But ofcourfce media cencorship has kept it out of the public spectrum.

I do recall one of the Arguements the Americans made against Saddam is that he used chemical weapons against the IRaqi people.

Never mind the hypocracy, that they supplied those weapons to him or that they remained his allies through out the use of them.

How about the hypocracy that they themselves have used chemical weapons in fallujah.

If anyone considers themselves a seeker of truth, then i hope they have got the guts to watch this video. See what they have been hiding ,


[edit on 9-11-2005 by Syrian Sister]

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Syrian Sister
it's been out since last year. But ofcourfce media cencorship has kept it out of the public spectrum.

[edit on 9-11-2005 by Syrian Sister]

No. The pure ignorance shown and its obvious roll as propaganda has kept it out of the public eye. If there was one shred of believability or logic behind it you can bet American media would have picked up on it.

Never mind the hypocracy, that they supplied those weapons to him or that they remained his allies through out the use of them.

To be accurate, we supplied him with medical supplies that were used to make chemical weapons. I'm sure you are not concerned with accuracy though.

See what they have been hiding

The horros of war? Maybe its a big secret to you, but most the world knows that war is hell on earth.

[edit on 9-11-2005 by Dronetek]

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by kozmo

You said, "White phosphorus is a very horrible weapon which shouldn´t be used in wars. Much much worse than mustardgas or normal battle gases." WHOA! You're kidding me right!? An incendiary is WORSE than "Ordinary battle gasses!?!? Ok, first what in God's name is an ordinary battle gas. Secondly it is apprent that you have no idea what you are talking about. Mustard gas??? You need to look that up before you start making such ridiculous claims. This may help you - .

I wouldn´t like to debate because it´s allways the same thing. But seems to me that you insist
Firstly, this thread is about the video, so can i say you have watched it?`
If you have then you can find many answers to your questions from it.
And the article about mustard has, people always paste some wikipedia links but won´t read em??..It clearly says that mustard gas is irritating gas which causes blisters and can kill you if you breathe it. Yup, already knew that. And that´s why i say White phosphorus is very much worse. It melts throught your skin to the bone, no use to wear gas masks or protective clothing. Now do you agree that it´s a way horrible to melt or get blisters?

You said, "you can torture people and rest of the world does nothing. But it still isn´t a moral thing to do. It´s just a way of saying "we don´t want any casualties because our gj´s do not want to go and fight from house to house, so we burned down the whole city and only
after that went in to shoot the survivors." You state this as though it is the [policy of the US to torture people, it is not. If you wish to make such an absurd claim you will need to back it up factually. Yes, we have had soldiers commit atrocious acts - they are now serving VERY LONG sentences in jail. This is not a common practice. Also, please demonstrate to us how the US went into Fallujah to shoot the survivors??? You have proof of this no doubt. I am anxioulsy awaiting it.

OK..So i stated a fact? That i do not believe this video will accomplish nothing because history proves that major scandals have been forgotten, like those torture pics, no one asked about the order what came above to the men who were jailed. They were jailed because they didn´t want to expose them who are fully responsible. But i didn´t come here to debate about prison torture, not my cup of tea.
And about demonstaring that us went to fallujah to shoot survivors. There you got me. Ok i admit, i really can´t know what happened there because i wasn´t there.
But theorically speaking: After burning down a part of city with White phosphorus, you ain´t gonna find survivors. And if you do, well..there ain´t not much to do if they are expoced to the substance. People with 3rd degree burns wont survive if 1/3rd of them has burned. Now we are talking about vaporized,melted bodyparts.

Ok, first what in God's name is an ordinary battle gas.

Aww..yeah..Mustard gas is one, tear gas(cs),CR gas, CN gas, Phosgene (also known as carbonyl chloride, COCl2),Chloromethyl chloroformate,Trichloromethyl chloroformate,Chloropicrin,Stannic chloride,Acrolein,Hydrogen sulfide,Bromomethyl ethyl ketone etc etc..the list goes on.
All of these were invented at ww1 and most of them are banned at geneve convention. Also most of them are mild if compared to napalm or White phosphorus but others are inhaled neurotoxins and others incendiary acids..I´ll rest my case for now.
Ps. I´m only writing this because it seems that people won´t even wathc the video before ranting everyone anti bush etc..I really don´t care anymore if usa leaves or not iraq. I just find it very perversive that country who went there to find wmd´s is using them against civilian target. (White phosphorus isn´t an wmd but effect is the same.)

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 08:38 AM
Back to clarify some questions.
- The images are poor, the phosporus dropping is a loop, they didn't have footage of gun throwing and so on: please keep in mind that they worked with the few images they have. Falluja was a place not allowed for the press. The images were shooted in secret by doctors and those few Red Cross people allowed. How can you expect an Hollywood movie with perfect details?
- Since the video is realized by the Italian PUBLIC television network (like BBC), the most important in the country, the airing was preceded by an HUGE press conference where most foreign mainstream press was attending. CNN, BBC, NYT, name them: they were ALL present and had the knowledge of the video one day in advance.
- I'm not here to discuss any accuse on my modest person. I'm just an italian mom trying to do her best to divulge an important news to whom may be concerned. But please: this video was made by some of the best and well known journalists in the country, in the best News network we have (and controlled by the govt too), so please don't treat them like a bunch of arab terrorists putting together some fake and poor shoots.
- And if happens that you like conspiracies... well, do you remember Nicola Calipari? Maybe that's why the Italian Public Network was silently allowed to air this video. This is something to think about, instead of discussing sunburns.

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Syrian Sister
it's been out since last year. But ofcourfce media cencorship has kept it out of the public spectrum.

I do recall one of the Arguements the Americans made against Saddam is that he used chemical weapons against the IRaqi people.

Never mind the hypocracy, that they supplied those weapons to him or that they remained his allies through out the use of them.

The Americans didn't supply him with his chemical arsenal it was the Europeans primarily the French and West Germans.

  • In early 1979, Iraq built the first factory to produce insecticides with the help of Italian engineers. The factory was built in the region of Akashat at a cost of $50 million. A security system was also built to protect the factory that cost another $60 million. The building of this factory experienced many problems, such as espionage attempts by the Mosad, the Israeli intelligence service. The western companies that dealt with the defunct regime -- for instance Australian and Dutch firms -- exported a lot of materials related to this field of production. For instance, the Dutch firm KBS sold Iraq large quantities of Thiodilyco (name as transliterated), a material that is essential in the production of mustard gas, at a cost of 1.5 million Marks. Multinational Italian firms also supplied Iraq with 60 tons of Oxycklorure (name as transliterated), a phosphoric material that is also used in chemical industries that can be put to dual-use. As for the French companies, they exported to Iraq large quantities of a gas (not further identified) that can be used in warfare. This gas was exported across the borders from Italy and Turkey. This transaction was concluded through the mediation of the German Company Karl Kolb. A confidential report issued on 21 August 1990 by Helmut Hossman (name as transliterated), the Economy Minister of then West Germany, confirmed that the German companies had the lion's share in these transactions. The report said that since 1983, West German companies have exported to Iraq huge quantities of raw materials, equipment, and small industrial factories to produce poison gases. The report also said that these companies participated directly in building the Sa'd Project, the Iraqi chemical project, and the construction of the military complex in Al-Taji.

How about the hypocracy that they themselves have used chemical weapons in fallujah.

The term chemical weapon implies that it is in some way in the same class as far more lethal chemical agents. You cannnot compare nerve gasses with WP, they are as different as comparing nuclear explosives to dynamite

WP is primarily used for illumination, smoke and incindiary uses. They are not designed to kill through poisonous fumes, even though it is possible.

If anyone considers themselves a seeker of truth, then i hope they have got the guts to watch this video. See what they have been hiding ,



posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 10:16 AM
Eye witness accounts of use of banned weapons, and suppression of media.

5000 Fallujah Civilians killed say IR

Statement from Falluja: 5000 were killed by USA chemical weapons in
Falluja- 22/11/2004
Photos and video files (included)

American terrorists use the civilians of Falluja as human shields on
their vehicles against the resistance during house raid in Falluja.

The resistance in Falluja insists that it has photos and video files
of many of these crimes and it will release them whenever possible.

The statement released today 22/11/2004 has said that:

"the US army in Falluja has used weapons of mass destruction and
chemical weapons which killed more than 5000 of civilians"

The statement listed some of the main war crimes of the US army in
Falluja: "

1. The US army bombards Falluja with poisoned gases and chemical

2. The US army bombards Falluja with Phosphoric pumps

3. The US army have destruct houses, Mosques and stores and rubber
value things

4. The US army killed about 5000 civilians, most of them children,
ladies and elderly people, put to death wounded and sick people, and
peel them in the ground. Then, the USA army has buried many of those
civilians in collectivism graves. However, it also disallowed for the
resistance who were killed to be buried and let them to be eaten by

5. The US army has arrested about 3000 civilians and raped women and

The statement said that the resistance has challenged the US army
around Falluja to allow international media and independent firm to
monitor these crimes. It has offered a 24 Hours ceasefire to ensure
safety for the evacuations of civilians and their wounded relatives.
The Resistance in Falluja assures that it still controls more than %
50 of the city and it gain victory over occupation.

Al-Arabia correspondent detained with Falluja films
By: KUNA on: 29.03.2005 [00:31 ] (258 reads)

(640 bytes) Print

BAGHDAD, March 28 (KUNA) — Iraqi police have arrested a correspondent of Al-Arabia television network with film tapes shot in the town of Falluja in his possession at Baghdad International Airport. Wael Issam was detained at the airport, Network workers said, but failed to clarify if he was leaving the country or coming in.

"Al-Arabia bureau in Baghdad has no information of Issam's movements in Iraq. He might be working on his own," a station worker, who preferred anonymity. said without elaboration.

Iraqi officials did not comment on the incident.

An eyewitness account of the siege of Fallujah
by Dahr Jamail
uploaded 04 Jan 2005

The pictures were taken by someone who was allowed into Fallujah by the military to help bury bodies and to photograph them so they could be identified by relatives. One boy was killed while holding a white surrender flag. Another of the dead who posed no threat to the U.S. military is this young boy.
(8158 bytes) Print
Horror stories — including the use of napalm and chemical weapons by the U.S. military during the siege of Fallujah — continue to trickle out from the rubble of the demolished city, carried by weary refugees lucky enough to have escaped their city.

A cameraman with the Lebanese Broadcasting Corp. who witnessed the first eight days of the fighting told of what he considered atrocities. Burhan Fasa’a has worked for LBC throughout the occupation of Iraq.

“I entered Fallujah near the Julan Quarter, which is near the General Hospital,” he said during an interview in Baghdad. “There were American snipers on top of the hospital shooting everyone.”

He nervously smoked cigarettes throughout the interview, still visibly shaken by what he saw.

On Nov. 8, the military was allowing women and children to leave the city, but none of the men. He was not allowed to enter the city through one of the main checkpoints, so he circumnavigated Fallujah and managed to enter, precariously, by walking through a rural area near the main hospital, then taking a small boat across the river in order to film from inside the city.

“Before I found the boat, I was 50 meters from the hospital where the American snipers were shooting everyone in sight,” he said. “But I managed to get in.”

He told of bombing so heavy and constant by U.S. warplanes that rarely a minute passed without the ground shaking from the bombing campaign.


He managed to keep filming battles and scenes from inside the city, some of which he later managed to sell to Reuters, who showed a few clips of his footage. The Lebanese Broadcasting Corp., he explained, would not show any of the tapes he submitted to them. He had managed to smuggle most of his tapes out of the city before his gear was taken from him.


Burhan said that when the troops learned he was a journalist, he was treated worse than the other people in the home where they were seeking refuge. He was detained, along with several other men, women and children.

“They beat me and cursed me because I work for LBC. Then they interrogated me. They were so angry at al-Jazeera and al-Arabia networks.”

He was held for three days, sleeping on the ground with no blankets, as did all of the prisoners in a detention camp inside a military camp outside Fallujah.

Some recent photos from Falluja (A civilian who
were carrying his mother) (Video file of a man
from Falluja describing what happened in Falluja) (Collective

Iraqi journalist tells of U.S. captivity
By: MARIAM FAM, AP on: 24.11.2004 [20:42 ] (232 reads)

(5148 bytes)

BAGHDAD, Iraq — An Iraqi journalist who stayed in Fallujah to report on the battle for his hometown says he and hundreds of other civilians who eventually turned themselves in to escape the violence suffered tough, sometimes humiliating, treatment from American and Iraqi guards.

Abdul-Qader Saadi said he was subjected to multiple searches and interrogations; went unfed the first two days; was blindfolded and handcuffed; and had to sleep for days in a wooden cage buffeted by cold winds at a desert detention camp.

Saadi, who has reported part-time for The Associated Press since early in the year, also complained of having to strip naked for a medical examination by doctors he didn't know, a humiliating experience for an Arab.

"This was really painful," he said Tuesday, several days after his release on Sunday.


Odd Happenings in Fallujah

by Dahr Jamail

“The soldiers are doing strange things in Fallujah,” said one of my contacts in Fallujah who just returned. He was in his city checking on his home and just returned to Baghdad this evening.

Speaking on condition of anonymity he continued, “In the center of the Julan Quarter they are removing entire homes which have been bombed, meanwhile most of the homes that were bombed are left as they were. Why are they doing this?”

According to him, this was also done in the Nazal, Mualmeen, Jubail and Shuhada’a districts, and the military began to do this after Eid, which was after November 20th.

He told me he has watched the military use bulldozers to push the soil into piles and load it onto trucks to carry away. This was done in the Julan and Jimouriya quarters of the city, which is of course where the heaviest fighting occurred during the siege, as this was where resistance was the fiercest.

“At least two kilometers of soil were removed,” he explained, “Exactly as they did at Baghdad Airport after the heavy battles there during the invasion and the Americans used their special weapons.”

He explained that in certain areas where the military used “special munitions” 200 square meters of soil was being removed from each blast site.

In addition, many of his friends have told him that the military brought in water tanker trucks to power blast the streets, although he hadn’t seen this himself.

“They went around to every house and have shot the water tanks,” he continued, “As if they are trying to hide the evidence of chemical weapons in the water, but they only did this in some areas, such as Julan and in the souk (market) there as well.”

By Pepe Escobar

A top Red Cross official in Baghdad now estimates that at least 800 civilians have been killed so far - and this is a "low" figure, based on accounts by Red Crescent aid workers barred by the Americans from entering the city, residents still inside Fallujah, and refugees now huddling in camps in the desert near Fallujah. The refugees tell horror stories - including confirmation, already reported by Asia Times Online, of the Americans using cluster bombs and spraying white phosphorus, a banned chemical weapon.


Over half of Fallujah still un-pacified by Occupation Forces. Aid Convoy Fired Upon. Chemical warfare used against civilians. Villages and towns surrounding Fallujah under siege. 14-year-old boys being arrested. House to house fighting and house to house searches. Witnesses fleeing Fallujah report that Red Cresecent’s estimation of 170 families still holding out in US Occupied areas in Fallujah is inaccurate – they estimate it as up to 3 times higher. Ramadi on Fire.

Hay Julan – residents of the Hay Julan area who were able to flee Fallujah described an apple smelling chemical with which they were exposed to before the main onslaught into Fallujah. There was a break of about half a day between the presence of the gas/chemical and when the main assault started. The chemical created open wounds on the skin which were very hard to treat. After a while all exposed areas on the skin were cracked and bleeding. People came out of Fallujah with these injuries. They described smoke, a sweet smell and when they were exposed to the smoke, they coughed up blood and had cracked bleeding skin. Most of these families were hiding. When they smelled the gas they thought this was a gas attack and fled their homes and made their way through small backroads unoccupied by Occupation Forces. This happened at the beginning of the attack on Fallujah – around 2 weeks ago.


WASHINGTON, August 10 ( & News Agencies) - The United States admitted dropping the internationally-banned incendiary weapon of napalm on Iraq, despite earlier denials by the Pentagon that the "horrible" weapon had not been used in the three-week invasion.

An upgraded type of the weapon, a terrifying mixture of jet fuel and polystyrene that sticks to skin as it burns, was used in March and April 2003 , when dozens of napalm bombs were dropped near bridges over the Saddam Canal and the Tigris river, south of Baghdad, the Independent reported Sunday, August10 .

"We napalmed both those bridge approaches," the paper quoted Colonel James Alles, commander of Marine Air Group11 , as saying.

"Unfortunately there were people there ... you could see them in the cockpit video. They were Iraqi soldiers. It's no great way to die," said Alles.

On March 22 a correspondent for Sydney Morning Herald, traveling with U.S. marines reported that napalm was used in an attack on Iraqi troops at Safwan Hill, near the Kuwait border.

His account was based on statements by two U.S. marines officers on the ground.

"Safwan Hill went up in a huge fireball and the observation post was obliterated. I pity anyone who is in there," a Marine sergeant said

The Pentagon insisted at the time the statement was "patently false".

"The U.S. took napalm out of service in the1970 s. We completed the destruction of our last batch of napalm on April4 ,2001 , and no longer maintain any stocks of napalm," Lieutenant-Commander Jeff Davis, from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Defense had said.

'Generals Love Napalm'

But a Pentagon official told Agence France-Presse (AFP) on Thursday that U.S. forces used the new type against Iraqi forces in their drive towards Baghdad and defended their use as legal and necessary.

(new type being white phospherous MK77)


Doctor charges US used chemical weapons in al-Fallujah.

An Iraqi doctor accused the US forces in al-Fallujah of using chemical weapons against the city. Speaking on the radio program Panorama FM at midday Wednesday, the doctor said that he had examined two bodies of Iraqis killed by the Americans using internationally prohibited chemical weapons.

human rights watch on white phospherous.
Likewise, Human Rights Watch is disturbed by eyewitness testimony suggesting that Israel may have used white phosphorus, or a similar incendiary ordinarily used for marking purposes, in an antipersonnel mode in populated areas in southern Lebanon. White phosphorus ammunition, according to experts, can cause severe burns and permanent scars. During the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, the Israeli shelling of villages in southern Lebanon in July 1993, and subsequent shelling attacks, there have been numerous allegations of Israeli forces using phosphorus against civilians. The available circumstantial evidence of the illegal use of phosphorus, and/or other incendiaries, by Israel against Lebanese civilians during the 1993 events and afterwards is so compelling as to warrant serious investigation and a public response by the Israeli government. Among other evidence, Human Rights Watch saw several civilians, including children, in southern Lebanon with burns that are likely to have been caused by phosphorus.

Robert Fisk had a harrowing account of how WP patients kept on burning internally and externally although they were bathed in buckets of water.


[edit on 9-11-2005 by Syrian Sister]

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 10:34 AM



Dr. Khalid ash-Shaykhli, an official at Iraq’s health ministry, told a Baghdad press conference that the U.S. military used internationally banned weapons during its deadly November 2004 offensive in the city of Fallujah.
During the attack on the city, eyewitnesses described horrific scenes that analysts have attributed to attacks with napalm, a poisonous cocktail of polystyrene and jet fuel that has the capacity of melting human flesh and bones.

Dr. ash-Shaykhli stated that his medical teams, assigned the responsibility of investigating the health situation in Fallujah by Iraq's health ministry, had done research that proved U.S. occupation forces used substances, including mustard gas, nerve gas, and other burning chemicals there.

During the attack on the city, eyewitnesses described horrific scenes that analysts have attributed to attacks with napalm, a poisonous cocktail of polystyrene and jet fuel that has the capacity of melting human flesh and bones.

Inter Press Service reported eyewitness accounts describing bombs that created mushroom clouds and explosions that caused skin to burn even when water was thrown on it

Meanwhile, U.S. forces prevented the Iraqi-based Red Crescent to enter the city to care for wounded civilians and bring aid to survivors. Some observers have insisted that the main purpose of this action was to prevent official recording of atrocities committed during the siege and attack"


quote: surveys and studies that a medical team did in al-Fallujah and then reported to the 'ministry' confirm that US forces used substances that are internationally prohibited - including mustard gas, nerve gas, and other burning chemicals - in the course of its attacks on the city.

quote: Residents in Fallujah reported that innocent civilians have been killed by napalm attacks, a poisonous cocktail of polystyrene and jet fuel which makes the human body melt. Since the U.S. offensive started in Fallujah earlier this month, there have been reports of "melted" bodies which many believe is caused by napalm.
"Poisonous gases have been used in Fallujah," 35-year-old Fallujah resident, Abu Hammad said. "They used everything -- tanks, artillery, infantry, and poisonous gas. Fallujah has been bombed to the ground." Hammad was living in the Julan district of Fallujah which witnessed some of the heaviest attacks.

Phosphorous arms and the napalm gas are known to have such effects. "People suffered so much from these," Abu Sabah said. "

"News that President George W. Bush has sanctioned the use of napalm, a deadly cocktail of polystyrene and jet fuel banned by the United Nations in 1980, will stun governments around the world.

And last night Tony Blair was dragged into the row as furious Labour MPs demanded he face the Commons over it. Reports claim that innocent civilians have died in napalm attacks, which turn victims into human fireballs as the gel bonds flames to flesh. "

"News that President George W. Bush has sanctioned the use of napalm, a deadly cocktail of polystyrene and jet fuel banned by the United Nations in 1980, will stun governments around the world.

And last night Tony Blair was dragged into the row as furious Labour MPs demanded he face the Commons over it. Reports claim that innocent civilians have died in napalm attacks, which turn victims into human fireballs as the gel bonds flames to flesh. "

"We had to destroy the village in order to save it".

(1968, Viet Nam, during the Tet Offensive)


"We found dozens, not to say hundreds, of stray dogs, cats, and birds that had perished as a result of those gasses", he told the press conference, which was held in the health ministry's Baghdad building.

It would be all over the news ay roguey?

Aljazeera reported that the press conference "was attended by more than 20 Iraqi and foreign media networks, including the Iraqi ash-Sharqiyah TV network, the Iraqi as Sabah newspaper, the US Washington Post and the Knight-Ridder service".

However, the only US news outlet to carry even a mention of the press conference was the Christian Science Monitor's website. In an March 7 article on the US State Department's annual report on other countries' human rights record, the Boston-based daily reported that "Aljazeera also reported that Dr Khalid ash-Shaykhli, an official at Iraq's health ministry, told a press conference in Baghdad that his department's investigation in the conflict in Fallujah show that US forces used "internationally banned weapons' during its offensive last November, including napalm and jet fuel. The United States has never signed the treaty that banned the use of napalm against civilians."


[edit on 9-11-2005 by Syrian Sister]

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