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Young singers spread racist hate

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posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by spliff4020
I guess its only ok to be racist if you're black. Otherwise, its totally unacceptable.

Moving this pressing newsworthy item from ATSNN to social issues (because I'd hate to get chit chat dirty).

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 11:38 AM
Hey those tshirts are cool, I wouldn't mind having/wearing one. Not that I support conservatives but those are funny! Hitler Smiley faces, what about a Andrew Jackson or GWB Smiley Face? WHo else commits genocide?

Anyways, who cares? A couple years from now they will "blossom" and teen boys everywhere will worship the ground they walk on. Also, singing well does not matter, look at the Implant Bands, no talent, implants, they made millions.

Frankly would love to see what happens if they played in a major city in the north... Like Detroit or Toledo!(Yea! Get them on National TV again for another riot)

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by yadboy

I have a neice and nephew whose father was black. When they were little, after their father had hit the road (didn't have nothing to do with him being black, he just wasn't ready to deal w/ twins and my crazy sister at the same time
), they use to say that they wished they were white, even though most of their freinds were black. It broke my heart to hear them be ashamed of the color of their skin at such a young age.

That's kinda sad to hear. My freind was like that as well. His mother was Hispanic, and his father was .5 african american, .5 carribean. He played guitar in my band (we were Death Metal). So, the black people beat him up in school because he wasn't black enough, and the white kids beat him up because he was 'in their scene'. Kids are cruel to each other. I couldn't imagine what it must be like growing up like that.I think that's what led hm to use crazy drug use, I don't even know where he is now.

I have nothing against interracial marriages, but then again, wouldn't the earth be boring if everyone was the same color? I like diversity, the more the merrier, as long as everyone gets along.

And to the 'being proud'. I didn't mean it in a way where I would say, "Look at me, I'm so white and cool." I meant it as in, "This is my heritage, I love my heritage (whatever it would've been), becuase for thousands and thousands of years, we've been like this. And I love the cold, I love frost on trees, snow, and I love sailing!"

Of course, I would be 'proud' if I was from from a different heritage, and I would be proud for different reasons. That's all I was saying.

If people weren't proud of their heritage, then what would be the point of fighting wars to preserve a way of life for future generations?

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by redmage
Well........I found a video and I don't think we have to worry about these two "making it big".

They're pretty tone deaf and have a really awful sense of tempo.

Holy cow! That was awful!
I think Hanson can hold a better beat, and I would rather hear Rosanne Barr sing the Star Spangled Banner again than listen to that!
She can't play the violin (she it horrible at transitioning, and it vibrates when she draws the bow across), the singing is flat and out of both of thier ranges, and they both lack passion in their voices.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by yadboy

Originally posted by infinite

Originally posted by Odium
Communism is no where near the left if you talk about true communism.

As for those T-Shirts, I want one....I think they are rather funny. Especailly for next time I go clubbing.


i dont think it would be wise to wear one of those when going clubbing

Wear you of those clubbing and your likely to get CLUBBED!

Doubtful, it's not the worst thing I have worn before.

I normally go clubbing in this; and since I am the head DJ at the club and used to be on the door, nobody will say anythin' to me.

I so want one!

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 01:38 PM
The T-shirts are much worse than that, Odium. They're tasteless and the "stop immigration" t-shirt is one of the worst forms of hypocracy I have seen. They themselves are descendants of immigrants.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by RANT

Originally posted by spliff4020
I guess its only ok to be racist if you're black. Otherwise, its totally unacceptable.

Moving this pressing newsworthy item from ATSNN to social issues (because I'd hate to get chit chat dirty).

Well....your "clever" comeback proves it. You people will jump and down screaming about anything that is even minutly "stereotyping" to blacks, and will defend everything for them, but turn around isnt fair...whatever

get used to it....its called America....people can do what they want..

There are no Mods in real life. Your power stops at your keyboards.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by spliff4020
There are no Mods in real life. Your power stops at your keyboards.

Well if it's such chore why not just hit "Log Out" and and take your whining to "real life".

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 03:27 PM
well, because Im not the one whos SOOOO offended by it...try this on.....ignore it and it goes away....Theres only about a million friggin rap albums that preach against the white man. Theres only a million tv shows, channels, movies and programming aimed at all blacks. But when someone white does it, all hell breaks loose. And by who? White people.

How many blacks do you see denouncing racism from their OWN people? None. But one little remark that, if even mistakingly construed as racist, appears, again, all hell breaks out. If the girls wanna sing...let em sing.

Its a free country. People can do what they like, and NO! You dont have to agree with it. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by spliff4020
How many blacks do you see denouncing racism from their OWN people? None. But one little remark that, if even mistakingly construed as racist, appears, again, all hell breaks out.

Isn't that selective thinking spliff? As in you say it's so it's true? Hmm, here's an ATS thread:

It's over a year old so the link is gone but you can see that YES! Black people DO cry out against this type of racism. Or you could Google "Black leaders speak out against racism by blacks" and peruse the over 3,000,000 links provided. I doubt you'll do that though as it would really shoot your, "How many blacks do you see denouncing racism from their OWN people? None" theory out of the water.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 03:55 PM
Well, I just googled "Black leaders speak out against racism by blacks"

I got over a million hits...

all the same..."blacks speak out against racism". Not one about the racism THEY spread. One article from a WHITE guy about it, and the rest is only about what the "evil white devil" has done. Maybe YOU should do some searching yourself.....

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 04:28 PM
Fact is, Spliff, you are speaking in absoultes and there are none. Though, I tend to agree with you that it doesn't matter...blah blah, this is america...blah blah...but at the end of the day all you are saying is blah blah because you don't even get why it doesn't matter.

I'm a freaking american and that's why it doesn't matter! I don't like to be singled out as black people do this or black people don't do that. You gotta stop those thoughts from infecting your brain and inturn infecting this society with "their people"--"my people" blah blah...Check it...I'm your people. We are all americans, damnit! When RANT or INTRIPID speak out against racism it's the same as if I were to do it.


posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Saphronia
Fact is, Spliff, you are speaking in absoultes and there are none. I don't like to be singled out as black people do this or black people don't do that. You gotta stop those thoughts from infecting your brain and inturn infecting this society with "their people"--"my people" blah blah...Check it...I'm your people. We are all americans, damnit!

While I agree with this post, it's very hypocritical compared to your earlier statement.

[edit on 10/22/05 by redmage]

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
The T-shirts are much worse than that, Odium. They're tasteless and the "stop immigration" t-shirt is one of the worst forms of hypocracy I have seen. They themselves are descendants of immigrants.

That's the irony of it mate, everyone at my club knows my grand-parents were immigrants. In fact, people come up to my in College and ask if I am Russian because of how I look. That's the fun of things like that and it does a lot of harm to their cause when people laugh and mock their view points.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by spliff4020
Well, I just googled "Black leaders speak out against racism by blacks"

I got over a million hits...

all the same..."blacks speak out against racism". Not one about the racism THEY spread. One article from a WHITE guy about it, and the rest is only about what the "evil white devil" has done. Maybe YOU should do some searching yourself.....

Originally posted by intrepid
I doubt you'll do that though as it would really shoot your, "How many blacks do you see denouncing racism from their OWN people? None" theory out of the water.

*Wins bet with self, premium beer tonight*

You wouldn't even try what I said, look at the wording of the Google search I said and the one you did. No wonder I got 2 million more links, I wasn't hiding from the truth.

*Goes off to search for an ostrich with head in sand picture*

[edit on 23-10-2005 by RANT]

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by yadboy
It's distressing to me that the values being taught to these girls by their racist parents will more likely than not put them in harms way. They are having them spread hate in a very public fashion. How long till someone decides they've heard enough.

It breaks my heart to see a new generation indoctrinated into the never-ending cycle of hate and racism. Hopefully once these girls get a little older and start to learn about the real world they will make up their own minds, but it may be too late for them already.

Why is it ok for Black people and Spanish people to be proud of their race and where they came from but if a white person does it they're racist?

And just because your proud of your roots doesn't make you a racist, how do these two things become intertwined to equal a negative?

There are things people do and say of all colors that would appear to be racist towards another person who isn't of the same breed.. .White people for along time have gotten a bad reputation w/ the Nazi bs, the slave owner's, and big rich white guys... Black people were also trading their own color of people, so were chinese people. But for some reason white people get tarnished and singled out for the same actions others have done. And now because I say this some of you will label me as a white supremacy supporter.. I do not condone any kind of activity that breeds racism from all races, but I do not see a problem w/ being proud of your roots. Be proud of who you are, sing about it if you want to, write poetry about it, but don't be preaching hate about other races or putting yourself above any other race because then you are being a racist and bigoted.

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Rouschkateer

Originally posted by redmage
Well........I found a video and I don't think we have to worry about these two "making it big".

They're pretty tone deaf and have a really awful sense of tempo.

Holy cow! That was awful!
I think Hanson can hold a better beat, and I would rather hear Rosanne Barr sing the Star Spangled Banner again than listen to that!
She can't play the violin (she it horrible at transitioning, and it vibrates when she draws the bow across), the singing is flat and out of both of thier ranges, and they both lack passion in their voices.

Holy crap is right! Blah puke puke puke! I don't even think they know what they are singing about.. Some adult had to of made that song for them.. They just want to look cute and pretty and i'm sure they are enjoying the attention.. That song is about race wars and how white people should come out on top... Now that is racist.. Amazing.. This crap will never never end so long as we have retards in this world...

Got this from the abc story they did on these two:

Like many children across the country, Lamb and Lynx decided to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina — the white ones.

The girls' donations were handed out by a White Nationalist organization who also left a pamphlet promoting their group and beliefs — some of the intended recipients were more than a little displeased.

After a day of trying, the supplies ended up with few takers, dumped at a local shop that sells Confederate memorabilia.

Ok, so it's official, they're racists! It's shame too because they are beautiful girls who have their whole life ahead of them and they're being indoctrinated with white supremecist ideology at an early age and they're going to end up in isolation and they'll find it hard to get jobs later on.

[edit on 24-10-2005 by TrueLies]

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by Full Metal
Hey those tshirts are cool, I wouldn't mind having/wearing one. Not that I support conservatives but those are funny! Hitler Smiley faces, what about a Andrew Jackson or GWB Smiley Face? WHo else commits genocide?

I have a nice hitler with mouse ears painting that a client gave me. I'm jewish and find it funny as hell.

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by redmage
Well........I found a video and I don't think we have to worry about these two "making it big".

They're pretty tone deaf and have a really awful sense of tempo.

Honestly, I thought they sounded pretty good. Lyrics aside it wasn't too bad. I love the electric guitar without the cord in the video!

You want to hear "tone deaf" and "awful sense of tempo"?!!


[edit on 24-10-2005 by Dr Love]

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 02:55 PM
Wow ^^^^

Thats seriously scary stuff.

Although I feel a strange urge to follow Mr Grey Spaceman....

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