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Young singers spread racist hate

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posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Zipdot
Dude those girls on the right are only 13 years old now, and who knows when that picture was taken. GUARDS -- SEIZE HIM!!


Yeah but Im 14, therefore I win!!!

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 02:14 PM
Yeah as attractive as they may be, ignorant girls always turned me off. It might be the parent's fault, but their ignorance still turns me off.

Either way a little bit of racial pride here and there isn't a bad thing. It's good for us all to have a bit of pride about something. But when it turns into racial superiority there's a problem. I'm white, proud of it but I never get the idea that that makes me better than anybody else. I am who I am and proud of it, and I think others have the right to feel the same way about themselves.

Sad thing is there's a big difference between racial pride and racial superiority, but the line is very gray and blurred.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Atomix

Originally posted by Zipdot
Dude those girls on the right are only 13 years old now, and who knows when that picture was taken. GUARDS -- SEIZE HIM!!


Yeah but Im 14, therefore I win!!!

but you're 14. you wouldn't know what to do with one of them, let alone two.

and, before you say you would know what to do. you wouldn't. it's a gift not often bestowed on men and a 14 year with all the knowledge the internet and cable tv at his fingertips will still be completely clueless in the moment.

sorry. you don't win.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 02:16 PM
OK guys, let's stick to the topic.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur
but you're 14. you wouldn't know what to do with one of them, let alone two.

and, before you say you would know what to do. you wouldn't. it's a gift not often bestowed on men and a 14 year with all the knowledge the internet and cable tv at his fingertips will still be completely clueless in the moment.

sorry. you don't win.


No offence Atomix, this is a topic that isn't about "pretty girls", google American Neo-Nazi/white nationalist groups and you'll understand what this thread is about.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 02:20 PM

Either way a little bit of racial pride here and there isn't a bad thing. It's good for us all to have a bit of pride about something. But when it turns into racial superiority there's a problem. I'm white, proud of it but I never get the idea that that makes me better than anybody else. I am who I am and proud of it, and I think others have the right to feel the same way about themselves."

I didn't spend that much time looking at their website or downloading their clips, so I may not have the whole story on the content of their songs.

However, I didn't hear any mention by them of implicit or explicit "racial superiority"; just the same kind of thing you'd hear from James Brown when he sang, "Say it loud / I'm black and I'm proud."

Perhaps someone could point out some of their lyrics which actually tout White "superiority"? Because if such is the case, you could certainly make a case for "racism."

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 02:27 PM
Off_The_Street, I agree with you here...

In fact, let them say what the hell they desire, if people really wish to listen to it they will - no matter what you try and in many respects there are a lot worse things happening out there.

I didn't hear any of their lyrics, where they said they were better but rather they were proud of being "pure" blood and many people [still] are to this day.

If they wish to come fourth and say they are better than me for being mixed race, they are welcome but I would bet money I could kick their underage, white girl ass. So I'm not worried...

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Off_The_Street
Perhaps someone could point out some of their lyrics which actually tout White "superiority"?

OTS, I've read up a little on them as well and found out that their favorite group to listen to is a group called Skrewdriver. Now I don't know Skrewdriver from Perry Como, but that sounds like a pretty hard core, hateful, neo-nazi group. Some of their songs are folk versions (
) of Skrewdriver songs. It's almost laughable.

I don't think these girls have any idea of what they are doing. They've been brainwashed severely IMO.


posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 02:37 PM
Having a look at their website, I found some "intersting" lyrics to a song called "Aryan Man Awake"

When the man who plows the fields is driven from his lands. When the carpenter must give away what he's built with his own hands. When a mother's only children belong to her no more. And black masked men with guns come bashing down the doors. Where freedom exists for only those with darker skin. Where lies and propaganda will never let you win. Where symbols of your heritage are held with such contempt, and benefits of country 'cept tax are you exempt .

Aryan man awake, How much more will you take, Turn that fear to hate, Aryan man awake.

Can you see how they lie to warp your daughter's minds? Can you let your sons be trodden down or held behind? Can you apologize for things you did not do, and leave this battle that we fight to the proud and the few? What will it take for you to waken to the truth? What will it take for you to remember your own youth? What will you give up to help this worthy Cause, and strike with force and fury, without a single pause?

What will it take for you to remember your own folk? What will it take for you to break that heavy yoke? Why do you still cast your eyes downward to the ground? Worry lest what you say have prejudicial sound. Who will stand beside us when the war begins? Who will run and hide their heads and wait to see who wins? Who will face the end and watch a Valkyrie ride forth To join the gods and fallen stormtroopers of the North?

And one called "Victory Day";

Well sit down and listen, to what I have to say. Soon will come a great war, a bloody but holy day. And after that purging our people will be free, and sing up in the bright skies, a sun for all to see…….

Times are very tough now for a proud White man to live. And although it may appear that this world has no life to give. Times are soon changing, this cant go on or long. And on that joyful summer’s day we’ll sing our Victory song…..

The women, they’ll smile, on Victory Day. And the children, they’ll laugh and they’ll sing and they’ll play. And the forests will echo our grace, for the brand new dawn of our Race…

You are my brother and in war we proudly sing. Our Cause shall never tire. Our gift to you we bring: A holy creed of Racial purpose, A mighty Race to defend. And when we fly our holy flag Their oppressive reign shall end….

And when we finally conquer, our people will be free. And all across this great land, the bold Truth we shall see. So as we march together, to avoid catastrophe, let’s remember always our sacred Destiny….

And one called "Sacrifice";

He fought so strong for our race. We're finally back in our place. It took his life, my dear son, and now it's over the war is won. Our Race was saved because the lives that were sacrificed: those men that died...

Sacrifice , they gave their lives. All those men who have died. Sacrifice, they gave their lives, all those men who have died.

Warrior poet, I sing his songs. Ian Stuart, with his voice so strong. Remember his words, as we sing along.

Rudolph Hess, man of Peace. He wouldn't give up and he wouldn't cease, to give his loyalty to our Cause. Remember him and give a pause.

Robert Matthews knew the Truth. He knew what he had to do. He set an example with Courage so bold. We'll never let that fire grow cold.

Dr Pierce, a man so wise, helped so many of us open our eyes, and see the future for what it could be: a future for our Race’s eternity.]The biography of Rudolph Hess

The profile of a terrorist organization formed by Robert Matthews.

Dr. Pierce's biography.

Like I said, the line is gray and blured, but I have to admit that a pair of thirteen year old girls singing about this is definatly a little out of the ordinary.

Oh and for those curious about these two ignorant girls, here's their webpage;

Even has lyrics to their songs if you need to reference it.

[edit on 10/21/2005 by cyberdude78]

[edit on 10/21/2005 by cyberdude78]

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Off_The_Street\
Perhaps someone could point out some of their lyrics which actually tout White "superiority"? Because if such is the case, you could certainly make a case for "racism."

Since the pictures I posted were not enough to show the racisim of Prussian Blue I will also put up these lyrics.

"Victory Day"

Well, sit down and listen
To what I have to say
Soon will come a great war,
A bloody but holy day.
And after that purging
Our people will be free.

"Aryan Man Awake"

When the man who plows the fields is driven from his lands,
When the carpenter must give away what he’s built with his own hands,
When a mother’s only children belong to her no more,
And black masked men with guns come bashing down the doors.
Where freedom exists for only those with darker skin,
Where lies and propaganda will never let you win.
Where symbols of your heritage are held with such contempt,
And benefits of country ’cept tax are you exempt.
Aryan man awake,
How much more will you take,
Turn that fear to hate,
Aryan man awake

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 02:38 PM
I can understand that. I, too, am of mixed race; my father's people were German, my mother's Irish, but we did have a Democrat on my mother's side, and I'm not the least bit ashamed of it.

By the way, if there are any Mexicans reading this, uno de los antepasados de mi madre era un soldado de Irlanda, un 'San Patricio' tambien, que luchó y murió en la batalla de Churubusco en el ejército de general y Presidente Santa Anna.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 02:39 PM
Umbrax, this is no worse than a lot of "Gangster Rap" which blames all their problems on "Aryan Men".

It's just a case of a different opinion, let them have it this is why we are the better people because we let them have their say, let them make their songs and don't give a damn about it.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 02:42 PM
Umbrax and Cyberdude, thanks for the lyrics; it seems that these two aryan angels are as bloody-lyric'd and any of the Hip Hop gangsta racists from the '90s.

i say we boycott them all!

[edit on 21-10-2005 by Off_The_Street]

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 02:45 PM
I've been boycotting crap like this. But for some reason it just doesn't seem to be working. I guess that so long as there's nutjobs out there this kind of stuff will be out there. And sad thing is that nutjobs, racism and ignorance will always be with us.

Best we can do is Deny Ignorance and Deny Hate.


posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 02:49 PM
Well my ignorance for the lyrical content of these two is gone now. Racist hoes indeed.

And theyre only 13?!?! Crap, I am soooo going to Hell.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 02:52 PM
Yes, racism is racism regardless of where it comes from. What we must all remember is that just because this guy is doing over here doesn't make it okay for this guy to do it over here.

In a free society we do have the right to free speech and people have fought and died for that right(still are in other countries). To preserve our rights we can not take them away from others.

What makes this case so sickening is that the racism is coming from two little girls. These girls are being brought up to believe they are in a race war.

Racism has never been so cute

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 02:55 PM
But this happens everywhere, I have seen it in my own lief with 5 year old kids who hate "blacks" and so on and so fourth...

Really, it is no big deal because a lot of people end up getting pushed out because of their racist view points or learn to shut the hell up as they grow older because the vast majority of people do not agree with them.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 03:14 PM
The only way to hinder racism is to rise up against it.
In what ever form it takes.

There are parts of the world where racism is embraced.
With the Internet today you get your anonymity. People are gathering in racist groups as big as they ever were. Just look at our frontstormer friends. They gather and recruit all over the net, even on ATS.

We can not just sit by and hope that it just goes away, it wont.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 03:23 PM
Their main site is here That has all their lyrics although They don't have the catchiest tune...
And heres some good pictures:

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by FallenOne

Originally posted by Sport Kensington

I am proud to be white.......if i was black, i would be proud to be black...

That is exactly my point. Well said.

I don't have a problem w/ that, but I can't say I'm proud to be white. I'm not ashamed of it eithger though. What's to be proud of (or ashamed of for that matter). I'm white because my parents are white, it's as simple as that. Like popeye sez "I yam what I yam". I make no appologies for being white, but I don't wear it like a badge of honor either.

Would I be proud to be black? I'm sure it would be different than being white, some people obviously treat black people different (some better, some worse). I'm sure I would run up agaist a lot more racism. Would dealing w/ that fill me with pride that I don't pop caps in all the redneck crackers? Maybe, but I'll never be black, so I'll never know.

I have a neice and nephew whose father was black. When they were little, after their father had hit the road (didn't have nothing to do with him being black, he just wasn't ready to deal w/ twins and my crazy sister at the same time
), they use to say that they wished they were white, even though most of their freinds were black. It broke my heart to hear them be ashamed of the color of their skin at such a young age.

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