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Young singers spread racist hate

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posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
Funny how everyone is for peace and equality until something like this happens

Its even funnier that someone can miss the irony of these racists using freedom and diversity to prop themselves up while trying to destroy it.

Clearly nothing should be done to these girls, they are free to express their beleifs, and they are hardly the first hate-rock group.

Equally clearly, these girls are stupid scum.

Everyone else is, and the whites aren't allowed to be, because that would just be racist, right?

Are you kidding? These girls are racists. They hate other races and consider them inferior, they don't merely have pride in being european. No one ever told whites to not be proud of being white, and everywhere I look I see white people proud of their culture and affirming it. These girls are calling for the destruction of non-whites, they are saying that they are sub-humans. Thats a god damned disgrace and its pathetic that anyone would listen to this scum.

The KKK fought for their race, because they knew if the didn't then it would go down, like it is now.

The KKK were absolute racist scum. They didn't do the white 'race' any favours by attacking innocent blacks for merely being black.

No, he considered what would happen if everyone was thrown together, like all this violence and hate. It never would have happened if we all would have stayed separated

Bollocks. People of different races and ethnicities like in absolute peace with one another all over the place. Its only when stupid racist morons like the KKK start killing and terrorizing people that there are problems.

Maybe one day things will be different, but for now everyone is still hating eachother.

I don't know where the hell your situation is, but I don't hate people merely because of their race, I hate people for good reasons, like their people stupid morons.

They never said that they hate other races.

Bollocks. Prussian Blue is a hate group. People consider prussian blue to be racist because they're not deluded.

What I was saying is that everyone can now immigrate over to this country and be proud to say that they have Hispanic Pride or Black Pride. But uh-oh, when someone says White Pride, that's completely wrong and racist

False. White people constantly talk about pride in their country and their ancestors and the founders of the nation and its not labeled as racist.

What would happen to me if I started a White Power movement?

What the heck would be the point of a white power movement? Do you even know what the black power movement was about? It was a group of people that had been legally classed as 'not human' for generations, herded into ghettos and ostracised from society standing up and saying 'screw you, I am a human being'. What would be the point of the Dominating Ethnicity having a 'white power movement'? Its nonesense, what would its goals be? To get more white people on TV or in power? Whites absolutely dominate the media, the economy, local, regional, and national governments, and every single facet of life in America, through positions of inhereted privlige and good old hard work. Don't even pretend that there is anything like a need for a 'white power' movement. The yahoos that are out there shouting 'white power' are interested in eliminating the other races because they hate them and consider them sub-human. THey're pigs.

But their parents are teaching them the biggest and worst thing that the U.S. has to offer: freedom of speech.

They're using free speech to call for the destruction of other people. They're entitled to do that, but it doesn't make them patriots, it makes them traitors if anything.

No, I will not because my ancestors a long, long time ago found this country.

And were only able to keep it running by kindapping workers from other continents and bringing them in. That gives you a right to live here, and that gives them a right to live here, and the American way gives everyone the oppurtunity to come here and become fully equal citizens to everyone else. If the KKK doesn't like america, with its multiple races and cultures, then its more than welcome to leave. America, love it or leave it.

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 10:46 PM
Homeland Uber Alles

Originally posted by Nygdan
If the KKK doesn't like america, with its multiple races and cultures, then its more than welcome to leave. America, love it or leave it.

Speaking of which, what ever happened to the Back-To-Europe Movement?

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by dupw25
I think that more people should be raised to be proud of what they are. Everyone else is, and the whites aren't allowed to be, because that would just be racist, right?

It wouldn't be as long as they don't start considering other people to be less than human.

Just to let you know. The KKK fought for their race, because they knew if the didn't then it would go down, like it is now.

No. They fought to have people of other races destroyed. They hate people who are not white. I repeat: The KKK hate people that are not white!!! Do I have to repeat that for you?? The KKK hate people that are not white!!! They call us monkeys. They call us non-human. How the #@#! can anyone support people like that?

To answer your question: No, he considered what would happen if everyone was thrown together, like all this violence and hate.

That doesn't happen everywhere where people are mixed. And people of the same race have fought each other fore millenia, or do you conveniently forget that part??

It never would have happened if we all would have stayed separated. I see it first hand everyday. Maybe one day things will be different, but for now everyone is still hating eachother. And it's not working, just like he predicted.

People have to learn to get along. That's how it should be. If two people of different races fall in love with each other for example, who the hell are you to say that they should be segregated?

They never said that they hate other races. They are showing everyone that they love theirs. But because they are white, and no other race recently enslaved their kind, it is now racist.

No but they run around with swastikas all day. Of course they're gonna polish their "message" up a little in front of the press.

Mine did, I agree to that. But did you read what I wrote? What I was saying is that everyone can now immigrate over to this country and be proud to say that they have Hispanic Pride or Black Pride. But uh-oh, when someone says White Pride, that's completely wrong and racist.

Yes and that should stop. You didn't hear me supporting that.

Well there was an entire Black Power movement, but there was nothing wrong with that.

Yes there was.. Most of those people were preaching hate against white people.

What would happen to me if I started a White Power movement? I know I wouldn't go down in the history books like Malcolm X or Stokely Carmichael. I would be called a racist who's nothing but angry, like these little girls.

Malcolm X was a racist untill he made his pilgrimage to Mecca, where he realised that is ok for people of all color and race worshipped together. After that he was murdered by the remaining racist. One of the reasons why was that he wasn't racist anymore. That's why he's a hero to many. If he didn't repent, he wouldn't of been as popular as he became after his death. I don't know Stokely Carmichael.

Whoever said that they're parents are teaching them to spread hate.

Hitler didn't want to spread hate. He wanted everyone to be like him.

No where do you get your history lessons from?? He wanted all jews to die and people from other races to either die or become second and third grade citizens... And out of Germany forever.

And furthermore... Their parents are surrounding them with %*#@*@!! SWASTIKAS. The symbol Hitler used to show the white race is superiour to all other races, which was paraded in all those concentration camps where 6 million jews were murdered! Of course their teaching those kids to hate! They're teaching them that murdering other races is Good!! Other races are inferior!!

I don't agree with his techniques at all. I would never kill to make everyone like me. But their parents are teaching them the biggest and worst thing that the U.S. has to offer: freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech does not allow you to spread hate.

That was the way they were brought up, just like other races are brought up to stand up fot their races. They are showing their racial pride, just like some when they say, "Black is Beautiful." We all have different ways of showing it, even if some are more agressive than others.

I don't support anyone who considers their race better than others. We are all human beings.

No, I will not because my ancestors a long, long time ago found this country. Finders keepers, duh.

Well the ancestors of lots of colored people came to the U.S. a long, long time ago as well. And for your information it wasn't finders keepers. There were inhabitants here already, and they were booted out of their own land and for years were considered to be inferiour, were murdered and were pushed into nomansville. So next week I'm coming to kick you out of your house and claiming it as my own. Finders keepers... duuuuuhhhh

And btw... Are you visiting ATS from FrontStorm??? Because you are free to go back there...

[edit on 9-10-2006 by TheBandit795]

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 11:08 PM
This thread has become so out of control that I have asked that it be closed. It is the irony of ironies that members would suggest some of the things that have been suggested as revenge against these children.

The discussion here does not meet the standards that I hold for a rational discussion and I don't see that it can be salvaged or that anything could be gained by its being salvaged.

I would make one point, however.

Madalyn Murray O'Hair's son, William Murray, became a Christian minister.'Hair#Criticism

[edit on 2006/10/9 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 11:12 PM
Excellent point, Grady...

And as for you dupw25.

I have one question for you.

Do you consider me, Bandit, who is a mix of at least two races, who has dark colored skin, dark brown eyes, and dark brown strong coarse hair, and of partly jewish ancestry to be anything less than human???

Answer me honestly.

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 11:55 PM
I don't think that many tried to even understand what I was saying. I was just labeled racist out of nowhere. I do not believe in killing anyone. I do not believe in torture. I do not believe in what the KKK did. None of it. I was trying to get my point across that unless there is no "black" history month, or "White" pride, then there will always be racism. I am not a racist, and will never appreciate being called that, but I will be called that from here on out because of my beliefs. A few:

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live? You have Martin Luther King Day. You have Cesar Chavez Day. You have Yom Hashoah. You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi. You have BET. If we had WET(white entertainment television) we'd be racists. If we had a White Pride Day you would call us racists. If we had white history month, we'd be racists. In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists.
You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists. When a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug-dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist. Why is it that only whites can be racists? Isn't it just as equally racist to call us 'Honkeys' and 'Crackers'? Call me racist and I call you blind. Whites aren't the only racists, it comes in many colors.

And no, human is human no matter what size, shape, color, ethnicity, or sex. None better, and none worse. I don't care about that stuff. I just care that I'm called racist all the time, and never once have heard that any other race can be racists. It bothers me, and I thought that it would be nice to share my opinion with everyone. But never once can anyone have a discussion. Instead SOME people have to get very pissed off, and act like they are children when I'm only 16 years old. Come on, buddy, I act older than you do.

And you all can say what you want to say to me but I believe what I believe, try to make me understand, go ahead. It isn't going to work. But until everyone forgets about NAACP, the Black Panthers, and black history month, whites wil; continue to be discrimated against in this day-and-age. And I can prmoise you that I will not shut my mouth until that is gone, and the labels are gone. I didn't do anything to anyone, and I'm not planning on it, so I don't want to hear about a certain history for a whole month, and listen to your organizations preaching about Black Pride. Get rid of them, and racism will be gone, because the past will be forgotten.

[edit on 10-10-2006 by dupw25]

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
This thread has become so out of control that I have asked that it be closed. It is the irony of ironies that members would suggest some of the things that have been suggested as revenge against these children.

I totally agree, I think the things that have been sugested that be done to these children are obscene and savage.

Anyone who would attack these children for ANY reason is SCUM! It isnt open season on these girls because of their beliefs....

this thread has done more to derail the "equality" facade more than any other....the hypocrisy shown here is evidence enough of the thought that "pride of any type is ok, as long as it is not white pride" is the reality.

Why should whites have to be silent to racial attacks? why do whites not have a right to be proud in what their race has accomplished? Why does any other race have a right to be "prideful" to the point they would tear two little white girls apart?

I tell you what... anyone tried to hurt these girls and Id love to see the response from the groups these girl's thinking represents. you would be sorry you ever had harmed them.

Furthermore, who and whatever their reason for chosing the people they associate with is NO ONE's business but THEIRS!

If white Pride conjures images of Nazis, what does that say about how you have been conditioned to see these groups?

If people would simply ignore them when they have their marches and not show up to PHYSICALLY attack them or throw things at them it would do wonders for the cause of equality.

Respecting their right to free speech would be a step in the right direction and may avoid a serious conflict among racial lines in the future.

That is all...

[edit on 10-10-2006 by XphilesPhan]

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 01:58 AM
I just want to point out that the Hitler connection is made by the group or groups to which these girls' music is directed.

I'm not trying to condone any movement that makes a hero or role-model of Hitler.

I don't care to embrace the kind of white power that they sing about. It's anathema to me, but no more or less so that any racially-based "power movement."

Ethnic pride is fine with me. Bigotry is not. I'm an American and I make no apologies for it.

The real point is that these are children. They have been raised this way. They are not yet old enough to evaluate what they have been taught or to choose their own paths in life.

Calls for violence against them are abhorrent and have no place in this forum.

The racial wrangling that has ensued is both off-topic and unacceptable behavior here.

This is an old thread about an old story. It reflects the state of the forum before I became its FSME. It should be closed or moved.

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by dupw25
I don't think that many tried to even understand what I was saying. I was just labeled racist out of nowhere. I do not believe in killing anyone. I do not believe in torture. I do not believe in what the KKK did. None of it. I was trying to get my point across that unless there is no "black" history month, or "White" pride, then there will always be racism. I am not a racist, and will never appreciate being called that, but I will be called that from here on out because of my beliefs. A few:

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live? You have Martin Luther King Day. You have Cesar Chavez Day. You have Yom Hashoah. You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi. You have BET. If we had WET(white entertainment television) we'd be racists. If we had a White Pride Day you would call us racists. If we had white history month, we'd be racists. In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists.
You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists. When a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug-dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist. Why is it that only whites can be racists? Isn't it just as equally racist to call us 'Honkeys' and 'Crackers'? Call me racist and I call you blind. Whites aren't the only racists, it comes in many colors.

And no, human is human no matter what size, shape, color, ethnicity, or sex. None better, and none worse. I don't care about that stuff. I just care that I'm called racist all the time, and never once have heard that any other race can be racists. It bothers me, and I thought that it would be nice to share my opinion with everyone. But never once can anyone have a discussion. Instead SOME people have to get very pissed off, and act like they are children when I'm only 16 years old. Come on, buddy, I act older than you do.

And you all can say what you want to say to me but I believe what I believe, try to make me understand, go ahead. It isn't going to work. But until everyone forgets about NAACP, the Black Panthers, and black history month, whites wil; continue to be discrimated against in this day-and-age. And I can prmoise you that I will not shut my mouth until that is gone, and the labels are gone. I didn't do anything to anyone, and I'm not planning on it, so I don't want to hear about a certain history for a whole month, and listen to your organizations preaching about Black Pride. Get rid of them, and racism will be gone, because the past will be forgotten.

[edit on 10-10-2006 by dupw25]

I am with you all the way man.
The word racists means nothing anymore, it has been so cheapend by people using it every time someone disagrees with them or tells them why they have problems in their communities.
Go to one of the Pro Illeagle rallies and watch them burn American flags and get told that that is ok but if you burn one of their flags it is a hate crime.
That is happening.
The boy that cried wolf never had it so good.

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 11:36 AM
I think I understand you pretty good. Read Nygdan's post again.... And mine.

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by dupw25
I don't think that many tried to even understand what I was saying.

No, we understand. Your sick of uppity coloured people walking around like they're special.

. I do not believe in what the KKK did.

And yet you're proud of your family being invovled in the KKK? Thats called a contradiction.

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?

And thats called a non sequitor.

You have Martin Luther King Day.

We all have Martin Luther King day. King was an american hero. His people were kidnaped and dragged here as slaves, finally freed, then brutalized, forced to live in ghettos, and made into legal second class citizens and thus sub-humans. Did he raise and army and attack the people that were oppressing him? No. The man struggled against great evil with absolute peace, and he won. Thats inspiring, thats a hero in America. He saved a lot of blacks from being oppresed and saved the rest of american in the process, if someone else had been the charismatic leader of blacks during those turbulent times, we might've had a second revolution and a second civil war.

You have Yom Hashoah.

Are you actually ticked off that there's a day to remember the Holocaust???!!

You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi.

Mohammed's birthday is not a holiday in the US.

You have BET. If we had WET(white entertainment television) we'd be racists.

Regular television is WET! BET was created just to get some black faces on television, thats how white the rest of TV was.

If we had a White Pride Day you would call us racists.

You don't need a white pride day because there are so many other white christian holidays.

If we had white history month, we'd be racists.

Do you even understand why there is a black history month? Its because the schools and society exclude the contribution of blacks from education. They had to rally together and call for a single month out of the year where special attention is drawn to this, else there'd never be a mention of it.
There's no need for a white history month because history is taught as white history.

But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.

If some guy jumps up and yells 'white pride', yeah, I'm going to assume he's a racist, because the people that are out there screaming 'white pride!' with a raised fist are racist KKK thugs.

When a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug-dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist.

This is just silly. What are you complaining about? That sometimes people complain when a cop kills yet another black person? That black people are concerned that some of the cops out there are racists?????

Why is it that only whites can be racists?

Did you not just see that Bandit said that there were racist black leaders and organizations? I don't know anyone, anywhere, that says only whites are racist.

Isn't it just as equally racist to call us 'Honkeys' and 'Crackers'?

Gosh, ya think??

Whites aren't the only racists, it comes in many colors.

Yes, and??? Who are you debating this with, some imaginary person?

And no, human is human no matter what size, shape, color, ethnicity, or sex. None better, and none worse.

But they should be segregated from one another according to popular deifinitions of race eh?

I don't care about that stuff. I just care that I'm called racist all the time

Think there might be a reason for that?

It bothers me, and I thought that it would be nice to share my opinion with everyone.

Your opinion was that blacks should leave or be forced to live in segregated ghettos! And that you were proud of you family having been in the KKK!

Instead SOME people have to get very pissed off, and act like they are hildren when I'm only 16 years old. Come on, buddy, I act older than you do.

If you're 16 and your grandfather was in the KKK then he was in it when it was at the height of its racism.

. But until everyone forgets about NAACP, the Black Panthers, and black history month, whites wil; continue to be discrimated against in this day-and-age.

This is just absurd. You know what discrimination is? Its people beating you down because of your skin colour, forcing you into schools that they're not funding because of your skin colour, not selling you houses in a town because of your skin colour, etc etc. If you actually beleive that whites are discriminated against, then you've got a heckuva lot to learn. White are the dominant segement of society. "Whites" control and own every single facet of this society. Whites are not being discriminated against.
And if you, as some 16 year old white kid who's grandpa was in the KKK think you are feeling the 'pressure' of discrimination and are sick of it, how sick of it do you think blacks are of being discriminated against???

posted on Nov, 14 2006 @ 12:41 PM
Update - Prussian Blue wins Best Video award at the Myrtle Beach Film Festival!

Here's the video

Based on the sound of the video the judges at the MBFF must be graduates of the Myrtle Beach school for the deaf.


posted on Nov, 14 2006 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
Here's the video

Based on the sound of the video the judges at the MBFF must be graduates of the Myrtle Beach school for the deaf.

Dear God!

I thought these kids had talent.

Who cares what they sing about, if no one can stand to hear them sing.

Talk about a niche market.

posted on Nov, 14 2006 @ 04:01 PM
Music Depreciation

Originally posted by Dr Love
Here's the video

Based on the sound of the video the judges at the MBFF must be graduates of the Myrtle Beach school for the deaf.

And the crowd goes wild!

I must say, talent like this must be heard to be believed.

Kidding aside, I am a big believer in the idea that anyone can sing if they practice enough. Like any other musical instrument, the voice must be practiced diligently to develop proficiency.

And indeed, I think these girls have great potential.


If anyone is wondering why they aren't the next Olsen Twins, it's not because they're white and being discriminated against. :shk:

I recommend listening to their work for the real answer.

Marketing can only carry you so far.

posted on Nov, 14 2006 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by yadboy
Singers Lamb and Lynx Gaede probabaly would remind you of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. They are a pair of cute blonde twins that perform for adoring audiences. But there's one big difference, they are white nationalists. The girls have been performing for white nationalist audiences since they were 9 years old.[edit on 27-2-2006 by Thomas Crowne]

Myself I believe in freedom of speech and that is to be respected above all else but since we don't agree on this.. then what do you suggest be done about this then? I assume that you have a vested interest in this topic too since you don't identify with 'honkey' asserting him or herself.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 04:43 PM
Again and again this sort of issue comes down to freedom of speech and/or expression. My question is always in this sort of issue, where does ones freedom of expression begin to impede upon my, or others, rights to be left alone in peace. These two hateful young children, whether they write their lyrics or not, are preaching hate to young impressionable minds. The lyrics are vile, and the thought process behind them even moreso.

I've had this argument on ATS before, concerning Holocaust Deniers, and I ended up being somewhat outnumbered in my view that freedom of speech is not unlimited, or at least shouldn't be in some cases. I have just never been able to reconcile freedom of speech with the freedom to be safe from hateful speech and its possible repercussions.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 05:51 PM
How sad that these two young girls have been brainwashed into believing the filthy garbage they spew. Frankly I believe the adults in their lives should be arrested and convicted for child abuse and endangerment. Teaching children to hate others based solely on skin color or religion is a form of abuse in my humble opinion; child endangerment enters the picture because one of these fine days someone will take grave offense to their "singing" and possibly cause physical harm to these two. It is a shame that these two kids have been victimized by the very people who should have taught them better. Hopefully someday they will see the error of their ways.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Ethnic pride is fine with me. Bigotry is not. I'm an American and I make no apologies for it.

The real point is that these are children. They have been raised this way. They are not yet old enough to evaluate what they have been taught or to choose their own paths in life.

Calls for violence against them are abhorrent and have no place in this forum.

The racial wrangling that has ensued is both off-topic and unacceptable behavior here.

This is an old thread about an old story. It reflects the state of the forum before I became its FSME. It should be closed or moved.

Personally I am becoming concerned for my welfare and people that look like me because of reverse discrimination.

The comments you allude to here in this thread are prime example of this basis of fear.

It is far past the time when the majority of people that built and developed western culture in the first world are untouchables in their own lands.

We are under assult and most of all they are turning our own kind against us.

The anger, hatred and lack of understanding directed against us by other groups is terrifying and I can only see it increasing.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 06:18 PM
Grady. I felt compelled to respond to your call for thread closure. This particular issue, the twins, is indeed old. The larger issue of bigotry and its place within the protection of freedom of expression is so very important and needs discussion.

Personally, my views as expressed earlier, are some views are incompatible with freedom of expression. Just where those lines are is where the debate lies.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 06:25 PM
My objection to this discussion, and I believe I made this quite clear, stemmed from the hate being spewed toward these children. I shouldn't have to point out the irony of people calling from violence against these little girls because of the way the are raised.

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