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Originally posted by mirello
I've always heard all of you guys talking about how the mpaa, and riaa reacts to people illeagly downloading movies and music, well if you were working in these industrys, what would you do?
The owners and operators of the Grokster peer-to-peer (P2P) network -- the lead and most well-known defendants in one of the Supreme Court's seminal decisions this year -- agreed today (Nov. 7) to shut down operations to settle the three-year-old piracy case with the nation's major record companies, motion picture studios and music publishers.
The settlement includes a permanent injunction prohibiting infringement, directly or indirectly, of any of the plaintiffs' copyrighted works. This includes ceasing immediately the distribution of the Grokster client application and ceasing to operate the Grokster system and software. An RIAA spokesperson also said Grokster is to pay the plaintiff companies $50 million in damages.
A consent judgment will be submitted to U.S. District Court for the Central District of California court today for its approval.
Originally posted by Ponderosa
These artists still get paid millions of dollars, so do producers and the like. They should be more concerned on whether their art is affecting people, reaching people, and more important things than dollars and cents. I do feel bad for those unfortunate enough to be laid off due to loses taken in these industries, maybe if they paid the people at the top a bit less and shared the wealth.
Originally posted by The Parallelogram
As for me, I have no compunctions against downloading music. The artists are able to live exorbitant lifestyles at the expense of their listeners, and the activities of my fellow thieves and I have yet to affect this fact.
Originally posted by Sport Kensington
This is how bands should make their money: The band gigs all over. A friend buys their CD at their show. He likes the music. He copies the CD and gives it to his buddy...his buddy likes it...his buddy makes a copy and passes it to a friend. Soon, 5 of the first guys friends like the band and are going to make sure they go see them live when they come to town. They pay the $15 to see the band, they buy a $25 t shirt at the show, and a $5 bumper sticker.
Screw record companies. Bands should make their money by live shows. The music should be free, the band should make their money off the tickets and schwag they can sale at the show.
Originally posted by Shadowflux
If I were in the RIAA I would stop screwing over musicians. These agents and corporate suits steal everything from the artists. Think about it, a cd costs you 20 dollars. That money goes to pay for the agent, the laywers, the marketing execs, the owner of the company, the limosuines, the mansions, the private jets, the caviar, the store you bought it in, the graphic designer, the factory workers, the factory owner and if there's anything left over it goes to the musician.
What musicians should do is bypass the music industry and directly market to the fans who're downloading the music. Make a reasonable price per song or another method of payment. Increase merchandising and go on tour. The reason people still "steal" music is because they can either pay 20 dollars for a cd or pay 99 cents a song (there're generally 20 songs on a cd). These days a band can handle it's own distribution and marketing.
Originally posted by mirello
uh guys, about every single argument you've got is nullified by itunes, I keep hearing "they make 1 song and crap up 9 more to fill up an album" WELL, #ING DOWNLOAD IT ON ITUNES FOR 1$ IF YOUR TOO CHEAP FOR 20$, Also, how does if your not going to pay for it in the first place make it not stealing, lets say i buy a candy bar and never eat it, does that entitle me too a free one, no
Originally posted by SportyMB
Music should not be ALL about the bucks. What would Hendrix and Van Zant say about this??? They would probably give a loud verbal FU to all the Metallicas out there. There are some things that surpass the laws in the books.....and the love of music is one of them.
If I were a big-time musician like Nelly, Metallica or whoever else...I would be honored for people to listen to my music. There are some kids who cant afford to buy the latest CD.....why not let them enjoy your music.
Originally posted by UofCinLAPeople here - you do realize that for every major star act there are about a hundred that never break even for the label. That is what the stealing really hurts and why the cost structure is so high....Now, artists can embrace giving it away to get the name out and hope to recoup in live shows and the like or they can stick to their guns and protect their copyrights. Tough call for any musician....
Originally posted by ANOKAnd the musicians themselves are just selling their soul to the devil for fame and fortune, so to speak.Instead of just excepting the music industry set up, musicians and bands need to change the set up.
Some have tried and succeeded to survive on the outside, some have tried and failed (but it takes more than some to kill it totaly)...Not because it's too difficult, but because promotion and distribution is controlled by the "music industry". If you do it by your self you may be lucky and get your CD in independent record stores for sale.
Stores that don't count to wards Chart positions. Very hard to generate sales with no radio or TV promotion.
You don't have to be a good musician to get a contract, you just have to be sellable...The studio and session musicians will take care of the playing.
Originally posted by boogyman
Am I guilty of copyright infringement for whistling a tune or writing down the notation of how a song goes. .
Originally posted by boogyman
Am I guilty of illegal file sharing if I sing a Beatles song to my girlfriend and she then remembers it? Those are unauthorized copies and by the logic of the corporatist what I am doing is thievery. When you break it down to its logical conclusion it all sounds kind of ridiculous or at least it does to me.
What is a computer but an external memory device?
It stores data the same way my brain does (not literally of course) so why should the laws be any different for either?
In both cases the memory is extracted and then replayed for my benefit.
I can understand the prosecution of true thievery of intellectual property true thievery where a man takes the credit for another mans inspiration and profits by his theft. I cannot understand the logic behind the current application of copyright law.
Originally posted by josyk81
Here we go I'll tell you what I'll do to help out these poor musicians who are losing so much money on their crappy one hit cd's. I will take over their job and let as many people who want to download my music and they can take over my job and they will never again have to suffer the terrible inconvienience of having someone "steal their music" and I will profit from it. Maybe this is a good thing for music in the long run. Instead of record companies signing any idiot with a guitar maybe this teaches them to go out and acutally find quality musicians and bands who have more than one hit in them.
Originally posted by josyk81
Here we go I'll tell you what I'll do to help out these poor musicians who are losing so much money on their crappy one hit cd's. I will take over their job and let as many people who want to download my music and they can take over my job and they will never again have to suffer the terrible inconvienience of having someone "steal their music" and I will profit from it. Maybe this is a good thing for music in the long run. Instead of record companies signing any idiot with a guitar maybe this teaches them to go out and acutally find quality musicians and bands who have more than one hit in them.
Originally posted by Munro_DreadGod
Its not an easy process creating these games and apps keep going the way we are and we will see a marked decline in production both in Music and Software so be warned