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To all of you piraters, what would you do?

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posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 02:57 PM
Still hearing lots of rationalization behind taking something that doesn't belong to you.

Really, I don't care what you do... You're the one who has to answer for it. Just as I have to answer for my own shortcomings... But, I really dislike having to rationalize my various activities and have people look at me and wonder if my word is worth as much as I think it is.

Last post. I really don't want to anger you all. Just wanted to see if there was any real reason for doing the pirating thing... And it doesn't appear that there is, unless you want to be "flexible" in your principles (Thanks for that one Wyrdeone).

See you all around the various forums. Take care, all.

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 08:56 PM
You know I haven't notice anybody go after the music industry for blatant theft of songs and ideas from African-American blues musicians, that most modern rock music is based on.

The music industry is built on theft and cheating of musicians and fans...

Theft of ideas and music is rampant in the music biz, it always has been.

Why feel sorry for them loosing a few dollars from pirates?

They're just experiencing karma in action.

And the musicians themselves are just selling their soul to the devil for fame and fortune, so to speak.
Instead of just excepting the music industry set up, musicians and bands need to change the set up.
Some have tried and succeeded to survive on the outside, some have tried and failed (but it takes more than some to kill it totaly)...Not because it's too difficult, but because promotion and distribution is controlled by the "music industry". If you do it by your self you may be lucky and get your CD in independent record stores for sale.
Stores that don't count to wards Chart positions. Very hard to generate sales with no radio or TV promotion.

You don't have to be a good musician to get a contract, you just have to be sellable...The studio and session musicians will take care of the playing.

The "music industry" sucks, as do musicians that support it...

Money kills Art...

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by mirello
I've always heard all of you guys talking about how the mpaa, and riaa reacts to people illeagly downloading movies and music, well if you were working in these industrys, what would you do?


I'd QQ in small talk convos about it. other than that I most likely wouldn't care.

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 09:11 PM
What would I do? Get a haircut and get a real job.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 04:11 PM
When a cd got to £18/$30 here I stopped buying them

I havent bought one in years and I will never pay a penny towards groups that sue their customers, rip them off with price fixing and screw over the artists.

If I was in the RIAA, I kill myself along with all the other blood sucking leech criminals in the same building!

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 02:02 AM
You know there ARE artists who actually support the use of p2p networks and are not all in it for the cash. Because they are getting the chance to be heard world wide that fact alone grants them a moment of a life-time. I believe that would satisfy me enough, also.

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 08:38 AM
Log the IP's... most folks d/l their "black" stuff - sift the data with a discriminator program... subpeona the ISP records and knock on your door and collect and crush your computers (after analysis and enumeration of what other filth you have accumulated) and throw your sorry thievin' parasitic butts in jail. I write some resource risk analysis software for a living - so I'm biased. Ever hear of self-defending data? It's coming.

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 08:45 AM

well if you were working in these industrys, what would you do?

Charge a reasonable price for a CD maybe??? (like $10) And concentrate on CD extras, informative CD jackets, etc.

Concentrate on tours, the real money makers...

Just a thought....

[edit on 17-8-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by highgroundsys0p
Log the IP's... most folks d/l their "black" stuff - sift the data with a discriminator program... subpeona the ISP records and knock on your door and collect and crush your computers (after analysis and enumeration of what other filth you have accumulated) and throw your sorry thievin' parasitic butts in jail. I write some resource risk analysis software for a living - so I'm biased. Ever hear of self-defending data? It's coming.

So it's OK that the music industry is based on theft?

I guess it's OK to steal as long as there is a profit being made from it?

Writing resource risk analysis is a different story than the the issue of the music industry.

Is your software based on the theft of work and ideas of other people?

Is your software part of the conditioning of the population to purchase the crap they choose to push on us?

This is not a black and white issue. There is more to DL music than just simple "theft".

Like I said, most of that music was stolen in the first place and huge profits are being made from that theft. I don't make a penny DL anything.

As usual the true perpetuators of theft and cheating are allowed to continue and the general public becomes the scapegoat.

Also your solution would never happen because it's all a scam and you would just lose a big piece of your market.
See my rant on the Sony corp. They profit form both the legal music industry AND the pirating of music (CD-R media etc...).

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 06:06 PM
It is not OK for any industry to be based on anything other than the rule of law...
It is not OK to steal for profit or any other reason...
I paid large to learn how to write the code I craft (not just coin) either... intellectual property is property - music, software, art - same story.
Uh, the software I write allows insurance companies to model risk in the resource sector... uh I guess that is a conditioning of a type.
Theft is theft - there is no black or white - just untrustworthy folks vs the folks I'd trust my daughter with...
If most of the music was "stolen" in the first place hadn't you better get busy and change some laws? File some suits?
That you don't make a penny on d/l - OK - you are still a thief - just not a profitable thief.
The true perpetrators of theft are those who steal that which they are not entitled to... I don't see a warrant issued for the general public - do you?
That folks are being charged with digital theft is a solution.
Uh, my market is under contract for the next 10 years - they do pay well.
I don't need to see any rant on SONY - law applies to them just like you.
That they profit either way is just smart biz and I welcome you to pursue them for unethical behaviour...
If you wish to change laws - go right ahead.
I'd also suggest a grade school level course on ethics and a visit with your face in a mirror at least once a day.
Think the RIAA may be interested in you? Then keep a lower profile - cuz if they want you then there isn't too much in the way of protection anymore.
EVERYTHING is logged ace. Contact your ISP - they'll tell you.
I mean the mp3 thing is now a decade old anyway - wouldn't you already have stolen all the data you want by now?
Or are you as greedy as those about which you seem complain?
If you don't like the way things are change them.

[edit on 17-8-2005 by highgroundsys0p]

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 06:39 PM
I notice everyone so far has jumped on the two opposing sides of the most popular piracy topic, and forgotten the one that dwarfs music piracy piracy.

Pirate a cd and only 18 to 30$ is lost, jack a copy of MS Windows XP SP2 and right there goes 200$, MS Office and you have a couple hundred extra zapped, Adobe anything and your looking at nearly a grand! I think I remember hearing somewhere that like a quarter or more of the desktop computers of the world are running pirated software and/or operating systems. Wonder why that is? Because they are being charged an enormous ammount for software than 9 out of 10 times has a far superior Open Source counterpart, and I'm not just talking about linux either. Dispite the myth that free software doesnt work or is junk its been proven that it can and does work. Linux market share grows every year, Firefox is one of the fastest growing cross-platform browsers ever, Java (the sdk) enables programmer to write portable code and is becoming a career path all its own...and all those things are free to the public.

What it really boils down to for the most part is that the record execs, the software companies, and everyone else bitching about piracy are mad because the people they have milked for so long are suddenly finding ways to return the favor and that pisses them off to no end.

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by highgroundsys0p
I'd also suggest a grade school level course on ethics and a visit with your face in a mirror at least once a day.
Think the RIAA may be interested in you? Then keep a lower profile - cuz if they want you then there isn't too much in the way of protection anymore.
EVERYTHING is logged ace. Contact your ISP - they'll tell you.
I mean the mp3 thing is now a decade old anyway - wouldn't you already have stolen all the data you want by now?
Or are you as greedy as those about which you seem complain?
If you don't like the way things are change them.

Ethics? Don't make me laugh dude!

When I actually come across a corporate music company that is "ethical" I will reverse my stand....

So what I'm a thief, I'M A THIEF!!!!! I'M A THIEF!!!!!!! That name don't bother me...In fact I'd be proud to steal yo # buba! I'm the software cracking king hahahaha!

LOL seriously, what is theft really? Personally I consider the labour taken to produce the crap they sell us IS THEFT...

Again, let's bail out the basement, (prosecute the DL ers) and leave the holes in the roof (allowing theft from us by the corporations to continue).

HAhaha and you think I'm worried about the RIAA?? Get real...

I'm not scared of your laws that you cling to like it's the only life raft there is.

Actually "ace", I very rarely DL music at all, it's got nothing to do with greed on my part. Again take a look at corporations like SONY if you want to talk to me about greed.
I don't understand why people take the side of the corporations all the time? Oh wait I do...It's the capitalist myth of wealth and happiness for all.

Music has been stolen from the people, mainstreamed, controlled, commercialised, packaged, and sold back to us at a profit.

I think your anger would be more useful for society if it was directed at the music industry, not the hand that has fed it for way too long.

As a musician who has "been there" and gave back the t-shirt I say STEAL IT BACK, any way you can.

[edit on 17/8/2005 by ANOK]

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 08:59 PM
I don't get angry... you can if you'd like.
Nice confession:
"So what I'm a thief, I'M A THIEF!!!!! I'M A THIEF!!!!!!! That name don't bother me...In fact I'd be proud to steal yo buba! I'm the software cracking king hahahaha!"

Should've played nice... not wise to mess around... so your the King eh?
Mitnick thought he was King too... back in the day
Good - that Midas touch will sit well with the authorities - If your any good come and "get" me... yawn - 'nuther amateur with no grunt - yawn.
Young folks with your lack of restraint and decorum are entertaining -
Bye Bye ANOK... Proud or no a thief by any other name...

PS. Don't answer the door 2morrow unless you have your 7 pass del bat at the ready.

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 11:26 PM
I tend to agree with Anok.

There is no law behind closed doors, no matter how much you would like it to be. Society is and always has been polarized into that section of the populace that chooses to lie still while the government and their televisions chain them down and those that choose to ignore these immaterial fetters.

The criminals have always had the advantage of numbers, and we're a hell of a lot more spirited about our jobs than you other lot. You keep saying you'll stamp us out tomorrow, and we'll keep doing whatever we decide is right

[edit on 17-8-2005 by The Parallelogram]

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by highgroundsys0p
Should've played nice... not wise to mess around... so your the King eh?
Mitnick thought he was King too... back in the day
Good - that Midas touch will sit well with the authorities - If your any good come and "get" me... yawn - 'nuther amateur with no grunt - yawn.
Young folks with your lack of restraint and decorum are entertaining -
Bye Bye ANOK... Proud or no a thief by any other name...

PS. Don't answer the door 2morrow unless you have your 7 pass del bat at the ready.

LOL did you notice I said "seriously" right after that rant? I was pulling your chain man, relax and have fun for a change. Life is about more than money and profits (or should be).

Yeah, I'm running a multi million dollar pirating scam

So the "authorities" will be coming to take me in for having an opinion eh?

And you would turn someone in for expressing their opinion?

Have you ever copied a movie to a video? Or taped a song from the radio?
Or what about CD's loaned from the library? Or bought used, is that stealing? I mean if you buy used isn't that depriving the music industry of profit because you didn't buy new?
This sort of stuff has been going on since SONY and other music industry giants made it possible. They brought it on themselves, I have absolutely NO sympathy for them.
Would you turn in your Mother for copying something?

What if I found a way to make copies of a Porsche, which caused no loss to the company, and I shared it with friends, would that be stealing?

Keep worshipping the "beast" if you must, but don't expect me to do the same.

Anyway I was just making a point, if you want to take it so personally that's your problem. Work I did, ideas I came up with were stolen by the music industry and you expect me to play fair with them?

You must be a corporate wanna be?

And BTW I'm probably older than you so be careful about making assumptions based on nothing but your limited idea of how other people think. And I thought I was playing nice, you're the one that attacked first, I just gave it back.

BTW Mitnick was busted for Hacking not cracking software.

And WTF is a "7 pass del bat"

AP&F...cooperation not corporation!

[edit on 18/8/2005 by ANOK]

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 01:52 AM
Heres a thought to consider out of all these lawsuits being filed not a single one
has made it to court and been proven to be theft.
The music companys are merely bullying people into settling out of court as it stands file sharing is not a crime
I personaly believe the music industry are killing themselves with these suits in the long run any company that harasses it's customers is ultimately doomed down the line

posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 02:23 AM
"Such pirating now is so pervasive that record sales have been in decline. It has had an immediate impact, and it's devastating to the industry," says New York entertainment and copyright attorney Michael Friedman. True, CD sales are in decline, but the situation is hardly so bad as the industry wants the public to believe, critics respond. The Nielsen Soundscan figures show that 687 million CDs were sold in 2003 compared with 693 million in 2002 - a decline of less than 1 percent."

Wow! if I'm to bring the record industry to it's knees I'd better start DL songs 24/7

"So are bullying and scare tactics the way to win back that 1 percent? Chuck D of rap group Public Enemy thinks not. "Lawsuits on 12-year-old kids for downloading music, duping a mother into paying a $2,000 settlement for her kid? Those tactics are pure gestapo," he says."

[edit on 18/8/2005 by ANOK]

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by highgroundsys0p
Bye Bye ANOK

The only thing going Bye Bye is this thread I think

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by JIMC5499
If I hear enough songs to know that I am going to like an album then I'll buy it. I have bought several albums after listeng to downloaded songs. I have heard enough that I have liked to justify the investment in the CD.

Thats actually a very good point! I think I've spent more money on CD's since file sharing came into being, than I ever have in my life.

posted on Aug, 19 2005 @ 06:05 AM

Only then I think would the MPAA and RIAA have a moral standing on which to base their claims against pirates. They fill the record stores and movie screens with so much crap, it's hard to feel sorry for them at all.

I download songs and movies not because I'm unwilling to pay for good ones, but because I have a hard time finding songs and movies I like. Everything advertised or played on the radio is just crap, so I have to find other ways of hearing music I like so that I may make the decision to buy it. While some outlets like amazon or Itunes store may try to catch on to this idea by giving you '30 second previews' of songs, it's not the same. I have to listen to a song several times, in its entirety, before I make a decision whether or not I like it.

Is piracy immoral? Sure, but I don't think it's anywhere near as bad for society as the dumbing-down of our populace we get from the RIAA and MPAA's member corporations.

Also, one last thing I would do is to QUIT TRYING TO SUBVERT THE CONSTITUTION. 90 year copyright terms are NOT what the founding fathers had in mind.

-koji K.

[edit on 19-8-2005 by koji_K]

[edit on 19-8-2005 by koji_K]

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