I'm happy that the point of this thread wasn't lost all ya'll..
To reitterate.. "If a real war HAD been declared on the US by radical Islam and had even a SHREAD of support by an Islamic state... we'd see attacks
like this happening constantly, consistantly and consecutively. Since we do not see them, and we know that our leaders are completely inept and
boarder security is a total joke then the threat of Islamic Terror is GROSSLY exagerated and more then likely almost nonexistant."
Actually we've heard this before..
.. so this is nothing new. I just wanted to point out just how easy it is to strike fear and terror in to the hearts of the general population without
using airplanes.
BTW, statements like this..
"and seriously people please stop being so specifics with your ideas of the next terrorist attacks this isnt a videogame i wouldnt be the least bit
surprised if theyre are people with terrorist ties who read ATS and all you are doing is giving them ideas."
.. are laughable. You have to be kidding me if you expect me to believe that AQ can't come up with their own ideas. YOU HONESTLY THINK AQ is sitting
around reading ATS, because they are OUT of ideas? Or that they can't plan TWO attacks at once? THE
FRELLING POINT in the first place, and
I'm SURE that I stated that in my second post only TWO posts above yours; that
"since I'm NOT ACTUALLY IN the biz of killing people and I can
come up with all sorts of horrific ideas then the people who actually DO want to conduct these types of ops should have NO PROBLEM coming up with
their own plans" and FOR THAT MATTER you might as well tell Hollywood to stop producing because by YOUR logic movies will also...
"Give the terrorists ideas."
For that matter we better close down the WEAPONS and TECHNOLOGY sections of ATS because of course we don't want them finding out about all of our
SECRETS.. (lol).
"I don't think any terror attacks should happen. This type of speculation is just wrong."
.. no its not "wrong". Wrong is taking someones words out of context and suggesting that I believe that these attacks IN GENERAL SHOULD JUST
HAPPEN. Did you not get the part about "..SHOULD happen IF there IS an Islamic Terror Campaign against the West"? Or did you just decide to ignore
that IMPORTANT aspect of the thread after everyone pointed it out (including ME... again.. this would be the 3rd time now) repeatedly? Oh btw,
"WRONG" is also suggesting that SOME TOPICS are TABOO and NOT to be talked about.. this is JUST what TPTB who are engineering these wars WANT you to
think. Or NOT think actually.
If you can't understand something when its finally broken down to you IN A SERIES of posts (how many times has the MEANING of my inital post been
REexplained in this same thread by HOW many people?) then what are you doing here? Please finish highschool english before you try to engage the rest
of us in any sort of meaningfull communication. Thanks in advance!
Oh one other thing.. (my god some people just can not see their hand in front of their face, can they?) ..
Charliegrs: ANYTHING to believe that there REALLY is some threat out there out to GET YOU eh? You can't just look at the facts and realize that
you've been lied to and the ONLY REASON there HAS NOT been ANOTHER ATTACK is because THERE IS NO AQ and NO Islamic war against the WEST (not for lack
of trying BY the west itself). You think they can't PLAN more then ONE attack at a time? My god.
Soulstice: I came up with #1 BEFORE Syriana was released. WTF are you refering to specifically? #6? (lol)
To end on a postive note..
Xmotex / Irontyrant, thanks for letting me know that ATS hasn't become COMPLETELY useless. And..
"Could it be that the Islamist menace is not nearly the threat it's cracked up to be?"
.. could not have said it in less words myself.