... was looking for it for awhile too.
The point I was trying to make (while hopefully starting a good thread chock full of examples of why my point is strong) was that if there WAS Islamic
Fundementalist Terrorists (IFTs) out to get people scared and aware of the fact that they hate us for our freedoms then they'd have done it..
multiple times over. There is an easy list of ideas I just came up with out of the blue (or have been mulling over for awhile like "How long before
someone does X"?) and I have NO INTENTION of actually killing anyone.. IMAGINE IF YOU WILL NOW, someone who is paid to actually think up these things
and is
dead set on actually hurting people.
Okay so why haven't they happened?
TheShroudOfMemphis: One of the few on ATS worth their salt, gets it right again. Thanks buddy.
FatherLukeDuke: Are you even MINORLY aware at what a VERY SMALL percentage of muslims that actually want (or perhaps wanted to - things have changed
since 1000s of them have been killed in the last 6 years - which was sort of the point anyways - create terrorists if even they didn't exist) to kill
and hurt people, mostly brainwashed dumbasses for the most part. Not a SERIOUS THREAT anyways!
Thats the problem with this whole "terrorist"
thing.. if you use common sense; anyone so unstable enough to actually want to kill and hurt people in a terrorist attack doesn't have their "head"
together enough to actually pull it off. This is why terror is such a nobrainer non-threat to begin with and why things like "boarder security"
aren't such serious topics that anything is actually being done about it. ITS WHY Bush wasn't moved out of the elementary school on 9-11.. because
the only terror attacks that do happen are always "under control". They only happen because they were "allowed to happen". And there is always a
pile of conspiracy theories surrounding them because there are always so many suspicious events surrounding them BECAUSE of the level of control that
is in place that gives the fact that its an engineered event away.
My point is that if they really wanted to get us, they could. They can. And in most cases, no one would know anything was going to happen until it was
too late.
(except maybe in the extreme case of the nukes for blackmail idea - but still why nuclear blackmail hasn't occured I don't know - you ONLY NEED ONE
NUKE and they won't want to wait to see if you have a second, they'll assume that you do after one of their cities goes missing)
"Where is the terror?"
McGrude: PERFECT EXAMPLE MAN! Actually I wanted to include that one in mine but forgot it. YES!
we are having THIS YEAR TOO?! It would be a long time before anyone even started to suspect "terror" too. The HEAT and SMOKE you'd put up in the
sky over the US too!? Now there is a SIMPLE TERROR ATTACK, I DO wait to see happen every single year in the US and Canada, and IT NEVER SEEMS to start
up. You could put a ciggarrette in to a pack of matches and drive away.. before long the smoke burns down to the match heads, they ignite.. and the
dry brush catches fire and you could do that for days.. all the way up the country and not get caught.
To everyone who was worried about terrorists and writers getting ideas: THAT is the point... first of all they SHOULD HAVE already thought of these
ideas... never mind me having to point them out.. AND the only reason I point them out is because they are NO BRAINER terror attacks.. just SIMPLE AND
OBVIOUS (for the most part) ... IN FACT... what YOU SHOULD be worried about is HOLLYWOOD stealing YOUR IDEAS from these message boards... NOT
TERRORISTS! Don't believe me?
Read the first example again, and go watch the end of "THE SYRIANA"!
Should I sue or what?
Maybe I should go write for hollywood?