posted on Aug, 9 2005 @ 04:19 PM
Speed boats with reinforced hulls.. loaded with explosives. Two at a time. One rushes toward a supertanker.. with another right behind it. First one
impacts the tankers, second one impacts the impact point.. breaking through any double hulls.
Tell me that would not really really really screw things up. And like, as if this would be hard to pull off. If they can do the Cole, they can do a
supertanker. And another and another, until supertankers all need escorts or phalanxes on them... oil would rise to like.. $1000 a barrel or something
over here anyways.
Fly a plane in to the WTC to cause fear and scare the crap out of the world eh? How about this...
... I live in a huge apartment complex with three 20 story buildings all facing each other.
You (as a terrorist) rent an apartment. You let the owner know that you'll be coming in in the early morning to move in the furniture so that you
have easy access to the elevators and don't disrupt the normal routine around the complex... the owner is cool with that.
So you are 'moving in on the first'. On the 31st.. a giant moving van (one of the big long ones) pulls in to the center parking lot at about 4am.
And loaded down with explosives... detonates... wiping out 3 cement buildings and 10,000 people in their sleep.
Much easier to pull off... and no one living in a complex would ever feel safe again. All large trucks moving towards any apartment complex would have
to be inspected before moving towards the building.. OR, for that matter in to the underground parking lot.. a la WTC in 93.
Imagine this happening in several states at once... in one evening.
The London bus bombing... uh... why not hit the Live8 concert that went down a few days earlier? Why not hit every concert? It makes no sense at all
that "Mr Bomb Maker" didn't want to put his explosives to the most efficiant use possible. Blow up people at the of the stage, then as everyone
rushes to the rear, blow up that area too. Etc..etc.. just keep the presure on the event... all the other events would instantly be evacuated... and
never another mega concert is ever held... not without major, airport like security at each one (like in the end, that would be very effective -
Here on Canada day... (and in Canada.. you are allowed to roam around the parlement buildings.. get as close to it as you want... unlike the White
House, you can have a picnic on the lawn of of our countries HQ) ... there were police checking bags as we entered the concert area... doing a total
half assed job at it too... in fact.. they looked in ONE pocket in my saddle bag, when there were 3 or 4 that could have had a layer of explosive in
it and a layer of nuts and bolts on top of it. NO dogs at all.
Easy kills.
30 shopping days left until Xmas.... hit ....several WalMarts all at once across several states... boom.... do it again a few days later.
There goes the economy that year. The Internet becomes the safest way to shop all of a sudden... go figure.
Remember the belt way sniper? Remember the disruption it caused? Okay, well imagine that going down in 50 states all at once. 50 shooters, 50
spotters. All you gotta do is get from "Syria" (or whatever) and in to Mexico (or canada), and then cross the boarder and then get your 50 cal off
the street.... or from a store in some cases in some states.
Hell, just send ONE at a time... make it so that there is ALWAYS one sniper lurking around in one state... when he gets caught...activate or send
OR... just get a team together in the US.. go get some AKs from the local mosque (lol yeah, whatever) and do small raids on small towns. 3am, with
silencers on the weapons.. the team breaks down in to seperate teams.. and each team goes from farm to farm slowly wiping out each family one at a
time. Leave a bomb in each home, timed to go off when the operation is completed and your ready to egress. That'll leave the authorities thinking
that something went down ... that the perps are still around, even though they have moved on to the next rural community or suberbia... or perhaps
then do a suicide run down Wall Street.
OR, disguise yourself as a rival LA gang.. do a drive by on one gang... then dress up as the other gang and "retaliate".. gang wars explode all over
the US.
Poison a drug supply with Ricin or Anthrax.. this has been discussed.
FIVE (complicated0
Get your 'nukes' all in line (hey.. apparently there are 50 ready to go anyways right.. so says WND). Stick one in each SEMI major city. Park a
control van near the White House, or CNN for that matter. Send a message to Wolf Blitzer that Detroit has about 15 minutes longer to exist... and then
15 minutes later call back and say "Its me again.. okay.. THAT was an act of mercy, because we know... we know how much your auto industry needed to
be 'put down' and out of its misery.. but next one ain't going to be so kind, and trust me.. there are a few more cities that are about to be
turned in to large holes (not that anyone would really notice the difference actually).. here is what has to happen.. Bush has to walk out on to the
White House front lawn to be executed by a man who will be waiting there for him. Actually.. send Dick too. Screw it... send out all of them, there is
a man with a enough clips for all of them standing by... if you do this, then in 30 minutes one of the populations of one of your cities will be
spared for a bit longer.. if the executioner is harmed or if our control vehical is attacked.. we'll just vaporise DC and ya know.. we get what we
wanted anyways... actually.. if anyone or anything tries to approach our control van, we'll just detonate ALL of the nukes all at once... so don't
bother, you've lost the war on terror that you have declared... but you should be use to losing these make believe wars by now anyways... so since we
don't REALLY want to kill anymore innocents.. lets just get this over with now okay? OH! And btw, once the US leadership is completely wiped out (we
also have agents standing by to take everyone out at the local state level... they should be saying their goodbyes at this point - just to let you
know) everything will be directed from then on from an undisclosed location in the M.E. and the American citizens (providing the leadership surrenders
RIGHT NOW) have nothing else to fear from us... nothing will be done to them that was not done to us in our home countries... so you have nothing to
lose in this situation and everything to gain from here on in... hell, you should be thanking us."
30 minutes goes by... and OF COURSE.. the cowards say "We don't negotiate with terrorists."
So Houston disappears.
Now there are riots in every major US city, and people are storming the White House to drag 'the fearless leaders outside' to put an end to the
nuclear attacks.
You get the picture.. one by one, the cities are turned to rubble. Perhaps the whole thing was financed by Russia or China in the first place, you can
not tell me that they wouldn't prefer that the US was removed from face of the planet. And you can't tell me that they couldn't set this up.
Either way "OBL" (or whoever) would have won at this point.
I actually don't know why this script hasn't been made in to a film yet actually. Probablly because its on the drawing board somewhere.
For now. What do you think? Any scenarios to add to the list of things that should have happened but have not?
PS: Any idea as to why 9-11 happened and there WAS NO follow up like this? I mean besides the fact that the whole thing was a fix... yeah, you don't
have to remind me about that.
[edit on 9/8/2005 by Vis Mega]