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Nazi’s and Arab Jihadist’s – Working together for world peace…"HEIL ALLAH!"

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posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by skippytjc

Go ahead, find just one statement out of every post I have ever made where I call ALL of a race or group (other than terrorists) one thing or another. You cant because I never have. You ASSUME.

Gosh, Can anyone play? Because I just love a challenge!
I got bored after these comments, but there's plenty more out there:

After all : They are all Muslim of some kind, and that’s enough for them to combine their efforts to further their identical agendas.

Need training in the "weapon of peace", the AK-47? No worries, just head to your local mosque, they will be happy to help...

And Im sure you can learn how to use an Ak on any corner...So long as there is a Mosque there.

How can mainstream Islam critisize non Muslims reactions to news of this nature when they dont do anything about it? Even though the vast majority of Muslims dont share the extremists views, they are in a way responsible for it.

You also fail to see who needs to take the responsibility for Islamic terrorists and Islamic extremists: Islam does.

But if Muslims continue to leave that choice up to NON Muslims, we will continue to make choices in OUR best interests.

Islamic extremists who conduct terror are Islams problem.

And one of my very favorites:

Yeah baby! - "Congressman: Mecca a possible retaliation target"
Now were talking! about time somebody on the hill grew some nuggets.


Is that a pin dropping I heard?

[edit on 5-8-2005 by Benevolent Heretic]

Cute. There are only few refferences there that pertain to all Muslims, and niether are derogatory statments.

Refferences to all Muslims that arent derogatory are not dacist comments.

Your little effort failed.

Saying Muslims extremisist are all Muslims responsibility" is not a racist comment.

Feable attempt

[edit on 5-8-2005 by skippytjc]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 03:55 PM
And the vicious circle continues..........

Wheras white supremacy is looked down upon in every major Western Nation; getting slim to no support from the majority whatsoever, Islamic supremacists are regarded as holy warriors and the keepers of Islam. There has not been one, and I mean one, demonstration against Islamic fundalmentalists, whether they be Muhajadijn calling for the death of Israel and the U.S, or fundalmentalist clerics decrying the "Satan Verses', and issuing a death sentence to the author (Sal Rushdie), in any predominantly Islamic nation.

Why is that?

Could it be that maybe, even though it may be wrong to accept such idiocy, they have a certain amount of cultural pride in who they are?

Or, or they scared of speaking up, and are actually against terrorist acts, knowing if they disagreed with the opinions of their government they could 'secretly disappear'? And if this is the case, they move to the West to seek political asylum, and still voice no opposition to terrorist activities.

Or, do they really regard their Muhajidijn as holy warriors, and support they're acts of violence?

See, people in the West have a different attitude towards radicalism. Neo-Nazi groups are a joke. The KKK is a joke. Aryan NAtions is a Joke. World Church of the Creator is a joke. These people have such a small percentage of supporters, that they have to hide somewhere in Utah to rant. Radical Islam is mainstream and rampant through almost every major Muslim country. There are no protests against it. The are no marches. There are no 'human-chains' formed around foreign residencies to protect them (as the 'inhuman' Westerners did for the Muslims, in Iraq and Palestine).

Many Westerners are angry about this. We saw peace protesters getting hammered by police here in the West: protesting a war against the same people that are sworn to destroy them.


posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by skippytjc
That’s a lot of stretching and assuming to get to your point. I hate to disappoint you, but this post is about Arab Jihadist’s, not all Arabs, and quite frankly it’s racist and short sighted of you to assume I mean all Arabs.

And as far as Dubya is concerned: You will never get my goat by insulting him, as I don’t care for him either. But again, you assume that all Saudi's are pro Jihad, and that’s another stereotype by you.

You need to be a little more tolerant of other types of people and races other than your own kind Sep. Its funny, the Neo Nazi's stereotype like that....

First- I think it was kind of obvious to every one that I was refering to the Saudi Royal family and their support for the Jihad.

Second- Feel free to answer the question. If the supporters of Jihad and the supporters of the supporters of Jihad are Nazis does that make Mr Bush a Nazi, I am not insulting the man, I didnt say he is a nazi, but I want to get your opinion.

Third-please dont call my views as Neo Nazi. Please try to answer my posts without the insults.

[edit on 5-8-2005 by Sep]

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 11:05 AM
Wow, this was quite an eyeopener! I have not read all the replies here. No time just now, sorry about that. I`ll read it later though.

The first that came to my mind is a place where there are both Nazies and Al Qaeda. Tiraspol, Transnistria/Transdnestr. A "lawless black hole forgotten by the whole world" and "the biggest weapons arsenal in Europe". Check it out. The reports of a possible Al Qaeda - Nazi connection might be very credible.

ATS: Tiraspol - Moldova - Mafia in Uniform

From that thread: Picture of a jewish tombstone in Tiraspol

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 10:38 AM
Found some more on the eerily similar goals of radical Islam and the Arian nation:

A few selections from the Aryan Nations website:
“There never was a holocaust I wish there were but unfortunately it's nothing but another jewish fable, a holohoax as we call it, used to extort money out of countries, companies and anyone who will listen to the poor crying jews!”
“we are NOT adherents of the christian cult and we do not call ourselves christians!”

“When speaking of Aryan Islam, I'm referring to the spiritual and intellectual movement of those idealistic Aryan youth who embrace the TRUE Islam of the Qur'an and Sunnah. They include those who join or support the honorable warriors of Islam, the Mujahideen. We are an increasing number and can't be dismissed as "race-traitors" or any other labels attached to us by those who don't practice the TRUE National Socialism of honor and nobility.”

“‘...a link is created between Islam and National-Socialism on an open, honest basis. It will be directed in terms of blood and race from the North, and in the ideological-spiritual sphere from the East.’ - Obergruppenführer Gottlob Berger; 1942”

“There is much information on the respect and cooperation that Adolf Hitler and others of the Third Reich had for Islam. This would be a good read for all those that claim to be National Socialists…”

“The jew is a parasite, an enemy of our Western Civilization.”

“Islam is our ally, and the 1500 cults all claiming to be “Christian” are our opposition…”

Sounds like a fun group huh?

It’s funny how common goals make the oddest combinations of people.

And I want to note: this post is referring to RADICAL Islam and Islamic extremists, not all of Islam. It’s sad I need to make such a disclaimer, but unfortunately I must as some people are just too racist to figure that out. And yes, that is a form of racism.

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 11:26 AM
Skippy i doubt even you yourself believe this rubbish your are trying to sell. Yes skinheads who's main idea of fun is to go out and kick the hell out of some "pakis" would really join up with muslim forces to help them bomb and maim there own race they believe is so great.

You think Bush's mindless followers would realise using lies and BS as there main point doesnt work... How many times has bush been caught lying now? Get over it skippy Iraq has been lost, theres no muslim hordes planning to invade your country and nobody is going to force you to prey 5 times. Try getting out a bit try life, instead of hiding on the internet fearing muslims.

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
First of all I find the Title Offensive and against the rules of the Board.

Second of all, it can HARDLY be called news, the stuff that comes out of WND - more like Pro-War Anti-Islamic Republica-Propaganda Machine. A free press for free people? Please!

Thirdly, why do Arabs have a Problem with Jews? Is it maybe the 50 year long occupation of Palestine?

And Finally, I am Sad to Inform you that your current Goverment and the House of Bush have alot more incommon with the Nazi's then all Muslims of this world combined.

Ha! I love how you speak up about this thread title, but you guys can crap on US soldiers all you want and its freedom of speech.

Skippy: You know you are on to something when the lefties start accusing you of being a racist. Its like their trump card that is pulled when they cant win an argument.

[edit on 30-12-2005 by Dronetek]

[edit on 30-12-2005 by Dronetek]

posted on Dec, 30 2005 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Dronetek

Skippy: You know you are on to something when the lefties start accusing you of being a racist. Its like their trump card that is pulled when they cant win an argument.

[0-12-2005 by Dronetek]

Yeah kind of like bringing unrelated threads into discussion...

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 07:56 PM
Good Thread - true to we need to be very careful the Nazi/Islamofascist Jihad has been full steam ahead for some time now.

Heinrich Himler inspects the Bosnian Muslim 13th Waffen SS division Hanjah.

George Lincoln Rockwell (center), Head of the American Nazi Party, at Black Muslim Meeting, Washington, D. C.
Members of the American Nazi Party attended one of the conventions of the Black Muslim movement in America with the aim of supporting its policy of racial segregation. The Nazi Party leader, who is shown here between two bodyguards, threatened Arnold that he would 'make a bar of soap' out of her because he found the presence of a Jewish woman photojournalist disturbing.

The New IslamoNazi, more dangerous than ever because there conviction's are stronger than life itself.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 10:07 PM
I love how whenever the "islamofascists" get brought up out of context pictures of random shiites celebrating the martyrdom of Imam Muhammad al-Sadr get posted.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 10:45 PM
Nothing out of context as far as i understand, they are all linked with a common cause.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 11:36 PM
It is relatively easy to find information about the connections between the Muslim Brotherhood, and Nazi Germany, al Qaeda, and Saudi Madrasas.

Just type two words in your favorite search engine and spend the evening reading.

Banna Nazi

You will find articles which detail that as early as 1938, Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, presented his own version of jihad in an essay called "The industry of death". In this article, he did not describe the horror of death but instead depicted death as an ideal to be longed for.

This particular interpretation of the meaning of jihad did not come about until the 1930´s. It should be noted that its concurrence with the arrival of a newly virulent antisemitism is verified in no uncertain terms.

Another excellent example of information, John Loftus published an article in August 2004 detailing the connections.

I wonder who used this tag on this thread?

Muslim bashing at its best

[edit on 12/31/05 by makeitso]

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 07:26 AM
So even if a few muslims have had dealings with the Nazis, doesnt mean theres a skinheads are going to help them.

Also while talking about google try typing "bush family hitler" and you get lots of interesting articles.

George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

So you think your leaders family help Hitler rise to power is acceptable?

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by HiddenReality
So even if a few muslims have had dealings with the Nazis, doesnt mean theres a skinheads are going to help them.

Also while talking about google try typing "bush family hitler" and you get lots of interesting articles.

George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

So you think your leaders family help Hitler rise to power is acceptable?

Heya Fella, all this skull duggery doesn't alter the fact that it's 2006 and the IslamoNazi's have carried out 3919 Dealy Terror attack's since 9/11.

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by NumberCruncher

Heya Fella, all this skull duggery doesn't alter the fact that it's 2006 and the IslamoNazi's have carried out 3919 Dealy Terror attack's since 9/11.

And how many innocent civilians do you think the US has killed since 9/11 with its "war on terror". Tens of thousands of innocent people have died in Iraq alone in America quest for cheap oil. Or do you not consider these people innocent?

And that number is stupidly high, im guessing you are counting bomb attacks in Iraq which are either carried out under US command or targetting US/Iraqi forces which is not a terrorist attack but a resistance effort.

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by HiddenReality

Originally posted by NumberCruncher

Heya Fella, all this skull duggery doesn't alter the fact that it's 2006 and the IslamoNazi's have carried out 3919 Dealy Terror attack's since 9/11.

And how many innocent civilians do you think the US has killed since 9/11 with its "war on terror". Tens of thousands of innocent people have died in Iraq alone in America quest for cheap oil. Or do you not consider these people innocent?

And that number is stupidly high, im guessing you are counting bomb attacks in Iraq which are either carried out under US command or targetting US/Iraqi forces which is not a terrorist attack but a resistance effort.

Most the Innocent death's in Iraq have been caused by IslamoNazi bombers, and the 3919 figure above is attack's not deaths, so there's 10's thousands of them, just going about there daily life's on every corner of the globe, and WHAMO dead -- Left wing apologist's like feeding Crocodiles son.

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by NumberCruncher

Most the Innocent death's in Iraq have been caused by IslamoNazi bombers, and the 3919 figure above is attack's not deaths, so there's 10's thousands of them, just going about there daily life's on every corner of the globe, and WHAMO dead -- Left wing apologist's like feeding Crocodiles son.

That is total rubbish what you are saying, the Iraqi resistance/terrorists whatever you want to call them have killed nowhere near as many civilians as the US military has. Not to mention most of the 3919 "terrorist attacks" have happened inside Iraq, a warzone where there is virtually no media coverage available so how are we to know if these are terrorist attacks or attacks against legitimate targets, or attacks carried out by US/UK specials ops to incite voilence and make gullible people like yourself believe that all Muslims are evil people who lust for blood of non muslims..

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 08:46 AM
Neo-nazis working with Islamofascists does seem kinda counterintuitive, but it isn't. I seem to recall back in the late 70's, early '80's, colonel Kaddafi of Libya held some sort of world terrorism congress, and representitives from various rascist groups, oops sorry, freedom fighters
were represented, including if I recall correctly neo's, as well as, naturally enough, islamic terrorists. You don't think a little networking wasn't going on there, get a clue.
So Skippy's post wasn't wrong at all, and no amount of calling him a hater, bigot, whateverer, will change that. Apparently, only western haters are allowed to add their inflammatory posts of hatred here. At least according to some, and you know who you are

The neo's and islamofascists have a stated common enemy, actually more than one if you stop and think about it, the state of Isreal and all that it represents, and the United States and all IT represents (freedoms that these two groups would just as soon not see people have).

[edit on 1-1-2006 by seagull]

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by HiddenReality

Originally posted by NumberCruncher

Most the Innocent death's in Iraq have been caused by IslamoNazi bombers, and the 3919 figure above is attack's not deaths, so there's 10's thousands of them, just going about there daily life's on every corner of the globe, and WHAMO dead -- Left wing apologist's like feeding Crocodiles son.

That is total rubbish what you are saying, the Iraqi resistance/terrorists whatever you want to call them have killed nowhere near as many civilians as the US military has. Not to mention most of the 3919 "terrorist attacks" have happened inside Iraq, a warzone where there is virtually no media coverage available so how are we to know if these are terrorist attacks or attacks against legitimate targets, or attacks carried out by US/UK specials ops to incite voilence and make gullible people like yourself believe that all Muslims are evil people who lust for blood of non muslims..

I just realised your nick name, your reality is Hidden, how fitting, please follow this link and learn that alot have but certainly not "most" of these 3919 terror attacks occurred inside Iraq.

Would you perhaps prefer that the Terrorists not been drawn to the Field of Battle in the Middle East but rather boarded Al Qaeda sponsored "holidays" to western countrys?


[edit on 083131p://51018 by NumberCruncher]

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by seagull
So Skippy's post wasn't wrong at all, and no amount of calling him a hater, bigot, whateverer, will change that. Apparently, only western haters are allowed to add their inflammatory posts of hatred here. At least according to some, and you know who you are

No you are right, skippy too has a right to write inflammatory posts containing hatred. But dont you think sticking to the truth is a better method of debate?

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