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Nazi’s and Arab Jihadist’s – Working together for world peace…"HEIL ALLAH!"

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posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:16 AM
You jihad lovers: You may want to rethink your position and opinion, as Osama and crew are looking to recruit the worlds Neo Nazi’s for their cause. That put things into perspective for you? So from now on when you defend the actions and motivations of your beloved jihadist’s, you are defending the actions and motivations of the Nazi’s.

Article from WorldNetDaily

“WASHINGTON – Neo-Nazi skinheads are working with radical Islamists in a growing unholy alliance that has European law enforcement officials concerned about a new front in the war on terrorism, reports Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium, online intelligence newsletter published by the founder of WND.
Sources in the UK, the Netherlands, Scandinavia, Italy, Switzerland and in the Middle East are warning that the world should not be surprised to see young, white males involved in terrorism and in league with Osama bin Laden.

Just a few years ago, Muslims represented one of the biggest harassment targets of neo-Nazi skinheads in Europe. But anti-Muslim hate crimes by skinheads have seen a dramatic drop-off – even as their movement takes on more visibility and bigger numbers.

"In business they ignore the race," said an Italian official.

Law enforcement officials fear skinheads and neo-Nazis could provide not just additional numbers to the Islamic terrorist cause but also some operatives who would defy profiling efforts.

Skinheads can easily cover their tattoos and wear respectable clothing to deceive police and immigration authorities, say police officials. An Italian police expert on gang activities said it is known skinheads travel as far as Australia, South Africa and the Indian sub-continent "at times looking like the boy next door or a student on vacation." He also revealed Italian agents are aware of a number of meetings between gang leaders, radical Islamic students and organized crime bosses.

The chilling possibility that Muslim terrorists and neo-Nazis may combine forces was raised as a distinct possibility by Israel's president last month.

On a visit to commemorate the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Israel and Germany, Moshe Katsav declared, "Let us not be surprised if one day terror organizations use neo-Nazis to carry out terrorist attacks."

The majority of Muslims in Europe are law-abiding citizens, he added. But Muslim extremists may form alliances with neo-Nazis, he said.

What brings the groups together is a common enemy – Jews – and business interests, say law enforcement officials. Neo-Nazi skinheads are deeply involved in drug-running and human smuggling gangs – two areas of common interest with Islamists….”

So from now on you Jihad supporters, you are supporting the Nazi movement as well. Apparently hating the Jews is the glue that binds you.


[edit on 5-8-2005 by skippytjc]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:23 AM
First of all I find the Title Offensive and against the rules of the Board.

Second of all, it can HARDLY be called news, the stuff that comes out of WND - more like Pro-War Anti-Islamic Republica-Propaganda Machine. A free press for free people? Please!

Thirdly, why do Arabs have a Problem with Jews? Is it maybe the 50 year long occupation of Palestine?

And Finally, I am Sad to Inform you that your current Goverment and the House of Bush have alot more incommon with the Nazi's then all Muslims of this world combined.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
First of all I find the Title Offensive and against the rules of the Board.

Just because you find it offensive doesnt mean its against the rules. Its part of the story. If everything I found offensive was against the rules of these boards, not one of your posts would exist.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:30 AM
I haven't read a single post that "Loves Jihadists". Clearly by gaining perspective on a very complex issue by trying to figure out the objective of BOTH sides puts me on the same side as the Nazis. Right. Questions of why things are the way they are assert that if I ask these questions then I am clearly not patriotic and love terrorists! Meaning, that if I don't agree with whatever my government says or does, then I am a nazi terrorist? I am personally insulted by this post. This is not a black and white issue, and it is irresponsible leaps to conclusions that put us in this global mess in the first place.

New Guy

[edit on 5-8-2005 by TruthWithin]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:32 AM
first u need to understand jews. There are Ashkanazis ( white european jews) and Sephardic (Arab and Persian Jews)... the ones that rule israel are Ashkanazis (by the way these european jews are converts not real bloodline).. and the Sephardic.. (real decendants of the 12 tribes) are considered 2nd class citizens in Israel.

Here is the catcher...
In morocco... jews and muslims live in peace.. and moroccan jews HATE israeli jews... Hmmmm...

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:33 AM
Mmmm... Skinhead Nazi-worshipping thugs putting aside their hate of anyone brown-skinned to help the Jihadists set up their influential Islamic states through terror and killing whitey. Something is wrong with this picture

Sorry, I'm applying logic here

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:38 AM
Also, having personally worked at CBGB's in Manhattan, I can ASSURE you that this article is not even close to being accurate. Far from it.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:39 AM
It saddens me that people arent capable of talking about real life serious issues if they refference Jews, Nazi's, or Jihad.

This story may be as true as any that we are exposed to, but because of the subject matter you are offended instantly and assume its taboo.

But the bottom line is this union may be a reality that we need to deal with it. And if you guys are offended by it, then GOOD. Maybe the fact that Jihad and the Neo Nazi movement may combine efforts offends enough people maybe something will be done about it.

Im sorry real life offends you guys the way it does, and I am sorry that a story of this nature goes against your beliefs. But the cold hard fact is this is a real possibility and to bad if you dont like it, its real life.

[edit on 5-8-2005 by skippytjc]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:41 AM
Stop bleating Skippy. How could any sane person be offended by your humour laden posts

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:42 AM
I am fully capable of having a serious discussion about any of the above topics. What offends in the ideology that if i dont agree with you, then I am a nazi. Iwill be sure too look out for the new breed though...

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by skippytjc
Just because you find it offensive doesnt mean its against the rules. Its part of the story. If everything I found offensive was against the rules of these boards, not one of your posts would exist.

I don't see ANYWHERE in the Article the saying "HEIL ALLAH" that you have added with your own Anti-Islamic Agenda.

I find this to be Mostly Offensive for all Members of Islamic Religion to be Labeled and Compared to a Nazi's saying Hello to their Fuhrer with "Heil Hitler". That is basicly saying that Allah is Hitler. I find THAT to be VERY Offensive.

Would you like me to say that Jesus is Hitler?

How OFFENSIVE would that be in your book then - and how long you think the title saying JESIS IS HITLER would last on this Board?

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:44 AM
Neo-Nazi's, Islamic extremists?? this is old news, heck ive posted this before and no-one really cared.

I think their partnership is a dangerous team.

Also note, majority of Neo-Nazi groups in the States are funded by Islamic terrorist and Islamic Nations aswell.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:47 AM
Hey, I like to "spice" up my titles, I won’t deny that, but the story is real and needs to be discussed as such.

The people who don’t want to deal with it just say "I’m offended". That tells me they can’t refute the story, it goes against their belief and they have no defense for it. They also question the source when they have nothing, it’s predictable.

Sorry guys, but sometimes the truth isn’t pretty and we need to face the reality that their are nasty things out there. If that offends you so be it.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:52 AM
More likely and less far fetched is that the cooperation and meetings between leaders of the mob, nazi's and terorrists is about their way of funding.

All 3 groups are heavy players in the worldwide trafficing of drugs. As you said, when it comes to bussines they might well use eachother to get their dope around.

What I highly doubt though is that Islamic terrorists or Nazi will cooperate in carrying out attacks since their ideologies clash entirely and absolutely.
Drawing that conclusion out of information that reveals they've had meetings is like saying Bill Gates and Linus Torvalds are having meetings in secret to conspire to take down Apple.

More likely they are meeting to settle on one of the 1000 lawsuits between MS and the Linux communities.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:52 AM
You consider that joke of an article proof? Cmon. There is not one bit of solid evidence ANYWHERE in there. You want me to refute your statement? Come up with something that you can defend beyond saying that it is reality and we have to deal with it. Say something more that that and we can talk. Is Sean Hannity one of your idols Skippy?

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by TruthWithin
You consider that joke of an article proof? Cmon. There is not one bit of solid evidence ANYWHERE in there. You want me to refute your statement? Come up with something that you can defend beyond saying that it is reality and we have to deal with it. Say something more that that and we can talk. Is Sean Hannity one of your idols Skippy?

I dont claim proof or need to prove anything. Its a real news article out there for anybody to read like any other. You can believe it or not, thats up to you.

But all I did was bring it here to these boards as it is related to terrorism and could be as true as anything else posted on these boards. If you dont like the story, feel free to write the Editor of WorldNetDaily and voice your concerns.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:59 AM
Skippy, your "spicing" up of the posts has only led to death of every inteligent discussion.

You try to present that as some kind of a hard truth nobody wants to see, and that is VERY misleading, since the only thing people do not agree with is the "spice" you add, and not the truth itself.

Your agressive attidude only provokes agressive response, usualy one-liners. You only respond to those and ignore the RARE posts that deal with the issue.

For the sake of the quality of ATS, try to word your posts differently, and one of your threads might actually turn into discussion rather then just one liners.

As for the topic, as infinite said, it is old news. For years now European police has been aware of it and it has dealt with it.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 09:59 AM
I'm not offended. If this is true, I say so what? Who cares? So the skinheads are mad at the establishment. Woo-hoo! That's news!

While we're looking at unholy alliances, take a quick look at the unholy alliances of this administration! This makes my brain hurt, how some can think that only the skinheads and jihadists are the bad guys!

Seems to me the Bush Supporters want to lump everyone who isn't Pro War into the jihadist-lovers camp, just like their leader does. You know, "if you're not with us, you're against us" mentality. It's a very 'simple', black-and-white, easy, chimp-like way to think. That way, there's no middle ground. No investigation of possibilities. Not much brain stem activity required.

I'm with the New Guy. I think there's maybe three people here on ATS that I could say might have an alliance to the jihadists, but very few. Again, it's simpler to stick any dissenters behind the jihad-lovers fence.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 10:01 AM
What i disagree with is you making blanket statements, calling things "reality" and then playing like you didn't try to sensationalize this story with one of your "spicy" titles. Then you make it seem like evryone else is a Nazi for disagreeing. it's like throwing bricks at a wall.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by TruthWithin
What i disagree with is you making blanket statements, calling things "reality" and then playing like you didn't try to sensationalize this story with one of your "spicy" titles. Then you make it seem like evryone else is a Nazi for disagreeing. it's like throwing bricks at a wall.

Everybody else is a Nazi if they disagree? I didn’t say that. I said if you approve of Jihad, then you approve of the Nazi movement. So, if you are pro Jihad, then yes, I am saying that you are in turn pro Nazi.

If A = B, and B= C, then A must also = C.

And if I believe this story, and I do, then why cant I report it as fact? I have a source that I believe, that’s all I need. If you disagree with my opinion about what is fact and not fact, I can’t help that. There are history books in classrooms that both you and I read and studied from that don’t represent history accurately for everybody, but you and I believe it to be true and we routinely report it as fact. Does that make us wrong or inaccurate?

And as far as my "spicy" titles, everybody does it, so don’t single me out because I admit it. There must be 20 of them on the first page alone.

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