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Nazi’s and Arab Jihadist’s – Working together for world peace…"HEIL ALLAH!"

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posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by skippytjc
You jihad lovers: You may want to rethink your position and opinion, as Osama and crew are looking to recruit the worlds Neo Nazi’s for their cause. That put things into perspective for you? So from now on when you defend the actions and motivations of your beloved jihadist’s, you are defending the actions and motivations of the Nazi’s.

[edit on 5-8-2005 by skippytjc]

You assume that a Jihad lover is anyone that disagrees with your ideas. Thats what is wrong.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by TruthWithin

You assume that a Jihad lover is anyone that disagrees with your ideas. Thats what is wrong.

You get that from THAT quote? You’re kidding right? I think its you that is making assumptions. There is about a 1000 miles between my quote and your conclusion...Thats a mistake in your reasoning.

[edit on 5-8-2005 by skippytjc]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by thematrix
Drawing that conclusion out of information that reveals they've had meetings is like saying Bill Gates and Linus Torvalds are having meetings in secret to conspire to take down Apple.

Bad example, Microsoft owns a large slice of Apple

Stop flaming, you flamers!


posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by skippytjc
Everybody else is a Nazi if they disagree? I didn’t say that. I said if you approve of Jihad, then you approve of the Nazi movement. So, if you are pro Jihad, then yes, I am saying that you are in turn pro Nazi.

Do you know tha Bush is a friend of the Saudis? The Saudis support Jihad, if you didnt know. And the people who support Jihad or who support the supporters of jihad are nazis, according to you. So would you agree with me in calling Mr Bush a nazi?

And about you title, you do know that the Arab Christians call God Allah? In you title, you are insulting the God of the Christians. That is not very nice.

[edit on 5-8-2005 by Sep]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Sep

Do you know tha Bush is a friend of the Saudis? The Saudis support Jihad, if you didnt know. And the people who support Jihad or who support the supporters of jihad are nazis, according to you. So would you agree with me in calling Mr Bush a nazi?

And about you title, you do know that the Arab Christians call God Allah? In you title, you are insulting the God of the Christians. That is not very nice.

[edit on 5-8-2005 by Sep]

That’s a lot of stretching and assuming to get to your point. I hate to disappoint you, but this post is about Arab Jihadist’s, not all Arabs, and quite frankly it’s racist and short sighted of you to assume I mean all Arabs.

And as far as Dubya is concerned: You will never get my goat by insulting him, as I don’t care for him either. But again, you assume that all Saudi's are pro Jihad, and that’s another stereotype by you.

You need to be a little more tolerant of other types of people and races other than your own kind Sep. Its funny, the Neo Nazi's stereotype like that....

[edit on 5-8-2005 by skippytjc]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 12:37 PM
You need to be a little more tolerant of other types of people and races other than your own kind Sep. Its funny, the Neo Nazi's stereotype like that.... Skippytjc

That has got to take the prize for the most hypocritical statement of the month

Coming from someone who posts thread after thread of anti-Islamic, anti-Arab and anti-Iranian drivel and propaganda, it's a classic

[edit on 5-8-2005 by Britguy]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Britguy
That has got to take the prize for the most hypocritical statement of the month

Coming from someone who posts thread after thread of anti-Islamic, anti-Arab and ant-Iranian drivel and propaganda, it's a classic

Mighty big words, care to back it up?

I challenge you to find just one quote by me where I state anti arab, anti Islamic, and antiiranian "drivel" anyplace. Just one. You see, I post about Arab/Islamic/Iranian EXTREMISTS, not all Arab/Islamic/Iranian people. And thats your ignorance and racism that makes you assume I am.

Go ahead, find just one statement out of every post I have ever made where I call ALL of a race or group (other than terrorists) one thing or another. You cant because I never have. You ASSUME.

Go find it. Im waiting.

[edit on 5-8-2005 by skippytjc]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 01:00 PM
they did business with the US didn't they?
they will do business with anyone that will further there goals...

it does not mean they (extremists on both sides) wont still hate each other, and immediatley try to kill each other off just as easy as they would attack us...

desperate is as desperate does...

untimatley they are more at war with each other via religious differences than with us, but the civilized world is more of an immediate threat.

situational only... and can be twisted to the governments favor if done right...
I am sure any special ops people can see where i am going with this...

[edit on 5-8-2005 by LazarusTheLong]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 01:11 PM
Hahaha, that's rich Skippytjc

A while ago you accused me of having an"Agenda of hate". When I challenged you to back that up, you went off complaining that I was adding nothing to the thread and repeatedly avoided my challenge.

So, I feel I don't have to justify myself to you either. One look at the list of your postings shows your small mindedness and bias towards anything or anyone Middle Eastern.
When it has been pointed out to you by other posters that your single sources may not be the most accurate accounts, or possibly fabrications, you always challenge the poster to prove that it is not correct, rather than provide additional material to back up your posts.

You need to accept that people will always have opposing views and that, just maybe, they are not as concerned about some perceived threat that you see or have read about on Jihadwatch, Debka or WND

Have a nice day

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by skippytjc
Go find it. Im waiting.

Well it didn't take too Long - just one click on your WARN-ing icon.

I hope the terrorists you so love and cherish kill you one day in one of thier "freedom operations", better yet, I hope they kill your entire family except you so you can relish in thier "resistance". You are a pathetic excuse for a human (if thats what you are) and you dont deserve to be alive. You disgust me. You be carefull making statements like that, you arent as safe behind that computer as you may think...

Considering that our Member Syrian Sister is a member of Muslim Religion, you have not just Insulted Her and Her Family, but you have also Wished for her Death and to top it all you have put alot of that "anti-islamic drivel" in it, which has Earned you a Warning.

Wanna see MORE?

Just Check the TITLE of THIS thread and your how you "Spiced" it up, by putting Nazism and Islam in one basket.

[edit on 5/8/05 by Souljah]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 01:12 PM
World Nut Daily is pretty damned unreliable.
But, the actual nazis did ally with european and middle eastern muslims in the war effort. Had a hell of a lot more to do with both working against the british 'imperialists' than anything else tho.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 01:28 PM
Bottom line is you guys think I hate Arabs because my posts focus on extremist Islamic groups. Its not my ignorance that you guys translate that into racism. Not one of you can quote anyplace where I state I hate or dont like Arabs or Muslims as a whole because I have never said it, but you assume.

By your logic you guys are all racist agaisnt Americans because 99% of your posts are anti USA. The door swings both ways.

And again, most of you have avoided the topic in stride (as usual) with attacks on me because you cannot refute the story.

I take that as a compliment. You attack me and question the source because you have been defeated. You have no intelligent response to the actual report, you just attack the source. Typical.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 01:35 PM
Ok, provide us with additional, credible non-partisan sources for the story.

Also, using your own argument here, you accuse others of being anti-American if we criticise it's actions or policies. Criticism of the US government is not a stated hatred of the people.... see?

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by skippytjc

Go ahead, find just one statement out of every post I have ever made where I call ALL of a race or group (other than terrorists) one thing or another. You cant because I never have. You ASSUME.

Gosh, Can anyone play? Because I just love a challenge!
I got bored after these comments, but there's plenty more out there:

After all : They are all Muslim of some kind, and that’s enough for them to combine their efforts to further their identical agendas.

Need training in the "weapon of peace", the AK-47? No worries, just head to your local mosque, they will be happy to help...

And Im sure you can learn how to use an Ak on any corner...So long as there is a Mosque there.

How can mainstream Islam critisize non Muslims reactions to news of this nature when they dont do anything about it? Even though the vast majority of Muslims dont share the extremists views, they are in a way responsible for it.

You also fail to see who needs to take the responsibility for Islamic terrorists and Islamic extremists: Islam does.

But if Muslims continue to leave that choice up to NON Muslims, we will continue to make choices in OUR best interests.

Islamic extremists who conduct terror are Islams problem.

And one of my very favorites:

Yeah baby! - "Congressman: Mecca a possible retaliation target"
Now were talking! about time somebody on the hill grew some nuggets.


Is that a pin dropping I heard?

[edit on 5-8-2005 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 02:22 PM
I will pick apart the original post when I get chance, should be fun. But meanwhile, for your challenge.

Quote from Skippy:

Islam IS the problem. I 100% agree.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 02:26 PM
There is nothing wrong with Skip's thread heading. To say "Heil Allah" was probably used in sarcasm and as an attention grabber, just as any newspaper would do. Seems to have worked, because every 'anti-western, bleeding heart, have pity on the poor Muslims, apologistic, you-need-to-understand-the-root-cause-of-their-anger" member has now visited this thread.

It is no secret that the Neo-Nazis have been working with the Muslim extremists. They both have the same goal, but with different ideologies backing them up. Both want an end to the peaceful, stabalized Western style governments that we now enjoy, and both want a destruction of the Jewish race.

And Skip, I read the post that you got the warning for, and believe it was totally uncalled for. Seems you were taken completely out of context.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 02:56 PM
I believe that Skip is bored and loves to get attention and cause a scene. If you say anything that questions the USA, suddenly you are a"Jihad Lover". Then if you call him on it, suddenly you are a racist. Refute thst and suddenly you are racist against America. I guess racist is a realy easy word to throw around when you have no solid argument. I had no idea you could be racist against all parties, including your own race. Thats new to me. Up is down, black is white and we are all racists apparently. thank goodness we have skip to keep us in line.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 03:06 PM
Ask any muslim what is the greatest jihad of all and they will tell you the inner struggle jihad. To do what is good and of God.

Paul declares:

"That which I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate" (Rm. 7:15).

Seems Fox News has brainwashed many to think jihad is blowing people up which is the furthest from the truth.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 03:09 PM
Not actually on anyone's 'side' in this, but I can't help noticing the increasing trend of being a 'racist' if you question the excessively liberal views of people that have managed to get us into this mess in the first place.

Even statements like 'if you don't like it here then leave' are 'racist', why?
How is it racist? I guess it is discrimination against people that 'don't like it here', oh dear. Well Blair just basically said it so I guess he is a racist too.

I expect a statement like 'I think all terrorists should be deported, who cares if they are tortured or killed when they end up in their country of origin', will attract a bunch of liberal pacifists.. let's see shall we.

Luckily though, reading the new guidelines, this won't happen..

Agreements with other countries, such as Jordan, to ensure people can be deported to their nations of origin without being tortured or ill-treated

So at least the terrorists won't have too much to fear, thank goodness!

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 03:15 PM
hating Jews, or hating Arabs...
There is not any difference since they both hate for ignorant reasons...

Skippy... you have been shown the error of your ways and your challenge has been met.

I see that you have a clear picture, but you only see one side, to see both sides will make you realize that all your arguments work against you as much as for you... (your points are valid, but mirrored)

all countries/religions have extremists

If the islamic extremists are islams problem...
then the decisions that incited them against us (made by our governments) are OUR responsibility... and i notice you exonerate yourself of any wrong there... as well as those very same leaders that screwed up

why wouldn't muslims think the same closed minded way?

Are you saying that muslims (mainstream) are better than us, and more able to make an ethical stand of unity against the extremists?... If so, then I would somewhat agree (slightly)... they probably, and in many cases, are taking the high road, and turning in extremists.

have we done anything to rid this country of aryan thugs that kill innocents of other races (arabs included)?
not really, unless they get caught in the act.

it is still considered likely that the Murrah bombing was connected to white supremists... radical christian white supremists from elohom city, to be exact...

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