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Oh for a world without religion......

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posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 08:30 AM
What a bad concept.....since we developed communication, humans have elected to worship and believe in things that they just cannot prove of verify and have always fought and disagreed on the basis of their religion.

If John Titor really was a time traveller (sniggger) then his first task if I was his superior, would be to go back in time and halt the spread of "The Word". Religion has brought humans nothing but grief and misery....consider all the worlds conflict history....and I'll wager that the vast majority would all come down to religion, or philosophies stemming from religion.

The suffering throughout the crusades was horrific.....the torture and execuction of non believers during the dark ages by the catholic church. Right up to modern day Northern Ireland, destruction of all things Hindu by the Taleban, even between factions within a religion i.e. Sunni and Shia!!!

We are destroying ourselves....and for what purpose?


If so.......why?

[edit on 26-7-2005 by Monkfish]

[edit on 26-7-2005 by Monkfish]

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 08:46 AM
Hello Monkfish and all,

As relates to religion, I'd hate to knock on the Pearly Gates only to find out I'd made a mistake! However, I agree with the underlying premise [the suffering, torture and execuction] .. so how about a world without fanatics?

bc, author of Exposing one of the greatest cover-ups, the world has ever known


posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Monkfish
What a bad concept.....since we developed communication, humans have elected to worship and believe in things that they just cannot prove of verify and have always fought and disagreed on the basis of their religion.

My first reaction to this is to absolutly agree with you. However, the problem is not religion but rather mankinds manipulation of religion to further their own goals.

If man did not have religion to hide behind or use as a rallying tool to feed the fires to wage war, hate, and enforcement of their rules. They would just find something else.

Organized religion is the prefered tool to destroy mankind... for the most part.. after all there are allways the Buddhists, Buddihsts are very cool. But that does not mean that religion behind the organization is a bad thing.

Yeaa Buddah!!!

[edit on 26-7-2005 by MrBunny]

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 09:21 AM
Although I'm not a religious person, I have no problem with religion itself. It gives many people something to believe in, something to build their life and family on. Many good charities and community services come from the church and religious organizations. I think it's great.

The problem comes when, instead of simply living in one's religion, the followers start to impose it on others. Just think of how nice it would be if everyone had their own religion and didnt feel it necessary to convert people or otherwise prove that their religion was the only true one, headed by the one real God.

Any group who is so apparently insecure that its members need to convert everyone to its way of thinking is not only unappealing, it's a little bit scary. I've never understood the need to have everyone believe as they do.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 09:24 AM
I agree. Religion had a use back when Humans knew nothing. It was a convenient answer to all the unknowns.

But today its nothing but an excuse to promote personal agendas and beliefs.

Religion has killed more people and caused more suffering than any other cause in the history of mankind.

I can only dream of a world without religion, finally we could have peace and happiness and not all the violence that is part of religion.

Also: How many replies to this thread before it gets moved? I bet under 10

[edit on 26-7-2005 by skippytjc]

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

The problem comes when, instead of simply living in one's religion, the followers start to impose it on others. Just think of how nice it would be if everyone had their own religion and didnt feel it necessary to convert people or otherwise prove that their religion was the only true one, headed by the one real God.

Exaclty, thus I think the problem is in organized religion or rather the institution and hyarchy of modern religion.

I have often felt that, as far as religion, orginization breeds contempt, which develops into a hyarchy which leads to a loss of the orriginal ideals and develops greed to maintain power over the orginization.

People as a whole need to start to live their own lives and get out of everyone elses. Granted.. I have actualy been told that it was somones duty to convert me over to god (Christian god) and I am persicuting them by telling them to leave me alone... Seriously.. WTF is that all about!?!

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 09:42 AM
Man = Idiot

Religion = Weapon

Put the two together.......Disaster

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by Monkfish
Man = Idiot

Religion = Weapon

Put the two together.......Disaster

...... yup that bout summ it up... (math pun intended)

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Monkfish
Religion = Weapon

I'm going to agree with this. Religion is the weapon or the tool, but religion needs a person to use it to make it 'bad'. Religion isn't inherently bad. By itself, it's powerless. It's not until MAN picks it up and does something with it that it becomes a tool of good or a tool of bad.

I caution strongly against blaming the tool for the 'sins' of man. Religion is a tool that can be used to create all kinds of good. It's the person behind the religion that decides whether he will use ot for bad or good.

If this all sounds familiar, maybe it is. Another tool in society that can be used for bad or good is the gun. If we blame the religion instead of the responsible party (man) soon we'll be hearing of 'religion control laws' or 'background checks' before you can belong to a religion or '2-week waiting lists' before joining a religion.

It's too easy to blame an inanimate object when man is really to blame.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 10:40 AM
If a man is accused of murder, found guilty and then jailed without evidence, it is fundamentally wrong.

If a man kills hundreds of people, but says he has done it in the name of his god without evidence. He becomes a hero or a martyr to some, as recently seen....lots of people can indeed rejoice at this

It's time god (if he exists, which I assume not, but cannot prove otherwise), showed his face, before we, his creations, destroyed each and every one of ourselves.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 10:48 AM
ahhh but there is always the religious logical loophole... we have free will, god cannot, by his/her own rules, step in or make their selfs known becasue it would influince the prime directive.

Thats why I like budhists, there is no god.. only the path to ones own elightenment. I love it.. full responsibility for ones own actions.. wow what a concept.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 11:07 AM
Ah for a world without hope. Really, you think that things are bad in the world now? Imagine if some people didn't give a second thought to any kind of afterlife and felt that all they had was this life?

Why would you not do whatever you wanted?

Thou shalt not kill. Religious origins
Thou shalt not steal. Religion origins
Give to the poor. Religious origins.

I don't think I need to go on.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 11:10 AM
This is laughable, your all such hypocrites, this attack on religion is just an sttempt to attack islam without appearing as the "biggot". Grow some cojones and dont be afraid to alienate a group of people, if muslims saw that they are alienating themselves they might stop. Thats not going to happen as long as you generalize the problem. As long as you make excuses for them and say that religion as a whole is at fault you'll never force them to change.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 11:21 AM
Some people hide behind communism is communism a religion? Some people hide behind democracy to impliment war is that a religion? Its mans sinful nature that is at hand that creates problems.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Marid Audran
Why would you not do whatever you wanted?

Thou shalt not kill. Religious origins
Thou shalt not steal. Religion origins
Give to the poor. Religious origins.

Quite a boatload of assumptions going on there. I'm not in any way religious and I don't have a religion, but I believe in an afterlife, I have great hope, I don't steal, I never lie and I give to the poor and charities all the time and I've never killed anyone.

These morals come from my personal set of values. Religion has nothing to do with it. Without religion, I'm not going around killing people. People knew it was wrong to kill and steal before religion even came into the picture! Religion doesn't own and did not create these morals and values.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by Marid Audran

Why would you not do whatever you wanted?

Thou shalt not kill. Religious origins
Thou shalt not steal. Religion origins
Give to the poor. Religious origins.

I don't think I need to go on.

Thow shall not kill/steal etc... not religious origin but rather innate neccessary rule sets for a stable community reguardless of religion.

you will also find that after a few posts it was agreed that religion itself is nto at fault but rahter the use and manipulation of religion in an organization to enforce a belief.

This is laughable, your all such hypocrites, this attack on religion is just an sttempt to attack islam without appearing as the "biggot". Grow some cojones and dont be afraid to alienate a group of people, if muslims saw that they are alienating themselves they might stop. Thats not going to happen as long as you generalize the problem. As long as you make excuses for them and say that religion as a whole is at fault you'll never force them to change.

Actualy, I would say that the organized Christians are just as bad as the organized musilim, as the Organized Jews, as the Organized (insert religion here who have been at the core of any destructive behavior)

No, I will not say that I am speaking specificly of Islam because I do not think this is a specificly Islamic problem. I think this is a human problem.

You however seem to feel that it is specific to a group and thus I would suggest that it is you that are inable to view the world without bias.

Mr Bunny

[edit on 26-7-2005 by MrBunny]

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 11:31 AM
Really? i assume you have proof of another source of these morals? Im sure the concept was there but the idea of the ten commandments was that all heard what God himself said. From the rich to the poor, From the noble to the corrupt. These are his laws as he gave them to moses on mt sinai. They are meant to enlighten all people, to show them that there is a just and rightous God.

Why does it bother you so? are you afraid we might be right? that you could be wrong? that there were a few during your life that did not allow to continue your thinking in ignorance? Is that how you would have justified it before God?

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 11:37 AM

Actualy, I would say that the organized Christians are just as bad as the organized musilim, as the Organized Jews, as the Organized (insert religion here who have been at the core of any destructive behavior)

No, I will not say that I am speaking specificly of Islam because I do not think this is a specificly Islamic problem. I think this is a human problem.

You however seem to feel that it is specific to a group and thus I would suggest that it is you that are inable to view the world without bias.

Mr Bunny

Really? when was the last time a hindu set a bomb in the london subway?
When was the last time a christian flew an airplane loaded with passengers into occupied buildings? I think islam is the only religion that condones such behavoir, you can find it in the Koran, but you will not find it in any other religous texts.

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 11:43 AM

This is laughable, your all such hypocrites, this attack on religion is just an sttempt to attack islam without appearing as the "biggot". Grow some cojones and dont be afraid to alienate a group of people, if muslims saw that they are alienating themselves they might stop. Thats not going to happen as long as you generalize the problem. As long as you make excuses for them and say that religion as a whole is at fault you'll never force them to change.

Eh!Did you read the whole thread? Or just make a general assumption. This is is no way a disguised attempt to attack any single religion....just the whole religion ethos.

The suffering throughout the crusades was horrific.....the torture and execuction of non believers during the dark ages by the catholic church. Right up to modern day Northern Ireland, destruction of all things Hindu by the Taleban, even between factions within a religion i.e. Sunni and Shia!!!

Islam to be honest, is a much more "Accepting" religion that Catholicism, it's just we had catholic nutters centuries ago, it's now the turn of the muslim nutter

posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 11:46 AM
Well first, to knock humans for believing in something that can not be proven would be to knock most the stuff on this website. I doubt many here have even seen or met an alien yet they still seem to believe.

Religion is an excuse for war not a cause. It is extremists in every religion that turn faith into a nasty business around the world. If there was no faith at all, you can bet that mankind would still find something to fight about as it is our nature. Everyone seems to be looking for someone/something to blame for all the bad, however, if most of us just look in the mirror we will all find faults that could use some improving.

Terrorist hide behind religion just as pro-life folks do.

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