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HAARP related to NY blackout?

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posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 04:43 PM
Just hit the stop button and right click on the little green squares

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 04:47 PM
I did think it was rather strange how it seemed that the people on news broadcasts were *so* intent on making sure that we just *knew* it was not a terrorist attack before they even claimed to know the actual cause. And I am afraid that if it were simply hit by lightning, they would have known the cause much sooner. I just laughed when they said it was hit by lightning because it is obviously a load of #. I mean with the way people were trying to force into our minds that it did not involve terrorist activity or anything strange and all....

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 04:49 PM

My website is down, so you'll have to make do with a link.

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 11:29 PM
Nice link, if you click on "long range reflectivity" you will clearly see beams coming in at an angle into Washington.

What could these be, they do not appear to be an error, as it is a long-term pattern in the radar.


Don't satellites communicate to ground targets through radar coded messages?

posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 01:07 AM
People in the gov have been watching this site for a long time now... this is not the first time that public information has been altered.

We have numerous events in the seismic thread where the HAARP feeds have been obviously altered, and have screen caps to prove it.

HAARP and related scalar weapons are not well understood by the general public, and as such it is very easy to hide such evidence.

posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by MKULTRA

Nice link, if you click on "long range reflectivity" you will clearly see beams coming in at an angle into Washington.

LOL. Not any more you don't.

posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 09:53 AM

LOL. Not any more you don't.

Wow, you're right. What a nice little covert op this blackout has been. If they knew it was definitely not a terrorist attack, then perhaps the US Govt planned it and did it themselves as a test.... after all all of these officials are going on and on about how much they learned from it.

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by Fry2
Probably the HAARP connection. Kind of strange they didn't just kill the whole archive though.

I wonder if there are so many potential sources (such as weather radar sites) and if it might be too intrusive to preemptively rearrange data, so they just sit and wait to see if people like us pick up on it. If we start talking about it, they go change it, so that we no longer have evidence.

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 12:26 AM
It still strikes me strange that the NY ISO was reporting more than a 6400 MW an hour after the event. Can anyone explain that. To my knowledge, everything was out. Where the heck was 6400 MW going?

[Edited on 17-8-2003 by kukla]

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 12:36 AM

I now believe from watching you for four months that you have reached the level of the conspiracy within the conspiracy within the conspiracy within the conspiracy within the * fact that no-one notices * within the conspiracy within the conspiracy.

I hope you can dig yourself out again, as I am still trying to follow, and have another one to add some time soon.

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 12:37 AM
Two possibilities:

that 6400 MW/Hr was either being drained down the network, for which there was far too much demand for the supply, and as that amount of power was stretched below usable levels circuit breakers tripped, shutting it down

Or, it was being drawn off somewhere else...

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by dragonrider
Two possibilities:

that 6400 MW/Hr was either being drained down the network, for which there was far too much demand for the supply, and as that amount of power was stretched below usable levels circuit breakers tripped, shutting it down

Or, it was being drawn off somewhere else...

At first I thought it was a malfunction then it twitched. It only twitched a couple of MWs until I went to bed. When I woke it was still pegged there and only started to climb later in the day.

I think there's two questions here. Where's the 6400 coming from and where is it going?

[Edited on 17-8-2003 by kukla]

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by kukla

Originally posted by dragonrider
Two possibilities:

that 6400 MW/Hr was either being drained down the network, for which there was far too much demand for the supply, and as that amount of power was stretched below usable levels circuit breakers tripped, shutting it down

Or, it was being drawn off somewhere else...

At first I thought it was a malfunction then it twitched. It only twitched a couple of MWs until I went to bed. When I woke it was still pegged there and only started to climb later in the day.

I think there's two questions here. Where's the 6400 coming from and where is it going?

[Edited on 17-8-2003 by kukla]

I wonder if Montauk would be the answer to either of those questions? Someone with a nearbye radio tower really needs to get a webcam on that joint. Can leave those people alone for five freakin' minutes..

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 10:54 AM
Ok. So the blackout was caused by something in Ohio.
This is from CNN, by the way.

So they figured out what happened, right???


If you read the article you find out that they have no clue.

"We've got to quickly get to the bottom of the question of what happened, how it spread, and what we need to do to make sure it doesn't happen again," he [U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham] told reporters Saturday.

Makes me wonder. Not much news out there. Makes me scared. It's like a really big explosion is waiting to happen. But then again, isn't that the point?


Ok, I forgot!!! All conspiracies are about money in the long run. The idea is, energy companies like getting money, but hate putting it out (even for an outdated system). So create a catastrophe and have the tax payers bail the energy companies out! Brilliant.

[Edited on 17-8-2003 by WinstonSmith]

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 11:08 AM

"We've got to quickly get to the bottom of the question of what happened, how it spread, and what we need to do to make sure it doesn't happen again," he [U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham] told reporters Saturday.

"Quickly"??????????????? Yeah don't forget he said that to reporters on SATURDAY.... blackout happened on WEDNESDAY.

Yeah well Spencer Abraham was conveniently out of the country when this whole blackout thing went down. I believe he was in London on "work-related business" when the blackout occurred. Also as part of his trip I believe he tested biocell cars & supplied radiation detectors to rotterdam. When he heard of the blackout, did he get on a plane to deal with the failing energy of the united states? No. He stayed in London for the next day!

How can he find out exactly what happened when he wasn't in the country until THURSDAY NIGHT?

It wasn't terrorism, but we don't know what happened. I smell a set up. Yeah, we KNOW it wasn't terrorism because we started it in the first place.

[Edited on 17-8-2003 by MKULTRA]

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 11:32 AM
Those power plants shut off within a short time of one another because the transmission capability was reduced and tripped the breakers,the plants generate electricity,if it has no place to go,they must be shut down or they will catch fire,a momentary interruption in transmission capability in the megawatt range is very dangerous and can cause a lot of damage,I don't think that there is any mystery here.

Sometimes power grids collapse when they are exposed to ionizing radiation during solar flares,the flow is interrupted ,or it surges for just a moment and the whole grid shuts down,it is designed that way to prevent damage.

These grids are set up much like the fusebox in your house is,if there is a short or a surge the breakers trip to prevent a fire or damage to appliances .

The whole thing may have been allowed to happen to gauge the level of panic in the US just as well,for whatever reason they are trying to scare everyone nowadays,we will just have to wait and see what the motives of the government are won't we?.

This country has been in a state of emergency for a long time,way before 9/11,there may be forces out there that would like to use this against our liberties,by declaring martial law and telling us our liberties are not protected by the constitution,fact is,they aren't protected anyway,the constitution is a guideline for the government to follow,they do not follow the rules and have not for some time!.

I do not think that they will be lying about it much longer,just get everyone feeling scared and helpless enough and we will be screwed,get the military spread thin enough and allow another terror thing to happen and we are done for,the stupid sheoples feeling scared and panicky, will go baaa bbaaa bbbbaaaa,please mister government guys,save us,we are helpless,when in fact they are just stupid.

The more you rely on your government,the more powerful it becomes,and the more helpless you will become.

If you cannot see this you choose to be blind.

Power corrupts.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The constitution was written to ensure that the government of the US never would have just the type of control over the country as it does right now.

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by MKULTRA

"We've got to quickly get to the bottom of the question of what happened, how it spread, and what we need to do to make sure it doesn't happen again," he [U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham] told reporters Saturday.

"Quickly"??????????????? Yeah don't forget he said that to reporters on SATURDAY.... blackout happened on WEDNESDAY.

Yeah well Spencer Abraham was conveniently out of the country when this whole blackout thing went down. I believe he was in London on "work-related business" when the blackout occurred. Also as part of his trip I believe he tested biocell cars & supplied radiation detectors to rotterdam. When he heard of the blackout, did he get on a plane to deal with the failing energy of the united states? No. He stayed in London for the next day!

How can he find out exactly what happened when he wasn't in the country until THURSDAY NIGHT?

It wasn't terrorism, but we don't know what happened. I smell a set up. Yeah, we KNOW it wasn't terrorism because we started it in the first place.

[Edited on 17-8-2003 by MKULTRA]

I known this thread is about the way HAARP is related to this crisis but I would just like to interject that I find it unacceptable that once this happened, our nations leaders didn't scrap whatever fundraisers or field trips they were on and re-prioritize their schedules....unless this wasn't planned by I suspect it wasn't..and they were really unsure where it could happen again..or if this weapon could be used to knock down their flights. Remember the trace we first saw on the nexrad image? If it was an exhaust trail from a scalar weapon, look at the trail. Where does it lead? One poster theorize Alabama..but if you think outside US and look to the direct South of us, who do we find that once played host to USSR technologies to be used against the US? I would love to get a hold of the .shp file image of that radar and overlay it and see where that trail leads when projected. Cigar anyone?

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 12:14 PM
It seems that there is always enough info to peak ones curiosity,but not enough to develope a theory of the cause of things.

Scalar tech could easily achieve what happened on the east coast.

There are those who would argue it's existence as well.

But it could just as well be something much less spectacular or high tech,we may never know for sure,most people don't care anymore anyway,their lights are back on so it is on no consequence.

Yesterday,hmmm hmm hmmm,far away,do do da da dee.

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 12:21 PM
The thing that really made me think of scalar weaponry was the fact that cellular nets went down and was talked about as sort of a side-note to the big story..HOWEVER, most cell repeaters are on battery back-ups..or at least enough of them to continue sporadic coverage and when the system gets overloaded with calls, it doesn't usually shut down, it just gives those extra calls a fast busy because not enoguh switches are available but some service should have been present even if it took two or three dozen tries to connect. I realize that these cellular calls must eventually go through a land line at some point but still and total blackout is not likely from a power outage.

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by uNBaLaNCeD
Those power plants shut off within a short time of one another because the transmission capability was reduced and tripped the breakers,the plants generate electricity,if it has no place to go,they must be shut down or they will catch fire,a momentary interruption in transmission capability in the megawatt range is very dangerous and can cause a lot of damage,I don't think that there is any mystery here.

I don't think I understand how this works. They shut down because transmission capability was reduced?

(Now these are my assumptions)
1. More electricity used than produced would bring a brown out, not a blow out. Also I can't see this being a danger to the system.
2. Too much electricity and not enough users??? does it fry the lines and that's why they shutdown? If so, why doesn't it blow out every night when electricity use is much lower?

Please help. I don't get it.

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