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HAARP related to NY blackout?

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posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 12:11 PM
Has anyone else noticed in the first frame there is a straight line from the bottom of the image going straight toward the "blow up". It was also in other images from the site. Maybe some new technology? Maybe not. Either way it's pretty weird.
Do we have anything (weapon? / HAARP?) that could cause this?

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 12:57 PM
It's just like a radar anomally
Dragonriders probably got it right where he says it may be an exhaust. Am I right in saying that the growing area is moisture building up over New York?

We've been lucky to catch that.

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 01:02 PM
I grabbed the link from George Noory's websight. It was an anonymous viewer who sent the link to him so I guess the person to thank remains unknown. I was monitoring intellicast radar after the outage went full story last night but they no longer do the base reflectivity in this manor. I'll have to look into what this particular signiture is capturing but I think DR is right on. This is an obvious anomolous building up of something. Could it be such a cooincidence that it happens to be located near the outage epicenter?

Just wanted to add in some info about base reflectivity from the source of the image in question..

Reflectivity data shows the radar's signal reflected back to the radar by liquid and frozen droplets in the atmosphere. Base Reflectivity data is gathered at all elevation angles surveyed in each volume scan, but only four of these elevation angles, tilts 1 through 4, are available to users outside the National Weather Service.

Figure 2 shows the elevation angles (tilts) generally used by most NEXRAD sites. Elevation angles at some locations with unique geography may differ somewhat. For example, the Los Angeles, California NEXRAD is stationed at the top of a mountain. Tilt 1 for the Los Angeles radar will be between 0.00� and 0.40�.

What Is Base Reflectivity?

Personal AccuWeather provides access to Base Reflectivity Tilts 1-4 images for the entire network of 143 NEXRAD Doppler Radars in the Continental US and also San Juan, Puerto Rico. The format of the key on the right of the images is as follows:

Doppler Radar
Product (Base Reflectivity)
Date / Time
Site ID / Range
Tilt (Elevation Angle - 0.5 degrees)
Radar Mode
Intensity Key (Increasing Positive Numbers Are Stronger)
Maximum Reflectivity Echo Intensity (in dBZ) The Base Reflectivity, Tilt 1 product, reflectivity data gathered at the 0.50� elevation angle, is the product most like that available from conventional radar. The radar makes one 360� sweep at 0.50� above the local horizon, and the reflectivity data gathered from this sweep is what is displayed on the Base Reflectivity, Tilt 1 product. The elevation angles corresponding to Tilts 2 through 4 are listed in the table above. These are the same elevation angles as those used for the base velocity, Tilts 1 through 4 products.

Base Reflectivity, Tilt 1 shows the location and intensity of precipitation that is reaching the ground. That is the intensity of precipitation, be it rain or snowfall, that is being experienced at ground level. The higher elevation angles display the location and intensity of precipitation aloft which will, in most instances, eventually reach the ground (in situations where the lower levels of the atmosphere, near the ground, are eventually very dry, some of the precipitation aloft may evaporate before reaching the ground; this is known as virga).

[Edited on 15-8-2003 by astrocreep]

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 01:51 PM
The 20th anniversary of that fatefull day August 12,1983, when the major phase of the Montauk Project "crashed and burned was just days ago.

I did some research at the New York Public Library a couple of months ago on the Philadelphia Experiment--supposedly the ship which disappeared-reappeared in Montauk August 1983. But, I could not find anything in the local newspapers about it from 1983. What I DID find was that the entire midtown area in Manhattan lost ALL electrical power at about the time the ship was supposed to have shown up. The subways were virtually stopped. The outage was so severe as to have crippled midtown for an entire three-four days before it could be restored. I seem to remember this too back in 1983. There is no mention in the papers about WHY this occurred."

What�s interesting is that if there is a 20 year time loop (as Al Bielak insists) that opened up a time/dimensional portal in 1983 that caused a power blackout in Manhatten and temporarily caused the appearance of the ship, USS Eldridge, then one can imagine what �entered� the present time with the powerblackout yesterday.

Maybe thats what the radar anomaly is showing!!

[Edited on 15-8-2003 by fortean]

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 01:55 PM
I didn't believe in the Philidelphia Project, but when you put it like that
The weather signature that was given off at the time was, if i am right in saying, similar to an electro-magnetic frequency in the works.

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 02:10 PM
Looks like someone cleaned the radar image to get rid of the beam. Am I crazy? Please check the link again.

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 02:13 PM
It's highly doubtful that this was a hack.
Everything I've read about the US power system says it is quite possible for hackers to get into the system but they have to actually physically turn dials and pull levers to affect it.
Unless there were saboteurs who were physically in the power stations, the hacking theory is not feasible.

I'm afraid you have to face facts guys. This has been a disaster waiting to happen since the deregulation and denationalisation of your power grid.
The electricity companies are more than happy to sit on thier butts raking in your money, but when it comes to upgrading and maintaining the grid they all turn a blind eye.

It's possible that the first domino was pushed by an outside force, but after that, the inadequacies of the grid system did all the work that you saw.
There has to be a major spend and new legislation bought in to force the power companies to ensure that this is less likely to happen in the future.

I would say that this whole thing was down to one thing - big business and money.

As for any discrepancy with HAARP. Could it be possible that it was actually reading the power loss instead of causing it? This would explain for any fluctuation.

[Edited on 15-8-2003 by Leveller]

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 02:14 PM
Winston - OMG
Your right someones actually cleaned the image of the Blip!!! Don't worry I still have the proof. Luckily I screen capped it!

I think they're on to us!

[Edited on 15-8-2003 by MrEisenhower]

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 02:40 PM
I think it's proof someone doesn't want that getting out.
Hmmmm. Now I'm even more paranoid than 5 minutes ago. Can you believe it?

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 02:44 PM
That is quite odd. The only thing is the time frame at the top of the page says 8/14/03 around 8:00 PM that would be 4 hours after the blackout would it not?
Stll a VERY srange radar track since I was sitting at a bar looking across long island sound during this time frame and there was NO rain at all.

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 02:45 PM
That is the first time I've experienced another website alter it's content like that after a discussion on another site. I didn't think this site was as watched as that!

I wonder what part of this thread they want to discredit?

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 02:51 PM
Probably the HAARP connection. Kind of strange they didn't just kill the whole archive though.
Has anyone traced where on the map the "ray" may have originated from? Alabama would be my guess (Huntsville).

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 02:53 PM

Try this. It is the composite radar rather than base reflectivity. They haven't gotten to it yet.

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 03:01 PM
Very odd. That one almost looks like an outgoing beam of some kind. Also strange considering the proximity to Montauk (20 to 30 miles).
On a side note I had to reinstall windows on my home computer after all of this and my father called me here at work to help him do the same to his today. Seems quite a few people around here on the CT shoreline are having technical difficulties since last night.

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 03:04 PM
Nice One.
*Presses PrtSc*

It would be good to monitor that link see if they take that blip off there aswell. I advise everyone to cap it just in case.

The actual blip aswell is more of an exhaust as you can see the *beam* go from a single point and disperse outwards. The area also seems to eminate from the centre of the 'sea' or in between the islands. This signature is similar to these anomalies:

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 03:52 PM

I don't get it. I think they already got to it too. The images look dofferent. Is it just me or has it changed too?

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 04:04 PM
That crap is wierd.......I know little about Haarp. Never seen a satelite image look like that, with .well...beams. Freakin strange it is.

I know after 9/11, the next day they altered the front page of the Andrews air force base website to make it look like the base never had any fighters nor was a combat squadron base. Luckily, there are web archives that keep records of webpages, and what they look like on a certain date. I used to have the link, but it was on my favorite 9/11 website, which has been taken down or something, because I cant acess it anymore.

Wierd indeed.

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 04:24 PM
Very nice work with capping the images. Could it possibly have been an EMP? Anyone familiar with the technology care to comment?

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 04:41 PM
The NWS site is annoying. It shows a biref glimps of the radar map, then flashes a "radar data temprarily unavalable screen. It wont stay still long enough for me to look at it
. Why the hell cant they get a better program to run it?

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 04:42 PM

Go take a look at Washington DC.
You guys will fill your panties.

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