posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 07:59 PM
Originally posted by Incognita
Scientology has a similar organization, reportedly responsible for such things as clipping brake lines on cars of people who've left Scientology.
Any way you could name which Org. or branch of the Church that does this?
I left the Sea Org. in the 80's and never had anyone bother me after that.
Has anyone here ever been bothered by Scientologists, or is most of the stuff you naysayers are spewing just something you read or heard?
It seems that the most negative posts about the CoS are coming from people that have never been involved in it, and really know very little about the
Sure you re-enforce your blather with quotes from anti-Scientology websites, and you bring up only the most negative things that have happened in the
history of the Church.
I guess in reality we could start a thread about any religion on planet Earth and do exactly the same thing, some would defend it and others would
only dwell on the faults. And some of those faults are the actions of a single individual and not sactioned by the body of the Church.
Not all Catholics rape chiorboys and all Mormons don't practice poligamy by forcing young girls to marry 50 year old men that already have 6 wives.
And let's not leave out the Muslims, it's a fact that most of the Muslim people ARE NOT terrorists.
Some people will never listen to reason and have deeply ingrained ideas that will never change. In a way it's somewhat sad, a closed mind is a wasted
I don't deny that wrongs have been committed by members of Scientology, but I'm sure not going to base my opinion of the entire organization and all
the people involved on the actions of a few.
[edit on 3-7-2005 by anxietydisorder]