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Proud To Be Gay, Ashamed To Be Straight

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posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 12:25 AM
People can draw whatever conclusions they might draw from the pictures. I posted them without commentary. However, any comparisons between Mardi Gras and Gay Pride parades are invalid. Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday. It is the day before Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season. It's roots are in paganism. It is hedonism run amok.

Those who know about carnival know that most of carnival has little to do with the kind of decadence that the French Quarter is known for on Mardi Gras. Most non-catholic christians and many catholics, don't approve of, much less participate in such activities. In fact, most New Orleanians don't participate in what invariably winds up in the Mardi Gras movies, except as voyeurs. They have to face their family and friends the next day.

Finally, regardless of what kind of behavior takes place on Mardi Gras, Mardi Gras is not a Heterosexual Pride Day and it is not advertised as such.

[edit on 05/6/4 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Finally, regardless of what kind of behavior takes place on Mardi Gras, Mardi Gras is not a Heterosexual Pride Day and it is not advertised as such.
[edit on 05/6/4 by GradyPhilpott]

It's female anatomy day, I mean come on...that is what Mardi Gras is known for. I'm not a fan either, quite frankly I don't like being around thousands of drunks but I have the option not to go. Just like i don't have to go to a gay parade if i don't want to.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 01:34 AM
On the subject of Mardi Gras...anyone here been to the Mardi Gras parades that happen for like ten days before Mardi Gras?

I went for about six years in a row as I lived down there. What amazed me most, when I went out to the suburban parades, was how all the white folk parade their nubile teenage girls around town half naked. I was like "daaaaamn!"

It was even more ...pointed...when the weather was briskly cool.

If that isn't a celebration of heterosexual sensibilities, I don't know what is.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 01:58 AM
Those pics were funny, but not in the way I th9ink the poster intended. You can just hear the outrage now, "Look! Gays! And... and... they are having pride! In a parade!? Oh, won't someone please think of the children!"

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
well, i for one am sick of the reverse discrimination in america. It seems people think that whites deserved to be oppresed because of the past. Whites are afraid to go against it for fear of being labeled a 'rascist' or a 'bigot' and the white guilt is also a factor that comes from the media. We are supposed to have multiculturalism, unless you are of european descent then you have to be ashamed...

I agree 100%.

I'm "white" (a caucasion European-American of British/Italian descent, actually) and I have nothing to feel guilty for. I am not responsible for what my dead ancestors did long before I was born. And I will not let others make me pay for their crimes.

I've never enslaved or colonized anyone. And I'm not racist or sexist or sexuality-ist (is that a word?) -- I have friends of all kinds -- so why should I be made to suffer?

[edit on 6/4/2005 by ThunderCloud]

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by edsinger
How about a white anglo-saxon hetrosexual, NRA, pro-war day?

How about Tuesday? Or Wednesday? Or every day of the week? I don't know what gay nightclub you live in EdSinger, but everyday is white anglo-saxon, hetrosexual, NRA, pro-war day where I live, and Wal-Mart is your 24 hour celebration supply center. Who's stopping you? Go march. You're here, you're straight, you still can't get a date!

Nothing stopped the heterosexual parade in this story but common sense. will never happen but if it was all about EQUAL rites, then there would be no issues would there not?

If it was about EQUAL rights then gays could marry, adopt, live openly and freely as you, and sodomy would be a legal, honored, celebrated expression of love everywhere you go. Again, nobody said asshat couldn't have a vagina parade. Chicken# withdrew his request because the community he represented overwhelmingly called him an idiot.

And I think Grady presented as logical an argument as anyone as to why:

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Gay pride parades are ridiculous enough. They are made no more or less ridiculous by holding straight pride parades.

If you don't like Gay Pride parades, why hold a reactionary "response" to define yourself through the actions of a minority when you're already more equal than they are in every legally recognized way? Just because you can't stand them getting a permit for a parade once a year?

What a small person it would take to think that way, or to try to spin any of this into "ashamed to be straight." That's why it's propaganda. That's why this whole thread is a giant gay obsessed heterosexual parade.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 03:16 AM
does anybody accpects his son/daughter to be gay
I dont for sure

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by eazy_mas
does anybody accpects his son/daughter to be gay
I dont for sure

Yes, I accept that your son/daughter is gay!!

Seriously though, are you saying that you have a gay child and that you refuse to accept that they are gay??? Or is it that you accept that they are gay but as a result you now refuse to accept them as your child??

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 04:48 AM
Would the man who proposed a straight pride parade have done so if there were no such thing as a gay pride parade?

If so, then by all means, let the man have his parade!!

If not, then the only reason to have a straight pride parade would be to spite the gay rights advocates, knowing that they would protest it as anti-homosexual.

Since I seriously doubt that the notion of a straight-pride parade would have ever crossed his mind were it not for the advent of the gay-pride parade, I'm betting he got exactly the response he had hoped for.

One of the best ways to damage someone's bid for legitimacy among the general population, is to use their own arguments against them, and make them look like hypocrites. If the gay pride crowd had been smart about this, they would have bitten their tongues and said "Go for it". Then it would have been up to him to organise a parade supporting heterosexual rights, which might have been difficult (at least without it degrading into a KKK fest) since, as far as I know, heterosexuals aren't usually denied their rights to equal protection under the law.

Unfortunately, they reacted just like Mr. Straight-Parade bet they would, and now he can use their lack of foresight to his advantage.

If the most vocal members of the gay rights movement hadn't cried foul when this guy was pushing their buttons, there's a strong possibility that he would have hung himself with his own rope.
Even if his intentions were as he claimed, it is a safe bet that most, but not all, of the attendees would have been there because they oppose the gay rights movement, and not because they feel the need to express their heterosexuality to the world. Most likely, this would have resulted in the same anti-gay rhetoric it usually does, and the "we're not against gay pride, we just support straight pride" argument would have been lost.

On the other hand, if the parade did manage to avoid erroding into a bash fest, and the participants found a way to express their heterosexuality other than just showing how NON homosexual they were, there would not really be anything for the gay-pride crowd to be pissed about and the whole issue would be moot.

Either way, it would have been to the gay-pride supporters advantage to recognize this guy's right to have his straight-pride parade, and they were stupid for not realizing that this was the case.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by mOjOm

Originally posted by eazy_mas
does anybody accpects his son/daughter to be gay
I dont for sure

Yes, I accept that your son/daughter is gay!!

Seriously though, are you saying that you have a gay child and that you refuse to accept that they are gay??? Or is it that you accept that they are gay but as a result you now refuse to accept them as your child??

I wont make him a gay, I will parent him right so he becomes a man

Partening and Media have a very huge impact on children, thats is why people now days think its normal to be gay.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 05:39 AM

Originally posted by jezebel

-snip most of an excellent post-

Either way, it would have been to the gay-pride supporters advantage to recognize this guy's right to have his straight-pride parade, and they were stupid for not realizing that this was the case.

So the solution would seem to be -

have only one parade.

A Sexuality Parade.

Anything else is divisive and fuels this kind of stuff.

[edit on 4-6-2005 by quango]

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by eazy_mas
I wont make him a gay, I will parent him right so he becomes a man

Partening and Media have a very huge impact on children, thats is why people now days think its normal to be gay.

Ok, but the question was "Would you accept your son/daughter being gay?" Which you replied that you wouldn't.

Your "Acceptance" of their sexuallity would mean that your parenting, be it right or wrong, makes no difference in this case. If their sexuallity was totally within your control as a parent to decide then you would never be in a position where you'd have to decide to "Accept or Deny" it.

The question as you put it is about whether or not One would Accept that their child is Gay if and when such a choice had to be made. It is very likely that even with "Good Parenting" and what you consider the correct way to raise a "Man" that they might still claim to be Gay. At that point "Would you accept it or not??"

Do you think that you actually have control over their sexuallity to such a degree that if they said they were Gay you could turn them straight, or vise versa??

Do you think that your sexual preference was and is something You have control over or is it under the control of your Parents and the Media???

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 07:26 AM
I'm going to back on teh subject of MardiGras also....
I live in New Orleans, And I have all my life. I've been to countless parades and seen countless people make asses of them eslves each year aroung mardi gras.
THe mardi gras portrayed in the movies is not the real one The only times it gets real finatic ,like people want to believe, is when you have night time parades downtown in the Quarter. Hell I've even been in these parades. FYI I know of NO parade that goes down bouron street. The famous strip of bars is too narrow. Thats generaly where people get drunk and do their crazy things.

Actually over half of the arests during mardigras are not for the kind of indecent exposure you would think. People often get drunk and don't want to wait in line for a porto potty and just whip it out and take a piss. thats how people get arested all the time. I mean there is no mad sex going on in the middle of the street. Parades are so secure these days..... not like they used to any way. The famed mardi gras stories you here are thoes 1 in 1000 times. The whole mardigras season, like a month before, is all fun and games nothing really bad happens. Just on big parade nights do things get crazy like , Endymond, Toth, Crue De Tat etc...

But yeah I will say that for ever hetro sexual act done at mardigras there is proably another homosexual act. I mean com eon you get dressed up as crazy as you want and no one will care and you can drink as much as you want.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by mOjOm

Originally posted by eazy_mas
I wont make him a gay, I will parent him right so he becomes a man

Partening and Media have a very huge impact on children, thats is why people now days think its normal to be gay.

Ok, but the question was "Would you accept your son/daughter being gay?" Which you replied that you wouldn't.

Your "Acceptance" of their sexuallity would mean that your parenting, be it right or wrong, makes no difference in this case. If their sexuallity was totally within your control as a parent to decide then you would never be in a position where you'd have to decide to "Accept or Deny" it.

The question as you put it is about whether or not One would Accept that their child is Gay if and when such a choice had to be made. It is very likely that even with "Good Parenting" and what you consider the correct way to raise a "Man" that they might still claim to be Gay. At that point "Would you accept it or not??"

Do you think that you actually have control over their sexuallity to such a degree that if they said they were Gay you could turn them straight, or vise versa??

Do you think that your sexual preference was and is something You have control over or is it under the control of your Parents and the Media???

Yes i do, because these day kids open Tv they find violence and sex, both are practiced amog young children. The media hints what is gay it alright ot be gay nothing is wrogn being gay or you born to be gay and thats totally false. Because being a gay is a choose for a person. Does he want to have same sex sex or opposite. Most politcian disagree with Gay marragies and lifestyle. I you see some stuff like if a person dressed well or if he does not have a sex with his girlfriend or something like that then he is gay and that is wrong.

Why are there people disagreeing with gay marraiges ?!?1

The difference between gay and race is that being gay is a chocie but race in born with so the conceounse of chose of a any child is from his Home.

I seen stuff in CNN long time ago where there two oppostion on a Gay father in a church and the other is some politican . I weird thing i thought those ministery and father in chruch do not come near to sexual stuff so WHO COME YOU GET A GAY FATHER!!!

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 08:11 AM
Some of you are not getting the point here. This is about equality for all. Yes I am white, but you know what? Even even with my GI bill I am paying MUCH more for my college education than a very good friend of mine who happens to be black. Even with my GI bill, I am still footing almost $7,000. My friend is paying 5 grand for his education. So because of the color of my skin, I am being discriminated agianst.

I am sick of all the PC crowd whining "YOU ALREADY GOT YOUR DAY! ITs EVERYDAY" That is total and utter BS. If I go outside my apartment and start talking to only my white neighbors and started a serious discussion that contained the phrase 'white power' I would be labeled a racist and scum. And rightfully so. So what the hell is up with this stupid double standard that alot of you seem to embrace without impugnity? The fact is, I am NOT ALLOWED TO CELIBRATE BEING WHITE OR STRAIGHT! Not in public anyway. The reverse racism in this country is sickening.

I am not my ancestors so why am I being punished for thier stupidity of owning slaves? Political Correctness is a disease that many of you are affected with and it seems to be allowing some of you to make ignorant excuses as to why Americans should not all be on a level playing field. If one group has the right to celibrate their diversity then ALL law abiding groups have the right to celibrate thier individuality. Otherwise the oppression is no better than it was and we havent learned # since the 50's.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 08:15 AM
You keep saying being gay is a choice so it must follow that you think being straight is a choice. Meaning it's pretty much arbitrary and nothing right or wrong about either... according to you. And to think that such a fraglie and arbitrary thing that a TV SHOW could decide your sexuality for you... Wow. I guess sexual orientation really is meaningless isn't it?

By your "logic" of course.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Kidfinger
The fact is, I am NOT ALLOWED TO CELIBRATE BEING WHITE OR STRAIGHT! Not in public anyway. The reverse racism in this country is sickening.

I think reactionary stupidity is more of a problem than so called reverse racism.

That and getting angry about not being able to scream WHITE POWER (which you legally can by the way) in a thread on a Canadian Gay Pride parade.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by Lecky

I appreciate your intent but please don't feel pity for us, we are in no way opressed and those that claim we are, have no idea what it means to be truly opressed. It's just ridiculous!

Yes I have too you know why? because here where I live in the south I actually have friends and co-workers, that blame their faith and lack of promotion on not been the right "color".

I am talking about professionals, in all my life I have never heard somebody white complaining about no been the right "color" for a position before until I came to the south.

I was amazed the first time now after been here for 9 years I truly understand what this people means, but I also understand the point of view of the other side.

And that is life here in the south at least in my neck of the woods.

[edit on 4-6-2005 by marg6043]

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by RANT

Originally posted by Kidfinger
The fact is, I am NOT ALLOWED TO CELIBRATE BEING WHITE OR STRAIGHT! Not in public anyway. The reverse racism in this country is sickening.

I think reactionary stupidity is more of a problem than so called reverse racism.

That and getting angry about not being able to scream WHITE POWER (which you legally can by the way) in a thread on a Canadian Gay Pride parade.

Its true nobody is born gay. ans well as regard what is right and wrong i belive its wrong for many reasons

1- God created female to mate with the male

2- Its quit annoying about how they do it because that place it not desgin for that stuff just to take the wast out
I wont want my son to be a junky , nobody does?


posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by RANT

I think reactionary stupidity is more of a problem than so called reverse racism.

That and getting angry about not being able to scream WHITE POWER (which you legally can by the way) in a thread on a Canadian Gay Pride parade.

So where is the reactionary stupidity you speak of? I see no stupidity in what I said Rant. Only the truth.

And nice of you to take the one thing I was using as an example and twisting it to your views. It is this 'My way of thinking is correct and you are stupid for thinking anything else' mentality that will keep us in the social dark ages....

[edit on 6/4/05 by Kidfinger]

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