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Proud To Be Gay, Ashamed To Be Straight

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posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
Ahh, political correctness. Again.

You can't even define political correctness from what I've seen, much less point to any in this article.

Did an evil liberal Canadian judge make him not have Straight Day?

Or did he withdraw the request himself?

Was it from pressure by a minority?

Or overwhelming (some may even say DEMOCRATIC) outrage and national attention?

Was his "point" in having a Straight Day even altruistic and just for equality? Or simply inflamatory and reactionay, as he states...

[H]e says he still believes that proclaiming Gay Pride Day promotes inequality and animosity in the community.

It's pretty easy to spot a craven coward like him a mile away and see the motives here. But since he withdrew his request on his own, sounds more like self correctness and/or preservation than anything.

People really need to stop tossing around the phrase "Political Correctness" like Rush Limbaugh salts french fries. Unless the government is forcing you into a certain think-speak under duress of consequence, you're just shadow punching phantom boogeymen off AM radio. Ah, ditto, ditto, ditto. :shk:

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 02:30 PM
Rant is actually pointing out the percieved fallacy that somehow gays are the new pampered elite and highlighting that what some see as an over aquisition of power is in reality a lessening of the negative influences that have been prevelent for many years and sadly exist to a greater or lesser extent today.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 02:30 PM
For the life of me I will never understand why there is so much resistance agianst a 'straight day' parade. What is the big deal? Its no different than haveing a gay pride day or national black history month. WHo cares what you are! Just be you and be happy with it. If what someone embraces as a lifestyle offends you, then dont embrace that lifstyle. If gay people dont want to be straight, WHO CARES! All it amounts to is a personal choice.

Anyone who is whining about there being a straight day parade has some serious issues. They are just like the people whining to ban gay marriage or any other racist/anti-lifestylist.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 02:33 PM
For that matter, if an American moves to Africa, what happens if they call themselves an American-African...or American-Chinese...or, you get the point...

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by SimonColynAdrian

Originally posted by RANT
Can we call it Mardi Gras? Hold it every year and make it a week long?

Thank you for that post.

The reason why we have Pride anything for minority groups is so that WE, as the Majority, can openly, honestly, express to the Minorities that they are welcome in this big melting pot called America and are not looked at as objects of ridicule or hatred.

I understand that mentality, and think it's totally fine and good. It's unfortunate that we need to show they are welcome in America (this took place in Canada, though), but history has made this neccessary. However, why is it such an injustice that they, too, accept the majority in this great melting pot? Why is it that if you accept everybody, including the majority, you're a hate monger?

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
RANT has obviously and sadly swallowed political correctness to the point where he has it exactly wrong and junglejake has stated it exactly right (correct-ly).

Read the article, my posts, my dissection... and for the love of steamy heterosexual sex (my personal favorite) show me this:

Proud To Be Gay, Ashamed To Be Straight

Where's that in the article? Where is it even implied? Where's political correctness even? Huh?

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 02:36 PM
Nobody understands sarcasm anymore, it's such a lost art....That was the purpose of Rant's post, not to truly suggest that a homosexual actually go out and beat a str8 person for being str8....

GEESH! It's called comedy, people, work with him!! lol

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 02:40 PM
Anyway I'm off to a great little gay pub in Greenwich (quite a few straight people there to so it's not exclusive).

Ta ta!

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by RANT

Originally posted by junglejake
Ahh, political correctness. Again.

You can't even define political correctness from what I've seen, much less point to any in this article.

I actually have defined political correctness, as I understand it, here, and many others have fleshed it out.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 02:47 PM

For that matter, if an American moves to Africa, what happens if they call themselves an American-African...or American-Chinese...or, you get the point...

Moving to somewhere does not give you the right to change your "call sign" or nationality whatever. I think one would have to change thier citizenship. Like an American changing his citizenship to Japan.

Many Americans move overseas and are still Americans. LIving somewhere deos make you part of that place. Europeans working and living in the US are not French/German/English-Americans....they are still French, German and English. Now if they become AMCits...then if they want to be called Americans...That's fine, they are now Americans.

Personal choice I believe.

[edit on 3/6/2005 by SportyMB]

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by SimonColynAdrian
Nobody understands sarcasm anymore, it's such a lost art....That was the purpose of Rant's post, not to truly suggest that a homosexual actually go out and beat a str8 person for being str8....

GEESH! It's called comedy, people, work with him!! lol

I got it. However, it is still my choice whether or not to accept RANT's 'sarcasm' as an attempt at 'comedy' and whether I feel this subject is even appropriate for comedy. Are you going to let anyone tell you that actors using 'blackface' in a skit are hilarious and that they should be doing it on the Jay Leno Show?

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by junglejake

Originally posted by RANT

Originally posted by junglejake
Ahh, political correctness. Again.

You can't even define political correctness from what I've seen, much less point to any in this article.

I actually have defined political correctness, as I understand it, here, and many others have fleshed it out.

Your rant on "political correctness" was as wrong then as it is now.

I posted examples of REAL POLITICAL Correctness on the first page.

With the exception of the ONE ILLEGAL ACT you chose to respond to, this IS in fact real "political correctness" from the Government...

Originally posted by RANT

Originally posted by parrhesia
If there can be a gay pride day, so too should there be a straight pride day, if people so wish.

Can we call it Mardi Gras? Hold it every year and make it a week long? No that probably won't cut it. We'd probably need to dedicate at least 99% of movies and 56 of 57 cable channels to boy on girl love too. Oh! Maybe we should pass a bunch of laws outlawing the act of even engaging in homosexual sex. OoooOo, or marrying. Yeah, no marriage benefits. That should make the straight people feel a little better about their lack of specialness. I know, we could prop up these tax exempt political pulpits on every corner in America to evangelize how evil homosexuals are, and promote heterosexuality to boot! That could make people like JJ feel a little more special. But still, I think my insideous plan to try and, you know, equal out all this special treatment the gays get would need even more. I know, we could spend Federal monies to promote marriage? Yeah, and having babies! HUD should get right on that. Oh, oh, oh and give tax breaks to breeders! YEAH, make the gays pay for all that, and get none of the benefits! Not the marriage break, none of it. Wait, somehow, more should be done though. I'm still thinking. I guess the only way to make JJ feel as special as a minority with a parade once a year is to take him out and beat him for being straight. Maybe drag him to his death behind a truck or hang him on a barbed wire fence. Then straghts can feel just as super special as gay people!!!!!!!

[edit on 3-6-2005 by RANT]

What's the Politically Correct definition of marriage in most states Jake? What's the Politically Correct definition of intercourse? Does the FCC enforce politically correct standards? Does HUD and FBCI push a politically correct definition of healthy marriage? See where I'm going here?

This little whine the right's been doing for years on you better agree with with me or people will hate you is also called freedom. I can hate you if if I like. And you can hate me. FREEDOM! There's no LAW that says you have to (from your list) hate people that eat meat. :shk:

Don't be obtuse. That's your EXCUSE for wanting to PUSH your own Political Correctness to ban this or that or outlaw them or those.

Come on. And if it's not Political Correctness it's certainly Patriotic Correctness. Dont' be a sucker. You're not the victim here. The actual "PC Police" run the government (not Hollywood!) and THEY HATE GAYS AS MUCH AS YOU!

[edit on 3-6-2005 by RANT]

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 03:00 PM
You're right, I'm a whiny little biggot who needs to quit wanting any kind of equality in this country and just shut up. You convinced me Rant, this country still isn't polarized enough and there's not enough hatrid out there.

Keep up the good work, guys, soon we'll have a reason to hate anyone for reasons beyond who they are!

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
You're right, I'm a whiny little biggot who needs to quit wanting any kind of equality in this country and just shut up. You convinced me Rant, this country still isn't polarized enough and there's not enough hatrid out there.

Keep up the good work, guys, soon we'll have a reason to hate anyone for reasons beyond who they are!

And you've now convinced me you don't actually debate or respond to anything. You just spin off a little clump that suits your purpose and mold it how you like then take your toys and go home.

You did start this thread Jake.

[edit on 3-6-2005 by RANT]

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 03:30 PM
I'll try to be less sarcastic, snide, and confrontational in expressing what I tried to express before. Little irked at work and it bled into my posts. Sorry about that.

Can you explain to me how giving special privlidges to some people, and freaking out when others ask for the same privlidges, is condusive to promoting equality? The way I see it, it's only going to cause resentment (as it did to these groups when special laws were made for the majority) among people, and a larger division. America is a melting pot. There is not a single belief, race, or lifestyle not represented in this nation. These groups don't seem to want to be melted and become part of American culture. Rather, they'd like American culture to change to suit their own culture. That's not how it's supposed to work. We all make changes to adapt to new cultures. The new cultures aren't supposed to come in and demand to stay exactly the same and force the current culture to change dramatically to accomodate them. We all need to give a little, and I don't see that happening by giving some groups privlidges above others.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 03:53 PM
Hey I only going to say this . . . If Gay are proud of been Gay good for them, and if Straights are ashamed to be straight then that is their problem.

What is the big issue? I love celebrations be gay or straight.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Boatphone
Imagine if there were a all white tv channel, there would be outrage! I think that not allowing a stright pride day is horrible, thats whats wrong with America today!

It's called NBC.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Hey I only going to say this . . . If Gay are proud of been Gay good for them, and if Straights are ashamed to be straight then that is their problem.

What is the big issue? I love celebrations be gay or straight.

Ahh, but the problem is you're not allowed to celebrate being straight. Only gay. So that's one less party we can have

Bout Time: That was good!

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time

Originally posted by Boatphone
Imagine if there were a all white tv channel, there would be outrage! I think that not allowing a stright pride day is horrible, thats whats wrong with America today!

It's called NBC.

Oh please, National Broadcasting Company, is not a "for whites only" channel and it is foolish to say so.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Boatphone
Oh please, National Broadcasting Company, is not a "for whites only" channel and it is foolish to say so.

I think it was ment to be a joke, and it got a laugh outta me when I saw it

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