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UFO's and aliens do not exist

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posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 10:04 AM
Its possible there may be life.. What if Aliens are already here? Have they made A home here on Earth? I myself am A Christian and I personally belive that Aliens actually made a home on Earth and in our Seas (USOs) and possibly DO NOT come from Space. Its possible they are as curious as the Average human and with their technology its possible they wish to see what roams Space today. Scientist belive that Aliens and UFOs only come from beyond the stars.. Who knows? They probabbly lived here for centuries.. Science proves they could have an entire Community on/in/under who knows where. -.- And I myself belive that even if they do exist they are here for a reason.. The Aliens you see in Movie,TV Shows,Internet Etc are fakes. But I do agree that they are very Similar to demons.. No man on Earth is entirely sure if they Exist.. If they do then what do they want? Why are they here? And is their other intellegience in this Universe?

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:56 AM
I fully agree with the author that no extraterrestrials are visiting earth, maybe 100,000,000 years ago someone came here, but still very unlikely (why leave this beautiful planet). When I was younger I believed in UFOs, but now that I reason more logically I see how stupid I was.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 08:28 AM
Trouble with UFO's and aliens is a lot of people DON'T see them because they're looking the wrong way. There are a lot of sightings but how many go unnoticed?
Like the saying goes, if a tree falls in the forest and no-one is around to hear it , does it make a sound?.
How many people see them then pass them off as a plane, a cloud, a reflection off theyre glasses, a glare off a car window or some distant object. kids playing with balloons, the list is endless.
So how many go without being reported?

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 02:06 PM
It's funny, but that was Carl Sagan's driving "proof" that we couldn't be visited. That it was just too long of a trip. I was baffled that a scientist could blatantly say something like that with a straight face. I was always curious if he was a disinfo guy.

Consider: There are a heck of a lot of galaxies a LOT older than ours. Billions of years older. In the incredibly short time we have gone from rubbing two sticks together, to working on quantum physics, how could you even begin to think that a civilization possibily billions of years older than ours, couldn't have developed technologies we can't even begin to comprehend? We have gone from needing horses to get our work done, to flying in space in a very short space of time. Just think of what we could develop in just another 100 years. Or 1000. Or 10,000 years.

Just because you can't think of a way it can be done, doesn't mean a thing honestly. We are just beginning to try and understand quantum physics. We are finding that moving an atom here, can move an atom millions of light years away at the exact same moment. I have no doubts whatsoever that we'll develop astounding ways to get from point A to point B other than simple propulsion.

And because you haven't seen anything, also doesn't mean a thing really. UFO sightings are actually quite rare. There are plenty of pilots and even astronauts (more than one) that have said they have seen stuff they can't explain. You just haven't been very lucky.

You can believe as you wish, but I think there is a veritable mountain of evidence. The most damning evidence imo, is under lock and key.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 06:58 AM

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by supergenius74

Super-Spin Theory:

C (3x10^8 m) speed limit of "speed of light" is not a speed limit any more, but it is a limitation for previous physic theories.
Bohm's Universe can justify physic fenomenas that relativity and previous physics can't

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
I am an alien and your lightweight physics don't apply to us. Even Quantum is for kids to play with. 30yrs OMG. The main reason we're here is for the music. Rock ON!!

Oh yeah "Human Technology" insert smiley face here!!

I thought you guys were here to pick up foreclosures and nice stocks on the cheap?

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by supergenius74

I think aliens exist, but they haven't visited the earth, that's bull#...
The universe is so freaking big it's almost impossible that we're the only living thing existing!

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 06:07 PM
i strongly believe that aliens ghosts and ufos are extremely real!! i honestly think that there is life on other planets also

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 06:15 PM
The scientific age of earth is 4.7 billions years old.... that is plenty of time for any far more advanced civilisation to find our planet..... just because we have been around for a blink of an eye doesnt mean they have.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Itop1
The scientific age of earth is 4.7 billions years old.... that is plenty of time for any far more advanced civilisation to find our planet..... just because we have been around for a blink of an eye doesnt mean they have.

Well the universe is 13.75 ±0.17 billion years old. You suppose that at "day 9 billion years" of the universe there was already a high tech civilization flying around the galaxy? Or even at 10 or 11 billion years? It could be possible but very unlikely. We may very well be the first or one of the first intelligent species in our galaxy.

Somethings else that i would like to add.
If aliens are real and they are flying around earth and spying on us or whatever, what is the point of all these? I would expect more from a civilization that has travelled so far. Like spying from distance, or try to communicate with us. But instead this high tech civilization launches 1000 or more "flying sausers" to do what? So that we can take pictures of them?

In general i agree with the topic starter.
Although i would love to believe that there are aliens near our neighbourhood, everything points to the contrary.

(As to what causes the UFO phenomena, if its not the aliens, i believe there are very good explanations.)

[edit on 15-8-2010 by javavall]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by RetroRaven
i strongly believe that aliens ghosts and ufos are extremely real!! i honestly think that there is life on other planets also

I honestly wonder about these threads lately. They seem to crop up every week now - some random post stating in so many words "I don't think aliens exist!" As if your single opinion is some startling revelation that will shake the foundations of ufology.

And here we have someone bumping a FIVE YEAR OLD thread that say the same thing. With a rather ridiculous comment.. they believe that aliens ghosts and ufos are "extremely" real.

It's almost as if someone is trying to keep these sorts of threads on the front page more often than not, and comments from "believers" are getting more ridiculous (i.e. trying to make "believers" look like idiots).

Makes me wonder if there is not some other agenda lately. The good posts sink into obscurity, and the "omg ufos are fake!" ones seem to linger for weeks, garnering dozens of pages of replies.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by supergenius74

You are 100% right. i tried to convince some people in youtube that ufos doesnt exist, but unfortunently its hard to make them comprehend.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by supergenius74
Hello everyone, I'm new here and would like to share one humble opinion about this whole subject. I don't claim to be very intelligent nor do I have any professional experience

so i am going to hear this i havent read past this point...i just wanted to point out that while your humble intentions are dully noted...your username is supergenious lol

how can one be called super genious, yet state they are not "very intelligent"? lol...

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by supergenius74
I value everyones opinion and believe in being open minded and hearing every option.

yet people beleive a story someone told that doesn't have any credible evidence?

People see and hear lots of things and even just a 1000 years ago people really believed in dragons and sea monsters. People believe what they want to believe, that in itself is faith and religion, science doesn't need faith it has methods and facts to back everything up. I completely with crossbone, why so secret? There is no good reason for us to not know about it and we will all gain as a species by having visitors
but the truth is it just hasn't happened.

i dont think you are really interested in this topic lol...i think you are posting a side of a theory you know will stir up some attention, and are using sub par double talk to contiune the pointless debate lol


posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by supergenius74

OP That's with CURRENT technology. If you made the same comparison when we could only walk on our two feet then it would take much much longer to get to the nearest star ;-)

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