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UFO's and aliens do not exist

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posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 05:27 PM
If we haven't already made physical contact, I wouldn't doubt that we have made radio contact, there have been several cases that I have herd of when radio astronomers were told to stay hush hush after intercepting some interesting radio signals.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by supergenius74

. I think a lot of people can't grasp just how far it is, to put it in perspective, the farthest man made object from earth is the voyager space probe, launched almost 30 years ago it is just now entering outer space, or the area beyond what is considered our solar system and all of the main bodies that make it up.

First the Voyager I & Voyager II are bad examples , becuase they were never designed for transportation, they were designed to pass by the planets and snap pictures.
We can easily put a vehicle in space that would make the Voyagers look like tri-cycles!

With our current technology it took 30 years to travel 8 billion miles and that is still considered "home", if we could travel at the speed of light, which many scientists say will never be possible unless you could turn yourself into a photon, it would still take 12 hours and you haven't even left town yet. 4 years to reach the closest star but no earth like planets and about 50 years to reach an earth like planet. Now to top it all off 50 years to get back and during that time 1000's of years would have passed for earth so no one is alive that you knew and you spent you whole life traveling somewhere just to stop in and say hi. Thats how far we are talking here.

The closer to c (light speed) that you get, the slower time passes. So for the observer on Earth the trip would take 50 years( not thousands) , but for you (the one making the trip) time would be passing more slowly the closer to c(L-Speed) you got. So the trip wouldn't take the traveler 50 years , but maybe 4 or 5 years ( depending on how long it takes you to reach close to c , and how long it takes you to slow back down.)

Its almost like an aircraft that could reach the outer limits of the atmosphere would only have to enter space , and sit there for a few minutes while the Earth turns underneath it , then re-enter the atmosphere and it would have travelved halfway around the Earth in 30 minutes.

What I'm saying is that at close to c you'd literally be traveling across time.

Distance ,and Speed are dependant on Time.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 07:17 PM
Aliens don't exist. Maybe.

If you examine the word extraterrestial. Just means outside the earth which could just be an astronaut (if you examined the word astronaut, um .. oh forget it).

If you examined the word UFO, just means unidentified flying object.

If you convince me that youve checked every planet in the known and unknown universe and galaxy, I'd believe you a lot more then imagining you came up with this conclusion sitting back on your sofa watching t.v. and reading books and newspapers.

Humans know nothing of nothing that exist in the infinite. But, humans swear they have figured it all out, from year to year.

[edit on 2-6-2005 by pfunkarocka]

[edit on 2-6-2005 by pfunkarocka]


posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 07:32 PM
oh so now we have a person that is talking for EVERY SINGLE HUMAN ON THIS PLANET.. there are people who know the truth, they just cant talk or they're dead obviously

[edit on 2-6-2005 by Kal]

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 08:31 PM
Aliens don't exist, the real deal is that we are alone in this big universe, there is no other species only us. Nobody has produced anything to convince me that other lifeforms exist outside our planet.
People who claim to have been in contact with extraterrestrials are either making money out of suckers that subscribe to this forum or mentally unbalanced.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 08:35 PM
Well supergenius74 with all respect, typically when you post an opinion like yours you should come back and try to defend it. It sounds to me though, you should look into the subject more, and you might change your mind. Check out some of the material presented earlier. Because if what your saying that UFO's and Aliens don't exist, then that means there are a lot of people including government and military witnesses that are all having the same hallucination.

Also checkout:
The Disclosure Project


posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 08:41 PM
Happy to read about Your Real Deal Bulldog 52. It really seems to represent the minority in this day and age. I get my books from the library and videos from the channels willing enough to show them for the high ratings UFO/EBE matters continue to absorb in media. All in all I suppose I'm not a sucker just and open minded researcher..


posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by supergenius74
We've spent the last 40 years checking out all the planets in our local solar system only to learn there are no signs of intelligent life here so knowing that it would need to come from another system ........

first off, let me say i loved reading this thread. valid and truthful statements. but this fist quote (and i know i may have taken it out of the context it was intended) " signs of intelligent life here....." made me laugh, thanks for at the very least, that.

I think a lot of people can't grasp just how far it is, to put it in perspective, the farthest man made object from earth is the voyager space probe, launched almost 30 years ago it is just now entering outer space, or the area beyond what is considered our solar system and all of the main bodies that make it .........

what if voyager, the invitation ....... the "hey look at us" gets somewhere and they follow the map to its source and find no one home, well at least the no one responsible for sending voyager. now imagine they still find a way to visit the ones responsible for sending voyager out. imagine voyager at this very moment buried in some ancient place on earth while it is at the same time outside of our galaxy .......

i don't know the limits that aliens would take to understand their origins, because i'm still trying to contimplate the level the human race has gone through to date to understand their origins.

impossible technology?

we have already ALREADY proven a cluster of a billion molecules can be in 2 (yes count them TWO) places at the same time.

time travel impossible?

i time travel 1 hour twice a year, unfortunately i usually sleep through it. sometimes i travel through time more, if i travel.

coven ant ....... covenant
ignore ant ...... ignorant
persist ant ..... persistant
ants sir .......... answer
see answer .... cancer

maybe one day people will begin to notice a pattern.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 09:20 PM
you say imagine our technology in 100 or 1000 years, think about this. the earth is only what 4 billion years old yet parts of the universe have been dated between 8 and 12 billion years. so if a planet with intelligent life was created just 1 billion years before our planet they could then be races 1 billion years ahead of us. And with the infinite universe theory this has happened for sure. so imagine us 1 billion years in the future. Laws of physics f*** 'em.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 09:21 PM

The closer to c (light speed) that you get, the slower time passes. So for the observer on Earth the trip would take 50 years( not thousands) , but for you (the one making the trip) time would be passing more slowly the closer to c(L-Speed) you got. So the trip wouldn't take the traveler 50 years , but maybe 4 or 5 years ( depending on how long it takes you to reach close to c , and how long it takes you to slow back down.)

correct me if i'm wrong but I dont think it works like this. Say you set the guy off in a space ship and there is another person on earth, they both have watches that are ticking simultaneously upon take off. Say you could see both watches somehow when the space ship has a velocity of almost C. From your point of view the watch would be going slower than that of the the watch on earth. However, if you're sitting on the space ship your watching is still ticking at the same rate, time has not slowed down for you from your perspective, the earth watch is ticking faster. But say your going to somewhere 10 light years away, traveling at .999999 C. Its still going to take you a little over 10 years on the space ship. Right? Oh man i think i've confused myself now. This doesn't seem right.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

maybe one day people will begin to notice a pattern.

I believe that your heading at this point in time can not be proven to be true or false.
However I truly respect your opinion.

What frustrates me is comments like the one I have quoted above from Esoteric Teacher for example and purley an example. (Mods sorry for the quick stray off topic).
I am a firm believer of taking small steps (hence the name) to achieve whatever greater good may be heading our way. I, like most on this forum ,wait for nothing less than meeting and exchanging thoughts and experiences with our fellow organisms that may inhabit the far reaches of this universe and other states of existance (exist - ants) ..Buuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
For the sake of humanity if not for board members and mods, please if you are witholding information that perhaps can change us into a more efficient, more humane / more advanced race - please empart your knowledge in a less cryptic / you'll see / just wait kind of way.

We get enough of this crap from govts, then what? we do it to ourselves.
( i will stop now - sorry )
Appologies for the rant (are ant) folks - All this 'impending information' is really bothering me.

Its all good regardless. Happy Days are here again.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 12:29 AM
Its not a question "is there life out there?" any vegas bookey should take that bet just looking at the numbers.The question is "is there intelligent life out there?"

And again I say the numbers are convincingly,yes.With the amount of 200 billon stars just in the Milkey Way,each of these with a possible system of planets and each of those with a collection of moons(sure they could have life too)

This is just in our galaxy.The number of other galaxys is estimated to be anywere from 100 billon to 500 billon galaxys in the universe,with at least 3,000 visible.

So is the intelligent life that has to be out there expanding there horizon to see what is out there? Of course, just like us there freethinkers are always trying to further there intelligence.Not accepting what the general population believes.Not accepting what everyone considers to be a fact.

In one way or another just like our rebels that will not take no as a answer.Columbus"No I dont accept the woarld is flat".The Wright Bros"No I dont believe it is impossible to fly"

Like the saying says"If there is A will,There is A way"

[edit on 3-6-2005 by TahoeSkiBum]

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 12:53 AM

EDIT: Editted by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Paragraphs.

ROFLMAO !! Someone has a wicked sense of humour!

I too think 'Manned' craft of ET kind are unlikely, but then again some things are just too weird, possibly probes. Who knows if Et somewhere out there sent intelligent probes thousands of years ago toward our galaxy?
One day our craft will reach another star system too, if its detected and captured by ET, what will they make of our plaque? of human images etc.

Aliens don't exist, the real deal is that we are alone in this big universe, there is no other species only us.

What an ignorant arrogant statement to make!! LMAO I guess if you go fishing at your local beach and you dont catch anything, you assume theres no fish in all the worlds oceans!

People who claim to have been in contact with extraterrestrials are either making money out of suckers that subscribe to this forum or mentally unbalanced.

Many, no doubt, much wishful thinking too, but who are you to say that somewhere somebody hasnt? know something we dont?

[edit on 123030p://590612 by instar]

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by one_small_step

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

maybe one day people will begin to notice a pattern.

I believe that your heading at this point in time can not be proven to be true or false.
However I truly respect your opinion.

What frustrates me is comments like the one I have quoted above from Esoteric Teacher for example and purley an example. (Mods sorry for the quick stray off topic).
I am a firm believer of taking small steps (hence the name) to achieve whatever greater good may be heading our way. I, like most on this forum ,wait for nothing less than meeting and exchanging thoughts and experiences with our fellow organisms that may inhabit the far reaches of this universe and other states of existance (exist - ants) ..Buuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
For the sake of humanity if not for board members and mods, please if you are witholding information that perhaps can change us into a more efficient, more humane / more advanced race - please empart your knowledge in a less cryptic / you'll see / just wait kind of way.

if what i think is going on is going on, how would one person deliver such a profound truth to the world, undenyable evidence that is only seen through the cryptic messages of religious icons and hidden phonetically and encoded into our very languages and daily routines?

i can't be the only one to know what is so blatantly in front of everyones eyes. and the only way it can remain hidden is by individuals subconscious knowing the conscious mind is not prepared for it. so who am i to reach into your mind and pull it out and show it to you. i don't know how without taking someone to the very brink of their sanity and saying "jump in and good luck, keep the faith."

We get enough of this crap from govts, then what? we do it to ourselves.
( i will stop now - sorry )
Appologies for the rant (are ant) folks - All this 'impending information' is really bothering me.

maybe the ones who also know these things are doing the "stupid" crap they are to invoke people to start asking why?

oil prices the reason we go to war?

please ....... gasoline gets over $2.50 a gallon and some people almost choke on their $2.00 bottle of water that isn't 1/10th the volume of a gallon.

if it seems perception itself is being challenged, then maybe perception itself is being challenged.

a good teacher will just give people the answer, but a great teacher knows to make a student want to ask the right questions in the first place.

do i have answers? yes, some.

do i know how to openly present them? no one does. no one, but you.

all that i know tells me only a few possibilities exist to answer the whole of it. i mean, every question.

so if a solution does not explain 1 descrepancy throughout all things known, it can not be a plausible solution.

all i know is in presenting information i cannot:
1) change you
2) sell you anything
3) take from you anything
4) use what i know for personal gain
5) threaten to force you into anything you don't desire
6) threaten to take something from you
7) invoke your primal "self preserve" in any way, shape, or form
8) feed your fears, your hates, or your negative emotions

if i do any of those things to you, i take you further from the truth. no one else makes these rules, but you. and it seems that they are the same rules for all of us...................

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 02:41 AM

maybe the ones who also know these things are doing the "stupid" crap they are to invoke people to start asking why?

That, most likely, is a true statement - I'd be happy to continue this in another thread.

We've strayed a little.

I've U2U'd you too.

Have a good weekend all.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 05:17 AM
Your arguments saying that UFOs do not exist are absurd. All the people that saw this stuff through the years cant all be wrong. The only reason why you do not think they are real is because you have never had the luck of seeing one. To all the people that had encounters, its very real to them, and they got all the proof they need. I love how everyone comes up with an explanation for every sighting, but just stand there and try to imagine something like that, its hard. I believe people see exactly what is there, at least most of us, but people like you who has never been blessed with the event can say they dont exist. The universe is infinite, but they may like what they see here, who knows?

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 09:33 AM
All of your arguements for alternate means of transportation are just as flimsy as the "great distance" argument. Just think, over the course of history how many people have indicated they have been touched by "the word of God", yet all of you are willing to put faith on "all the evidence on UFO's". My take is this. If they could traverse the distance required to come here and visit us why have they elected to do it under a cloud of secrecy. There is absolutly NO recourse for them, from us learning of their existance, espicially while we are reletively still young. In fact the longer they would allow us to continue to advance unchecked is more dangerous to them then to show themselves now, or earlier in our history. Nothing substanial has been proven yet to their existance so I would say that we are dealing with some extremly patient terrestrials. Or, in my opion, they arent here.

P.S. I have to really believe that if our Government, or individuals within our gov. knew aliens existed, saw them, had conversations with them; I would think that our governments actions and thoughts would be totally different. I would think that wars with other countries would be less of a priority, that a global awareness for the betterment of mankind would be an important national value, and NASA, not the millitary would get most of the funding. I mean isnt that some valuable knowledge for just a few people to have. I mean what on Earth could be as important as knowing that people from another PLANET has come here. I get stoked meeting someone from California or New York, let alone a different continent. I'm in the Midwest by the way.

Now, imagine if you found out that other worlds with other life was out there.
If you REALLY knew and had an oppertunity to speak with intelligent life.

Would life be more or less prescious!

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 09:39 AM

ROFLMAO !! Someone has a wicked sense of humour!

guilty as charged...originally the post was all one edited for the sake of members''s a common faux-pas...and it's now much easier to read...

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by CrossBone
... Just think, over the course of history how many people have indicated they have been touched by "the word of God", yet all of you are willing to put faith on "all the evidence on UFO's".

I don't have to put faith in the existence of UFOs because I know they exist; I have seen them! On more than one occassion I have witnessed UFOs with other people present who also witnessed them. The Bible defines faith as a belief in things not seen whereas my belief is based on what I have actually seen and experienced.

Nothing substanial has been proven yet to their existance so I would say that we are dealing with some extremly patient terrestrials. Or, in my opion, they arent here.

Well, it depends on your definition of proof. If a court of law can accept eye-witness testimony as "true" and "proof" than I can at least accept the truth of what my eyes see and what others have seen and photographed and videotaped, etc and for me that's "proof" enough. You say that in your opinion "they are not here" but you base your opinion on nothing but the fact that you personally have not seen one. What about the 60% of respondants to the latest Gallup Poll who claim they believe in the existance of UFOs? Are they all idiots and fools who will believe anything?

P.S. I have to really believe that if our Government, or individuals within our gov. knew aliens existed, saw them, had conversations with them; I would think that our governments actions and thoughts would be totally different. I would think that wars with other countries would be less of a priority, that a global awareness for the betterment of mankind would be an important national value, and NASA, not the millitary would get most of the funding.

You can believe what you want about that but there is ample evidence to the contrary. Instead of basing your opinions on spur of the moment value judgements, I suggest that you spend a month or so actually investigating the evidence; do a little reading, a little research and see if you don't start to believe, as I do, that there is something important and exciting going on here.

BTW: Your argument that people putting great faith in the Bible and God's word should somehow preclude the belief or the possibilty that life exists elsewhere in the universe is pretty aragant, don't you think? Do you suppose that God could or would only create life on one planet while also creating trillions upon trillions of other stars and worlds at the same time?
For what reason? I choose to believe that He can do whatever He wants.

"..and if there's life on other planets
then i'm sure that He must know
and He's been there once already
and has died to save their souls"
Larry Norman ("UFO")

Keep looking up!

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Distortion

Originally posted by lost_shaman
The closer to c (light speed) that you get, the slower time passes. So for the observer on Earth the trip would take 50 years( not thousands) , but for you (the one making the trip) time would be passing more slowly the closer to c(L-Speed) you got. So the trip wouldn't take the traveler 50 years , but maybe 4 or 5 years ( depending on how long it takes you to reach close to c , and how long it takes you to slow back down.)

correct me if i'm wrong but I dont think it works like this. Say you set the guy off in a space ship and there is another person on earth, they both have watches that are ticking simultaneously upon take off. Say you could see both watches somehow when the space ship has a velocity of almost C. From your point of view the watch would be going slower than that of the the watch on earth. However, if you're sitting on the space ship your watching is still ticking at the same rate, time has not slowed down for you from your perspective, the earth watch is ticking faster. But say your going to somewhere 10 light years away, traveling at .999999 C. Its still going to take you a little over 10 years on the space ship. Right? Oh man i think i've confused myself now. This doesn't seem right.

O.K. Lets look at the clocks.
They are both sinchronized when you leave Earth , and lets say that we have a hypothetical way to veiw both clocks at the same time.

Now looking at both of them from Earths perspective , the on-board clock moving at close to c , lets say 99.8% of c , will seem to be almost stopped, while the Earth based clock is ticking at the normal rate.

And looking at the clocks from on-board the ship, your clock is ticking at the normal rate , while the Earth based clock seems to be spinning wildly into the future.

Now if we say the trip was to a destination 10 light years away from Earth, then the trip will be over by the time the Earth clock ticks off ten years of time. This will not take you the traveler ten years of time by the on-baord clock , since the Earth clock is spinning into the Future so much faster than the on-board clock.

So if the Earth based clock is ticking 100 times faster than the on-board clock, the 10 light year jurney will take you about 36.5 days to make the trip, even though you never exceeded c , you made the trip in a different state of time!

Edit: Also the closer to c you get the more dramatic the time difference becomes. So at 99.8% of c the Earth clock would more likly be ticking thousands of times faster than the on-board clock.

[edit on 3-6-2005 by lost_shaman]

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