From: Prophet Yahweh
Date: Sat Jun 4, 2005 2:41 pm
Subject: Who Are You Going To Listen To?
Dear List,
I am so very happy to have you all in my group!
Today marks a beautiful day, in that it´s the day that I start:
1. bringing my site to life
2. keeping you posted on what is happening with my UFO sightings
3. revealing all rumors, about me, that are being posted all over the Internet, for what they are - nothing but lies and distortions of the truth.
Rest assured that the people who have been trying to create a spirit of confusion in you, will be revealed as desperate "little" people who are
trying to keep the things I represent away from you.
They have been a part of several groups I had in the past, and are part of my group now.
They follow me every where I go, on the Internet, and can get enough of me, but only to prepare themselves to come against me when I start coming to
They don´t want you to understand the great secret truths that I have been blessed to know.
There is a great Luciferian conspiracy to keep all of you ignorant to the truth.
It has been highly successful in you.
This conspiracy is ruled over by very powerful religious men who command immense social honor and prestige.
I call these conspirators, the Luciferians.
They have been working behind the scenes since the most ancient times.
They recruit aggressively so that their ranks will be filled with loyal demons, the most loyal of whom will take the place of any leader who dies.
The goal of this conspiracy is to murder the souls of every person on earth so that when they are judged for their sins in the great judgment day they
will be found guilty and cast into the lake of fire with them.
As a result of this Luciferian conspiracy, the souls of just about all the people, ever born on this earth, since Adam will be damned!
The reason why the UFOs are appearing on my signal is because YAHWEH, the Creator of all things, is publicly anointing and consecrating me as His
prophet so that all people will know to listen to me above all others.
Also, what YAHWEH is doing is starting my ministry for me instead of me starting it myself like all other religious leaders on earth have done.
By the time YAHWEH finishes revealing Himself through me, it will be clear that my ministry will be the only one on earth that was started by the
Creator wilth miracles.
No other man on earth can say that the Creator started his ministry for him by supernatural means but me.
It is of the utmost importance that all of you listen very closely to what I have to say and not those who come against me.
They seek only to keep you confused about me so that you won´t know the high level truths given to me.
The times that are coming are very, very serious and evil.
The deep thing about this is that all of it will not be an accident; what´s coming will be done on purpose.
In this group, I will tell you the great secret truths that YAHWEH wants all of you to know.
I will present proofs of all I say that you can research for yourselves.
Before I close this letter, I want all of you to know that all our lives are in danger!
The lives of your Father, mother, sister, and brother are in danger!
The lives of your children and your husband, wives, and spouses, past and present, are in danger!
A terrible, terrible thing is about to happen!
All of you who listen to me will know how to save yourselves from the terrible times to come.
This is no joke!
Very soon, a series of events will start happening that will catapult the world into an unbelievable catastrophe the likes of which has never happened
since man walked the earth.
The government knows all about it!
Your religious leaders know all about it.
They will not tell you because they don´t want to start a mass panic.
But, I, Prophet Yahweh, Seer of the benevolent and holy YAHWEH, will tell you all about it and prove it to you as well as help you prepare for it so
you and those close to you won´t have to suffer!.
Not only that, but I will tell you what you, your children, family, love ones, and friends can do to survive this time that is rapidly approaching and
live comfortably through it.
So, with all this in mind, are you going to be a sucker for all the gossip and lies against me?
Who are you going to listen to, me or the simple "little" people who slander and defame me?
The choice is yours.
I will be trying to post to the group on a regular basis to give you more and more insight on what I am saying and what is about to happen.
Sincerely Yours In YAHWEH,
Prophet Yahweh
Seer of Yahweh
I have a feeling this is to cover his a$$ should he need to plea insanity.
[edit on 4-6-2005 by Lanotom]