posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:44 PM
In late December of 1980, Bud Parker and John Burroughs, United States Air Force personnel stationed in Suffolk, England, spotted an illuminated
object dive into Rendlesham Forest. Burroughs contacted the security booth, and James Penniston was dispatched to inspect the site. Penniston
initially believed that an aircraft had crashed. Burroughs and Penniston proceeded toward the source of light. They arrived at a clearing, where
they claimed to have encountered a triangular or pyramidal object on the forest floor. It was approximately nine feet long and six and a half feet
high. The air surrounding the object was highly charged, as if by electrostatic. Penniston approached the object and touched its surface, which was
warm and as smooth as glass. Penniston also noticed a peculiar set of symbols situated near the front of the object. Then, all of a sudden, the object
emitted a blinding flash of light and soundlessly sped off. Apparently, more than eighty United States Air Force personnel caught a glimpse of the
object as it flew away. Penniston photographed the object a number of times, but when the photographs were developed, they were blank, as if they had
been severely overexposed.