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Knights of Columbus creepy ceremony

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posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 03:30 PM
Jimmy Carter IS a Lion though, another "secret" organization which to the best of my knowledge, has helped thousands if not millions to see again. I hear his ad on AM radio all the time to donate used eyeglasses. He is a great guy, if not the best foreign policy President. I digress.
William J. Clinton was alleged to have been involved in Skull and Bones, but I am just passing on heresay with no facts to back it up.
Saddam Hussein was just an a-hole.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by useurheadIt is not the streets only, but Dupont Circle, Logan Circle, Scott Circle, Washington Circle, and Mt. Vernon Square when connected (most with streets, but not all) create a perfectly even pentagram.

If you take five points located at an equal distance around a circle, then connect them you'll create a five-pointed star as well.

Not all five-pointed stars are pentagrams.

The pentagram in occultism symbolizes the "Devil's Goathead of Mendes" and has much to do with Luciferian beliefs.

...and the pentagram isn't specific to occultism, nor that it's oldest usage. I believe the oldest usage is Sumerian. Just because one group as taken an old symbol and converted it for their uses to something it never was meant to illustrate doesn't mean that the new meaning is the correct one. It just means that there's more than one interpretation. If you choose an interpretation without context - which it looks like you're doing here - then you're expressing ignorance. Not meant to be insulting, just meant to clearly define my position in regards to ascribing meaning without relevance.

Connecting the perimeter of these also creates a pentagon around the pentagram (completing the symbol).

Just completes a perfect (and the simplest) 5/4 regular star polygon.

Also, drawing a line from the US Capitol building to The White House and another from the Capitol to the Jefferson Memorial creates a perfect compass

Actually, it just makes an angle.

and two streets in front form a square.

...just another angle. There are angles such as these in every city, in every state in the United States. As well as in every city in every country in the world.

The overall image is the classic mason's Compass and Square.

Again ... same angles are found all over the world. Not meant to make you more paranoid than you are ... just saying that they only exist because you're looking for them, not because that's how they were designed.

And no, there is no secret society of city planners, either.

Your pal,

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by useurhead

If done in secret, there can be no expulsion.

Maybe, but I doubt it's possible to really do anything like that in complete secrecy. They would have to meet somewhere, and eventually, someone would notice their cars in the parking lot.

My mistake. The obelisk within a circle is occult symbolism.
"The obelisk is critically important to the occultist because they believe that the spirit of the ancient Egyptian sun god, Ra, resided in the obelisk."

I've been an occultist for many years, and never for a moment believed that Ra resided inside an obelisk.

The pentagram in occultism symbolizes the "Devil's Goathead of Mendes" and has much to do with Luciferian beliefs.

Actually, there is no "devil's goathead" in occultism. In the occult, the pentagram represents the four material elements, along with the fifth occult element, the Quintessence, or "Spirit". In reality, the four elements of matter are expressions of Spirit; therefore, the correct pentagram has one poin upward, symbolizing that the four elements of matter flow forth from Spirit.

But as a result of the allegorical Fall, man in his natural state is ruled by his passions and prejudices, instead of his reason, which is the Divine Spark. Therefore, natural man is symbolized in occultism by the pentagram with two points up, and the point of Spirit facing downwards. This symbol shows matter dominating Spirit. For this reason, occultists consider the symbol "evil", not because it is evil in itself, but because it expresses the unfortunate position of being unenlightened to spiritual truth.

This pentagram resembles a goat's head, as you mentioned. It therefore refers to the Greek deity Pan, who was half-man and half-goat, again showing the symbol of man being ruled by his animal passions. In Christianity, Pan was distorted into "the devil", but occultists preserve the primitive meaning, and avoid the superstition inherent in doctrines about "the devil".

All seeing eyes on aprons, our money, numerous corporate symbols, and Mormon temples (as well as Mormon ceremonial aprons) connect the dots as well.

As mentioned in Conspiracy Nut's thread, the All Seeing Eye was placed in the Great Seal of the United States by non-Masons. The early Mormon Endowment Ceremonies were in part plagiarisms of Masonic ceremony, so it is no surprise that they use some of our symbols.

Your list includes many corporate elites and sophisticates. I understand your meaning though and I fully believe that any sort of Masonic group in collusion with international interest groups (CFR, Trilateral, Bilderberger, Illuminati, etc) would have nothing to do with your order and those of normal masons. Like I said, maybe a secret break off group.

There are no Masonic groups in collusion with the groups you mention (CFR, etc.). The Illuminati was a semi-secret society in Bavaria in the late 1700's whose ultimate goal was to overthrow the Church-controlled Electorate, and establish a liberal democracy, having been inspired by the Revolution in the colonies. The Illuminati is the only group in your above list that had anything to do with Masonry, and even then, the actual link between Masonry and Illuminism is questionable.

I've read many places that Bill Clinton, Saddam Hussein, and Jimmy Carter were 33rd degree masons as well. Masons are worldwide, correct?

Yes, but not in every country. Freemasonry was outlawed in Iraq until Saddam's overthrow. Saddam was never a Mason.

Bill Clinton has sometimes mistakenly been referred to as a Mason. His father was a Mason, and Bill was a member of the DeMolay Society as a teen (which is a Masonic-sponsored organization for boys). However, Bill never became a Mason.

Jimmy Carter likewise has never been a Mason. There have been 15 Presidents of the United States who were Masons. The last US President who was a Mason was Brother Gerald R. Ford, who was a member of Malta Lodge No. 465 in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by cbianchi513
Jimmy Carter IS a Lion though, another "secret" organization which to the best of my knowledge, has helped thousands if not millions to see again.

The Lions sure are a secret organization. My father was a Lion. They held their meetings in a public restaurant. I guess they maintained the secrecy by using codewords and secret hand signals.
And like many, if not most, fraternal organizations they do alot of good work.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Angus65

Originally posted by cbianchi513
Jimmy Carter IS a Lion though, another "secret" organization which to the best of my knowledge, has helped thousands if not millions to see again.

The Lions sure are a secret organization. My father was a Lion. They held their meetings in a public restaurant. I guess they maintained the secrecy by using codewords and secret hand signals.
And like many, if not most, fraternal organizations they do alot of good work.

Yeah, by the quotation marks surrounding the word secret, I was kind of being tongue in cheek. I know what the Lions have done, and they are obviously a good lot. I was just saying that Jimmy Carter is a Lion, but not a Mason.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 05:15 AM

Originally posted by cbianchi513
Yeah, by the quotation marks surrounding the word secret, I was kind of being tongue in cheek. I know what the Lions have done, and they are obviously a good lot. I was just saying that Jimmy Carter is a Lion, but not a Mason.

I realized you weren't serious. I was having a little fun of my own. But then I have seen people take tongue in cheek comments and take them as being serious. Oh well...

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by Appak

Thank you for the information. Perhaps someone should try to pressure some of these false web sites into correcting their misleading (or maybe lying) information.

just to name a few

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by useurhead
Thank you for the information. Perhaps someone should try to pressure some of these false web sites into correcting their misleading (or maybe lying) information.


When grading on a curve, someone's always got to be on the bottom.

The lions don't bring down the fastest herd animals, they bring down the ones that weren't paying attention. The ones in the slow learner's group.

I've heard it said that you've got to separate the wheat from the chaff ... but that doesn't mean much when you're standing in a cornfield.

Your pal,

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by Rasputin13
My father, who passed away a few years ago, was a member of the Knights of Columbus when he was younger. He had the sword and all those other gimmicks that are associated with membership. Anyhow... he always told me how the initiation ceremony was one of the scariest things he's ever witnessed or taken part in. He said he was sworn to secrecy and he would never elaborate or give a single detail of anything he saw. My question is to those who have witnessed this ceremony or who know about it... What exactly takes place? What is so scary or creepy about it?

I'm sure there are members or former members who read this board. Hopefully someone is willing to fess up! Thanks.

I believe you are old enough to figure out the responses you have received on your question. The ones that are "laughing it off" know what the initiation is all about. Bottom line, it's just a boys club like the Masons.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by The Axeman

Hi Axeman,
I went to Catholic church, Sunday school, and was in the Knights of Columbus when I was younger. I don't remember an initiation ceremony there, and I'm thinking maybe I was too young to be initiated.

What I remember about Knights of Columbus was that it had the spirit of positive, physical training, sport, and cameraderie. What I remember about the Catholic church was that it was overly rule and guilt-based, but that the people in our parish seemed to be mostly very good, well meaning people. Based on discussion with a lot of the kids who went to the associated, private Catholic schools, we heard stories of some of the nuns being extremely strict with corporal punishment.

Independent of the generalization Rasputin13 made, there is a point to it that I believe should be perceived through the implication. While many priests and nuns are very good, well meaning people, there seems to have been a significantly larger percentage of priests entangled in proven abuse cases than other full time life pursuits.

I remember confession. While my confessions probably wouldn't have been that interesting for even a pedophile, I can imagine that the very intimate, private, and trusting environment, if one had homosexual tendencies, especially that were repressed with no outlet, could tend to create serious internal conflict that in some people, might result in pathological behavior like abusing alter boys, maybe even with the justification that the boys' confessions somehow indicated it would be ok.

I'm not saying all preists or nuns are any particular way. I believe that most of them have very good motivations and have dedicated their life to a cause they believe in and share and experience love through. At the same time, it is estimated in studies attempting objectivity and cultural neutrality that about 10% of humans are what would be considered "gay". Personally, I don't have an issue with that or gay people, but to Catholicism, it is an abomination.

Assuming for a moment that being gay is not a choice. If someone is gay and they are raised in a culture that provides no guilt-free, constructive outlet to experience human sexuality, such as marriage does for heterosexuals in Catholicism, preisthood might seem like a more reasonable alternative to pretending there is a drive for heterosexual marriage.

A Catholic gay person has culturally acceptable choices of a celibate life, also a prerequisite for priesthood, sex with the wrong partner, or expression of human sexuality and a life of perpetual guilt. With those options the choice of priesthood could simply be the lesser of all evils. A heterosexual Catholic male on the other hand would only enter priesthood with its oath of celibacy with at least some feeling of significant sexual sacrifice and most likely an intention of honoring that. If a certain percentage of humans are gay and not by choice, it seems this would inordinately motivate some percentage of people into priesthood for the wrong reasons.

So, back to the original statement with a caveat. If a priest entered priesthood for the wrong reasons, had these conflicts, and was unable to deal with them, leading to pathological behavior, a confessional would be a bad place to put him with a child. For a pedophile, the opportunity to have a priest's position in a confessional would probably have a very strong allure. That means that the original comment has at least one point, which is that since it has been shown that at least some people have been abused participating in that environment, the environment itself could amplify the problem significantly when it exists.

[edit on 8-2-2008 by lifestudent]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 07:39 PM
ExKofC, by your name I figure that you are no longer a Knight of Columbus member. Would you care to expand on the details of why you left the Knights of Columbus?

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by Rasputin13

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by Rasputin13

Here is a little background on the Knights of Columbus and our initiation ceremonies.
1. The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic Mens Fraternal Order with over 1.7 million members.
2. The order is based on four principles: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Knights regularly donate over 65 million hours of service each year. We also donate millions of dollars to a vast number of charitable organizations including The Special Olympics.
3. The order was founded with a prime goal of taking care of widows and their children upon the death of a member. This continues today through our life insurance program.
4. Our ceremonials are secret but our Order is not secret. The order is open to all Catholic Men over the age of 18 and who are practical Catholics as defined by the Church.
5. The ceremonials are actually lessons in Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism and the methods used are such as to cause the candidate to always remember the teaching of the degree.
6. The four degrees of the Knights of Columbus reinforce the lessons learned. Fourth Degree Knights are the Ceremonial or visible side of our Order and often can be seen at public events.
7. The Knights of Columbus reciently were invited to participate in the White House Ceremony during Pope Benedict XVI visit.

If you would like to learn more about the Order, visit and tour the Supreme Website.

I am sure your father would have wanted you to join our Order. If you check the Supreme site you can locate the closest council to where you live. Or just fill out the interest form at the Supreme Site. It is an experience of a lifetime...

Scott O'Connor, District Deputy
Florida State Council
Knights of Columbus

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by Nygdan

The KoC are named after Columbus, whom Italians like to say is clearly 'yet another Italian' genius. You are saying its supposed to mean Columbia, (and I am not aware of any shrines to a goddess name columbia) to the originators of the KoC, and that they did it for some bizzare reason.

i thought columbus was spanish?

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by pacman

the knights are not a secret society. the ceremonies are just secret becasue if ppl know what happens already they wont learn anything from it.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by akilles

You dumbass, Catholics don't worship anyone but God and Jesus, who are the same being. We pay respect to Mary ( Mother of God.) YOu should learn about something before you criticize ir, You really make yourself out to be a fool.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 05:40 AM
Okay listen here boys, God is good and all and i believe in the big guy but your balls are here and real now one of you coward #ing KofC retards just post the new oath and initiations so that we can all stop wondering wtf is going on. I heard they blindfold you and make you # a goat or sheep or sum # I would deffinetly never tell ANYONE about that maybe that's why they don't talk i'm not in KofC but i got one of they're sick swords hehhehehe ON GUARD KofC lmao KFC lmao hook me chicken or goat o_0

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by akilles

"Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! .." Luke 1:42 sound familiar? direct quote from the Bible. Maybe if you picked up the Bible once in a while you would understand.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 02:56 PM

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by JustMe74

Originally posted by Rasputin13
I also don't care much for entering a dark booth and confessing my sins to a guy who sins with his alter boys.

I can't believe I'm going to defend Christianity... but here goes

you mean defend catholasism. i was catholic at teh age of 12 and my paternal grandmother wanted me to join the youth group associated the the KofC but instead i joined DeMolay the youth group for the masonic lodge. and at teh age of 15 i converted to southern baptist

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