posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 10:25 AM
Originally posted by romantico
I think this is a BAD idia! Isn't this segregation? Why should gays be FORCED to be seperate? Besides,some 12 or 13 years olds don't even know their
gay til they get older.Some don't even know 100% til they are in college or even married. I think this is bad. Gays should be treated no different
than Straights. If they fear for their safety,then they need to enforce there school rules when it comes to bullying. Thats the answer,not seprating
the gays from the straights!
they arent being forced to go to this school. they WANT to go to this school.
if straight people wanted their own school, they'd be called homophobes and would be considered wrong.
if black people wanted their own schools it would be ok and noone would say anything about it.
if white people wanted their own schools they would be called racist and the media would do the modern equivalent of lynching these people in public
via your television screen.
it seems when certain groups want to be segregated noone cares but when another group does all of a sudden people go into an uproar over it.
not that i agree with the concept but why is it ok for some groups and not others? the idea behind it is to be with those of your own kind right?
why is one racist and the other not? do we know one is racist and the other is not? do we know one side is homophobic and the other side is not
heterophobic? i think the answers to these questions boils down to how we perceive the situation.
we're programmed to think that white people who want to be with their own are racist but black people who want to be with their own are only trying
to preserve their culture.
if a straight person doesnt want to be around gay people they're instantly labeled as a hompphobe butr if a gay person doesnt want to be around
straight people (trust me folks, they exist, this is not just a hypothetical) its considered ok because somehow its assumed the straight people are
harassing the gay person.
personally i feel this is a waste of tax payer dollars. i feel this is nothing but segregation and is not justified.
the message this sends is its ok to want to be segregated from everyone else as long as you arent white or straight.
i also feel tax payers should NOT be paying for this horrible social experiment.
i have a feeling its going to get much worse before it gets better.