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Great Barrier Reef Attacks and Sinks New Zealand Frigate HMNZS Manawanui

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posted on Oct, 7 2024 @ 07:32 PM
Well well well, all those years of being bleached, getting hit by ships hulls, weapons testing and sonar signals messing up their friendly marine animals has finally brought the Barrier Reef to its breaking point. it recently lashed out in revenge at a Navy Frigate from New Zealand and caused it to list and sink. That reef is one big bad mutha. Lets see this video.

And then some funny, if not insensitive reporting from Zerohedge if one is interested.

History Doesn't Repeat Itself But It Rhymes
Longtime readers may recall our post from 2022, "Too Many Women In The Wrong Places", which sparked a a vigorous discussion here of more than 300 comments. In that post, we quoted our friend Emil Kirkegaard's Substack piece about the consequences of shoe-horning women into roles for which they aren't suited. Emil mentioned the story of the Norwegian navy frigate, the KNM Helge Ingstad,

As Emil wrote there,

As women increasingly are hired into traditionally male jobs via affirmative action laws or indirect pressure via media, we see more and more incompetence. This is true whether it is academia, the military or the police. Here's a funny example from Norway a few years ago. The Norwegian navy was recruiting more women and celebrating their great success in their own magazine Forsvarets Forum (Forum of the Defense) in April 2017.

We can read a quote from one female navigator named Emilie Jakobsen Ophus:

- Det er en fordel å være mange kvinner om bord. Det blir jo med en gang en naturlig greie og et ganske annerledes miljø, som jeg ser på som positivt.

- It is an advantage to be many women onboard. It immediately becomes a natural thing and a quite different environment, which I see as positive.

She is named a navigator on the KNM Helge Ingstad, which is, well was, a frigate. You can guess where this is going. The article also mentions that 4 out of 5 navigators onboard are female. Fast forward to only the next year and we see this headline:

You can find many sources about this accident, but the story is quite simple. They sailed into a #ing tank ship due to incompetent navigation.

Emil went on to note that the science of human differences was pretty clear that women should not be given preference in jobs like navigating, which require high spatial ability:

From a HBD [Human Biodiversity] perspective, this stuff is gruelingly obvious. Not only are women more less interested in these jobs to begin with, but they obviously lack talent compared to men. We know this because spatial ability -- the sine qua non of navigators -- shows a large male advantage even from childhood. The same way men also dominate basically all sports relating to spatial ability, even where physical strength is not an advantage (e.g. race car driving).

Emil went on to link to and quote from scientific studies backing that up.

Looks Like It Happened Again
Flash forward to this past weekend, when New Zealand suffered its first naval loss since World War II, as the HMNZS Manawanui, helmed by Captain Yvonne Gray, sank after running aground on a reef off of Samoa.

Well, I am just going to stick with great Barrier reef revenge, but feel welcome to comment on the opinion of the article.

posted on Oct, 7 2024 @ 07:38 PM
I am sure the local sheep will be by shortly to correct you on how this is great for New Zealand an incredible example of progress that the world should emulate.

They will probably point out the solitary male and blame him. This would have never happened if the crew was ALL female will be the saving slogan. Set up to fail by toxic masculinity at sea. Seamen if you will.

a reply to: worldstarcountry

posted on Oct, 7 2024 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Most importantly, left 75 sailors adrift due to the skill of her DEI -hire Captain, fully trained with super lesbos powers !!

I mean that ship is specifically designed to map out sea floor and reefs !

What skill captain loser, what skill.
Does this mean she gets a promotion to U-boat commander..?...

At least, the DEI beast was fed.
edit on 7-10-2024 by Tolkien because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2024 @ 07:45 PM
edit on 7-10-2024 by Tolkien because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2024 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I saw this earlier today.
She made history as the first kiwi submarine commander..🤭

There’s an article praising her for how she handled the sinking ship..🤣
edit on 7-10-2024 by Bluntone22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2024 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

The Manawanui is a research vessel, owned by the New Zealand Navy. And it was researching the reefs when it ran aground on the reef. It's one of the risks of such research.

And did you think that a ship ran aground because the Captain was a lesbian?


And with only one sinking since WWII, it's hardly an indicator of a systematic failure, is it.

The stupidity of the bigot!

edit on 7 10 2424 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2024 @ 10:02 PM

And did you think that a ship ran aground because the Captain was a lesbian?

a reply to: chr0naut

Well the Captain was hired because she was a lesbian not because she was the best most qualified pilot, at least that is the inference. That is the whole issue with the DEI movement, just ask Boeing how DEI hiring practices have worked out for them.

“We are troubled by some recent reports regarding your agency’s hiring practices and priorities,” wrote Kansas attorney general Kris Kobach, who led the four-page letter. “It seems that the FAA has placed ‘diversity’ bean counting over safety and expertise, and we worry that such misordered priorities could be catastrophic for American travelers.”

DEI hiring practices is an issue

posted on Oct, 7 2024 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe

And did you think that a ship ran aground because the Captain was a lesbian?

a reply to: chr0naut

Well the Captain was hired because she was a lesbian not because she was the best most qualified pilot, at least that is the inference. That is the whole issue with the DEI movement, just ask Boeing how DEI hiring practices have worked out for them.

“We are troubled by some recent reports regarding your agency’s hiring practices and priorities,” wrote Kansas attorney general Kris Kobach, who led the four-page letter. “It seems that the FAA has placed ‘diversity’ bean counting over safety and expertise, and we worry that such misordered priorities could be catastrophic for American travelers.”

DEI hiring practices is an issue

Cdr Gray began her career in the Royal Navy when she joined in 1993, after spending university holidays at a Sea Cadet facility in the Lake District.

She spent most of her junior career at sea, including on the aircraft carrier HMS Invincible and the minehunters Walney, Bridport and Cromer, after specialising as a Mine Warfare Officer.

After completing the Principal Warfare Officer course in 2004, she joined HMS Westminster as the PWO (Underwater) and Operations Officer, with operational experience in West Africa, Northern Europe and the Gulf.

Following a posting to the Maritime Warfare Centre in Portsmouth, she took the opportunity in 2009 to work with the Royal Australian Navy at HMAS Watson, Sydney.

So, ex British Navy, Australian Navy, and now New Zealand Navy with 31 years of experience.

Cdr Gray then moved to New Zealand in 2012 after a campervan holiday where she and her wife fell in love with the country.

If she was a DEI hire, she was also extremely qualified.

All this information is public domain. Its a wonder these right-wing pundits call themselves 'reporters'. Probably a DEI (Deceptive Educationally-deficient and Ignorant) hire.

edit on 7 10 2424 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)


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