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A woman met a group of migrants at a school bus stop. Then the story hit the internet

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posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 11:52 AM
With the fast paced flurry of news we face each day, it’s understandable that a number of news stories slip out the back side of our ability to keep track of them all. One that fled from my awareness was briefly in vogue about a month and a half ago, that was the national story about the California school bus that was reported to have had an attempted hijacking by illegal immigrants.

The story as shuffled around on the internet and repeated by highly placed national figures painted the tale as just one of many stories depicting a certain perspective of our national debate and for a few days at least weighed heavily in a political picture so easily believed. It all MUST be true because it fit the larger storyline so perfectly.

This story even made it to our forums and was a well read and discussed topic at that time.

Yet, as is often the case, our attempts to investigate new stories can be premature in conclusions before the entirety of the information flow can reach it’s fullness. So this morning I was scanning though news headlines and this one drew my attention.

A woman met a group of migrants at a school bus stop. Then the story hit the internet

The recesses of my memory twitched and throbbed as the aging synapses of my mental acuity geared up and spun into action. ‘’I remmber that’’, then moving my finger to touch the screen on my phone I clicked into the article and began to read.

At a Southern California school bus stop, a woman met a group of border-crossers. Soon, a totally different story swept the internet.

Lowering the window cautiously, she saw the woman was with four dusty and travel-worn young men.  

The woman outside the car asked which way they should head to find a town. 

The conversation was respectful and polite, Dukes said. The migrants seemed tired, hungry and a little confused. “They were clearly just looking for somewhere to sit down and rest — for some help,” Dukes said.
Dukes refused to hand over her phone, but directed them, as best she could, toward the tiny hamlet of Dulzura, some six miles west. Then came a pivotal moment
“It can be dangerous for you,” she said. “Watch out for the buses.”

“Bus,” she urged her companions, who repeated the word to each other with hopeful recognition. And at that very instant, Gael’s yellow school bus appeared, coasting to a stop at the side of the highway in front of an abandoned sofa and a battered street sign. 

Seeing the bus, the young woman raised a whistle to her lips and blew, sending a shriek across the steady hum of traffic. Suddenly, more migrants appeared from the bushes. Ten. A dozen. Eventually at least 15 more people approached, Dukes estimated. The grandmother ushered Gael towards the waiting bus, while attempting to explain to the group of migrants:
“No, this isn’t a public bus,” she recalled saying. “This is a school bus. It’s not for you!”
Hearing this news, the group stopped advancing, Dukes told USA TODAY in a recent interview at the same remote roadside bus stop. Nobody from the group approached the school bus, she said. Nobody spoke, or attempted to speak to the driver or to the children on the bus. The group never got close to the vehicle, and they certainly never attempted to board. 


posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 11:52 AM

In interviews, officials from the local school district, local government and law enforcement, parents, local journalists and others helped piece together the original story, and what happened to it online. 

We, of course will believe whatever version of this story we want, or need, to believe. We can believe a story as it is told to us or we can, if we wish, question the story tellers that tell them to us. In the case of this story we can believe the woman who first encountered the group of migrants along with the local officials as reported in the first half of this article OR we can believe the morphing story we were told when news of this encounter first broke. How the two stories compare and differ is explained by the process in which it made it’s splash on the news cycle as a whole.

One version, was an immediate reaction based on an assortment of beliefs while the other version traces the story from it’s founding to its inclusion in the national debate

The story of Dulzura started with a kernel of truth.

Soon after the bus pulled away from the roadside, versions of the story cartwheeled through cyberspace, driven onward by a chain of influencers whose claims moved farther and farther away from the truth.

The bus driver reported to their supervisor about that moment in what the supervisor claimed was a ‘’hightened state’’ saying that a group of migrants had attempted to board the bus.

This part of the story differs strongly from the recounting of the grandmother who first encountered the group of migrants. The bus drive has, as they did at the time, refused to comment publicly on the entire event.

Knowing that in small communitiy stories pass around quickly, the suprervisor sent out an email to parents in an attempt to quell any panic and assure local families that steps would be taken to assure safety should an encounter such as had been reported occur again.

Then, a local ‘’ freelance journalist’’ got hold of the email and posted it to X marking the post ‘’URGENT’’ to inform her ten thousand followers. This hen, led to this

The first example of someone claiming the migrants tried to force their way onto the school bus came in the replies to the freelance journalist’s post. X user ScribeMoon (2,800 followers) responded: 
“We have migrants from all countries here in SoCal, including many from radical Islamic countries and China. The migrants are trying to force their way onto school buses in San Diego.”

Which then led to this

At 5:54 p.m. California time, not 12 hours after the migrants had asked Dukes to use her cell phone, far-right MAGA influencer George Behizy added his own post. 
On X, Behizy used his handle @Behizytweets to relay a startlingly inaccurate message to his more than 380,000 followers:
“BREAKING: A group of illegal migrants in San Diego County, California tried to hijack TWO school buses full of Elementary & Middle school kids from the Jamul-Dulzura Union District on Highway 94
Border Czar Kamala is RESPONSIBLE.”

And that led to this

Behizy’s post was quickly picked up by other far-right accounts including @EndWokeness and @LibsOfTikTok, which repeated the false hijacking claim to their millions of followers. 
From there, it was a quick jump to the owner of X himself: Elon Musk. At 10:43 a.m. on Aug. 29, the morning after the incident, Musk reposted an @EndWokeness post claiming to his almost 200 million followers that there had been a hijacking by “illegal aliens.”

The rest of the article which has described the evolution of this story goes into the nature of our mental challenges that occur when encountering stories such as this, the mental gymnastics along with the chemical surges that occur within our brains when considering stories such as this.

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 11:54 AM
The rest of the article which has described the evolution of this story goes into the nature of our mental challenges that occur when encountering stories such as this, the mental gymnastics along with the chemical surges that occur within our brains when considering stories such as this.

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

If I see a group of men regardless of what background coming out of bushes by a handful and approaching a yellow school bus with children, I will be screaming bloody murder.

That is call warning reaction.

BTW school buses in Mexico or other latin America countries all look alike, soo is not excuse that illegals cannot recognize them.

How Mexico school buses look like many of them donated by the US even still wear the word school in the side of the buses.

edit on 5-10-2024 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 12:10 PM
The migrants thought it was a regular bus stop, not a bus stop for school kids. Once they found out they would have had to go to school to learn how to read english, they didn't try to get on the bus.

There should be a mandatory requirement that anyone coming into this country to live must know how to speak English. Why should our school kids now be forced to take Spanish class?

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 12:14 PM
So, they weren't criminals for trying to hijack a school bus, (which, apparently didn't happen), but were only criminals for illegally immigrating to this country. Okay, got it.

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

Lucky for me, I missed that thread, but saw another one like it.

From the article:

People spread lies online because it, quite literally, makes them feel good.

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 12:20 PM
so. the invaders almost accidentally car jacked a school bus because they are so self entitled they believe they should ushered to their new lives

With all the media attention should be easy to track them all down and send them all home I would think.

Lol man the article headline had me actually laughing. Activist disguised as a journalist.
“A woman met a group of migrants at a school bus stop. Then the story hit the internet“

Is on par with being as retarded and reductionist as that in breeding Somalian who said of 911

“Some people did some things”

Why were they at a school bus stop in the first place. Hiding in the bushes…the lady her self didn’t know MULTIPLE ADULT MEN were literal feet away from her until they exposed them selves. If they were there because that’s also where the invader bus stop is then who ever decided to put the invader bus stop next to the school bus stop should be in jail.

Regular people think about this stuff…you don’t because your a goof.
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

edit on 5-10-2024 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: Athetos

I seen it too, is call damage control team at work, soo typical democrats lies, they create stories soo much that they think they actually are good at it.

For the dumb out it maybe. They can not live without the democrat daily dose of Kool-Aid.

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

I couldn’t care less if they tried to get on or not. The bottom line is they’re here illegally and we don’t know who any of them are. It’s eff’n ridiculous that this administration has allowed this # to happen and continue to happen.

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: marg6043Certainly you would, so would I. However the grandmother spoke well of the behovior of those she encountered and her initial fear was more caution than not. The driver was in fear mode as well when the report was made but again, this driver did not make any comments past the initial report to the supervisor.

As described in the article the migrants were tired, lost and confused and so at first were happy to see a bus, any bus headed in their direction but upon realizing that it was a school bus, turned away and made no attempt to board according to the grandmother who initially encountered them

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: marg6043

I seen it too, is call damage control team at work

Sure. Reporter talks to actual witness. It's called verifying the facts.

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: FullHeathen

Yes, this is covered in this article as well. The good feeling over rides the impulse to question the authenticity of what the story is presenting. This impulse to feel good can and at times does become more pronounced by exaggeration.

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
Yes, this is covered in this article as well. The good feeling over rides the impulse to question the authenticity of what the story is presenting. This impulse to feel good can and at times does become more pronounced by exaggeration.

How does downplaying the fact that they're criminals make you feel? What is behind your intent in doing that?

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: Athetos

As I suggested in the OP, you can believe what you want, or need, to believe, so,carry on believing.

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

That is of course a belief held by many many people. This article attempts to point out that at least this one story, used as a chapter in the book of ''fear'' was not in any fashion as dramatic as originally presented.

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

Sure, ignore all the witnessess that don't support the narrative you agree with

originally posted by: watchitburn
Illegals Try to Hijack San Diego County School Buses Filled With Kids

A number of illegal aliens tried to hijack school buses filled with elementary and middle school students in San Diego County.

In an emailed notice to families obtained by FOX 5/KUSI, Superintendent Liz Bystedt said a group of migrants attempted to board along the district’s A and B school bus routes.

One of the buses swerved after illegals blocked a roadway. Another bus was surrounded by some 20 illegals. Parents helped the driver of the bus get away. No children were injured.

This is way out of control. How long before these animals stage a major attack?

Those kids and their parents must be terrified. Everyday there's news reports of American women and children being raped and murdered by illegals.

They've been trying to gain access to our military bases.

Latin American countries are emptying their prisons and sending the criminals to our border where the Biden-Harris regime welcomes them in.

They've taken over entire apartment complexes and are causing chaos.

Venezuelan Gangs seem to have taken over the city of Aurora. This is the same city where they started by taking over apartment complexes and forcing residents to pay them.

X Video Source

Mass deportations need to start immediately.

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 12:47 PM
I believe they were invaders in America illegally. And should be literally hunted down and sent home by any means.

No attempt on the bus required. Simply existing in the physical space they do is enough.

a reply to: BingoMcGoof

edit on 5-10-2024 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

That read like a warm and fuzzy propaganda piece the way that was written. The only thing missing was where they offered them milk n cookies but they kindly declined due to them being tired from a long hard dusty days travel in the sweltering heat. Juan just needed to get to a doctor for his much needed asthma medication before he passed out under the blistering heat and could no longer tend to his 8 month pregnant wife.

That was a pretty tough to read sob story.

posted on Oct, 5 2024 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: Station27

The article and events as described by the grandmother present makes it clear there was no aggression and no attempted hijacking, yet, this was played out as an incredibly aggressive attack on a school bus filled with children. How does THAT make YOU feel.

I made no attempt to downplay the unlawful state of those people, only to describe the exaggerated state of the serotonin high achived by believing this occurrence was as it was believed to be by so many willing to believe it.

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