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Did Ancient Aliens Really Build the Pyramids? This Video Has Me Questioning Everything!

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posted on Sep, 27 2024 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: BigRedChew

If you are interested in the pyramids watch these videos:

Revelation of The Pyramids and The Pyramid Code.

Those will blow your mind.

I personally do not believe the Egyptians as we are told built the Giza plateau or The Sphinx. I truly believe they were built by an older civilization with advanced knowledge or 'tech' that has since been lost or suppressed.

This is one of my favorite topics. I remember in 10th grade World History asking my teacher even then how they moved such large stones and cut them with basic tools. He did not like my questions in class lol I was a menace then. I was curious though as even then it didn't make sense considering the size of the stones, where they were supposedly quarried and then moved from.

Oh also a good book to read is Chris Dunn's Giza Power Plant.

All of these will get you truly thinking about The Giza Pyramid Complex in a completely different way.

posted on Sep, 27 2024 @ 06:41 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: mblahnikluver

Im a big fan also mblahnikluver.

My weans have hecklefish plushies.

The Mrs on the other hand can stand the thing.

I'm just happy ATS is still standing and able to function considering nobody, including the mods, has all the keys to the kingdom any longer.

I love Hecklefish!! I have my Lizzid People mug and Hecklefish for President shirt lol"

I have seen some people are annoyed by him but he cracks me up. I wanted the plush but they are sold out!

I love ATS and when I couldn't log in a while back I legit panicked! I dont participate like I once did but I still read the site almost daily.

posted on Sep, 27 2024 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

Some not bad half one-liners and dad jokes.

I like the character.

He is one of those hit-or-miss affairs through.

He reminds me of a little fellow i went to school with and sat next to in Geography. LoL

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