posted on Sep, 22 2024 @ 05:16 AM
Hello ATS!
Sunday, especially after attending a service in the Temple, always prompts me to reason on various philosophical, civilizational and religious topics.
Today is no exception. Therefore, I apologize, although many of the ATS members may be interested in my reasoning.
Many of you think that if/when the conflict in Ukraine ends, then peace will immediately be established throughout the world and the lambs will calmly
go to the watering hole with the wolves. I want to disappoint you. The conflict in Ukraine is first and foremost a civilizational war between the West
in its current form and conservative religious Russia.
In his address to the nation dedicated to the beginning of the SVO in February 2022, Vladimir Putin directly indicated that one of the main reasons
for the decision to conduct the operation was not only the military, but also the civilizational expansion of the West, the goal of which is "to
destroy our traditional values and impose on us their pseudo-values that would corrode us, our people from within, those attitudes that
they are already aggressively imposing in their countries and which directly lead to degradation and degeneration, since they contradict the very
nature of man."
In the West, this idea was presented as an "absurd justification for aggression" against an innocent, peaceful and democratic state that had
already stuck one foot through the fence of the "magic garden." But a year later, the Deep State American publication The National Interest
published an article "The World is Threatened with a Universal War for Beliefs," and practically word for word confirmed everything Putin had
"The war in Ukraine (sooner or later) will end. However, the conflicts that underlie this war will not end. These conflicts are global and
eternal... The first conflict is the West's desire to maintain its global dominance - economic, military and cultural. Another is a clash between
opposing value systems."
According to the publication, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is not military, but cultural and civilizational, where the West must defeat
Russia with the help of pro-Western Ukraine.
A little later, this idea was picked up by other Western publications. For example, The Review of Faith & International Affairs: "The Russian
doctrine of spiritual security is a challenge to European security." And the stakes here are higher than ever in history. I would like to remind
you what these values are that are enshrined in the "Fundamentals of State Policy for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian
Spiritual and Moral Values", adopted in the fall of 2022. Among them are life, dignity, human rights and freedoms, patriotism, citizenship, service
to the Fatherland and responsibility for its fate, high moral ideals, a strong family, creative work, the priority of the spiritual over the material,
humanism, mercy, justice, collectivism, mutual assistance and mutual respect, historical memory and continuity of generations, unity of the peoples of
Russia, as well as the free practice of traditional religions, which serve as a source of cultural identification and the moral foundation of man.
To what extent are these values dangerous for the modern Agenda of the West? To a huge extent, since they completely contradict it. A recent
publication of the neocon publication Politico said directly:
"If Europeans can be truly proud of something, then these should be secular values, which must defeat the Church."(Just don't blur the topic
by asking me for references. "Seek, and ye shall find" - Luke 11:5-10)
I would like to tell you a story about this. I very often participate in various conferences, round tables and other meetings in different cities of
Russia. Usually, at these meetings, scientific, applied, respectful discussions take place, without radicalism, with the participation of various
political forces of Russia. They are held freely, and are limited only by rules for conducting discussions that are respectful to opponents.
So, once I took part in a round table with liberals and communists in Saratov. The discussion was attended by representatives of the alternative CPRF,
which is a parliamentary party, the Communists of Russia party and several youth leftist organizations (Avangard Krasnoy Molodezhi), whose
abbreviation AKM can also be deciphered as Kalashnikov Avtomat Modernizirovannyy.
Of course, at the very beginning, the communist youth behaved extremely aggressively, and there was no longer any talk of any discussion. But then it
turned out that the leader of AKM simply wanted to receive a state grant to participate in the All-Russian Youth Forum in the resort city of Sochi.
They promised him, and they immediately calmed down.
My discussion, as a representative of the conservative patriotic Orthodox community, with a representative of the Communists of Russia led to a
conversation about morality and ethics. I asked my opponent a simple question:"Here I am, an Orthodox Christian. My morals and ethics are based on
a historical ancient document - the Gospel, the Sermon on the Mount of Christ, where he spoke about the 10 commandments.On what, on what historical
document, are your morals and ethics based?"
Continued below...