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Why Donald J Trump is a threat to Democracy and Normal Feedoms

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posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 10:06 PM
once you get into the list of democrats that voted against securing the elections and automatic deportation for sex offender illegals, and mandated vaccinations I think most of that list flies out the window.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: nugget1

fifty years from now, I hope not. I'll be happy with ten.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 11:25 PM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: nugget1

fifty years from now, I hope not. I'll be happy with ten.

I'm just praying I'll make it to November so I don't vote Democrat.

posted on Sep, 19 2024 @ 12:54 AM
a reply to: rigel4

Trump tried to steal an election, first by alleging nonexistent fraud and then by inciting a violent mob to attack the Capitol. These plain facts, which the whole world saw with its own eyes, are strenuously denied by most of the people who seek refuge from reality on Above Top Secret. I doubt you will convince them of anything by providing them with facts. They already have all the facts, but they either deny them or perform absurd mental gymnastics to make them appear to indicate the opposite of what they truly imply.

The threat Trump represents to democracy has been fully and publicly demonstrated and needs no further discussion. The real question is why so many Americans still want him to be President. His appeal, I think, is basically Satanic. He gives his followers permission to embrace and follow their own evil impulses -- selfishness, prejudice, boorishness, bullying and violence. Justifying their unjustified rage. Pandering to their ignorance, their resentment, their endless grievance. That is how he wins votes.

His political philosophy is simple -- indeed simplistic: get rid of all the 'evildoers' and society will heal itself. Drain the swamp. Deport the immigrants. Imprison the homeless. Send women back to the kitchen. Keep uppity minorities in their place. Oppress and trample down anyone who won't play by 'our' rules. If necessary, execute them: judicially or vigilante-style, either way will do.

This political philosophy has a name, of course. We know it as Fascism. It has always appealed immensely to the uneducated, the intellectually handicapped, and those who blame their failures on others rather than themselves: the serial bankrupt, the bungling entrepreneur, the salaried drudge with delusions of grandeur, the chronically unemployable, the habitual petty criminal for whom every encounter with the state is a conflict with authority. Those comprise Trump's base, for the most part, and he is a threat to democracy because there are so many people like that in America. He is their leader: King of the UnAmerican Dreamers.

I think it would serve America better to discuss the threat that Trump supporters pose to American democracy, rather than waste any further breath on the subject of Trump himself. But Above Top Secret really isn't the place to do it.

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