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Why Donald J Trump is a threat to Democracy and Normal Feedoms

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posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:07 PM
Many critics argue that Donald Trump poses a threat to democracy for several reasons. Here are some of the most commonly cited concerns:

1. Undermining Trust in Democratic Institutions
Trump has repeatedly cast doubt on the legitimacy of democratic institutions like the electoral system, the judiciary, and the media. One notable example is his baseless claims of widespread voter fraud following the 2020 presidential election, which many see as an attempt to delegitimize a legitimate democratic process. By eroding trust in these institutions, critics say Trump weakens the foundations of democracy itself.

2. Encouragement of Authoritarianism
Some argue that Trump's behavior aligns more with authoritarian tendencies than democratic leadership. He has openly praised authoritarian leaders like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un while criticizing democratic allies. Trump's refusal to commit to a peaceful transfer of power during the 2020 election, until after intense pressure, also fueled fears of authoritarianism.

3. Attacks on the Press
Trump frequently labelled the media as "the enemy of the people" and dismissed unfavourable news as "fake news." A free and independent press is a cornerstone of democracy, and his attacks on the media raised concerns about the future of press freedom under his leadership.

4. Subversion of Rule of Law
Critics claim that Trump often disregarded the rule of law, using the presidency to protect allies and target political enemies. For example, his attempts to influence investigations into his administration or personal interests, and his granting of pardons to political allies, suggested a desire to subvert legal processes for personal gain.

5. Incitement of Political Violence
Trump has been accused of inciting political violence, most notably through his role in the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection. His rhetoric during the “Stop the Steal” rally and refusal to immediately condemn the rioters were seen by many as encouraging an attempt to disrupt the certification of a lawful election.

6. Polarisation and Division
Under Trump's leadership, political polarisation in the U.S. reached unprecedented levels. His rhetoric frequently demonised opponents, both political and cultural, and many believe this deepened divisions in society. A deeply divided electorate is more susceptible to authoritarian influences, making it harder to maintain a healthy, functioning democracy.

7. Disregard for Norms and Traditions
While not all political norms are legally binding, they are essential for the smooth functioning of democracy. Trump's frequent disregard for norms—such as refusing to release his tax returns, challenging the independence of federal agencies, and pressuring state officials to overturn election results—alarmed many who see these as critical safeguards for democracy.

These concerns, when combined, have led many to argue that Trump’s actions threaten the principles that uphold democratic governance. His defenders, however, argue that his anti-establishment style is a necessary challenge to entrenched political interests and that criticisms are exaggerated or politically motivated.

Please stick to the debunking my points and not trying to trash me for a change
edit on Tue, 17 Sep 2024 18:11:54 -0500116America/ChicagoTuesday4 by rigel4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:09 PM


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(post by BingoMcGoof removed for political trolling and baiting)
+31 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: rigel4

The iron law of woke projection never fails.

Accuse your opposition of what you're doing.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: rigel4

His defenders, however, argue that his anti-establishment style is a necessary challenge to entrenched political interests

I agree with them. Except that they have accepted a narcissistic imbecile to spearhead that challenge.

Yes .. i won't argue that point either.. But Mr Trump has gone way to far.

+20 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: rigel4

So a guy that doesn’t trust government alphabet agencies and a fight the establishment/powers that be attitude…

🤔 hmmm

Can’t imagine why people might favor someone like that..🤷‍♂️

+19 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: rigel4

All of those things in the list, 1-7 were previously
and repeatedly done by former Democratic Presidents,
and or current Democratic nominees.

I can give examples for each one.

So before we begin, it seems that none of the
above are new issues, just continuing issues
that were done by both parties in the past,
but mostly by Democrats.

How are you going to deal with that?

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: burntheships
a reply to: rigel4

All of those things in the list, 1-7 were previously
and repeatedly done by former Democratic Presidents,
and or current Democratic nominees.

I can give examples for each one.

So before we begin, it seems that none of the
above are new issues, just continuing issues
that were done by both parties in the past,
but mostly by Democrats.

How are you going to deal with that?

When you supply the thread with some notion of proof, of the above, until then i have nothing to comment on, other than your opinion.

+21 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: rigel4

# 1 The Democratic Institutions don't deserve our trust. They've proved that time and time again.

# 2 That's called law and order and not letting criminals control the streets like the they do in Democrat stronholds.

# 3 The press is in the bag for Democrats and have been for years. If you can't see the heavily slanted reporting, that's on you.

# 4 "Subversion of the Rule of Law "? You have got to be kidding. Once again, if you're so blinded by bias, I can't help you.

# 5 2 attempts on his life and still the Democrats are telling people he's a "threat to Democracy".

# 6 Democrats are the party of exclusion. The love to divide people into groups and then pander to special interests.

# 7 It's about damn time someone called out the Federal Agencies. They have abused their power for years and it's been all to benefit Democrats. Funny how they actually changed the law to go after Trump, but with evidence in hand they just let Clinton walk.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: rigel4

So a guy that doesn’t trust government alphabet agencies and a fight the establishment/powers that be attitude…

🤔 hmmm

Can’t imagine why people might favor someone like that..🤷‍♂️

I am all for a shakeup in the so called "Swamp",

An example of going way to far is " They are eating the dogs"...............

Now that statement by Trump and peddled on by Vance has caused real harm in Springfield.
Bomb threats, evacuations , all chaotic things that should not be part of any candidates rhetoric.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: rigel4

# 1 The Democratic Institutions don't deserve our trust. They've proved that time and time again.

# 2 That's called law and order and not letting criminals control the streets like the they do in Democrat stronholds.

# 3 The press is in the bag for Democrats and have been for years. If you can't see the heavily slanted reporting, that's on you.

# 4 "Subversion of the Rule of Law "? You have got to be kidding. Once again, if you're so blinded by bias, I can't help you.

# 5 2 attempts on his life and still the Democrats are telling people he's a "threat to Democracy".

# 6 Democrats are the party of exclusion. The love to divide people into groups and then pander to special interests.

# 7 It's about damn time someone called out the Federal Agencies. They have abused their power for years and it's been all to benefit Democrats. Funny how they actually changed the law to go after Trump, but with evidence in hand they just let Clinton walk.

I think the entire post above is pure projection !

+11 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: rigel4

All of the bomb "threats" have been confirmed hoaxes originating from overseas.

Yet still parroted by corporate media.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: rigel4

All of the bomb "threats" have been confirmed hoaxes originating from overseas.

Yet still parroted by corporate media.

You will have to provide solid links from solid sources to have us believe this.
I believe the threats were/are real and more.

Haitians aren't even in Springfield illegally.. yet they are constantly referred to as Illegal migrants by Trump.
Not even a subtle dog whistle , but a bugle call to action.

+5 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: rigel4

Typical Liberal response. Blame the other side for what you're doing....and before you answer, don't bother. You're too far gone to have an intelligent conversation with.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: rigel4

Typical Liberal response. Blame the other side for what you're doing....and before you answer, don't bother. You're too far gone to have an intelligent conversation with.

Nothing to add then .. more projection blaming projection .. lol

+7 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: rigel4

The governor of Ohio held a press conference yesterday.

But it doesn't matter.

Dozens of members here have provided tons of contradictory evidence to your deranged leftist talking points over the past several months.

You're not interested in facts, only your narrative.

But know this, if your masters maintain control and they succeed in getting rid of us patriots.

They're going to kill you next.

You'll no longer be useful to them.

It's what they do.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

I better get a Doberman then ..

I think I'm done here... the insults are starting so i must have struck a nerve.

Good night

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:46 PM

originally posted by: rigel4

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: rigel4

# 1 The Democratic Institutions don't deserve our trust. They've proved that time and time again.

# 2 That's called law and order and not letting criminals control the streets like the they do in Democrat stronholds.

# 3 The press is in the bag for Democrats and have been for years. If you can't see the heavily slanted reporting, that's on you.

# 4 "Subversion of the Rule of Law "? You have got to be kidding. Once again, if you're so blinded by bias, I can't help you.

# 5 2 attempts on his life and still the Democrats are telling people he's a "threat to Democracy".

# 6 Democrats are the party of exclusion. The love to divide people into groups and then pander to special interests.

# 7 It's about damn time someone called out the Federal Agencies. They have abused their power for years and it's been all to benefit Democrats. Funny how they actually changed the law to go after Trump, but with evidence in hand they just let Clinton walk.

I think the entire post above is pure projection !

So uh.

That’s like your opinion man.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: rigel4
a reply to: watchitburn

I better get a Doberman then ..

I think I'm done here... the insults are starting so i must have struck a nerve.

Good night
No. Everything you’ve posted in your opening statement is easily countered and unfortunately just “your thoughts” on OMB and banner-bearing for the Establishment.

Now try again with proof and links maybe?

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: rigel4
a reply to: watchitburn

I better get a Doberman then ..

I think I'm done here... the insults are starting so i must have struck a nerve.

Good night

What, you're leaving now because someone told you you're not interested in facts?

All of the MSM talking points in your thread have already been discussed and many debunked on ATS at great length. It seems all you want to do is keep parroting the same LIES etc such as J6 garbage over and over.

You should expect nothing less than what you've already contributed to this thread.

edit on 17-9-2024 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

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