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Hillary Clinton says Trump poses 'danger to our country and the world' after assassination attempt

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posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: network dude

All I know is in November, I'm voting for an Orange convicted felon who will destroy democracy by installing a Republic.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: ColeYounger2

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: network dude

He promised to be "a dictator on day one" whatever that's supposed to mean. Make of it what you will but he said it.

He made the 'dictator' remark on a Sean Hannity infotainment segment. He was obviously joking,.....

Here's a transcript of the Hannity interview, December 5,2023.

Hannity (18:33):
"We almost have to go to a break. I want to go back to this one issue, though, because the media has been focused on this and attacking you. Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody."

Trump (18:51):
"Except for day one."

Hannity (18:53):
"Except for?"

Trump (18:54):
"He’s going crazy." [An aside to the audience here. He's referring to Hannity going crazy, because Hannity gave Trump an opportunity to back down from his statement and Trump would not do it.]

"Except for day one."

Hannity (18:55):

Trump (18:56):
"I want to close the border and I want to drill."

Hannity (18:59):
"That’s not retribution."

Trump (19:05):
I’m going to be… He keeps… We love this guy. He says you’re not going to be a dictator, are you? [Referring to Hannity again.]

"I said, no, no, no. Other than day one. We’re closing the border and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator. Okay?"

Hannity knew this was going to be a hot button issue and come back to haunt Trump. So Hannity asked several times what he meant, and gave him multiple opportunities to soften his stance. But he was very clear what he intended his dictatorial actions to be: retribution, close the border, and drill, baby, drill.

As President, he has some Constitutional authority to close the border, so that part wouldn't necessarily have to be dictatorial, except for the fact that Trump chose to describe it that way.

Drilling for oil and refining oil are functions of the private sector, not the President, so it's anybody's guess what he might have in mind here--or even whether he has a mind, for that matter. Is he going to nationalize the oil fields, declare martial law, call in the National Guard, and have them operate the oil rigs? Maybe force the oil companies at gunpoint to drill more wells and pump more oil than they can store and sell? US refineries are already operating at capacity. Who knows what it means? All we know is that Trump intends to do it in a dictatorial manner.

Enforcing the laws is one of the President's Constitutional functions, but there is no Federal Law called "Retribution Against Donald Trump's Enemies". All Federal laws require due process. So retribution would presumably not be protected by Presidential immunity. Especially because he explicitly confessed that he would abuse his power for that purpose and not for legitimate Law Enforcement purposes.

None of that seems remotely humorous enough to be considered a joke, IMO.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: Boomer1947

"Drilling for oil and refining oil are functions of the private sector, not the President, so it's anybody's guess what he might have in mind here"

Helluva misleading statement......when all he is going to do is let them drill by removing some of the current bans.

So no it's not up to the private sector until the bans are lifted, which he can do day 1.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: network dude

Probably the fear is more of his brain dead followers.

Unfortunately fear and media circus let's us make false conclusions...

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I totally want to see another 4 years of media loosing their # over mean tweets, and a president spend them playing golf and planing a way to stay in power...

That at least has some entertainment factor... What else am I to expect anyway. If a puppet show isn't entertaining it just sucks to watch. To anyone remotely paying attention, and not absorbed into one of the bipartisan echo chambers it's become evident that US politics is but Puppet show to distract their masses...

edit on 17-9-2024 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: network dude

Probably the fear is more of his brain dead followers.

Unfortunately fear and media circus let's us make false conclusions...

which one's? the guys in the red hat? Or maybe the folks from the south, they are all inbreeds. And all them black folks are bread for being athletes, and the Chinese are good at math!

Your post makes me smile.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 05:43 PM
Democrats wont be happy until one of their political opponents is murdered. It's a game to them.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: RazorV66

those are the kind of comments I like. Easily debunkable by anyone with a brain, but perfect for those without to latch onto and bloviate for months about whatever the "outrage of the day" is with what Trump said. As long as they are talking about him, he's getting more free air time.

That is an example of multi dimensional chess that he is playing. He gives them just enough to make them prove they are bat sht crazy without actually going over the line. He provokes them to get out of their own lane to do it.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:15 PM


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And, as always...
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posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:17 PM
Trump is a poo poo head and takes orders from the Kremlin.

In the spirit of this thread:
It appears you’ve just washed you brains and can’t do a thing with them. lol.

Do you folks think immigrants are not human, but mere animals?
Do you think the Trump luvin’ Gov of Ohio is telling the truth about the bomb threats.
Coming from overseas? When I see people all over the place trying to prove Haitians really do steal and eat pets?

Anyway, have fun in your hate soup of a thread.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:21 PM
That edit made me laugh too...

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: spacedoubt
Trump is a poo poo head and takes orders from the Kremlin.

In the spirit of this thread:
It appears you’ve just washed you brains and can’t do a thing with them. lol.

Do you folks think immigrants are not human, but mere animals?
Do you think the Trump luvin’ Gov of Ohio is telling the truth about the bomb threats.
Coming from overseas? When I see people all over the place trying to prove Haitians really do steal and eat pets?

Anyway, have fun in your hate soup of a thread.

Everyone knows they perform voo doo but you? Animals are not being eaten because you saw it somewhere?

Bomb threats are real when the data said hoax?

Are those your sticking points?

I expect better here, sir moderator.
edit on 17000000303020249America/Chicago09pm9 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

The form of government that grants you most liberties, is anarchy.
Kind of a weird thing some do around here praising liberty so high and the cornerstone of USA yet associate chaos to the most free form of existence.
Kind of like saying I'll sacrifice some of my liberty for that safety. I guess the wise compromise from time to time.

As for democracy.... how's the process called by which USA elects it's government leaders?

If you think your vote shouldn't matter and the public shouldn't have a voice at all. Then go ahead take the democracy out of your republic, and see how that goes...

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

C’mon man.
That’s always the response.

The world does not want him with the keys, save for some fascists, dictators, etc they expect a weak dude like Trump to run the country again so they can film part two of this modern love story. Trump loves those strongmen.

The rest of the world, which we are part of. Hates the idea of it. He too susceptible to flattery and monetary love letters.

Is it too late to find another , perhaps younger guy? With functioning faculties?
Otherwise, the right is gonna get trounced at multiple levels of government.

It’s coming.

edit on 17-9-2024 by spacedoubt because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 07:20 PM

From today's White House Press Briefing...

The White House dismissed claims President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and other Democrats were stoking political violence by describing former President Donald Trump as a “threat to democracy” and “dangerous.”

“The question that you’re asking is also incredibly dangerous in the way that you’re asking it,” press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told Fox News reporter Peter Doocy on Monday.

The White House is correct that Biden's & Harris's rhetoric did not cause the two attempts on candidate Trump's life.

Biden & Harris ORDERED the two attempts, through their Attorney General, Merrick Garland!

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: spacedoubt

You sure like to cry a whole lot.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: spacedoubt
a reply to: Justoneman

C’mon man.
That’s always the response.

The world does not want him with the keys, save for some fascists, dictators, etc they expect a weak dude like Trump to run the country again so they can film part two of this modern love story. Trump loves those strongmen.

The rest of the world, which we are part of. Hates the idea of it. He too susceptible to flattery and monetary love letters.

Is it too late to find another , perhaps younger guy? With functioning faculties?
Otherwise, the right is gonna get trounced at multiple levels of government.

It’s coming.

Can you repeat that? All I heard was reeee, reeee, reeee………

It’s a prosperity thing

I see it in comments here, we’ve a few members that can’t even make one single post without telling us once AGAIN how much they hate Trump. 🙄

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

From today's White House Press Briefing...

The White House dismissed claims President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and other Democrats were stoking political violence by describing former President Donald Trump as a “threat to democracy” and “dangerous.”

“The question that you’re asking is also incredibly dangerous in the way that you’re asking it,” press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told Fox News reporter Peter Doocy on Monday.

The White House is correct that Biden's & Harris's rhetoric did not cause the two attempts on candidate Trump's life.

Biden & Harris ORDERED the two attempts, through their Attorney General, Merrick Garland!

Yeah sure .
That last line of yous is an opinion, and it’s not even your opinion.
Just ole man Trump looking for sympathy. He’s an agent of chaos.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: spacedoubt

I know you're anti-Trump.

A given.

But I have to know what policies have driven you to embrace Harris.

posted on Sep, 17 2024 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: spacedoubt

You sure like to cry a whole lot.

Last time I cried was when my mom died of Covid.
I think baffled would describe me here.
Maybe you could fill me in on how Don is your man about town?

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