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How will we know AI is conscious

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posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: Terpene


Certain topics threaten certain fanatics moral bases it's a rather well studied psychological behavior, called denial...

As for your further statement…I never stipulated any of what your claiming I stated…

The closet I ever came to defining consciousness was to state…

some cosmological and sub quantum theories postulate that…reality…is an illusion…that the universe might just be hologramatic…that it might just be the impingement of consciousness on the entangled sub quantum flux that is causal to perceptions of a realistic and relativistic structure defining the extant and extent of realism…

Further…I don’t subscribe to what you claimed that thought creates consciousness…If I were to define consciousness…it would be to postulate that consciousness is a natural state of the sub-quantum realm…possibly a wave or a carrier or an energy state…that utilizes entanglement to actualize intelligence…not that intelligence or thought creates the gestalt…consciousness…but the reverse…

However…that’s merely me thinking about the concept…not me claiming that my thoughts on the matter have any more validity than anyone else’s…

It’s impossible for me to state that consciousness from a human perspective…is anything more than a program running within the construct playing out it’s role within the illusion of reality in which it attempts to define it’s experience…or perceptions as it exemplifies it’s program…

My other thought is that the human organism is merely a carrier…a host…the hardware to express the software…and that consciousness causes the progression of evolution in order that it attains intelligence…a self aware state…in order for the organism to then impinge observation and thought on it’s environment in order for both individual and collective conscious and sub conscious to actualize it’s/their subjective reality…

Or not…

I do thank you for providing me the platform in which to express my thought on your premise…


posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: YouSir

Further…I don’t subscribe to what you claimed that thought creates consciousness…If I were to define consciousness…it would be to postulate that consciousness is a natural state of the sub-quantum realm…possibly a wave or a carrier or an energy state…that utilizes entanglement to actualize intelligence…not that intelligence or thought creates the gestalt…consciousness…but the reverse…

I didn't claim no such thing either, at best i claimed that there is no definitive proof either way due to the subjective nature of the experience. I'd tend towards the idea you subscribe to. Unfortunately that's not an avenue science is daring to venture down further, as it would usurp quite alot of long standing assumptions...

In response to your postulates i said this, which you just ignored and choose to go off on a rant about something i said that has nothing to do with the topic but the psychology behind some posts.

If reality is what you postulated first, the technology that's in the making might give AI a much better understanding and acces to that sub quantum flux. It might give us some understanding about ourselves, one we aren't capable of consciously analyzing yet.

By which in meant quantum computing, biological chips, programable brain cells and what not. We're at the very beginning but also moving way faster than we can process the progress...
It won't be long AI will device a more effective hardware to run on, if we let it...

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