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Police Audio Confirm Haitian Goose-Hunting In Ohio: ‘They All Had Geese In Their Hands’

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+35 more 
posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 07:32 AM
So, it seems 20,000 illegals from Haiti are being bussed into Springfield, Ohio...and residents are spotting them killing the local geese (I assume these are the migratory wild Canadian geese we have in our neighborhood and not livestock poached from local farms).

I am guessing these birds are protected.

We have these geese in our neighborhood as well...and, frankly, they crap everywhere...but they're just passing through.

HERE is a 911 report about it:

We used to live near the Springfield area and my wife still has friends in the area she keeps in touch with through FB.

Last night, she read me some posts from residents of nearby Lebanon, Ohio discussing how, for several nights, residents are seeing large groups of young men with backpacks walking down the streets of downtown Lebanon late at night.

Lebanon is a sleepy little town that basically shuts down after this is unusual.

+4 more 
posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 07:40 AM
Thank Biden/Harris and the Democrats in general who support them.

This is their version of America the beautiful.

+11 more 
posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 07:42 AM
They said Trump was a lying racist for bringing this up.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 07:50 AM
They aren't protected. There is a hunting season for them.

And while I would bet not one of these immigrants has a permit, I bet the new talking point to make this behavior "OK", will be that they did it "in season" Which I believe is the same as MI's. The first 2 or three weeks of Sept.

It isn't right though, what they are doing.
And we are screwed.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: CarlLaFong

Pay no attention that these stories started after a guy using a pseudonym that rhymes with a slur at the council meeting, who happens to be Drake R. Berentz a neo-nazi leader of the group Blood Pride.


The owner of the plant that some work at has a different opinion of the Hatians and their work ethic.


The OP has a link to claim someone called, but no link to anything actually found from it.

The only 2 pics/ video floating around include one posted on reddit from a while ago not in Springfield, with the assumption that the guy was moving roadkill from the road and an American woman with mental illness who did eat a cat.

The only one I know of who eats cats or dogs is RFK.

+2 more 
posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: frogs453

Jimmy Barbeque says different 😊

+3 more 
posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: CarlLaFong

Pay no attention that these stories started after a guy using a pseudonym that rhymes with a slur at the council meeting, who happens to be Drake R. Berentz a neo-nazi leader of the group Blood Pride.


The owner of the plant that some work at has a different opinion of the Hatians and their work ethic.


The OP has a link to claim someone called, but no link to anything actually found from it.

The only 2 pics/ video floating around include one posted on reddit from a while ago not in Springfield, with the assumption that the guy was moving roadkill from the road and an American woman with mental illness who did eat a cat.

The only one I know of who eats cats or dogs is RFK.

And Obama. Don't forget him.

So you are firm in your beleif that no Hatian migrants killed any animals for food in Ohio? Just want to clarify as this story solidifies.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: network dude

Well the city managers and police state they have no credible reports of any such incidents. We have 2 unrelated photos/ videos. So at this point, no there are no verifiable sources of info. The former President saying he saw it " on TV" doesn't count.
edit on 11-9-2024 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: frogs453

From what I'm seeing online. The women eating a cat is an american woman by the name of Alexis Telia Ferrell.

Hillbilly Vanillie is straight up lying when he says that Haitians are eating cats. This story is taken out of context for political shenanigans.

And to be honest this sort of thing is not new. I remember back in the late 80's and early 90's when Hatians came to Miami. We also had stories back then of Hatians eating dogs and cats. This is just more xenophobic and racist nonsense.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: CarlLaFong

Most voters don’t comb the internet for the more obscure talking points. Even if there is legs to the claim, I don’t think leaning into this is going to help Trump.

A lot of the people talking about this seem a little shocked and just write it off as Trump being Trump.

If I were him or his base, I would let this one get memory holed instead of trying to “prove” it. I don’t see how this could be beneficial for him.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 08:20 AM
Watch out of the domestic cats around, they will eat the cats, too, I do not think they eat dogs, but they do eat cats, is well known, it happens in Puertorrico until the government had to intervene.

My brother told me about it, he works in the government, the sad thing is that it was kept hushed and away from public knowledge.

In Florida was several complains of domestic cats been eaten by Haitians.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: frogs453

What ? You never heard about Obama eating dogs ?

Trump loves cats and ducks. They are extraordinary animals. They should be given hugs and not killed and eaten.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: frogs453

So you're saying they do have reports they are just dismissing them ? OK.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: CarlLaFong

They're just ahead of the curve.

Not doom porn. We are facing some serious (expletive) from all this progressive insanity. Outcomes and results that are going to be really bad as they're meant to be.

As a country and a people, we are now laid completely bare to be raped and pillaged whilst "our" government works diligently to disarm us.

The way this is going, the citizenry is already being attacked in a war that hasn't been declared yet. Again, probably as it was meant to be.

Please don't forget these people were let in by the thousands every day.... unvetted, unchecked, unvaccinated, unburdened.

It solves nothing by trying to absorb third world problems coupled with third world mentalities hitched to third world violence. But to progressives, it feels good, so....🙄🤷🏻

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: grey580

Amazing how the first part of your post calls people liars and acts like the very idea is absurd and then in the second half you turn around and say its nothing new.

edit on 5300909America/Chicagoam11 by 5thHead because: 😃

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: 5thHead

No. I said credible. I can call right now and say an orange man in a diaper is eating my dog. Does that mean that an orange man is actually eating my dog? Not necessarily.
The police would come out. If they see the orange diaper man eating the dog, then yes, it's credible. If they find no man and my dog, it's not credible.

They have stated there are no credible reports. We have claims and two unrelated photos/video.

edit on 11-9-2024 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 08:55 AM
We are turning into a third world country, we have now bush people eating the wildlife, we have many laws, the people allowed to enter in this country thanks to democrats have no intention to follow those laws unless they are forced on them.

Things are going to get worst, and they are, we got the worst of what other countries have to offer.

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: frogs453

Right. You're saying they DO have reports they are just brushing them off

posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: 5thHead
a reply to: frogs453

What ? You never heard about Obama eating dogs ?

Trump loves cats and ducks. They are extraordinary animals. They should be given hugs and not killed and eaten.

To be slightly more accurate, Trump loves Pussies and has been known to eat one or two, every now and then. A subtle but important difference in the terminology.

+1 more 
posted on Sep, 11 2024 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: network dude

Well the city managers and police state they have no credible reports of any such incidents. We have 2 unrelated photos/ videos. So at this point, no there are no verifiable sources of info. The former President saying he saw it " on TV" doesn't count.

51 Intel Idiots said the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian Disinfo.

Turns out, Hunter admitted in court, twice now I think, that it is real and his.

The corrupt politicians will lie until they aren't able to hide it, and then act like they are the ones pointing out the lie.

BTW, did you listen to the audio, kinda proves they are lying already.

But defend them, we understand.
edit on 11-9-2024 by theatreboy because: (no reason given)

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