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Kamala and the Masonic Police

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posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: burntheships

Something very strange with this Kamala Konnection! 😀

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: network dude
Hmm. I guess I will proceed with caution.

I just stumbled upon a huge list of more
videos. I am actually reading about the one lead
guy, David Henry X. He continually makes comments
directly to Attorney General Kamala Harris.

Apparently, he claimed to be part of The Illuminati,
and there are video's of him with Ice T, and
P Diddy.

Of course, he is dead now. But the other two,
they are still operating in California in the Insurance
industry, and Real Estate industry.

I would have assumed that none of this was
a secret since "K" Candidate is already V.P.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: burntheships
a reply to: network dude
Hmm. I guess I will proceed with caution.

I just stumbled upon a huge list of more
videos. I am actually reading about the one lead
guy, David Henry X. He continually makes comments
directly to Attorney General Kamala Harris.

Apparently, he claimed to be part of The Illuminati,
and there are video's of him with Ice T, and
P Diddy.

Of course, he is dead now. But the other two,
they are still operating in California in the Insurance
industry, and Real Estate industry.

I would have assumed that none of this was
a secret since "K" Candidate is already V.P.

this is the first I have heard of this, and being a mason, I tend to pay attention to things that deal in that area.

I can't say what is and isn't real, I can say honestly I haven't a clue about anything "illuminati", have never heard about it in a lodge or by any member. I'm just a 32nd, which everyone in the Scottish Rite is, unless they are KCCH or 33rd.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 03:50 PM
I wonder if the MSM outlets that might otherwise cover this, are staying away due to fears of it being a real thing. Like the "illuminati" will come for them. This is odd enough it could really shake up Harris' campaign.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: network dude

Thanks for the info, glad your not in Cali lol.

It seems these three were claiming to be 33rd,
if they were anything real in actual Masonic
affiliation have not found that yet.

I wonder where they got all of the
nice badges and uniforms that look
like the real deal. Police cars too.


posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: burntheships

I wonder if The Trump Campaign knows about this? 😊

Might be a cool topic at the debate. 👁‍🗨

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: network dude
I wonder if the MSM outlets that might otherwise cover this, are staying away due to fears of it being a real thing. Like the "illuminati" will come for them. This is odd enough it could really shake up Harris' campaign.

I suppose, if the illuminati is real, ahem....I guess.

Mark Halperin, a reporter alluded to some real bombshells
that were going to drop on Kamala. Maybe this is it, they
just get the small outlets to start the ball rolling.

More hmmmssss.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: burntheships

I wonder if The Trump Campaign knows about this? 😊

Might be a cool topic at the debate. 👁‍🗨

I have no idea really, It is not easy to find.
Its taken hours of different searches to find
a crumb, then change the SO terms parameters
dates and such that lead to more.

I wish I knew how to get this stuff to the
Trump campaign!? If anyone knows, please
message me here. Thank you!

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: burntheships

post a link in truth social. a link to this thread or just link to some of the weird news and videos.

Someone will pick this up and dig in more than we can I suspect. Unless the Illuminai is real and they are coming for all of us. Muhahahahahahahah!!!!!!!

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: network dude

I don't have a truth social account.

If anyone here does, please do that.

Just for the record I am healthy, happy, just had
new tires put on and my car is running fine.

I am not depressed or unhappy in any way.

If something happens to me, you know what to do.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: burntheships

I wonder where they got all of the
nice badges and uniforms that look
like the real deal. Police cars too.


All the arrows point to the same person.

And they wanted real official actual license plates.

Why would they think they could get that ?

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Wow, another strange connection, this time
to Maxine Waters.

CBS2 News found a photo of Henry and Kiel in Masonic regalia taken in 2012 with Rep. Maxine Waters. The pair were also seen on camera at a Los Angeles Police Department press conference asking for peaceful protests after the George Zimmerman verdict. Authorities are still investigating the rogue police department and are looking for others involved. Investigators are also still unclear about the Masonic police department’s purpose.

Holy smokes!

A picture of all three with Maxine Waters!

D.G.M. Kevin Briley; Grand Master David Henry 33rd; Rev. Joe Gates; G.H.P. Brandon Kiel, Congresswoman Waters; and Minister Tonette Hayes.

Los Angeles- Congresswoman Maxine Waters (35th Congressional District) and California Assemblyman Mike Davis (48th District) were awarded at the “3rd Annual Award Ceremony” conducted by the M.W. Illustrious Scottish Knight Grand Supreme Council under the leadership of the Honorable Grand Master David Henry 33o, Deputy Grand Master Ill. Kevin Briley 33o, and Grand High Priest Ill. Brandon Kiel 33o. The ceremony took place at Travelers Rest Baptist Church located at 1417 E. Florence Ave. Los Angeles CA 90001 with Reverend Joe L. Gates presiding as Pastor as well as Minister Tonette Henry Grand Matron.

There is more here about the supposed masonic connections.

The “Travis Kiel Honorary 33o Puissant Award” named after long time educator and LAUSD principal is an award to acknowledge extraordinary individuals who strive to build and promote change that will have an intergenerational impact on society. This milestone award places Assemblyman Davis in elite company with other illustrious men who bear the 33rd degree. In addition to Assemblyman Davis receiving his award, Congresswoman Maxine Waters received the “Thelma Jewel Crowe Legacy Award” for her unyielding efforts to promote leadership and equality through service as a U.S. Congresswoman. Congresswoman Waters acknowledged the congregation and the Grand Supreme Council with a humble and elegant acceptance speech and requested the choir sing, “Don’t Pass Me By” once more as she exited the church. Assemblyman Davis gave a captivating acceptance speech being a direct bloodline descendant of his father the late Lawrence Davis a member of the Mystic Shriners. It was illuminating for all who attended the M.W. Illustrious Scottish Knight Grand Supreme Council, “3rd Annual Award Ceremony”.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: burntheships

Oh this is good and getting better 😃

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: burntheships

I started with this:

Truth Social 😊

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: burntheships

Oh this is good and getting better 😃

ETA: a reply to: xuenchen

Thank you!
Thank you!

Ruh Ro. Found more pics of "K" Candidate
with one of these three in other settings.

K is with Maxine, and "Minister Tonette Henry (one of the three masonic police)

Kamala Harris Last Sunday I joined Pastor William Epps, @RepMaxineWaters, and Minister Tonette Henry to lead a spirited worship saluting the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.Thanks to Second Baptist Church and the Political Clergy Council for co-sponsoring a vibrant multi-faith and multi-cultural service! — with Maxine Waters.

Kind of hard for her to say she didn't know
what the hell was going on!

edit on 23-8-2024 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: burntheships

This one's an instant classic !!!

At the end he's basically saying there is a phantom menace setting up this controversy. People behind the scenes.

What are the legal aspects of this ? Is "police" a legal term or can you just call yourself police? He seems to have a different definition than most people. He seems to be implying security or bodyguard type thing.

Imagine these "police" with these masonic jack Kirby superhero outfits on, pulling you over in their police cars with official tags. Talk about a nightmare. I'd lose it ! 😳

What was he doing in Mexico? And children.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: 5thHead

In that video he was apparently leaning into
the Illuminati side of things.

He seemed very sure of himself, kind of scary
to think he was only 47 when he suddenly passed
away right after going to court.

Literally hours after going to court.

Hours after he appeared in a San Fernando courtroom, David Inkk Henry, the 47-year-old “grandmaster,” died of a pulmonary embolism at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital, attorney Gary Casselman said.

PE's are not that hard to induce, a swipe on the skin
with a chemical that induces a certain condition.

Leading up to the actual moments of death, a person
may not feel anything except a bit of asthma.

To recap most of the videos are still available at
these two channels.

I'm hitting paywalls now after so many hits on the
Cali news papers. I'll need to change things up a bit
to find more stuff.

ETA: apparently after reading a lot of these
expose one of the three is a woman.

She dyed her hair red afterwards.

edit on 23-8-2024 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: 5thHead

It was fake.

Yes I read it, and showed it to my Past Master friend, who also called it B U L L S H I T.

Care to ask a former Mason if they're triggered by your ignorance? Did you just add that word to your vocabulary recently, or were you given it as token?


Serious dude, learn the difference between legitimate and counterfeit. Because that's what all none Lodge activities are, fake.

Not triggered just tired of ignorant trolls screeching their virtua signals from highest social media peaks, as if anyone really cares what a parakeet haired social justice equity loser thinks.

The Mason fraternity is not evil, the Bavarian Illuminati that infiltrated it are. Again, counterfeit Lodges are not accepted by Grand Lodge.

Ask any legitimate Free and Accepted Mason, or Knight at Commandry.

Why take my word for it, obviously you are triggered by the truth.


posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: advisor

You are too caught up on whether they meet your definition of mason. Apparently anyone can call themselves that. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Just because they aren't like you doesn't mean they shouldn't be discussed.

Yeah. You seem a little triggered. LOL

Not everyone is attacking you. And insulting me doesn't help get your points across.

🤙 - hang loose

edit on 5310719America/Chicagopm23 by 5thHead because: ✌️

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: 5thHead

Umm...maybe you meant that reply for someone else?


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