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Raise your hand if you want this person to govern you for the next 4 years???

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posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 12:24 AM
Who in their right mind would vote for this? I get it, you hate trump but this? Help me to understand how anyone could vote for her?[/url]
edit on 17-8-2024 by KrustyKrab because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 12:31 AM
She’s an idiot.


posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 12:48 AM
There is zero sincerity in her voice, she rings so hollow and as a phony. I’m struggling to find that any one would believe anything out of her mouth.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 01:04 AM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Both candidates suck a little more than usual.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 01:12 AM
Why Tulsi Gabbard is helping candidate Trump prepare for the Sept 10th Kamala debate...

In July 2019, Gabbard said Harris, who served as California’s attorney general and as district attorney in San Francisco, “put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana.”
Much more at:

DJT will be Debating with an empty Pantsuit, LOL.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 01:14 AM

originally posted by: tamusan
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Both candidates suck a little more than usual.

They’ve never sucked this hard

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 02:12 AM
Is I it C’thulu?

Because if it’s The Elder God from beyond, then I know my vote matters, and a voting again for their dark dreams for this realm shortly.

Alas I live in California and my vote doesn’t matter.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 02:35 AM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Fred Trump III has a seriously infirm son who needs constant medical care. His insurance was not going to cover those needs so he turned to his uncle Donald Trump and asked for assistance. Donald Trump's reply to his nephew was, ''he dosen't recognize you. Why don't you let him die and move down to Florida.

From Fred Trump's book ''"All in the Family''

"It doesn't get any easier to recall this moment, but, yes, the fund which was only necessary because my inheritance was taken away from me and Mary [Trump]," Fred recalled, also referencing his younger sister — and fellow staunch critic of Donald. "I called him to say, 'Donald, the fund is running low,' and without skipping a beat, he said, 'Your son doesn't recognize you. Let him die, and move down to Florida.'

Vote for Trump? Never.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

There is zero sincerity in her voice, she rings so hollow and as a phony.

And those are her good points!

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 06:36 AM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Fred Trump III has a seriously infirm son who needs constant medical care. His insurance was not going to cover those needs so he turned to his uncle Donald Trump and asked for assistance. Donald Trump's reply to his nephew was, ''he dosen't recognize you. Why don't you let him die and move down to Florida.

From Fred Trump's book ''"All in the Family''

"It doesn't get any easier to recall this moment, but, yes, the fund which was only necessary because my inheritance was taken away from me and Mary [Trump]," Fred recalled, also referencing his younger sister — and fellow staunch critic of Donald. "I called him to say, 'Donald, the fund is running low,' and without skipping a beat, he said, 'Your son doesn't recognize you. Let him die, and move down to Florida.'

Vote for Trump? Never.

Fred Trump wrote it in a book, so no way he is making it up.

I mean, he didn't write the book to give it away, so it has to have good stories to sell.

And he knows the left believes in anything that is written down as fact.

Except the Bible. Weird.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

If someone who already is jealous of you and hates you, decides to write a book full of negative personal anecdotes about you...does that make it automatically true?

What happened to 'There Are Two Sides To Every Story'?

Have you done your research on this...or just went along with your own confirmation bias without questioning it?
Did Donald Trump admit to what his nephew said in his book being accurate?

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 07:49 AM
I'd rather have an incompetent politician who gets openly criticized as a leader rather than a cult leader whose followers shoot down any dialogue of criticism.

+1 more 
posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTophat
I'd rather have an incompetent politician who gets openly criticized as a leader rather than a cult leader whose followers shoot down any dialogue of criticism.

or who hide away from talking to the people so nobody knows how ignorant they are, yet due to her not being the opposition, she is a national hero. I can get why some think MAGA is a cult, but I can't get why those same folks who scream that, don't see the cult they are in themselves. enjoying your new Nike shoes? Kool aid will be served in the hall.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 08:24 AM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
Who in their right mind would vote for this? I get it, you hate trump but this? Help me to understand how anyone could vote for her?[/url]

Because most people don’t care about policy, character or integrity. Our society now functions at base level group-think. Party over person. We live in a culture of memes where pictures with captions carry more weight than actual knowledge about a situation or person.

Most people who are voting for Kamala are not voting for Kamala, they are voting against Trump. Or they are voting for her because Kamala is now the face of the group they identify with. Whether or not she is competent is inconsequential to them, because preserving their group takes precedence. In preserving their group, they preserve themselves.

Likewise, many people who are voting for Trump are not voting for Trump himself, but for the perceived ideal that he represents.

In both cases, that is why people are usually willing to overlook disparaging facts for the sake of preserving and maintaining perceived ideal.

We are all tempted to do this. It is human nature. So when we point fingers at each other, those fingers also point to ourselves.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTophat
I'd rather have an incompetent politician who gets openly criticized as a leader rather than a cult leader whose followers shoot down any dialogue of criticism.

Who was more scrutinized than Trump?

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTophat
I'd rather have an incompetent politician who gets openly criticized as a leader rather than a cult leader whose followers shoot down any dialogue of criticism.

Yeah especially like the cultists that did violent damage like The Ferguson riots and The Floyd Chain riots. Who would want to support that? 😊

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: theatreboy

Yes, that is a theory. It's logical I guess, that is if one wants so badly to believe in Trump and, by your reference to the Bible, his divine mission. You believe in that do you? One of the many people who believe the Bible and at the same time believe that a bellicose and belligerent man teetering on the edge of his own psychosis's is the best tool for his Will at this time in this place?

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Fred Trump III has a seriously infirm son who needs constant medical care. His insurance was not going to cover those needs so he turned to his uncle Donald Trump and asked for assistance. Donald Trump's reply to his nephew was, ''he dosen't recognize you. Why don't you let him die and move down to Florida.

From Fred Trump's book ''"All in the Family''

"It doesn't get any easier to recall this moment, but, yes, the fund which was only necessary because my inheritance was taken away from me and Mary [Trump]," Fred recalled, also referencing his younger sister — and fellow staunch critic of Donald. "I called him to say, 'Donald, the fund is running low,' and without skipping a beat, he said, 'Your son doesn't recognize you. Let him die, and move down to Florida.'

Vote for Trump? Never.

Why was Fred and Mary's inheritance taken away to begin with?

These types of arguments are always about money, especially in wealthy families.

Regardless America has 2 substandard choices for the next 4 years, Trump mostly because he is divisive AF, and Harris because she is hollow, has no depth, and seems to sway with the wind.

Harris is 2nd in Command the Vice President in the Biden administration's look at the economic confidence in Biden's administration. Only Carter and Bush Sr had job approval ratings close to how poorly Biden/Harris has done.

This will be the deciding factor for many voters across all demographics

edit on p000000318am086 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare

A state AG has nothing to do with prosecuting low-level drug offenses. As DA, only 45 people were sentenced to jail for drug offenses. So is Tulsi an idiot or is she lying?

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