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"IDIOCRACY"...let's ALL watch it (again)! It's coming TRUE

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posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 03:19 AM
The only thing it missed was that virtual street corner called ATS where religious cooks point at everyone screaming "it's their fault. We are the final solution"...

Quite the laughing stock... But alas smiling in the face of failure it's all thats left...

Life is a drama for those who feel and a comedy for those who think...

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 04:24 AM
It was on TV for free yesterday.

I did a thread on this like 15 years ago.

Is Idiocracy prophecy?

Just tried to find it here ... can't seem to pull it up.

My conclusion ... YES.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 06:05 AM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk

Harris fiscal policy could add 2 TRILLION to deficit

Trump: Harris plan is same as Venezuela

So...yeah...this'll work! (NOT!!)

It will work perfectly well for their actual agenda...

Collapsing the America we know as soon as possible.

Hell was I not paying attention? when did the 18-24 crowd become so pro-socialist? My daughters were as liberal as Jane Fonda once but not pro-socialist.

Now you can hear praise for the Idea of socialism on social media as if it's never been tried before. Some will talk socialism now about it being genius and Im like that we learned that it wasnt in the 5th grade.

But we need to let the participation generation try and implement it even though it's the same generation that can't balance a checkbook or drive a stick

An economic system that has never been successfully installed in the real world, especially not in a country as large and diverse as the US
but Kamala and Coach Tim are going to make it work

Actually makes me wonder a bit about how successful some of this Tik Tok like propaganda from China has been. Historically I've kind of dismissed its overall effectiveness, but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it has been more effective than I thought.

I had always felt it was too obvious to affect the masses in any significant way, but the more I read about how subtle it is makes me think I may have underestimated it. This is particularly true after having watched some of the remarks from Ted Cruise in the congressional hearings with Tik Tok. Cruise pointed out some facts I was not aware of, and they were not the things I expected to see. It wasn't how Tik Tok was showing blatant textbook propaganda, but rather how they were manipulating what people did and did not see. So, one of the examples he used was a comparison of how many search results showed up on Tik Tok versus Instagram for different hash tags.

At first I was like I don't use either of these services so why should I care, but I continued to watch. He started by using Taylor Swift as an example, and then moved on to things like Tienanmen Square, and the Hong Kong protests. It was interesting to see how the results skewed astronomically as topics became more political. Clearly Tik Tok is censoring selected material. Now, these examples were mostly Chinese, but it makes you wonder how much they do this with American politics the same way. Again, I don't use Tik Tok so I can't really check for myself. But I wouldn't be surprised to see similar results being censored skewing political content to government structures more favorable to China...namely NOT Trump.

AND, we already know we can find similar skewing on YT (owned by Google / Alphabet). So, social media is definitely having an effect on viewers, limiting some data and not providing balance to make informed decisions.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: Texastruth2

Why do Trump's words always have to be clarified by his followers?

This is too culty, when you have to constantly interpret his words. It's like different offshoots of Christianity trying to decipher the Bible correctly.

He goes on tv. Says something. The next day, you have conservatives saying, "He MEANT to say this." Or, "He was being sarcastic." He has reduced you all into playing PR for him.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

If Mormons were mean, they'd be MAGA.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: TinfoilTophat

when you can't grasp context, sarcasm, or even the written word, you need some help understanding things. And trust me when I say, I know your type.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: TinfoilTophat

Well, all the low information voter types need plenty of repetition to break the spells of the liberal witch-doctors and voodoo artists who program your ideology.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTophat
a reply to: Texastruth2

Why do Trump's words always have to be clarified by his followers?

This is too culty, when you have to constantly interpret his words. It's like different offshoots of Christianity trying to decipher the Bible correctly.

He goes on tv. Says something. The next day, you have conservatives saying, "He MEANT to say this." Or, "He was being sarcastic." He has reduced you all into playing PR for him.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

If Mormons were mean, they'd be MAGA.


Isnt this also you.....?

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk

Harris fiscal policy could add 2 TRILLION to deficit

Trump: Harris plan is same as Venezuela

So...yeah...this'll work! (NOT!!)

It will work perfectly well for their actual agenda...

Collapsing the America we know as soon as possible.

Hell was I not paying attention? when did the 18-24 crowd become so pro-socialist? My daughters were as liberal as Jane Fonda once but not pro-socialist.

Now you can hear praise for the Idea of socialism on social media as if it's never been tried before. Some will talk socialism now about it being genius and Im like that we learned that it wasnt in the 5th grade.

But we need to let the participation generation try and implement it even though it's the same generation that can't balance a checkbook or drive a stick

An economic system that has never been successfully installed in the real world, especially not in a country as large and diverse as the US
but Kamala and Coach Tim are going to make it work

Actually makes me wonder a bit about how successful some of this Tik Tok like propaganda from China has been.

Historically I've kind of dismissed its overall effectiveness, but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it has been more effective than I thought.

I had always felt it was too obvious to affect the masses in any significant way, but the more I read about how subtle it is makes me think I may have underestimated it. This is particularly true after having watched some of the remarks from Ted Cruise in the congressional hearings with Tik Tok. Cruise pointed out some facts I was not aware of, and they were not the things I expected to see. It wasn't how Tik Tok was showing blatant textbook propaganda, but rather how they were manipulating what people did and did not see. So, one of the examples he used was a comparison of how many search results showed up on Tik Tok versus Instagram for different hash tags.

At first I was like I don't use either of these services so why should I care, but I continued to watch. He started by using Taylor Swift as an example, and then moved on to things like Tienanmen Square, and the Hong Kong protests. It was interesting to see how the results skewed astronomically as topics became more political. Clearly Tik Tok is censoring selected material. Now, these examples were mostly Chinese, but it makes you wonder how much they do this with American politics the same way. Again, I don't use Tik Tok so I can't really check for myself. But I wouldn't be surprised to see similar results being censored skewing political content to government structures more favorable to China...namely NOT Trump.

AND, we already know we can find similar skewing on YT (owned by Google / Alphabet). So, social media is definitely having an effect on viewers, limiting some data and not providing balance to make informed decisions.

Yeah, I saw some of Senator Ted Cruz"s of Texas's thoughts too, it's one of the reasons there is legislation about age restrictions.

A company we used to work with was big on social media "footprint". Out of all the social media outlets TikTok seemed to be most obsessively used by teenagers. Most of the content seemed to be mind-numbingly and repetitively stupid, thier world was reduced to 20-30-second video clips, which is a perfect format to push out indoctrination tactics, repetitive and subliminal messaging, and probably works better than associated aversion therapy

Communism and socialistic ideals have always been kicked around in pre WWII Europe and the McCarthy Red Scare era if not before. All it takes is to get into the minds of enough of the uncertain angst-ridden youth to become a thing.

edit on p000000318am086 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTophat
a reply to: Texastruth2

Why do Trump's words always have to be clarified by his followers?

Why do Trump's words always have to be twisted and distorted by his haters?
It's such a chronic problem it got a name: Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Ever heard of it?

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 10:13 AM

originally posted by: underpass61

originally posted by: TinfoilTophat
a reply to: Texastruth2

Why do Trump's words always have to be clarified by his followers?

Why do Trump's words always have to be twisted and distorted by his haters?

It’s the absolute opposite way around, his words are constantly twisted and distorted by his supporters.

Trump has a trait of firing off at the mouth with whatever is going though his head at the time. It’s a trait I could even respect if he was just some random nobody. But it’s an incredibly dangerous trait for someone who wants to be the leader of any country, let alone the most powerful country on earth.

He’s a loose cannon. No truly successful business owner would want a loose cannon anywhere near there business, yet you guys got this delusional thought process that somehow this Narcissistic billionaire loose cannon is going to come and save you from your miserable meaningless existence… get a grip.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: JadedGhost

I find it hilarious that you're screeching for others to "get a grip" while vomiting all over your post in the most incoherent manner possible.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: JadedGhost

originally posted by: underpass61

originally posted by: TinfoilTophat
a reply to: Texastruth2

Why do Trump's words always have to be clarified by his followers?

Why do Trump's words always have to be twisted and distorted by his haters?

It’s the absolute opposite way around, his words are constantly twisted and distorted by his supporters.

"Inject bleach"

Need more?

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: putnam6

Whoops! I botched the spelling on Cruz's last name. Apologies, Ted.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk

Harris fiscal policy could add 2 TRILLION to deficit

Trump: Harris plan is same as Venezuela

So...yeah...this'll work! (NOT!!)

It will work perfectly well for their actual agenda...

Collapsing the America we know as soon as possible.

Hell was I not paying attention? when did the 18-24 crowd become so pro-socialist? My daughters were as liberal as Jane Fonda once but not pro-socialist.

Now you can hear praise for the Idea of socialism on social media as if it's never been tried before. Some will talk socialism now about it being genius and Im like that we learned that it wasnt in the 5th grade.

But we need to let the participation generation try and implement it even though it's the same generation that can't balance a checkbook or drive a stick

An economic system that has never been successfully installed in the real world, especially not in a country as large and diverse as the US
but Kamala and Coach Tim are going to make it work

Actually makes me wonder a bit about how successful some of this Tik Tok like propaganda from China has been.

Historically I've kind of dismissed its overall effectiveness, but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it has been more effective than I thought.

I had always felt it was too obvious to affect the masses in any significant way, but the more I read about how subtle it is makes me think I may have underestimated it. This is particularly true after having watched some of the remarks from Ted Cruise in the congressional hearings with Tik Tok. Cruise pointed out some facts I was not aware of, and they were not the things I expected to see. It wasn't how Tik Tok was showing blatant textbook propaganda, but rather how they were manipulating what people did and did not see. So, one of the examples he used was a comparison of how many search results showed up on Tik Tok versus Instagram for different hash tags.

At first I was like I don't use either of these services so why should I care, but I continued to watch. He started by using Taylor Swift as an example, and then moved on to things like Tienanmen Square, and the Hong Kong protests. It was interesting to see how the results skewed astronomically as topics became more political. Clearly Tik Tok is censoring selected material. Now, these examples were mostly Chinese, but it makes you wonder how much they do this with American politics the same way. Again, I don't use Tik Tok so I can't really check for myself. But I wouldn't be surprised to see similar results being censored skewing political content to government structures more favorable to China...namely NOT Trump.

AND, we already know we can find similar skewing on YT (owned by Google / Alphabet). So, social media is definitely having an effect on viewers, limiting some data and not providing balance to make informed decisions.


posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

From this moment forward, the following rules apply throughout all of ATS:

[1] Politically inspired name calling of an ideological group is not allowed: examples: "Libtards," "kamalalaa"," "Repuglicans," "Drumpf" etc.

[2] Alterations of a politicians name, or any other high-profile political figure, for disparaging political effect is not allowed, including within member avatars and signatures.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: cocnutcrab883
a reply to: Lumenari

From this moment forward, the following rules apply throughout all of ATS:

[1] Politically inspired name calling of an ideological group is not allowed: examples: "Libtards," "kamalalaa"," "Repuglicans," "Drumpf" etc.

[2] Alterations of a politicians name, or any other high-profile political figure, for disparaging political effect is not allowed, including within member avatars and signatures.

Feel free to enforce it, sock account.

Oh wait....

edit on 100000008America/Chicago8pmSat, 17 Aug 2024 12:38:26 -050038 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

Socks get eaten by the dryer or something.

Anyways, if the MOD's want the community back to standards then they should stick to their rules, which you are breaking not me.

Good day miss and again.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: cocnutcrab883

Whos rules exactly?

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: wAnchorofCarp

I posted in my reply but I'll post it again. Thread made my DTOM not that long ago. Aug 4, 2024 to be exact.

This is taken from an old PSA by the former ATS Owner, SkepticOverlord

It's time to reel the rhetoric back in to ATS standards.

Those who enjoy concocting broad-stroke insults direct toward those not of their political persuasion may jerk their knee and call this a restriction of free expression... so be it.

But the overwhelming atmosphere of hate, insults, and over-the-top exaggerations is not desired here on ATS. When we see an abundance of disparaging names and hateful condescension, the atmosphere is polluted and discussion turns away from the issues and toward each other. And that, my friends, is playing into the political game "they" want you to play.

From this moment forward, the following rules apply throughout all of ATS:

[1] Politically inspired name calling of an ideological group is not allowed: examples: "Libtards," "kamalalaa"," "Repuglicans," "Drumpf" etc.

[2] Alterations of a politicians name, or any other high-profile political figure, for disparaging political effect is not allowed, including within member avatars and signatures.

[2a] Avatars designed exclusively to denigrate a politician or political figure, using derogatory wording or photo-manipulation, is not allowed.

[3] Posts that attack other members.

[4] Posts that stray from the discussion of the issue/topic and focus on the political affiliation of members are not allowed.

[5] All other politically-charged trolling and sniping intended, in the opinion of our staff and topic participants, to derail discussion away form the issues are not allowed.

In the event we encounter the above infractions, you risk the removal of your entire post or thread without warning or recourse.
You also risk a temporary POSTING BAN. For starters.

YOU are responsible for your own posts
No one else. No one is forcing you to reply to others who may push your buttons.

If you're unable to participate in political debate without engaging in making up disparaging names for those not of your affiliation, then perhaps ATS is not the place for you to discuss politics.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: cocnutcrab883

Who's rules are those please?

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