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Vice President Kamala Harris lays out economic policy in North Carolina speech LIVE today

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posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 09:33 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: WeMustCare

WTF brah.

Klamalla wants to take more from Americans and hurt people.

She's targeting to assist specific categories, like Biden did with student loans.

Should Congress let President Kamala run the nation into a bigger hole, because Americans were dumb enough to elect her?

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

America deserves her if she gets the seat

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 10:11 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: WeMustCare

America deserves her if she gets the seat

Man, I don't know. To me, It's Trump's race to lose. Harris Walz sure doesn't seem like a ticket that thinks it is in the lead

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 10:14 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: WeMustCare

America deserves her if she gets the seat

Harris is helping candidate Trump more and more. Effectively telling Americans not to vote for her, and giving reasons why.

Good News! 🚨

Kamala Harris has voluntarily decided to help candidate Trump's campaign develop TV ads..

One little gem from VP/candidate Harris today.

"A loaf of bread cost 50 percent more than it did before the pandemic. Ground beef is up almost 50 percent," she declared, admitting things were cheaper under Trump.
More of them at:

Thankyou Ms. Kamala!

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
"We fully regard civil wars, i.e., wars waged by the oppressed class against the oppressing class, slaves against slave-owners, serfs against land-owners, and wage-workers against the bourgeoisie, as legitimate, progressive and necessary."

-Lenin, Socialism and War (1915)

Says the guy who is not in power. Then, after he assumes power, the posture will change to the exact opposite posture, and they will do everything in their power to prevent exactly what they encouraged to get into power.

This isn't unique to Lenin, but rather a common mantra among all dictators in waiting.

This is why it is critically important to understand exactly what is being fought for before entering into battle. The fight is not for the sake of the fight alone, but for the end-game. Those calling to arms for change need to think very carefully about this. Many are short sighted in this regard. They fight for nothing more than the 'change', but in the absence of an end-game ideology there is only anarchy. And true evil loves nothing more than to fill the void of anarchy.

edit - "Anything but THIS!" NEVER the answer!
edit on 8/17/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 07:45 AM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
Price controls...


That has never worked, it always makes things wildly worse for people.

prices are up due to high fuel prices.
And the democrats own that due to their hate of fossil fuels.
plus price controls never worked, any place that ever tried it failed and things got worse.
Nixon did it and it did not work.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: anned1

...AND the democrat's draining of the strategic oil reserves.

Don't forget that part. They used it to dupe Americans into believing their 'green' policies were actually working.

edit on 8/17/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: CarlLaFong

You know, in all candor, I don't think she consciously 'wants' this for the American public, but I do think she and democrats alike are not smart enough to realize that a welfare socialist society will lead to this. And, when this happens, it will push the government ever towards a Marxist state and ultimately into a Stalinist dictatorship.

The big takeaway from this is that they either don't understand what that means,...or they don't care.

Bottom line - They just don't get it.

look at her father. He is a Marxist educator. So he was raised believing this is the right path. She probably does truly believe this is how things should be. Seems her father was a bit light on the history part of her upbringing.

if there was any journalists out there, they might point to her policies, and ask her where that has been tried before, and what was the outcome. But instead, they ask amongst themselves why she won't talk to them.
edit on 17-8-2024 by network dude because: Beto, what a stupid name.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 10:09 AM
The support Kamala needs for her crazy KamalaNomics plan, is just not there...

The Washington Post‘s editorial board roasted Vice President Kamala Harris for her newly announced economic plan.

In an editorial piece on Friday, the Washington Post noted that Harris “squandered” the opportunity to announce a “substantial plan” to the American public.

“Americans are clearly still anxious and angry about the high cost of groceries, housing and even $5.29 Big Macs,” the editorial board wrote. “While the inflation rate has cooled substantially since the 2022 peak, an ostensible Biden-Harris administration accomplishment, prices remain elevated relative to the Trump years”:
Continued at:

U.S.S. Kamala is now listing. 🤡

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
The support Kamala needs for her crazy KamalaNomics plan, is just not there...

U.S.S. Kamala is now listing. 🤡

Once it's certain Kamala's honeymoon is will be time for the democrat elite coup plotters to completely remove Joe...and make her POTUS before the election.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

Today, the Democrat's chosen successor to President Joe Biden (coup victim) held a major rally in North Carolina to announce her highly anticipated economic plan to improve on Bidenomics after she is "finish the job".

The rally attracted enthusiastic Democrats from far and wide!

109 of them to be exact:

As expected, the decline of candidate Kamala continues...

Decline? Ehat are uou talking about, she’s doubled her fan base!

The crowd would have been bigger but thousands of her fans got lost in the carpaek.

Hundreds of thousands.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: CarlLaFong

originally posted by: WeMustCare
The support Kamala needs for her crazy KamalaNomics plan, is just not there...

U.S.S. Kamala is now listing. 🤡

Once it's certain Kamala's honeymoon is will be time for the democrat elite coup plotters to completely remove Joe...and make her POTUS before the election.

What's their strategy. Trump wins either way, as long as Dems don't kill him. If that happens all their gooses are cooked.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Yeah, but will Kamala certify the election?

Doesn't matter if Trump wins, they will NEVER allow him in the WH. Never.

Edit to add: Kamala is just another Katie Hobbs, she'll declare herself the winner.
edit on 17-8-2024 by SourGrapes because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: network dude

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: network dude

M.A.M.A....Make America Marxist Already

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: SourGrapes
a reply to: WeMustCare

Yeah, but will Kamala certify the election?

Doesn't matter if Trump wins, they will NEVER allow him in the WH. Never.

Edit to add: Kamala is just another Katie Hobbs, she'll declare herself the winner.

SOMETHING CHANGED IN 2022. I don't understand if it would help President Elect TRUMP be certified, but Democrats and Republicans are happy about this change signed into law by President Joe Biden.

Read About it Here:

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 08:09 AM
Wake up voters! 😀

Kamalas "Strength Through Joy" slogan

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 03:10 AM
September 2, 2024

CALIFORNIA Democrats will NOT allow TIPS to be received tax-free.

They are telling home-state Kamala Harris to NOT bother promising Tax-Free tips for service workers, as Donald Trump is promising.


Democrats at all levels have officials who only care about themselves.

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