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Hunter Biden Admits to Accepting Foreign Money for VP Biden to Influence Government Actions.

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posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: putnam6
I never said, suggested, or inferred Hunter admitted Jack Squat, ONLY that the obsessed squawking "it's not true", "it's not true" is the virtual definition of a tempest in a teapot.

It is the title/subject of the thread.

Why critique someone for pointing out the source doesn't support the claim?

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

Yes sir. America! What a country!

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 10:33 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: ksihkahe
I didn't read the OP source and made no comment about the title.

But you think you were informed enough to reply.

That is sad.

It's sad that you decided to ignore "I've already read enough of the documents..." so that you could continue your dishonest smear attempt.

You remain intellectually dishonest and keep leaving out things that don't fit your agenda though. You do you.

It wasn't a throwaway joke it was a dig at other people doing what you claimed to have done above.

Well captain obvious, those two things are not mutually exclusive. It was a dig and it was made via a throwaway joke. I think I have a better handle on what I posted and why than you do.

As for the the end... I don't know what imaginary thing you are accusing me of doing, nor do I understand what imaginary thing you think I was accusing others of. I can't read your mind the way you can apparently read mine, so maybe clue me in on what specific imaginary things I've done in future replies.

The next time you're on Google feverishly looking for debunking crusade fodder, you could look up the words allegory and humorous.

You could have asked what I meant or for clarification, but you chose to give in to your personal animus. Even after I expressed an opinion about the OP's tactics that is in agreement with you and was ostensibly what you wanted to hear, you chose to ignore that all to continue this nonsense.

Take the L and move on.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: ksihkahe
Well captain obvious, those two things are not mutually exclusive. It was a dig...

Funny how you only called it a throwaway joke in your post but now you are trying to say it was two things.

You didn't even bother to check the source before just claiming it was dem bias.

That is your bias showing.

Even after I expressed an opinion about the OP's tactics that is in agreement with you...

That was the point, why bother posting negatively against other members that you are in agreement with?

That is sad.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 01:30 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: putnam6
I never said, suggested, or inferred Hunter admitted Jack Squat, ONLY that the obsessed squawking "it's not true", "it's not true" is the virtual definition of a tempest in a teapot.

It is the title/subject of the thread.

Why critique someone for pointing out the source doesn't support the claim?

LOL, have at it Earl Grey, we have bandied around on this nonsense for so long, most have forgotten what the thread was about in the first place.

Which is the virtual definition of thread killer...

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 01:45 AM
a reply to: putnam6
We are barely on page three and the title of the thread starts with "Hunter Biden Admits..."

But nothing in the OP backs that up.

I honestly don't get what the problem is. Thread title says something that the OP doesn't deliver.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 03:46 AM
a reply to: daskakik

No matter how much you want to build this fantasy around what I said, it's all right there for people to read. If you think that was some high effort political post you have no idea who you're talking to. It was a throwaway joke.

I don't even know what Putnam said, so if you're pissy about that then take it up with him. Putnam spends time writing posts, unlike a lot of people here that can't be bothered. I was offering a humorous reminder that he was wasting his time replying in any kind of serious way to that poster, but while also remaining on the topic of political corruption.

The poster you're white knighting for, like you think they're gonna date you, has literally never responded to another member on this site to my observation. I have never seen them post anything with any indication they actually read replies. This is just one in an incredibly long list of contact attempts. The science tells us they can be summoned with the proper words in a thread title, but that's all we know. One of these times we might just break through and make contact.

They do not respond to our attempts to communicate and do not appear to see what happens in our reality. The joke is.... they're a ghost. The old DNC platform is dead, which is becoming more and more clear based on the evidence in cases like the one in the OP. It's on topic.

You're just spouting a gish gallop of vague implications that you can't actually articulate. Essentially, you believe I engaged in wrongthink about something.

Did you report the thread title before you decided to start lashing out at me for imaginary thought crimes? It's against the T&C to post a title that you know to be false as far as I know, unless it's the title of something being cited. Did any brainlets come along and do that before the diaper crapping commenced or was that also something that somehow was an obligation of mine?

You obviously think this thread matters way more than I do. I'm just barely staying on topic enough not to violate rules by mentioning other corruption related things surrounding this. I'm basically harvesting salt from you in the hopes that OP learns a lesson about how toning down their threat titles would make the threads better. That also means this thread title you love so much gets bumped to the top of the recents list with even more corruption packed discussion. If you persist long enough we can get it on the top list.

I don't know what you're trying to achieve, but it's all win/win for me.

Would you like to discuss how Biden shell corporations that produced no goods and delivered no services may have been involved in Hunter's FARA end-arounds? FARA is nothing really, FARA violators seem to be everywhere they actually look. Much worse is suggested by the evidence. Just the Burisma portions of this saga were sufficient for rational people to recognize a serious problem. Why are so many people related to politicians that determine foreign policy making so much money from foreign countries? Why are they scoring no work gigs that pay tens of thousands for passive participation? Surely, it can't be corruption because there's no evidence of it in the information the government approves of us reading. The agencies accused of covering these crimes up haven't discovered any evidence that they covered anything up. It's all a huge mystery.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 03:57 AM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: WeMustCare

And......? Jared in law got 2 BILLION $$$ from Saudi Arabia while wife's daddy was Prez.....


what pathetic whataboutism.

If Kushner did something wrong, arrest him.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: ksihkahe
I don't even know what Putnam said...

You must like typing away. Such a long reply to something you don't know anything about.

Wait, you do, the title is misleading.

See, it doesn't take that many words.

The poster you're white knighting for...

Not white knighting, even you have said the same thing about the OP.

edit on 10-8-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 01:49 PM
Typical millennial America gets caught up in the headline and can't think or discuss rationally about the content of the post.

Somebody rattle some keys and maybe it will interrupt this single-purposed narrow focused train of thought

on second thought never mind it seems some ATSer's never post threads they just comment on other people's thoughts. Nothing wrong with it BTW just an interesting data point as they say
edit on p000000318pm086 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: ksihkahe
a reply to: daskakik

No matter how much you want to build this fantasy around what I said, it's all right there for people to read. If you think that was some high effort political post you have no idea who you're talking to. It was a throwaway joke.

I don't even know what Putnam said, so if you're pissy about that then take it up with him. Putnam spends time writing posts, unlike a lot of people here that can't be bothered. I was offering a humorous reminder that he was wasting his time replying in any kind of serious way to that poster, but while also remaining on the topic of political corruption.

The poster you're white knighting for, like you think they're gonna date you, has literally never responded to another member on this site to my observation. I have never seen them post anything with any indication they actually read replies. This is just one in an incredibly long list of contact attempts. The science tells us they can be summoned with the proper words in a thread title, but that's all we know. One of these times we might just break through and make contact.

They do not respond to our attempts to communicate and do not appear to see what happens in our reality. The joke is.... they're a ghost. The old DNC platform is dead, which is becoming more and more clear based on the evidence in cases like the one in the OP. It's on topic.

You're just spouting a gish gallop of vague implications that you can't actually articulate. Essentially, you believe I engaged in wrongthink about something.

Did you report the thread title before you decided to start lashing out at me for imaginary thought crimes? It's against the T&C to post a title that you know to be false as far as I know, unless it's the title of something being cited. Did any brainlets come along and do that before the diaper crapping commenced or was that also something that somehow was an obligation of mine?

You obviously think this thread matters way more than I do. I'm just barely staying on topic enough not to violate rules by mentioning other corruption related things surrounding this. I'm basically harvesting salt from you in the hopes that OP learns a lesson about how toning down their threat titles would make the threads better. That also means this thread title you love so much gets bumped to the top of the recents list with even more corruption packed discussion. If you persist long enough we can get it on the top list.

I don't know what you're trying to achieve, but it's all win/win for me.

Would you like to discuss how Biden shell corporations that produced no goods and delivered no services may have been involved in Hunter's FARA end-arounds? FARA is nothing really, FARA violators seem to be everywhere they actually look. Much worse is suggested by the evidence. Just the Burisma portions of this saga were sufficient for rational people to recognize a serious problem. Why are so many people related to politicians that determine foreign policy making so much money from foreign countries? Why are they scoring no work gigs that pay tens of thousands for passive participation? Surely, it can't be corruption because there's no evidence of it in the information the government approves of us reading. The agencies accused of covering these crimes up haven't discovered any evidence that they covered anything up. It's all a huge mystery.

The crux of the problem and the heart of the matter..

Would you like to discuss how Biden shell corporations that produced no goods and delivered no services may have been involved in Hunter's FARA end-arounds? FARA is nothing really, FARA violators seem to be everywhere they actually look. Much worse is suggested by the evidence. Just the Burisma portions of this saga were sufficient for rational people to recognize a serious problem. Why are so many people related to politicians that determine foreign policy making so much money from foreign countries? Why are they scoring no work gigs that pay tens of thousands for passive participation? Surely, it can't be corruption because there's no evidence of it in the information the government approves of us reading. The agencies accused of covering these crimes up haven't discovered any evidence that they covered anything up. It's all a huge mystery.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: putnam6
Nice try but you failed, I'm Gen X and not american.

You are the one who came in all riled up because someone pointed out the title was a stretch.

Also, I don't make threads because someone usually covers whatever it is I find interesting, what is the point in duplicate threads? wemustcare has made 171 in less than a year and they made 2,023 under the username carewemust.

edit on 10-8-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: putnam6
Nice try but you failed, I'm Gen X and not american.

You are the one who came in all riled up because someone pointed out the title was a stretch.

Also, I don't make threads because someone usually covers whatever it is I find interesting, what is the point in duplicate threads? wemustcare has made 171 in less than a year and they made 2,023 under the username carewemust.

One may be a GenX while completely adhering to a millennial American type attention span, along with nary an original thought, another American millennial trait BTW. For the record Im in the last year of Baby Boomers, but I probably identify with Generation X on a lot of issues.

There's nothing wrong with it, we are all human. The 20-second sound bite is king, for those with short attention spans

Such a narrow-minded myopic focus is just limiting to others who would like to discuss the wider topic.

I enjoy ATS because it is a longer format than Twitter and Discord

No more no less

Im looking forward to reading your thr...your posts in the future.

Sardinia sounds cool as hell

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: putnam6
Still not me.

I just don't get why you came in complaining about people noticing the source doesn't support the claim in the title. Did it take something away from you?

So Hunter caught another case set for January. Guess will see then if they can get a conviction.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: putnam6
Still not me.

I just don't get why you came in complaining about people noticing the source doesn't support the claim in the title. Did it take something away from you?

So Hunter caught another case set for January. Guess will see then if they can get a conviction.

Hey finally discussing the actual topic, cool, what a great idea...

Much depends on if he is convicted if it is dismissed, or if January is a perfect time for a pardon.

If he is convicted it then depends on his plea deal, is there any doubt he will get a plea deal if convicted ?

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: putnam6
I honestly don't care what happens.

What was more important to me was the clickbait title.

Guess we're done.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: network dude

Exactly. Both. Look at what you said...Hunter said. And so did Jared. Both...not charged..

I miss somethin'?

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: putnam6
I honestly don't care what happens.

What was more important to me was the clickbait title.

Guess we're done.

Here's a handy little image that may assist you in the future

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 05:23 PM
FWIW a semi-important distinction

Jared Kushner
Senior Advisor to the President of the United States from 2017 to 2021

Hunter Biden
American businessman and lobbyist (born 1970)
is an American attorney and businessman

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: ksihkahe
I don't even know what Putnam said...

You must like typing away. Such a long reply to something you don't know anything about.

I find it pretty much rock bottom pathetic when people try to shame me for being articulate and thorough on a discussion forum, like writing clearly and offering salient replies is some huge effort for me. It's the discussion equivalent of a TKO because the opponent is punch drunk and unable to defend themselves.

Let's recap.

You have spent all this time piling your emotional and political baggage on me rather than reporting the thread title, presumably because you'd prefer to have a struggle session than have the problem corrected.

You continue to blatantly lie by pretending I didn't say "I've already read enough of the documents..." earlier in the thread. Some of the documents also extend back to emails on the very real laptop you gobbled "Russian disinformation" lies about. Your lying has escalated from a mere emotional impulse to a willful act you deliberate over before posting.

You would like to discuss anything except for all the evidence that is available about Hunter Biden and the Biden family companies receiving many millions from foreign sources. All this money, allegedly, for providing "TBA" services to many ultra wealthy foreign nationals and corporations mired in corruption scandals.

You still have not managed to succinctly express your grievance with me, but persist with your vague implication that I'm guilty of something.

I wish you were half as eager (and intellectually honest enough) to correct the record on all the state sponsored lies you've parroted, during just the past four years of your fact-checking crusade, as you are to continue making vague accusations about me because a joke upset you.

All those years of trying to come off as a Spock-like source of objective information, flushed down the toilet due to a severe case of emotional diarrhea.

edit on K460806kAmerica/Chicago06America/Chicago by ksihkahe because: Typo

edit on K533707kAmerica/Chicago07America/Chicago by ksihkahe because: Typo

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