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As Trump fumes, Republicans wince at ‘public nervous breakdown’

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posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
a reply to: frogs453

When I was a teenager there were no tampon dispensers in the bathrooms in girls rest rooms in school. We brought our own from home and were self reliant. There is ZERO reason to put tampon dispensers in 9 year old boys rest rooms in school.
Gender twisting nonsense.

It's because a PAC and his special assistant wanted it and he made it happen, they guaranteed their votes and he bent to thier will. No more no less

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 10:04 AM
I’d probably be calling everyone names who was crying with rage about ‘he missed’ my assassination also. Still voting for Trump.

edit on 7-8-2024 by Kaiju666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 10:33 AM
Worked for Obama…

JD is very well spoken, Kam isn’t. Dem voters don’t give a crap who’s of substance.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 10:45 AM
I don't want to hear it. The attempt on Trump's life and the subsequent sound of air slowly escaping a balloon says a lot for me. They desperately want to pivot from the attempt on his life, because they think that's what's sustaining his momentum.

No, it's Democrat policies and the destruction of this country that keeps the wind in his sails. If It were Biden, they'd STILL be covering the attempt on his life up until election night.

Notice how the assassination coverage has all but disappeared from the MSM feeds??

I do.

It's back to business and Trump is Hitler. They have purposely removed it from the conversation so that they can return to casting Trump as whatever their paranoid brains can conjure up, pun intended.

It's already begun and will ramp up again. Trump's assassination attempt was an inside job, plain and simple. Everyone, from ex- snipers from law enforcement to special missions unit operators who plan and execute target packages are calling it
what it is, while the MSM has vaporized the coverage.

They all say the failures can only point to inside help. So whatever democrats are trying to concoct as the new narrative is just pathetic and remedial, but par for their side, as abysmal as they are.

edit on 7-8-2024 by VariedcodeSole because: eta

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Euronymous2625
No sane person still thinks this dumpster fire is president material.

If he's a dumpster fire then by comparison Harris is a landfill on fire.

Trump supporters are ready to crawl over glass through a burning building with incoming fire to vote for Trump now.

Harris is a left over laughing hyena in a land destroyed by her policies.

Don't believe the lies of the MSM. The D "ground game" aka ballot stuffing and Dominion are Harris’ only chance of victory.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 11:53 AM
What a lovely projection of your own inner delusions. Cope harder.

originally posted by: Hecate666
This guy just survived an assassination attempt on him. That he is speaking at all is a literal miracle.
This changes something in a person. He faced his own mortality and now he knows he has a job to do.
To drain the swamp which was, as it looks responsible for the attack on his life.

I don't think saying mean, hurty words about those who deserve it is equivalent to mean, deadly bullets aimed at your brain.

This man is going for the truth and he has a mission.

Make no mistake, Trump is going to drain the swamp, now even more determined than before his astronomical escape from certain death, and the worms will cry that it is a mean
thing to do and how mean and hurty he is towards them.

Yeah, get ready to face the big, mean sludge pump.
Nobody here is wincing, we are the ones who ordered the device, because we want a nice place to swim in the summer. Full of beautiful fish. A place to bring the family and not be scared of leeches, worms or legionnaires disease.

We are all ready to press the 'on' button!

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 12:05 PM
There is no GOP anymore. It was a construct used to put in power the people they wanted. Look at the past elections and who has ran and it is very easy to see.

2016 - 62,984,828 46.1%
2020 - 74,223,975 46.8%
2024 - 80,000,000 plus

The Republican Party is now the party of the Constitution. People sick of the Progressive Agenda of the Progressives which is the DNC and legacy GOP.

Look at the current primaries and who is dropping off? The haters of America.

He was shot in the head 3 weeks ago and no one cares. That is f'd up to be very honest. The US is at a precipice.

Trump could say Kamala bangs Hunter and smokes crack with him in the Lincoln bedroom and guess one will care.

I want lower taxes not tampons in the boys high school bathroom.
I want security and protection not no bail cities.

At this point, it is not about voting against anymore and that is where the LIV(Low intel voter) has been driven. If you vote against someone for the policies Harris is bringing you are a traitor to your country.

A traitor. Boot licking #birds....

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 12:54 PM
I don't know how Trump has held it together this long with all the crap the Democrats have thrown at him over the last eight years. I have a lot of respect for him in the fact that he has kept it together at all. So he goes a little off in one statement, it is his right to vent once in a while. The left is constantly babbling crap and twisted things, but the Republicans aren't allowed to do that? I will never again vote for a Democrat in congress or for president....unless of course if a lot of decent moderate democrats get elected and the chaotic ones now running the party are gone. I do not back deceivers, as far as I am concerned, deceivers should not be elected into any political position no matter what party. We are being forced to choose from the lesser of two evils most times in our elections...that is wrong. I agree with Trump on what he says about the worst Democrats in the congress totally, they are twisting everything and they seem to have something on the rest of the Democrats in congress because I can't see their fellow politicians following such a small number of deceivers spewing lies and misapplied evidence.

The Democrats have got to get rid of those running their political party. Only deceivers will be running our country eventually, in both parties. Not many good people will even want to run for politics shortly the way things are going. I sure the hell would never want to go to DC and have to deal with all the conns there.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 01:05 PM
My granddaughter just turned 18; she and her friends loathe politics. 'Not interested, don't care, it's all corrupt' attitude.

She-and all of her friends-intend to vote this year because.......

Kamala lied to the country throughout Biden's entire term, right up until the last week before him dropping out, ensuring us she 'works with Biden every day and he's still sharp as a tack'.

Kamala is not a very likeable role model that any young person would be inspired by, but her greatest error was lieing to the American people and trying to convince them that Biden wasn't nearing a vegetative state.

I guess her blatent dishonesty isn't sitting well with the younger generation.

As an aside, I noticed a picture of Trump standing next to Bill Clinton was posted. It brought back memories of a thread on ATS arguing over Trump lieing about his hight of a 'claimed' 6'3". By the posters best gusee, Trumpcould be no taller than 5'10" at best.

Take a close look at that photo, folks. Clinton is an acceptable 6'2" by liberal standards, and there's no denying who is taller.

Harris is campaigning on our democracy is at risk; your right to choose your geneder-and that of your child, the right to abort you fetus, blocking men from from women's sports and bathrooms all are threatened by Trump because he is a dictator.
No mention of how she's going to improve life for struggling Americans because 'the economy is in the best shape ever', record employment numbers, green energy policies has improved so many lives, the border is the securest it's ever been and no liberal worth their salt wants to go back to the prosperous days before Biden took charge. Oh! And she not only a female, but black!

So, what's the plan tomake life even better, Kamala? How about discussing policy instead of character assassination? Trump can do both; why can't you?

May the best candidate for the American people win.
edit on 1/1/1908 by nugget1 because: sp

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 01:43 PM
I'll just drop this here...

I don't vote for a president because he'll be my best friend. I don't vote for a president because I'd be willing to invite him/her over to my house for dinner. I don't hire employees that way either, and the president serves at the pleasure of "The People". In other words, the president is an employee of the people.

I hire an employee based on them being the best person for the job. I vote for presidents based on them being the best person for the job.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

But if the state was your religion, your president would be your pope.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 02:10 PM
Thanks for proving I hate these posts coming from the left as much as the right.

1. Post a topic that's really a commercial
2. Have your buddies be aware you are about to posts, so they can agree with you right away.
3. It looks like everyone is agreeing with your topic

Why don't you give an opinion about a subject matter - talk about student loans ect.
And then have a true discussion.

Did calling them "weird" not poll well?

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: frogs453

Walz signed a bill that redefined "sexual orientation" to include pedophilia.

You can't prosecute it unless it is legally defined.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
a reply to: frogs453

When I was a teenager there were no tampon dispensers in the bathrooms in girls rest rooms in school. We brought our own from home and were self reliant. There is ZERO reason to put tampon dispensers in 9 year old boys rest rooms in school.
Gender twisting nonsense.

A tampon placed over a knife wound could be life-saving. So could cling-wrap.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: Opossum19
a reply to: RazorV66
How can they not see that the whole kamala outfit has always hated America. Kamala even supported the blm riots and burnings and all that crap.

The people involved in BLM and the riots - they were/are Americans who object to being oppressed by a tyrannical minority of other Americans.

Bigotry is not the basis of what is American, nor is it patriotic.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
A tampon placed over a knife wound could be life-saving. So could cling-wrap.

Oh just stop. My god. That's retarded. You are trying to say that tampons in 9 year old boys restrooms are there incase of a knife fight. Get real. No one is buying that.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Opossum19
a reply to: RazorV66
How can they not see that the whole kamala outfit has always hated America. Kamala even supported the blm riots and burnings and all that crap.

The people involved in BLM and the riots - they were/are Americans who object to being oppressed by a tyrannical minority of other Americans.

Bigotry is not the basis of what is American, nor is it patriotic.

That explains the shoe and television theft.

As well as burning down a Wendy's ...

Fighting against tyranny ...

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
The people involved in BLM and the riots - they were/are Americans who object to being oppressed by a tyrannical minority of other Americans.

They were criminals who had NO RIGHT to loot and burn down buildings and intimidate people. They were not peacefully protesting a 'tyrannical minority' at all. For one thing, a 'tyrannical minority' doesn't exist and isn't oppressing them, and for another they have no right to loot and burn buildings down and intimidate. That's not protected free speech. It's just hoodlumism and criminal behavior.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: chr0naut
A tampon placed over a knife wound could be life-saving. So could cling-wrap.

Oh just stop. My god. That's retarded. You are trying to say that tampons in 9 year old boys restrooms are there incase of a knife fight. Get real. No one is buying that.

No, I'm not saying that. I was just trying to get you to broaden your mind by looking at things outside of the filter of your prejudices.

The truth is, we don't live in a world that is 'all simple' and defined in terms you would like.

There's hundreds of millions of people who are Americans, and in that mix, there will be some who just simply don't conform, no matter how limited in prospect the 'favoured of the small minded' happen to be about things.

Should we try and force nonconformists to conform? Is that what your definition of freedom is?

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Seems like a good idea to me. I know men haven't needed a tampon only to find the machine empty. If I knew I could find one there, I'd head over to get one. Better than free bleeding. But considering many on the right would like to start tracking females menstrual cycles, they might be happy to physically see when it occurs.

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