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No More Olympics For Me...Italian Boxer Quits Bout.

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posted on Aug, 2 2024 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: RottenRandy
If you really want to show the Olympics they screwed up on this start boycotting their sponsors. Loss of money makes, power hunger people see things differently

I believe thats exactly what will happen if Manchester City FC buy their way out of those 115 corruption charges they are facing.

posted on Aug, 2 2024 @ 05:50 PM
This boxer is at the very least inter-sexed if not outright trans. They probably chose to raise them as 'female' despite most likely having very high testosterone levels and probably born with both sets of genitalia. That would explain some of the very masculine features and the strength.

Regardless, they do not belong in women's sports. There is a clear advantage to those high test levels.

posted on Aug, 2 2024 @ 08:42 PM

posted on Aug, 3 2024 @ 08:11 AM
Like usual ATS is missing the more nuanced aspects of this.

Imane Khalif the Algerian boxer that went viral at the world Olympics was born a WOMAN. She was banned at the World Championships because of the unfair advantage her genetic disorder (DSD) gives her. Transgender surgeries are outlawed in Algeria, it has also been verified that her passport identifies her as a female.

In March 2023, Khelif was disqualified for failing to meet eligibility criteria shortly before her gold medal bout at the 2023 IBA Women's World Boxing Championships.

The Algerian Olympic Committeesaid Khelif was disqualified for medical reasons. It was later reported that the disqualification was due to high levels of testosterone.

According to International Boxing Association president Umar Kremlev, DNA testing of Khelif and other athletes "proved they had XY chromosomes and were thus excluded from the sports events"

There is speculation that Khelif may not be transgender but has a disorder of sex development (DSD), which causes some females to have XY chromosomes and blood testosterone levels typical of a male.

If she couldn’t qualify at the World Championships, I don’t believe she should in the World Olympics but she isn’t a man, as for Angela Carini, she was robbed but she has also been crying since 2021.

When she abandoned yet another fight, The (IBA) Women's World Boxing Championships in Istanbul, Turkiye on May 12, 2022.

Khalif shouldn't have been allowed to compete against women with her condition but Carini needs to also grow a spine.

The whole thing is stupid and it reminds me why I haven't been interested in anything sports related for decades.

posted on Aug, 3 2024 @ 08:14 AM
The European VP of the World Boxing Organization confirmed yesterday what we all know, what our eyes plainly tell us.

“The problem was not with the level of Khelif’s testosterone, because that can be adjusted nowadays, but with the result of the gender test, which clearly revealed that the Algerian boxer is biologically male”

The IOC also all but outwardly confessed in a corrective tweet yesterday when they wrote this:

In today’s IOC – Paris 2024 press briefing, IOC President Bach said:
“But I repeat, here, this is not a DSD case, this is about a woman taking part in a women’s competition, and I think I have explained this many times.”

What was intended was:
“But I repeat, here, this is not a transgender case, this is about a woman taking part in a women’s competition, and I think I have explained this many times.”

The IOC has allowed a convicted child rapist to compete (the victim was a 12 year old who went on to self-harm) and males to beat up females live on the international stage. Then they lie and gaslight and deranged men and pick-me women lap it up as always, playing the angry self-righteous victims. Depraved sell outs.

edit on 3-8-2024 by zosimov because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2024 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

In the same breath, I have to say it is now clear to me that the larger LBGTQ+ community at large is not really interested in equality and/or acceptance. More specifically, the LBGTQ+ community allows themselves to be represented by people who want not equality and peace, but rather the exact opposite. They want division and conflict.

Im a new ATS poster...and this is the longest post I have ever made so...forgive me, lol. But I read your comment, the whole thing, and it was striking. (PS. Ive actually read your posts for years and years
and feel like I know you, and now we get to speak...COOL).

The T is taking over LGBTQIA+- and trying to insidiously insert itself (non-pun-intentional), in things in our world, such as this worldwide competition. They cry equality, but its way lopsided. But as to intentional conflict and division: here are my thoughts.

I was in a conversation with somebody a while ago, and we were talking back and forth and it kind of hit me. I was talking about the flag of LGBTQIA+-& We were chatting. I think it was around the time when people were painting the flag in public spaces, and one guy got in trouble because they painted the flag into a major intersection, and he had peeled out his tires on it, and I think ended up getting in trouble by the law. Well, if I remember correctly, this was the nature of the conversation we were having at the time.

And the person was like "Yeah thats messed up that they would go around and take down / deface our flags like that, whyd he make tire marks on that in the intersection, thats so rude". But I had made a comment about how the flag doesnt seem to be being used like it used to be, and the fact that it was painted in the intersection like it was.....was rude.
Back in the early 2000's, 90's,, and a little later, it WAS INDEED (sort of) a symbol of unity, it meant something different (HeLl, it even LoOkeD DiFferent!) it was a symbol youd see on the back of peoples bumpers, that said "hey Im gay, and thats okay!" and truly, it was! You would see it atop the sign at gay bars, as kind of an identification glyph saying "gay people come here / are welcome here, etc...". And you would see it in the parts of cities otherwise known aS "The gay district". Which in houston, would be the montrose area. And yeah, even when I was a kid, it was expected and understood in this way, and in these areas, sure. or if a bar was not in the area widely known as "gay district" they would put the rainbow sticker on there to help people know they are going to a gay bar. (Cuz gay people want to go to a gay bar, but non-gay people want to go to a different type of bar) and thats okay, fine and normal and everyones happy.

fast forward to today. To the highly combustible transgender debate, that is somehow (mixed with gay concepts and ideas) but its not (just gay), its a more complex conecept than just gay but if you are gay...its almost like you are forced to signup that you have to agree with the LGBTQIA+-, but....your only the "G" in all those letters..Its ambigious, and always morphing, and now the flag has (more colors)....that, well, truly arent part of the rainbow[EDIT: Furthermore, who gets to decide the colors, and do they all get to vote on it?]. And as the colors started being added, and they changed the symbol itself, its almost symbolic, because the meaning changed over time into something a little more exclusionary, a little less welcoming, when it would seem the efforts were ...trying to make it a MORE welcoming culture, but it ends up backfiring, its ironic.[EDIT: Now that I think about it, this is also going just like the whole DEI thing mixed with race....where they say they are trying to make things more equal, but end up accidently (or intentionally?) introducing even more division and driving the wedge even further...with their efforts to "FIX" things, its the EXACT same problem. They say theyre fighting to end racism...but they are creating more and more situations to further make more of it and divide people. END EDIT] The flag would pop up in new areas, more public areas, and instead of being a symbol of unity and identification and pride even. It became a great big middle finger to many (because that is how it started being used) a middle finger.

They started adding more and more colors to it, taking away from the truth of the symbol of the rainbow, and then the flag is being pulled in so many directions by so many different people, trying to make it be for so many different things.....that I is coming apart at the seams, and becoming something different, something nefarious and malicious.

Im not going to go down the road of "The Rainbow is Gods promise to not flood the world again for the depravity / wickedness in the heart of man."Tho I believe it is. Thats a whole different conversation. But what I am trying to "zero in on" here, is the EVOLUTION of the rainbow flag (since its creation)....not the (creation of the flag itself as a concept).

Put simply: their flag is being tugged in every different direction, the threads are slowly coming apart at the seams. Until you will have something different soon. A piece of cloth torn in 40 different pieces that now starts to represent DIVISION and CONFLICT.

I can understand "Im Gay and Im proud of it", but if you add "...and # you" at the end of it....not good. And I feel thats slowly what the flag is becoming. Im not gay, but if I were, I would never want to be associated with that symbol of division and hate.

Slowly, over the years, the flag....morphs from a symbol of unity...slowly, into a symbol of power, hate, and divisiveness, and its already begun.

"I see your rainbow makeup, rainbow eyelashes that match your rainbow earrings...that so cleverly matches the rims of your rainbow perscription eyeglasses. When you speak, I see the piercing in your tongue with the rainbow ornament on it. Your rainbow shirt is so striking against all your other rainbow paraphanelia. You go the rainbow belt, rainbow jeans that you made with your friends, and you died your shoes pink on the left and blue on the right."

Looks like you "collected them all" and succesfully aquired the whole collection, now you have the whole costume / getup. What now?

Your geared up and "ready for battle", eh? Time to go into public and shake your rainbow ringed fist at the world, and all the people trying to shop at walmart for hurricane supplies? (Or watch the olympics)

The colors now dont form white either, lol. Altho, these days, wouldnt be surprised if that was intentional.

posted on Aug, 4 2024 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Text"There is no argument to say, "Well, I'm LGBTQ+, and I didn't support this!" Why then, did you allow your leadership to condone this?"

I work for a guy, hes 63 (i think)but hes gay. Hes a very muscular dude, he works harder as a contractor harder than anyone I know and he is super knowledgeable with security and electronics. Hes a liberal / democrat, and i fancy myself a conservative / patriot. I use the term patriot loosely cuz I wish I could do something for my country but I feel small in the grand scheme of things, but thats a topic for a different day. We are on COMPLETE opposite ends of the spectrum, he sees Trump as a terrible person, and I see biden as the same. He sees Pelosi as a strong leader where I see her as a corrupt leader.
Everything about us is opposite. But one thing that surprisingly we agree on.....
Is he said those exact words "Well Im gay, and I didnt support this" But he went on to explain why, he said hes not down with all the transgender stuff being crammed down the worlds throat like it is, and that he doesnt associate with the letters "LGBTQIA+-" he said he used to believe in it when it was "LGBT" a long time ago, but that he agrees with my line of thinking here when I say that its morphing into something different.
People..."the leaders" you speak of...I think are getting a bit to big for their the top of the LGBTQIA movement, and at the top of the explosive TRANS debate...these guys HOLD AN ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF POWER NOW....and as the debate gets bigger...they hold AN ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF INFLUENCE IN THE WORLD....which...also brings in enormous amounts of money.

Slowly its changning, I think the heart of their "leaders" and the people that pull the strings...have become compromised with greed, lust for power, and stuff like that. And that the flag being ripped in so many different directions, is a direct symptom, of that.

EDIT: Back to the flag thing: AND FLAGS IN GENERAL!!! :
I love my country, America. I love my state, Texas. I fly the flag on the front of my home, just like my neighbors fly their flags for whatever they like, thats totally cool! I even see rainbow flags flown infront of peoples houses AND THATS OKAY AND UNDERSTOOD. I see a POW Flag next to that, COOl! I see a muslim flag down the road infront of a house (and thats okay, were all flying our different flags on our homes, hey, I dont care! this is all of us genuinely flying our proud flag for whatever we want....and everyone is living in the same neighborhood in harmony)......BUT WHAT IM NOT GOING TO DO: Is take my American flag...and go put it in the apartment community in Chinatown at the chinese apartments, and paint it on the side of one of their buildings. That would be inappropriate. Sure I may have some hangups and stereotypes in my head about the chinese....but im not going to go paint my flag on their intersections in an effort to "Force them to look at it and think about....something...anything".
If I go to another country....sure I still love my flag, But im not going to fly my flag out of the taxi while im riding around, im not going to stick it in everyones face everywhere I go, cuz that would be inappropriate, and...I would might cause....
get this:...

A FIGHT.But then they complain that "it shouldnt cause a fight, if it causes anything like that, then the people involved are homophobic and should be completely ostracized by society, social media, and every business".

So...its not just how its flown, but where too, that are slowly becoming the context clues that indeed the flag is being torn apart....and it is INTENTIONALLY being flown as a DIVISIVE SYMBOL to create STRIFE and CONFLICT. And slowly over time, it will morph into ......a reflection...

of the hearts...

of "what would be considered"

LGBTQIA+- leadership.

(and the fact that there is such a thing, or a power structure is beginning to form at all within LGBTQIA+- is weird). Next thing you know its going to be a corporation. (or a religion).....or both, simultaneously.

posted on Aug, 4 2024 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: JAY1980

A true competitor would compete in the bracket that would be the greatest challenge for them, boxing is already divided in weight classes. Why would you want to test your metal in something you have an advantage in.

posted on Aug, 4 2024 @ 04:15 PM
And then the victim gets browbeat by the woke mob into issuing an apology.

Yeah, that's how much progressives support women.

posted on Aug, 4 2024 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: Lazy88
.. boxing is already divided in weight classes.

And what about height and therefore, reach? That Algerian guy is at least 4inches taller than the Italian woman, meaning he has a 2-4inch reach advantage.

Why isn't height also a deciding factor in deciding bout pairings?

Why would you want to test your metal in something you have an advantage in.

Cowardice, I reckon.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 06:21 AM
Imane Khelif unsurprisingly beat China's Yang Liu in the final to win the women's welterweight final.

IOC spokesperson Mark Adams said all the boxers in Paris met eligibility criteria - with gender and age "based on their passport".

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: gortex

Yep, here it is... so feminine!

Photo: Ariana Cubillos/AP

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: gortex

And... Yu Ting wins women's 57kg boxing gold.

What a gal!

Photo: Getty Images 2024

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