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originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: watchitburn
"We should be sending weapons aide packages to the British people instead of Ukraine."
Yes, please!
The gun firing rubber, and later plastic, bullets was invented for Northern Ireland and designed to deter people rioting by hurting but not killing them. At least 120,000 were fired during the Troubles. Sixteen people were killed by rubber or plastic bullets during the Troubles.
originally posted by: angelchemuel
Seriously Andy?
You missed my point. He used inflammatory language and basically gave the 'Moslem Brotherhood' the 'green light' yesterday to do as they want and they wont be touched by the law. Which was clearly evidenced by them turning out in force last night anmd attacking the pub in Birmingham for example.
originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: cherokeetroy
You had to look it up? 😂😂😂