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Newsweek states Trump was not shot - cites FBI Director Wray

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posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: yuppa
They tried to pass it off as video from the back bleachers, so he is looking in the right direction, towards the jumbotron, but they messed up because that side of his hat didn't have a flag.

Also, I have noticed when people try to pull things like this the image quality is crappy on purpose. Like they used a cell phone from the early 2000's.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: daskakik

How about you just Listen to the " FACTS " from the People who were Actually at that Rally and Saw with their Own Eyes what Really Transpired there instead of trying to Analyze the Misinformation the MSM is Vomiting Out to a Gullibe Public ? Sound Fair ?

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
How about you just Listen to the " FACTS " from the People who were Actually at that Rally and Saw with their Own Eyes what Really Transpired there instead of trying to Analyze the Misinformation the MSM is Vomiting Out to a Gullibe Public ? Sound Fair ?

What does any of that have to do with an obviously faked video?

Besides, I'm here to read and give my opinions on conspiracy theories. Most of the people there don't know what really happened either. All they know is there was a guy on a roof and shots rang out.

Are you going to tell the people doing sound analysis, trying to reproduce the shot and analyzing pics and video that they shouldn't be doing that? They should just believe the official story?

edit on 27-7-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 02:11 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone
Sheesh, shows everyone why they need to wait until the investigations are completed.

Then why ignore the fact Wray was pushing a conspiracy by stating Trump was hit by "shrapnel"? If he was pushing the "Trump was not shot" angle, why did he not wait for evidence? He now looks incompetent! Because he was corrected by his own organization may I add. What purpose did it serve to come out publicly with a statement that his own fbi contradicted? Politics!

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: daskakik

How about you just Listen to the " FACTS " from the People who were Actually at that Rally and Saw with their Own Eyes what Really Transpired there instead of trying to Analyze the Misinformation the MSM is Vomiting Out to a Gullibe Public ? Sound Fair ?

As I am sure you know,

"Eyewitness" observations/accounts are notoriously inaccurate, and subject to bias, often based on preconceptions.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: hangedman13
Then why ignore the fact Wray was pushing a conspiracy by stating Trump was hit by "shrapnel"?

That isn't what he said, he said:

...with uh with respect to former president Trump um there's, there's some question about whether or not uh it's a bullet or shrapnel that you know that hit his ear...

Which means, 'we are not sure what it was yet'.

edit on 27-7-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 02:17 PM
Left wing Newsweek can go suck eggs ...

I bet Newsweek doesn't print a correction to their partisan garbage ...

FBI says Trump was indeed struck by bullet during assassination attempt

WASHINGTON (AP) — Nearly two weeks after Donald Trump’s near assassination, the FBI confirmed Friday that it was indeed a bullet that struck the former president’s ear, moving to clear up conflicting accounts about what caused the former president’s injuries after a gunman opened fire at a Pennsylvania rally.

“What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle,” the agency said in a statement.

The one-sentence statement from the FBI marked the most definitive law enforcement account of Trump’s injuries and followed ambiguous comments earlier in the week from Director Christopher Wray that appeared to cast doubt on whether Trump had actually been hit by a bullet.

edit on 7/27/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan
Actually, they did print a correction yesterday.

Probably would have saved you some time if you had checked before creating your post. Just saying.

edit on 27-7-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: daskakik

" Conspiracy Theories " are fine with me as long as they have a Sembelance of Possibility . There is Nothing Wrong with Independent Investigations that try to Explain the Happenings at an Event that say a " Controlling Authority " is Unwilling to even Consider .
edit on 27-7-2024 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit
Cool but my post was about an obviously fake video. What is wrong with me pointing out why the video was fake?

A lot of people who believe Trump was actually shot have also said the video is obviously fake.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: daskakik

" What is wrong with me pointing out why the video was fake? "

No , but is it Confirmed Fake in you Expert Opinion , or is there Still some Doubt there ?
edit on 27-7-2024 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit
Have you even looked at it?

Right side of Trump's cap, according to the fake video, which looks like it was filled in with MS paint.

A real image of the right side of Trump's cap.

What is your opinion?

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Bullet or shrapnel, It doesn't even matter. The shrapnel came from the bullet hitting something then hitting him if that is the case. Yes, it would be hard to determine for sure if it was a bullet or shrapnel, but they seem to be making it into an issue, the bullet either way was meant for Trump.

Who the F cares? The guy shot 8 times at Trump with something hitting his ear, and a picture of a bullet going by his head. We just need to go back to 8 SHOTS WERE FIRED AT HIM. As to shrapnel, that will kill him too if it hits his head and not his ear, it's like saying a hand grenade is only shrapnel, so don't worry.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
Probably would have saved you some time if you had checked before creating your post. Just saying.

They would save a lot of time if they didn't post propaganda BS to their liberal audience in the first place. You know that is how it has worked for the left since forever. Post outright lies and then at some point push out a correction that no one reads. In the end, their faked message stays strong.

A good one is that Trump is a convicted rapist. Google that and you will get a million hits as all the left says it is still daily.

edit on x31Sat, 27 Jul 2024 15:40:16 -05002024208America/ChicagoSat, 27 Jul 2024 15:40:16 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero
But that is how they make their money. I doubt Flyers Fan made a single penny.

Maybe it was good for letting off a little steam, so there is that.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: daskakik

The reason the fake one looks so bad is to hide the fact it IS a fake.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 11:18 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: yuppa
They tried to pass it off as video from the back bleachers, so he is looking in the right direction, towards the jumbotron, but they messed up because that side of his hat didn't have a flag.

Also, I have noticed when people try to pull things like this the image quality is crappy on purpose. Like they used a cell phone from the early 2000's.

He looked to the RIGHT not left when the bullet grazed him. I saw it live. he looked toward the Teleprompter to his right from where I was looking straight on.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 11:54 PM

originally posted by: yuppa
He looked to the RIGHT not left when the bullet grazed him. I saw it live. he looked toward the Teleprompter to his right from where I was looking straight on.

Yes and you wouldn't have been able to see the hole from the bullet from the front. That is why I said they tried to pass it off as a video taken by someone behind him.

To someone watching from the front, he turned to that person's left, while someone watching from behind, he would have looked to that person's right.

Here is a video that shows some footage from behind. The thumbnail shows what I am talking about, if you don't want to actually see the video. If you want to see that snippet it is at 0:20.

edit on 28-7-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 03:26 AM
Leftists and black-pilled doomers have never had more in common.

"It's all a conspiracy! Fake! Staged! NoThInG iS ReAl!!"

Trump 2024.

edit on xXxxK2024752p31 by xXxxKonspiracyxxXx because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Ummm That dont track.The board he looked at with my view he turned right. Trumps right that is. The cam I was watching was head on dead in front. And BEHIND him directly his head would still be turned right.
The person claiming they saw his head turn left just before being grazed is wrong.

There seem to be 2 billboards with the immigration graphic as well. One either side.

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